Fungal Ecology

(The median citation count of Fungal Ecology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Ericoid mycorrhizal colonization and associated fungal communities along a wetland gradient in the Acadian forest of Eastern Canada33
Black pepper pathogen suppression: Divergent rhizosphere fungal communities of healthy and diseased plants yield new insights for orchard management in Vietnam32
Land-cover and climate factors contribute to the prevalence of the ectoparasitic fungus Laboulbenia formicarum in its invasive ant host Lasius neglectus29
Editorial Board25
Nitrogen addition drives changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal richness through changes in plant species richness in revegetated alpine grassland21
Does long-term grazing cause cascading impacts on the soil microbiome in mountain birch forests?17
Microbial community composition unaffected by mycorrhizal plant removal in sub-arctic tundra17
Flow-network adaptation and behavior in slime molds17
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Fungal endophyte effects on invasive Phragmites australis performance in field and growth chamber environments14
Besides stem canker severity, oilseed rape host genotype matters for the production of Leptosphaeria maculans fruit bodies13
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Evenness modulates effects of the loss of plant litter from rare species on fungal decomposers in tropical streams13
Revealing the non-overlapping characteristics between original centers and genetic diversity of Purpureocillium lilacinum12
Fungal community structure, development and function in decomposing wood12
Differences in spore size and atmospheric survival shape stark contrasts in the dispersal dynamics of two closely related fungal pathogens10
Metabolic activity on Biolog FF MicroPlate suggests organic substrate decomposition by Aspergillus terreus NTOU4989 isolated from Kueishan Island Hydrothermal Vent Field, Taiwan10
Electrical potentials in the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria bicolor after a rainfall event9
Fungal communities associated with roots of two closely related Juglandaceae species with a disjunct distribution in the tropics9
Root contact dominates vegetative transmission of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. – Acephala applanata species complex (PAC)9
Species-specific trade-offs between regrowth and mycorrhizas in the face of defoliation and phosphorus addition9
Does electrical activity in fungi function as a language?9
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Can orchid mycorrhizal fungi be persistently harbored by the plant host?8
Invasive ectomycorrhizal fungi can disperse in the absence of their known vectors8
Climate change and plant-microbe interactions: Water-availability influences the effective specialization of a fungal pathogen8
Restoration of the mycobiome of the endangered Hawaiian mint Phyllostegia kaalaensis increases its resistance to a common powdery mildew8
Modelling range dynamics of terricolous lichens of the genus Peltigera in the Alps under a climate change scenario8
Genetic admixture increases phenotypic diversity in the nectar yeast Metschnikowia reukaufii8
Grazing by collembola controls fungal induced soil aggregation7
Increase in Sarcosoma globosum observations reveals new fungal observation culture7
Intrinsic growth rate and cellobiohydrolase activity underlie the phylogenetic signal to fungal decomposer succession7
The cooler the better: Increased aquatic hyphomycete diversity in subtropical streams along a neotropical latitudinal gradient7
Carbon cycling through plant and fungal herbarium specimens tracks the Suess effect over more than a century of environmental change7
Fungal communities associated with acorn woodpeckers and their excavations7
Saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal fungi exhibit contrasting richness patterns along elevational gradients in cool-temperate montane forests7
Mycorrhizal driven positive feedbacks and forest resilience to reduced rainfall7
Lichens as material for Lepidoptera's housing: A molecular approach to a widespread and highly selective interaction7
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Linking wood-decay fungal communities to decay rates: Using a long-term experimental manipulation of deadwood and canopy gaps6
Transcriptomic and protein analysis of Trametes versicolor interacting with a Hypholoma fasciculare mycelium foraging in soil6
Morphological and molecular characterization, predatory behaviour and effect of organic extracts of four nematophagous fungi from Mexico6
Plant community and soil available nutrients drive arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community shifts during alpine meadow degradation6
The role and fate of patulin in apple-associated fungal-fungal interactions6
Ratio-dependent functional response of two common Cladocera present in farmland ponds to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis6
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Corrigendum to “Identifying the mechanisms that shape fungal community and metacommunity patterns in Yunnan, China” [Fungal Ecol. 42 (2019) 100862]6
Wood-decay type and fungal guild dominance across a North American log transplant experiment6
Beetles provide directed dispersal of viable spores of a keystone wood decay fungus6
The balance between accumulation and loss of soil organic matter in subarctic forest is related to ratios of saprotrophic, ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizal fungal guilds6
Interaction between growth environment and host progeny shape fungal endophytic assemblages in transplanted Fagus sylvatica6
Host-specificity of moss-associated fungal communities in the Ny-Ålesund region (Svalbard, High Arctic) as revealed by amplicon pyrosequencing6
Consequences of fire and other prairie management treatments for macrofungi in the Pacific Northwest of the U. S. A.6
Veteranising Scots pine trees by initiating tree hollowing: Inoculation with the fungal keystone species Porodaedalia pini6
The effects of grazing history, soil properties and stand structure on the communities of saprotrophic fungi in wood-pastures6
Substrate affinities of wood decay fungi are foremost structured by wood properties not climate6
Leptographium terebrantis inoculation and associated crown symptoms and tree mortality in Pinus taeda6
Response of fungal endophyte communities within Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem) to nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion5
Convergent evolution unites the population genetics of Protea-associated ophiostomatoid fungi5
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance in elevation belts of the hyperarid Atacama Desert5
Strict substrate requirements alongside rapid substrate turnover may indicate an early colonization: A case study of Pleurotus calyptratus (Agaricales, Basidiomycota)5
Fungus-insect symbiosis: Diversity and negative ecological role of the hypocrealean fungus Trichoderma harzianum in colonies of neotropical termites (Blattodea: Termitidae)5
Shifts in root-associated fungal communities under drought conditions in Ricinus communis5
Truffles in the sky: The impact of stochastic and deterministic drivers on Rhizopogon communities of the Madrean sky island archipelago5
Intraspecific interactions among wood-decay fungi alter decay rates and dynamics of interspecific interactions5
Decreased diversity and connectivity of endophytic fungal assemblages within cultivated European olive trees compared to their native African counterpart5
Proportion of mycorrhiza-associated trees mediates community assemblages of soil fungi but not of bacteria5
The response of lichens inhabiting exposed wood of spruce logs to post-hurricane disturbances in Western Carpathian forests5
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Bark beetle outbreaks in Picea abies stands are associated with changes in wood-inhabiting fungal communities and seedling establishment on logs5
Seagrasses, seaweeds and plant debris: An extraordinary reservoir of fungal diversity in the Mediterranean Sea5
Limited impacts of the fungus Syncephalastrum on nests of leaf-cutting ants4
Nitrogen deposition and temperature structure fungal communities associated with alpine moss-sedge heath in the UK4
The impact of polyphenolic compounds on the in vitro growth of oak-associated foliar endophytic and saprotrophic fungi4
Endophyte inoculation enhances Ulmus minor resistance to Dutch elm disease4
Habitat matters: The role of spore bank fungi in early seedling establishment of Florida slash pines4
Endophytes dominate fungal communities in six-year-old veteranisation wounds in living oak trunks4
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Climate-induced long-term changes in the phenology of Mediterranean fungi4
Seasonal consumption of mycorrhizal fungi by a marsupial-dominated mammal community4
Modelling germination and mycelium growth rates of Monostichella coryli under constant temperature conditions4
Citizen science data predict high potential for macrofungal refugia outside protected riparian areas4
The potential saprotrophic capacity of foliar endophytic fungi from Quercus gambelii4
Editorial board4
Relationships between macro-fungal dark diversity and habitat parameters using LiDAR4
Native and non-native mammals disperse exotic ectomycorrhizal fungi at long distances from pine plantations4
Temporal dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in Shorea siamensis forest fragments4
Fine-scale genetic diversity and genet dynamics of the fairy ring fungus Floccularia luteovirens on the Qinghai–Tibet plateau3
Symbiosis with endophyte leads to greater C accumulation in grassland soils3
Environmental factors and host genetic variation shape the fungal endophyte communities within needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)3
Fungal community composition and diversity in the rhizosphere soils of Argentina (syn. Potentilla) anserina, on the Qinghai Plateau3
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Fungi associated with aeroponic roots in caves and mines of New Brunswick3
Temperature sensitivity of soil-borne fungal phytopathogens depends on niche breadth and land use types3
Enhancing repository fungal data for biogeographic analyses3
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Fire and local factors shape ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Pinus ponderosa in mountains of the Madrean Sky Island Archipelago3
Host phylogeny is the primary determinant of ectomycorrhizal fungal community composition in the permafrost ecosystem of eastern Siberia at a regional scale3
Corrigendum to “Z-3-Hexenylacetate emissions induced by the endophyte Epichloë occultans at different levels of defoliation during the host plant's life cycle” [Fungal Ecol. 49 (2021) 101015]3
What determines species composition and diversity of hypogeous fungi in the diet of small mammals? A comparison across mammal species, habitat types and seasons in Central European mountains3
Chinese caterpillar fungus range shifts in response to climate change based on the interspecific relationships on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau3
Susceptibility of pruning wounds to grapevine trunk disease pathogens Eutypa lata and Diplodia seriata in three climatic conditions in Australia3
Editorial board3
Malassezia is widespread and has undescribed diversity in the marine environment3
Editorial Board3
Composition and diversity of endolichenic microfungal communities from saxicolous lichens at Nahal Boker, the central Negev Desert, Israel3
Low temperature enhances the ability of the termite-egg-mimicking fungus Athelia termitophila to compete against wood-decaying fungi3
Inside Pandora's box: Development of the lethal myrmecopathogenic fungus Pandora formicae within its ant host3
Polyphyly, asexual reproduction and dual trophic mode in Buchwaldoboletus3
Fungal endophytes of the invasive grass Eragrostis lehmanniana shift metabolic expression in response to native and invasive grasses3
Diurnal patterns and conidial dynamics of Batkoa major, a generalist entomophthoralean pathogen3
Crown closure affects endophytic leaf mycobiome compositional dynamics over time in Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii2
Disease risk of the foliar endophyte Colletotrichum from invasive Ageratina adenophora to native plants and crops2
Root-associated community composition and co-occurrence patterns of fungi in wild grapevine2
Determinants of host specificity in ectomycorrhizal fungi: A focus on host and fungal biogeography2
Ascospore morphology of bryophilous Pezizales is closely associated with the place of infection and host ecology2
Analysis of digitized herbarium records and community science observations provides a glimpse of downy mildew species diversity of North America, reveals potentially undescribed species, and documents2
Hyphal exploration strategies and habitat modification of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus in microengineered soil chips2
Secondary metabolites and nutrients explain fungal community composition in aspen wood2
Diversity, community composition, and bioactivity of cultivable fungal endophytes in saline and dry soils in deserts2
Hidden diversity within Beauveria and Metarhizium – Comparing morphology, barcoding, multilocus phylogenies and whole-genome sequences2
Biotic and abiotic determinants of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infections in amphibians of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest2
Epichloë endophyte affects the root colonization pattern of belowground symbionts in a wild grass2
Where do nivicolous myxomycetes occur? – Modeling the potential worldwide distribution of Physarum albescens2
Soil microbial and chemical responses to foliar Epichloë fungal infection in Lolium perenne, Hordeum brevisubulatum and Achnatherum inebrians2
Successional development of wood-inhabiting fungi associated with dominant tree species in a natural temperate floodplain forest2