Chinese Journal of Communication

(The median citation count of Chinese Journal of Communication is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
From WeChat to “We set”: exploring the intermedia agenda-setting effects across WeChat public accounts, party newspaper and metropolitan newspapers in China16
When scientific literacy meets nationalism: Exploring the underlying factors in the Chinese public’s belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories14
Nationalism and political system justification in China: differential effects of traditional and new media12
Traffic media: how algorithmic imaginations and practices change content production11
Idolizing the nation: Chinese fandom nationalism through the Fangirl Expedition10
Friend or foe? Human journalists’ perspectives on artificial intelligence in Chinese media outlets10
Loyalty to WeChat beyond national borders: a perspective of media system dependency theory on techno-nationalism10
Fandom nationalism in China: the effects of idol adoration and online fan community engagement10
An empirical study of consumer video activism in China: protesting against businesses with short videos9
What is Zimeiti? The commercial logic of content provision on China’s social media platforms9
Contesting legitimacy in China’s crisis communication: a framing analysis of reported social actors engaging in SARS and COVID-199
Perceptions of food safety, access to information, and political trust in China8
Military metaphors in contemporary Chinese disease coverage: a case study of the People's Daily, 1946–20198
Framing China’s mask diplomacy in Europe during the early covid-19 pandemic: seeking and contesting legitimacy through foreign medical aid amidst soft power promotion8
Media coverage and public perceptions of the THAAD event in China, the United States, and South Korea: a cross-national network agenda-setting study7
The freedom of binge gaming or technologies of the self? Chinese enjoying the game Werewolf in an era of hard work7
Managing government legitimacy during the COVID-19 pandemic in China: a semantic network analysis of state-run media Sina Weibo posts7
Thread popularity inequality as an indicator of organization through communication in a networked movement: an analysis of the LIHKG forum7
How does the Chinese Government conduct emotional governance over COVID-19? Content analysis of video blogs6
Telegram and the anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong: reshaping networked social movements through symbolic participation and spontaneous interaction6
Shifting journalistic paradigm in post-2019 Hong Kong: the state–society relationship and the press6
Social media live streaming as affective news in the anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong6
Unified or divided “we-hood”: discursive constructions of heterogeneous national identities under the one country, two systems model6
Pandemic control and public evaluation of government performance in Hong Kong6
Establishing legitimacy through the media and combating fake news on COVID-19: a case study of Taiwan5
Feeling the 2019 Hong Kong anti-ELAB movement: emotion and affect on the Lennon Walls5
The effects of worry, risk perception, information-seeking experience, and trust in misinformation on COVID-19 fact-checking: a survey study in China5
Discursive contestations of algorithms: a case study of recommendation platforms in China4
Confronting COVID-19: constructing and contesting legitimacy through the media in Chinese contexts4
Dynamic power relations in online medical consultation in China: Disrupting traditional roles through discursive positioning4
Embedded data activism: the institutionalization of a grassroots environmental data initiative in China4
Producing new farmers in Chinese rural live E-commerce: platformization, labor, and live E-commerce sellers in Huaiyang4
Constructing patriotic networked publics: conservative YouTube influencers in Hong Kong4
The de-professionalization of Chinese journalism3
Disruptive information technologies and society: evidence from digital China3
How political disagreements undermine intrafamily communication: the case of the anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong3
Hanfu as therapeutic governance in neo/non-liberal China: a multimodal discourse analysis of Hanfu videos on Bilibili3
How do Chinese scientists maintain their discourse authority? Critical discourse analysis of discourse “boundary work” in genetically modified organisms discussion on a Chinese knowledge-sharing netwo3
News production and construal level: a comparative analysis of the press coverage of China’s Belt and Road Initiative2
Queer attention matters: a study on affordance from queer male media practices on Zhihu2
With greater popularity comes less responsibility: the popularity fallacy of Big Vs’ public participation on Sina Weibo2
Who are the people? Populists’ articulation of “the people” in contemporary China2
Pandemic and memory: Online memory narratives of COVID-19 survivors in China2
Boy’s love drama exposure and attitudes toward same-sex relationships: Applying a moderated mediation model in the Chinese context2
The platformization of China’s film distribution in a pandemic era2
COVID-19, the Chinese communist party, and the search for legitimacy in the international arena2
Social media amplification of risk perceptions of and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination among older Chinese adults2
Moral framing and issue-based framing of #StopAsianHate campaigns on Twitter2
Revisiting Dallas Smythe’s “cultural screening”: Maoist class politics and the technology revolution in socialist China1
The impact of exposure to a scientific role model on Chinese young adults’ compliance with governmental COVID-19 restrictions: a moderated serial mediation model1
Legitimizing viewing publics through nostalgia: the mediated tropicality of Singapore’s ‘kampong spirit’1
The smart city in a digital world, by VINCENT MOSCO1
Techno-biopolitics under a tentative “state of exception”: the institutional logic of the digital governance of inbound travelers during the COVID-19 pandemic in China1
Multiple news analysis across cultures (element in corpus linguistics)1
From industry development to social influence: video games in Chinese newspaper coverage, 2010–20201
When politics meets dating: how moral concern, utopianism, and communication competence predict willingness to date across the political divide1
The more the better? A comparative study of the relationships among multimodal connectedness, online communication, and relational outcomes in China and the United States1
An eye-tracking study to examine the impacts of happy versus sad program-induced moods on brand attitude: the moderating role of advertising disclosure1
Public emotional atmosphere during disasters: understanding emotions in short video comments on the Zhengzhou flood1
Pro-liberalism vs. Nationalism: how critical opinion leaders challenge the persuasive effect of propaganda in China1
Contents and determinants of CSR website communication toward international stakeholders: evidence from Chinese MNCs1
Public diplomacy via Twitter: opportunities and tensions1
Disappearing bargain and technical sharing: the sociocultural influence of mobile payment in China1
Internet addiction among cyberkids in China: Risk factors and intervention strategies1
A niche analysis of two channels of open government information: online and offline1
Does social media keep me alarmed? The effects of expectations surrounding social media attributes and exposure to messages of social (in)stability on substitutive social media news use1
Measuring up in a pandemic: information attention, source credibility, and public evaluation of the government COVID-19 response in mainland China1
Consequences of deceptive self-presentation in online dating1
Investigating the role of professional disruption in Chinese journalists’ embrace of public relations: a social identity perspective1
Digital distinction: class as mediated dispositions in China’s Animal Crossing fever0
Soft power with Chinese characteristics: China campaign for hearts and minds0
Access to user data stored by organizations—divides surrounding information security professionals in Chinese IT organizations0
The effects of social media advertising in China: Theory, practices and implications The effects of social media advertising in China: Theory, practices and implications 0
International communication: continuity and change (3rd edition)0
The Great Tech Rivalry: China versus the U.S. The Great Tech Rivalry: China versus the U.S. by Graham Allison, Kevin Klyman, Karina Barbesino and Hugo Yen. Cambridge: Be0
The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China: A Case Study of the Xinmin Congbao and the Minbao, 1902–19100
When digital money meets relational surveillance: overseeing and reshaping people’s ordinary lives, emotions, and social relations in small towns and villages through Alipay0
The Huawei Model: The Rise of China’s Technology Giant0
Switching power or surviving on the margin? Wanda Group as a case study for understanding network power in China0
Feeling ambivalent while using instant messaging: a value-motive-experience framework comparing maximizers and social groomers0
The web of meaning: the Internet in a changing Chinese society0
Platforms versus agents: the third-party mediation role of CGTN’s news commentary programs in China’s Media Going Global plan0
China in symbolic communication0
Chinese cinema culture: a scene in the fog0
Gender digilantism and bystanders: networked cyber intimate partner violence in Hong Kong0
To learn or to have fun? How paratexts of entertainment education programs affect fans’ informal learning0
Peer appraisal, participatory surveillance, and experiential mentoring: explicating communicative practices of participatory learning in an online support group for people with binging experiences0
Evaluation across Newspaper Genres: Hard News Stories, Editorials and Feature Articles Evaluation across Newspaper Genres: Hard News Stories, Editorials and Feature Articles 0
Wanghong as social media entertainment in China0
Mapping digital game culture in China: From Internet addicts to esports athletes0
After “BAT,” What? Reimagining the internet for social development in post-crisis China0
Equivalence framing and its effects on truth judgments: evidence from China0
Boundary, authority, and legitimacy: journalistic occupational discourse in China0
China’s digital nationalism0
Made in Italy by Chinese: fashionability and transnational Chinese entrepreneurs0
Unraveling China’s digital traces: evaluating communication scholarship through a sociotechnical lens0
Functioning, failing, and fixing: logistical media and legitimacy in Macao during the pandemic0
Communication and community in the new media age0
Who politicized the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter: cultural identity and Chinese prejudice in a virtual community0
The impacts of locus of crisis outcome control on responsibility attribution in hindsight: focusing on comparisons between the American and Chinese public0
Cultural discourse studies: Researching Chinese theory, methods and topics (2nd edition)0
Communicating COVID-19: Everyday life, digital capitalism, and conspiracy theories in pandemic times0
Techno-nationalism as the cultural logic of global infrastructural capitalism: media spectacles and cyber-situations in Huawei Meng Wanzhou’s extradition case0
The Fight Against Platform Capitalism: an Inquiry into the Global Struggles of the Gig Economy0
Communicating via gold medal: Chinese Olympic athletes’ visual self-presentation on the social media platform Douyin0
“Widow-style parenting”: the discursive formation of gendered parenting roles and popular feminism on social media in China0
Communication, technology and development at a critical juncture: revisiting Dallas Smythe in China0
Fashioning China: Precarious creativity and women designers in shanzhai culture (digital barricades)by Sara Liao0
Exploring freedom in mobile connectivity: a moderated mediation model linking mobile social media modes, availability pressure, and media habits0
From P2P to the cloud: music, platformization, and infrastructural change in China0
Communicating the authentic China: partnership agreements and the use of Chinese sources and voices by Brazilian media0
Chinese Internet Buzzwords: Research on Network Language in Internet Group Communication Chinese Internet Buzzwords: Research on Network Language in Internet Group Communication 0
National identity construction by Chinese youths in Tiananmen square: political pilgrimaging and geographic microblogging0
Tencent: the political economy of China’s surging internet giant0
The Labor of Reinvention: entrepreneurship in the New Chinese Digital Economy The labor of reinvention: Entrepreneurship in the new Chinese digital economy , by Lin Zhan0
Cyber anti-intellectualism and information seeking about SARS-CoV-2 variants0
Frame dynamics in global media: a case study of frame strength and dominance in media in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea0
Anti-extradition law and beyond: the role of media and communication in the crisis of Hong Kong—introduction to the special issue0
Zoning China: Online video, popular culture, and the state0
Cultural Discourse Studies: Researching Chinese theory, methods and topics (2nd edition) Cultural Discourse Studies: Researching Chinese theory, methods and topics (<0
The politics of dating apps: gender, sexuality, and emergent publics in urban China0
Enveloped in mediated pandemic: Immersion as a mediator of the effects of media exposure on perceived severity and behavioral intention0
Communicating LGBTQ-supportive CSR for corporate legitimacy: a cultural discourse analysis in Hong Kong0
The unequal others: mediation of distant COVID-19 suffering in Chinese television news0
The Presence in Non-Presence, by Jianbin Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press, 2019, ¥78 (hardcover), 291 pp0
The impact of agricultural collectivization on participatory communication: a case study of the Maoist literacy movement0
When virtual makeovers become “real”: how SNS interactions drive selfie editing and cosmetic surgery0
Intercultural aesthetics in traditional Chinese theatre: from 1978 to the presentIntercultural aesthetics in traditional Chinese theatre: from 1978 to the present, by Feng Wei, New York, Palgrave Macm0
The Wuhan Lockdown The Wuhan Lockdown by Guobin Yang, Columbia University Press, 2022, $115(hardcover), 328 pp.0
The making of a livestreaming village: algorithmic practices and place-making in North Xiazhu0
Engaging Social Media in China0
Globalization in international tensions: the impact of military conflicts on the cultural orientations of multinational corporations’ advertising in modern China (1932–1937)0
Testing the bidirectional causation among media attention and the protest scale: the case of Hong Kong0
Native advertising on mobile applications: using eye tracking to investigate the effects of advertising format, user motivation, and advertising disclosure on advertising effects0
From industrial movies to social media discourses: alternative social imaginaries of industry and technology in China0
Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989–2019 Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1980
List of reviewers0
A bridge of understanding Chinese cinematography0
Digital citizenship in China: everyday online practices of Chinese young people Digital citizenship in China: everyday online practices of Chinese young people , by Jun 0
Foreign news, regime type, and framing of China: comparing the world’s media interpretations of the Hong Kong National Security Law0
Advertising disclosure in sponsored vlogs: an eye-tracking study on the effects of disclosure timing and the moderating role of disclosure type0