Chinese Journal of Communication

(The H4-Index of Chinese Journal of Communication is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
From WeChat to “We set”: exploring the intermedia agenda-setting effects across WeChat public accounts, party newspaper and metropolitan newspapers in China16
When scientific literacy meets nationalism: Exploring the underlying factors in the Chinese public’s belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories14
Nationalism and political system justification in China: differential effects of traditional and new media12
Traffic media: how algorithmic imaginations and practices change content production11
Idolizing the nation: Chinese fandom nationalism through the Fangirl Expedition10
Friend or foe? Human journalists’ perspectives on artificial intelligence in Chinese media outlets10
Loyalty to WeChat beyond national borders: a perspective of media system dependency theory on techno-nationalism10
Fandom nationalism in China: the effects of idol adoration and online fan community engagement10
An empirical study of consumer video activism in China: protesting against businesses with short videos9
What is Zimeiti? The commercial logic of content provision on China’s social media platforms9
Contesting legitimacy in China’s crisis communication: a framing analysis of reported social actors engaging in SARS and COVID-199