International Journal of Digital Earth

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Digital Earth is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
3D Path prediction of moving objects in a video-augmented indoor virtual environment131
Evolutionary dynamics of island shoreline in the context of climate change: insights from extensive empirical evidence80
Expert perspectives on GIS use in Spanish geographic education78
A review of research methods on the coupling relationship between urban rail transit and urban space: revealing spatiotemporal relationships through big data67
Assessing the transferability of a multi-source land use classification workflow across two heterogeneous urban and rural areas48
Capturing the crack process of the Antarctic A74 iceberg with Sentinel-1 based offset tracking and radar interferometry techniques43
Construction of quality evaluation indicator system for diamond discrete global grid systems42
Cloud-based storage and computing for remote sensing big data: a technical review39
TR2RM: an urban road network generation model based on multisource big data34
Ship detection and identification in SDGSAT-1 glimmer images based on the glimmer YOLO model34
Injecting spectral indices to transferable convolutional neural network under imbalanced and noisy labels for Landsat image classification30
On-orbit geometric calibration of satellite laser altimeters using infrared detectors and corner-cube retroreflectors29
Mapping the spatial and temporal patterns of fallow land in mountainous regions of China28
Modeling pan-Arctic seasonal and interannual landfast sea ice thickness and snow depth between 1979 and 202127
The characteristics of multi-source mobility datasets and how they reveal the luxury nature of social distancing in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic26
High-resolution global mature and young oil palm plantation subclass maps for 202025
Multibeam water column image super-resolution by combining morphological and intensity features25
UCFTNet: multi-class dtection of city critical disaster information based on U-shaped cross fusion transformer24
Assessing the active-passive approach at variant incidence angles for microwave brightness temperature downscaling24
A full-attention network with an open dataset for large-scale building semantic segmentation along long-span high-speed rail lines24
Evaluation of stereology for snow microstructure measurement and microwave emission modeling: a case study24
A new method for the extraction of tailing ponds from very high-resolution remotely sensed images: PSVED24
Suitability analysis of human activities over Antarctic ice shelves: an integrated assessment of natural conditions based on machine learning algorithms23
List of reviewers for International Journal of Digital Earth23
AugGKG: a grid-augmented geographic knowledge graph representation and spatio-temporal query model23
Analysis of desert locust ( Schistocerca gregaria ) suitability in Yemen: an integrated evaluation based on MaxEnt and space–time cube approaches23