Journal of Eastern African Studies

(The median citation count of Journal of Eastern African Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The jihadi insurgency in Mozambique: origins, nature and beginning38
Interpreting contemporary Oromo politics in Ethiopia: an ethnographic approach14
Future visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya13
When watchdogs fight back: resisting state surveillance in everyday investigative reporting practices among Zimbabwean journalists9
Real governance of the COVID-19 crisis in the Great Lakes region of Africa8
The Ethiopian developmental state and struggles over the reproduction of young migrant women’s labor at the Hawassa Industrial Park7
Legal autocratisation ahead of the 2021 Zambian elections7
Humanitarian spill-over: the expansion of hybrid humanitarian governance from camps to refugee hosting societies in East Africa7
Who are Kenya’s 42(+) tribes? The census and the political utility of magical uncertainty7
Militant Islamism and local clan dynamics in Somalia: the expansion of the Islamic Courts Union in Lower Jubba province6
Electoral turnovers and the disappointment of enduring presidential power: constitution making in Zambia6
War-talk: an urban youth language of siege in Nairobi6
Peace without freedom in Eritrea: causes and consequences of the Ethio-Eritrean rapprochement6
Incumbent disadvantage in a swing province: Eastern Province in Zambia’s 2021 general election6
Dissent as cybercrime: social media, security and development in Tanzania6
‘Developmental nationalism?’ Political trust and the politics of large-scale land investment in Magufuli's Tanzania5
Youth, the Kenyan state and a politics of contestation5
Brokerage in the borderlands: the political economy of livestock intermediaries in northern Kenya4
Seeing like students: what Nairobi youth think about politics, the state and the future4
Love or crime? Law-making and the policing of teenage sexuality in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo4
‘Tribal balancing’: exclusionary elite coalitions and Zambia’s 2021 elections4
Insecure borderlands, marginalization, and local perceptions of the state in Turkana, Kenya, circa 1920–20144
Patronage politics and parliamentary elections in Zambia’s one-party state c. 1983–884
Infrastructural configurations of mobile telephony in urban Africa: vignettes from Buru Buru, Nairobi4
Overcoming incumbency advantage: the importance of social media on- and offline in Zambia’s 2021 elections3
The urban vote in Zambia’s 2021 elections: popular attitudes towards the economy in Copperbelt and Lusaka3
Reparations and the politics of waiting in Kenya3
Autocratisation, electoral politics and the limits of incumbency in African democracies3
Twitter and political discourses: how supporters of Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU PF party use Twitter for political engagement3
Explaining youth political mobilization and its absence: the case of Bobi Wine and Uganda’s 2021 election3
Between grassroots contention and elite manoeuvring: sub-nationalism in Zanzibar and coastal Kenya2
The politics of policymaking in Rwanda: adaptation and reform in agriculture, energy, and education2
Suspending ruination: preserving the ambiguous potentials of a Kenyan flower farm2
Language policy in public space: a historical perspective on Asmara’s linguistic landscape2
The “Civilizational Project” and the southern Sudanese Islamists: between assimilation and exclusion2
Mobile hearings in the Eastern DRC: prosecuting international crimes and implementing complementarity at national level2
In the ruins of past forest lives: remembering, belonging and claiming in Katimok, highland rural Kenya2
Dependence after independence: Sudan’s bounded sovereignty 1956–19582
Popular protests in the Amhara region and political reforms in Ethiopia, 2016–20182
Plural-legalities and the clash between customary law and ‘child rights talk’ among rural communities in Kenya2
‘Much better than earlier’: dam-building in Uganda and understanding development through the past2
“A new animal”: student activism and the Kenyan state in an era of multiparty politics, 1991–20002
‘Off to Sugar Valley’: the Kilombero Settlement Scheme and ‘Nyerere's People’, 1959–692
A comparison of the role of domestic and international election observers in Zambia’s 2016 and 2021 general elections2
Dialoguing and negotiating with Al-Shabaab: the role of clan elders as insider-partial mediators2
Mining habitat, house and home during an East African gold boom: economic and emotional dimensions2
The frontier on the doorstep: development and conflict dynamics in the southern rangelands of Kenya1
‘Our time to recover’: young men, political mobilization, and personalized political ties during the 2017 primary elections in Nairobi1
The politics of skeletons and ruination: living (with) debris of the Two Fishes Hotel in Diani Beach, Kenya1
‘I have opened the land for you’: pastoralist politics and election-related violence in Kenya’s arid north1
Resisting imperial erasures: Matigari ruins and relics in Nairobi1
Images of torture: ‘affective solidarity’ and the search for ransom in the global Somali community1
From ruins and rubble: promised and suspended futures in Kenya (and beyond)1
Tentative lifeworlds in Art Deco: young people’s milieus in postwar Asmara, Eritrea, 2001–20051
The electoral strategies of ethnic socio-cultural associations in former Katanga province, the Democratic Republic of Congo (2006–2019)1
Citizenship moods in the late Museveni era: a cartoon-powered analysis1
Governing the economy: rule and resistance in the Ethiopia-Somaliland borderlands1
Survivors-at-home and the right to know: solidarities in Eritrea in the aftermath of the Lampedusa tragedy1
Building a culture of resistance: securitising and de-securitising Eastleigh during the Kenyan government’s Operation Usalama Watch1
Inhabiting humanitarian borderscapes: claiming rights and organizing dissent in post-2011 southeastern Tunisia1
‘The outcome of a historical process set in motion in 1991’: explaining the failure of incumbency advantage in Zambia’s 2021 election1
Who governs? State versus jihadist political order in Somalia1
Uganda’s ruling coalition and the 2021 elections: change, continuity and contestation1
Amongst agaish : the criminalization of Eritrean migrants’ communities of care1
Decolonizing African history:Authenticité, cosmopolitanism and knowledge production in Zaire, 1971–19751
Ascendant recentralisation: the politics of urban governance and institutional configurations in Nairobi1
Mixed-ish: race, class and gender in 1950s–60s Kampala through a life history of Barbara Kimenye1
Assemblages of mobility and violence: the shifting social worlds of Somali youth migration and the meanings of tahriib , 2005–20201
The cycle of migrants’ containment between Libya and Africa: navigating their life among dreams, resilience, and defeats1
Verbal art beyond categorization: inductive and aesthetic approaches to Remmy Ongala’s songs1
Gimgema: civil servants’ evaluation, power and ideology in EPRDF Ethiopia1
Social, cultural and political responses to Somaliland’s tahriib movement1
Youth on the margins: criminalizing Kenya's pastoral frontier, c. 1930-present1
Bursting pipes and broken dreams: on ruination and reappropriation of large-scale water infrastructure in Baringo County, Kenya1
Editorial announcement1
Perceptions of COVID-19 in faith communities in DR Congo1
Public letters and the culture of politics in Kenya, c.1960-751
Integrationism vs. rejectionism: revisiting the history of Islamist activism in coastal Kenya1
Authoritarian micro-politics: village chairpersons in NRM Uganda and the lessons of their 2018 re-election1
The histories buildings tell: aesthetic and popular readings of state meaning in Ethiopia1
Solidarities on the move between the Horn of Africa and Italy: Somali migrants’ disconnection and networking practices in the 2010s1
Priceless land: valuation and compensation of expropriated farmland in the Amhara region, Ethiopia1