Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

(The TQCC of Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Male rape in Brazil: A descriptive analysis from 2010 to 202237
Can human sex be estimated based on the dimensions of the maxillary sinuses? A systematic review of the literature on cone-beam and multi-slice computed tomography23
Traumatic brain injury and forensic evaluations: Three case studies of U.S. asylum-seekers21
Hip-flask defense: An experimental study in the Hungarian population20
Awareness on tetrodotoxin of illegal activity: forensic issue from a rare homicide case report and literature review20
An autopsy case of death due to AC compressor blast – A rare case illustrating primary, secondary, tertiary & quaternary blast injuries19
Does peer consultation between forensic physicians reduce inter-doctor variation when issuing medical death certifications?19
Awareness survey on drug crime scene investigation and drug detection kits among drug-related police officers13
Homicide mechanisms, weapon types and causes of death in the autopsy material of the Department of Forensic Medicine Medical University of Gdańsk Poland in the years 2010–201913
The analysis of pregnancies terminated before and after the limit of viability: A medicolegal view12
The doctrine of “Reasonable Doctor” in medical negligence: Need to be more reasonable11
Subendocardial hemorrhages in a case of crush asphyxia11
Medico legal and ethical aspects of surrogacy; A case report of a tragic maternal death from Sri Lanka11
Editorial Board11
Editorial Board10
Fatal diving accidents in Genoa (North-West Italy) from 1968 to 2021: Forensic approach and literature review10
The radiographic diversity of dental patterns for human identification — Systematic review and meta-analysis10
Fibromuscular dysplasia of the coronary arteries: An unusual case of sudden death and review of the literature9
Identifying the prevalence of genital injuries amongst patients attending Saint Mary's sexual assault referral centre following an allegation of digital penetration9
Editorial Board9
Evaluation of the clinical-immuno-radiological and legal consequences in the presence of post-surgical gossypiboma9
A lucid interval in a victim of abusive head trauma with multiple parenchymal lacerations9
Intraoral cultural tattooing: Possible forensic utility9
Significantly reduced rates of interpersonal violence in an urban Danish population 2003–20219
Physical health status of individuals convicted of sexual offences: Results from an Australian prisoner cohort8
The relationship between postmortem interval and protein changes in mice8
Is it time for other practitioners to certify death?8
Femicide in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil: Matched case-control study8
A novel approach towards identification: A case report and review of literature8
Editorial Board8
A subjective analysis of participants’ views in a study of experimental modelling of imposed airway obstruction in infants and children8
Postmortem computed tomography imaging of negative pressure pulmonary edema induced by rice cakes: A case report8
Reasons for contacting the consultation service of a Dutch assault centre8
Failure to provide evidential breath specimens in females8
The coronary artery calcification severity on postmortem CT could be a clue for the diagnosis of sudden cardiac death7
The hidden world of a sexual offence examiner7
Ability to consent to a sexual assault medical forensic examination in adult patients with serious mental illness7
3D printing and CBCT anatomical reproducibility assessment in forensic scenarios7
Sleep, waking and sleep inertia in sexual assault: A retrospective descriptive study7
The effects of surface variation on the decomposition of pig carcasses7
A Swiss collaborative exercise for Disaster Victim Identification (DVI): Covering situations with different levels of complexity7
The phenomenon of overkill in northern Greece: A descriptive forensic psychiatric study between 2015 and 2020 on criminal offenders found not guilty by reason of insanity7
Temporomandibular joint trauma and disability assessment - A longitudinal exploratory study7
Commentary - Forensic & Legal Medicine in the UK in 20217
Reflected near-infrared photography: Digging deeper into post-mortem examination7
Institutionalising forensic sciences and medicine in centres for newly arrived unaccompanied minors: A case study from Milano6
Clinical characteristics of new psychoactive substances: A multicenter study6
The Forensic Assessment for Immigration Relief (FAIR) clinic: A faculty-led, pediatric clinic model6
Prevalence of blood-borne infections in forensic samples: Epidemiology in areas of Chiba, Japan6
Two cases of fatal iatrogenic air embolism confirmed by autopsies6
Non-traumatic ecchymoses: A literature review from a medico-legal perspective6
Identification of N-piperidinyl etonitazene in alternative keratinous matrices from a decomposing cadaver6
Cerebrospinal fluid in forensic toxicology: Current status and future perspectives6
An approximation to the identification of contexts, experiences, and profiles of victims of drug-facilitated sexual assaults6
Evaluation of elderly patients in adult suicide cases admitted to the emergency department6
Physician complicity in human rights violations: Involuntary sterilization among women from Mexico and Central America seeking asylum in the United States6
Oral form of auto-brewery syndrome6
Exploring the use of selfies in human identification6
Will medical cause of death certifications data quality improve in the UK with the new medical examiner system?5
Update on risk factors and biomarkers of sudden unexplained cardiac death5
Between blunt, sharp and hacking trauma: Observing the characteristics of pickaxe injuries5
Trends in the analysis of abrin poisoning for forensic purposes5
WITHDRAWN: Basilar artery impingement secondary to longitudinal fracture of the clivus: A rare entity with postmortem computed tomography angiogram correlation5
Repeat attenders are disproportionately vulnerable: An exploration of revictimisation at Saint Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre5
Sudden infantile death due to left ventricular myocardial ischemia associated with undiagnosed single coronary artery of Lipton's type LII-B5
The association between childhood trauma and lifetime suicide attempts among a sample of male prisoners: A pilot observational study5
Transfer and persistence of microbiota markers from the human hand to the knife: A preliminary study5
Quality of death certification based on the documented underlying cause of death: A retrospective study5
Review of nine malpractice cases with allegations of causation of cervical artery dissection by cervical spine manipulation: No evidence for causation5
Gunshot suicides caused by cane-gun and alarm garden gun cannon: Two cases report.”5
Sudden and unexpected death in childhood due to an undiagnosed hepatoblastoma: Case report and review of literature5
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and macroscopic analysis of immature human permanent molar immersion in hydrochloric acid (HCL, 38%)5
A Modern Trail of Tears: The Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) Crisis in the US5
“Touch microbiome” as a potential tool for forensic investigation: A pilot study5
Age estimation at death in individuals over 50 using CT images: An innovative anthropological approach5
Sexual dimorphism of the twelfth thoracic vertebra for sex determination in the Central Thai population4
Can prisons be trauma-informed? Reflections on the development of a trauma-informed approach4
Questions of logic in Atlas methods of dental age estimation4
Pathology of fatal diffuse brain injury in severe non-penetrating head trauma4
Determination of amatoxin concentration in heat-treated samples of Amanita phalloides by high-performance liquid chromatography: A forensic approach4
Reporting after sexual violence: The influence of victim, assault and perpetrator characteristics4
Forensic toxicological and analytical aspects of carbamate poisoning – A review4
The fine line of defensive medicine4
Forensic medical examination after conflict-related sexual violence: A scoping review of the literature4
Peliosis of the spleen as an unusual cause of splenic rupture: A case report and a review of literature4
Early postmortem biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical alterations in skeletal muscles of rats exposed to boldenone undecylenate: Forensic implication4
Cirsoid aneurysm rupture of the splenic artery as a rare cause of fatal hemoperitoneum4
Sexual dimorphism and bilateral difference of fingerprint sweat pore among Slovak population4
Forensic application of DNA barcoding in the identification of commonly occurring poisonous plants4
Female genital mutilation – An overview for forensic practitioners4
Development of a standardized peer review and oversight process in cases of suspected child physical abuse4
Applications of microbiology to different forensic scenarios – A narrative review4
Litigation involving patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis4
Men after the sexual assault: The journey from medical service to court4
Strangulation in sexual homicide: Is it opportunity, victim's vulnerability or sadism?4
Forensic photo-documentation in adult sexual assault– what do patients think?4
Abuse of defibrillator pads: Suicide by electrocution3
Viral infection and sudden non-cardiac death: A systematic review3
Online teaching of forensic medicine and pathology during the COVID-19 pandemic: A course evaluation3
A method for estimating time since death through analysis of substances deposited on the surface of dental enamel in a body immersed in freshwater3
Sexual assault of the older person: Attendances to the Republic of Ireland's sexual assault treatment unit network3
Common medical ethics dilemmas: Few reflections from a Saudi perspective3
Cranial anatomical structures with high sexual dimorphism in metric and morphological evaluation: A systematic review3
Analysis of free-fall bullet injury potential in the cranium via finite elements method3
An evaluation of injury photography practices in Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARC)3
A new “Stethoscope” autopsy incision in comparison to various conventional incisions along with suturing techniques and body packing methods for post autopsy reconstruction3
Comment to the article: Discriminating between consensual intercourse and sexual assault: Genital-anal injury pattern in females3
The significance of APACHE II as a predictor of mortality in paraquat poisoning: A systematic review and meta-analysis3
Storage of evidence and delayed reporting after sexual assault: Rates and impact factors on subsequent reporting3
Improving state medicolegal death investigation: Does system level reform improve public health data concerning drug-related mortality?3
Wound ballistics and the unusual injuries of the tandem bullet phenomenon: A systematic review of case-specific characteristics3
Editorial Board3
Medico-legal study of the hymen3
Editorial Board3
Tracking devices and Intimate Partner Violence: Dangers beyond benefits highlight the need for legislative regulation3
Analysis of the pathogenesis of acute necrotizing esophagitis (black esophagus): A report of three autopsy cases3
Comment on Tomsia M. et al. Article “sodium nitrite detection in costal cartilage and vitreous humor - Case report of fatal poisoning with sodium nitrite”3
Alcohol use, civilian interference, and other possible risk factors for death during restraint3
Retrospective cohort study of acute behavioural disturbance in police use of force reports3
Effectiveness of various methods of DNA isolation from bones and teeth of animals exposed to high temperature3
Pellet gun trauma: An unusual and unexpected type of bone lesion3
Nystagmus among suspected amphetamine impaired drivers3
Usability of elemental analysis for antemortem and postmortem bone fracture differentiation3
Revisiting the canonical definition of heat hematoma: A rare case of postmortem subdural heat hematoma3
Death due to extensive aortic dissection with an unusual retrograde extension in a young adult3
Post-traumatic cerebral infarction caused by thrombus in the middle cerebral artery3
Effects of antibiotics ceftriaxone and levofloxacin on the growth of Calliphora vomitoria L. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and effects on the determination of the post-mortem interval3
Peer victimization, prison climate, resilience and psychological distress of incarcerated juvenile offenders in Ghana: A serial mediation examination3