International Journal of Community Music

(The TQCC of International Journal of Community Music is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Music for good: Reflections on a community music project through the lens of historical nostalgia8
How can I keep from singing? The effects of COVID-19 on the emotional wellbeing of community singers during early stage lockdown in the United States7
A conceptual framework for understanding and articulating the social impact of community music6
Jail Guitar Doors: A case study of guitar and songwriting instruction in Cook County Jail5
Note 57: Hospitable approaches to community music scholarship15
A new typology of community music groups5
A qualitative study of an online Makaton choir for individuals with learning difficulties5
Researching the musical lifecourse in music therapy, community music and music education: Unique roles, convergences and blurring of philosophies and practices5
Community music interventions, popular music education and eudaimonia5
Non-participation in online Sacred Harp singing during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Into the groove of an alternative masculinity: Drumming groups for incarcerated individuals in a maximum-security facility4
The ukulele experiences: Leisure and positive ageing in Taiwan4
Temporary musical identity as a tool for rebuilding social place4
‘We are all facing the same problem’: Lived experiences of online participation in the Irish World Music Café community music initiative in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic4
The magnificent territory: Pausing to reflect on a lifetime of working with people and music4
A description of New Horizons Band assistants’ perceptions and experiences3
Music facilitation for promoting well being through the lifecourse3
Opera, devising and community: A creative and pedagogical methodology3
An exploration into online singing and mindfulness during the COVID-19 pandemic for people with anxiety and/or depression3
Group music making in nursing homes: Investigating experiences of higher education music students3
COVID-19 and community band participation: Impacts and the road forward3
Promoting a musical lifecourse towards sustainable ageing: A call for policy congruence3
Voices from Southwark: Reflections on a collaborative music teaching project in London in the age of COVID-193
‘Becoming the song’: Alice Parker, community singing and unlearning choral strictures3
Dimensions of Community Band Participation Scale (DCBP): Development of a survey3