Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture

(The median citation count of Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Animal Agriculture and Climate Change in the US and UK Elite Media: Volume, Responsibilities, Causes and Solutions44
The Mobilizing Power of Influencers for Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions and Political Participation41
Engaging People on Climate Change: The Role of Emotional Responses37
Environmental Literature as Persuasion: An Experimental Test of the Effects of Reading Climate Fiction35
Stimulating Sustainable Food Choices Using Virtual Reality: Taking an Environmental vs Health Communication Perspective on Enhancing Response Efficacy Beliefs32
Competing Crises? Media Coverage and Framing of Climate Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic30
A Research Agenda for Climate Change Communication and Public Opinion: The Role of Scientific Consensus Messaging and Beyond30
#sustainablefashion – A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Fashion Discourse on Twitter29
#fighteverycrisis: Pandemic Shifts in Fridays for Future’s Protest Communication Frames28
Changing the World One Meme at a Time: The Effects of Climate Change Memes on Civic Engagement Intentions27
The Importance of Influencer-Message Congruence When Employing Greenfluencers to Promote Pro-Environmental Behavior27
Pro-Environmental Behavior Predicted by Media Exposure, SNS Involvement, and Cognitive and Normative Factors26
Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change25
How COVID-19 Displaced Climate Change: Mediated Climate Change Activism and Issue Attention in the Swiss Media and Online Sphere24
Place-based Climate Change Communication and Engagement in Canada’s Provincial North: Lessons Learned from Climate Champions22
Mapping the Field of Climate Change Communication 1993–2018: Geographically Biased, Theoretically Narrow, and Methodologically Limited22
Societal Debates About Emerging Genetic Technologies: Toward a Science of Public Engagement21
Who Sets the Agenda? the Dynamic Agenda Setting of the Wildlife Issue on Social Media19
What is Public Engagement and How Does it Help to Address Climate Change? A Review of Climate Communication Research19
China’s Pathway to Climate Sustainability: A Diachronic Framing Analysis of People’s Daily’s Coverage of Climate Change (1995–2018)19
Climate Change Consensus Messages Cause Reactance18
Is This Safe? Addressing Societal Concerns About CRISPR-Edited Foods Without Reinforcing GMO Framing18
The Effect of Consumer Concern for the Environment, Self-Regulatory Focus and Message Framing on Green Advertising Effectiveness: An Eye Tracking Study17
Increasing Advertising Literacy to Unveil Disinformation in Green Advertising17
#PlasticFreeJuly – Analyzing a Worldwide Campaign to Reduce Single-use Plastic Consumption with Twitter17
#Greenfluencing. The Impact of Parasocial Relationships with Social Media Influencers on Advertising Effectiveness and Followers’ Pro-environmental Intentions17
Sustainability in CSR Messages on Social Media: How Emotional Framing and Efficacy Affect Emotional Response, Memory and Persuasion16
Ecological Civilization: A Blindspot in Global Media Coverage of China’s Environmental Governance16
Agenda-Setting Effects of Climate Change Litigation: Interrelations Across Issue Levels, Media, and Politics in the Case of Urgenda Against the Dutch Government16
How Solutions Journalism Shapes Support for Collective Climate Change Adaptation15
Refining the Application of Construal Level Theory: Egocentric and Nonegocentric Psychological Distances in Climate Change Visual Communication15
Effects of Conspiracy Rhetoric on Views About the Consequences of Climate Change and Support for Direct Carbon Capture14
The Six Australias: Concern About Climate Change (and Global Warming) is Rising14
Understanding Public Willingness to Pay More for Plant-based Meat: Environmental and Health Consciousness as Precursors to the Influence of Presumed Media Influence Model13
Construing Climate Change: Psychological Distance, Individual Difference, and Construal Level of Climate Change13
Building Consensus? The Production of a Water Conservation Discourse Through Twitter: The Water use it Wisely Campaign in Arizona12
Discussion of Climate Change on Reddit: Polarized Discourse or Deliberative Debate?12
A Qualitative Exploration of Individual Experiences of Environmental Virtual Reality Through the Lens of Psychological Distance12
Media Framing of Climate Change Action in Carbon Locked-in Developing Countries: Adaptation or Mitigation?12
Echo Chamber Effects in the Climate Change Blogosphere11
Motivating Children to Become Green Kids: The Role of Victim Framing, Moral Emotions, and Responsibility on Children’s Pro-Environmental Behavioral Intent11
Unveiling High Mountain Communities’ Perception of Climate Change Impact on Lives and Livelihoods in Gilgit-Baltistan: Evidence from People-Centric Approach11
Adding Dynamic Norm to Environmental Information in Messages Promoting the Reduction of Meat Consumption11
Narrative Risk Communication as a Lingua Franca for Environmental Hazard Preparation10
On Environmental Communication as a Care Discipline10
Climate Change Consensus Messages May Cause Reactance in Conservatives, But There is No Meta-Analytic Evidence That They Backfire9
Targeted Change: Using Behavioral Segmentation to Identify and Understand Plastic Consumers and How They Respond to Media Communications9
Plastics in Mass Media. A Content Analysis of German Media Coverage of Plastic-Associated Risks and Sustainable Alternatives to Plastics9
Gene Editing Communication Must Center Marginalized Communities9
Thunberg’s Way in the Climate Debate: Making Sense of Climate Action and Actors, Constructing Environmental Citizenship9
Cripping Environmental Communication: A Review of Eco-Ableism, Eco-Normativity, and Climate Justice Futurities9
Protective Behaviors Against Particulate Air Pollution: Self-construal, Risk Perception, and Direct Experience in the Theory of Planned Behavior9
Are You Threatening Me? Identity Threat, Resistance to Persuasion, and Boomerang Effects in Environmental Communication9
Beyond Individualized Responsibility Attributions? How Eco Influencers Communicate Sustainability on TikTok8
An Examination of Expertise, Caring and Salient Value Similarity as Source Factors that Garner Support for Advocated Climate Policies8
News Media Framing of Grassroots Innovations in Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden8
Global Climate Change or National Climate Changes? An Analysis of the Performance of Online Issue Publics in Integrating Global Issues8
More Plastic than Fish: Partisan Responses to an Advocacy Video Opposing Single-Use Plastics8
Constructing the Millennial “Other” in United States Press Coverage of the Green New Deal8
Measuring Americans’ Support for Adapting to ‘Climate Change’ or ‘Extreme Weather’8
Communicating Climate Change to a Local but Diverse Audience: On the Positive Impact of Locality Framing8
Effects of Responsibility Appeals for Pro-Environmental Ads: When Do They Empower or Generate Reactance?8
Does 360-degree Video Enhance Engagement with Global Warming?: The Mediating Role of Spatial Presence and Emotions8
The Communication of Value Judgements and its Effects on Climate Scientists’ Perceived Trustworthiness7
Framing Messages on the Economic Impact of Climate Change Policies: Effects on Climate Believers and Climate Skeptics7
Media Diets of Vegetarians. How News Consumption, Social Media Use and Communicating with One’s Social Environment are Associated with a Vegetarian Diet7
What Do Extreme Weather Events Say About Climate Change? Comparing Politicization and Climate Policy in U.S. Wildfire and Hurricane News Coverage7
Framing the Circular Bioeconomy in Ireland’s Broadsheet Media, 2004–20197
Media Discourse on Sustainable Consumption in Europe7
The Impact of Message Valence on Climate Change Attitudes: A Longitudinal Experiment7
The Moderating Role of Descriptive Norms on Construal-Level Fit: An Examination in the Context of “Less Plastic” Campaigns7
“We’re Going Under”: The Role of Local News Media in Dislocating Climate Change Adaptation7
Categorizing Professionals’ Perspectives on Environmental Communication with Implications for Graduate Education7
The Swedish Media Debate on GMO Between 1994 and 2018: What Attention was Given to Farmers’ Perspectives?7
Framing Waste Classification among Chinese Young People: The Moderating Effect of Consideration of Future Consequences7
12 Years Left: How a Climate Change Action Deadline Influences Perceptions and Engagement6
Incendiary Humor: Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Politics in Wildfire Cartoons6
From Virtual Trees to Real Forests: The Impact of Gamification Affordances on Green Consumption Behaviors in Ant Forest6
What do Consumers Read About Meat? An Analysis of Media Representations of the Meat-environment Relationship Found in Popular Online News Sites in the UK.6
COVID-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity or Challenge: Applying Psychological Distance Theory and the Co-Benefit Frame to Promote Public Support for Climate Change Mitigation on Social Media6
Food System Innovations, Science Communication, and Deficit Model 2.0: Implications for Cellular Agriculture6
The Loop Trail “Quest”: Use of a Choice-based Digital Simulation, An Interactive Video, and a Booklet to Communicate and Analyze Decision-making of Park Visitors6
The Role of Trust in Communicating Scientific Consensus and the Environmental Benefits of Genetically Engineered Crops: Experimental Evidence of a Backfire Effect6
Disaster Militarism and Indigenous Responses to Super Typhoon Yutu in the Mariana Islands6
Framing Geothermal Energy in Indonesia: A Media Analysis in A Country with Huge Potential6
Young Adults’ Reactions and Engagement with Short-form Videos on Sea Level Rise6
A Review of CLT-based Empirical Research on Climate Change Communication from 2010 to 20216
Gene-Edited Foods and the Public: The First Representative Survey Study of the United States6
Risk Here vs. Risk There: Intention to Seek Information About Gulf Coastal Erosion6
Fight or Flight: How Advertising for Air Travel Triggers Moral Disengagement6
We Are (Not) the Virus: Competing Online Discourses of Human-Environment Interaction in the Era of COVID-196
Delineating Antecedents and Outcomes of Information Seeking Upon Exposure to an Environmental Video Opposing Single-Use Plastics6
Experiencing Climate Change Virtually: The Effects of Virtual Reality on Climate Change Related Cognitions, Emotions, and Behavior5
The Fabric of the Public in Debates About Gene Editing5
Tracing the Emergent Field of Digital Environmental and Climate Activism Research: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Literature Review5
Storylines of Geoengineering in the Australian Media: An Analysis of Online Coverage 2006–20185
Environmentally Sound Agriculture Between Transformation and Conformation: The Changing Portrayal of the Growing Organic Farming Movement in Austria's Newspaper Coverage5
Solidarity Versus Security: Exploring Perspectives on Climate Induced Migration in UN and EU Policy5
When Environmental Claims are Empty Promises: How Greenwashing Affects Corporate Reputation and Credibility5
A Sea Change for Climate Refugees in the South Pacific: How Social Media – Not Journalism – Tells Their Real Story5
Beliefs and Networks: Mapping the Indian Climate Policy Discourse Surrounding the Paris Climate Change Conference in 20155
COVID-19 as a Framing Device for Environmental Protest: The ECOSYSTEM HEALTH Metaphor5
Media and Social Norms: Exploring the Relationship between Media and Plastic Avoidance Social Norms5
Discursive Strategies for Climate Change Reporting: A Case Study of The Mercury News4
Connective Action, Digital Engagement and Network-Building: A Year in the Life of Canadian Climate Facebook4
Using Trusted Intermediaries to Communicate Environmental Issues Across Security Forces4
Promoting Behaviors to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change: Using the Extended Parallel Process Model at the Personal and Collective Level in China4
How Do Climate Change Skeptics Engage with Opposing Views Online? Evidence from a Major Climate Change Skeptic Forum on Reddit4
The “Greta Effect” on Social Media: A Systematic Review of Research on Thunberg’s Impact on Digital Climate Change Communication4
Global Warming's Five Germanys – Revisited and Framed in an International Context4
Major Media Outlets and Climate Change Action: Comparing US Media Coverage of the Green New Deal4
Are “Climate Deniers” Rational Actors? Applying Weberian Rationalities to Advance Climate Policymaking4
Communicating the Future of Energy Use: Qualitative Insights into the Efforts of Environmental Groups in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore4
The Effect of Trust in Science and Media Use on Public Belief in Anthropogenic Climate Change: A Meta-analysis4
Fish Prisons and Bluehouses: Perceived Risks and Benefits of Land-based Aquaculture in Four US Communities4
Can the Public Express Their Views or Say No Through Public Engagement?4
“Take Extinction off Your Plate”: How International Environmental Campaigns Connect Food, Farming, and Fishing to Wildlife Extinction4
Dairy Pride: Hypocognitive Rhetoric and the Battle for Dairy’s Name4
Elite Company: Sourcing Trends in 2014–2017 Prestige Press Climate Change Editorials4
Enhancing Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Through Values-framed Messages4
Decolonizing Oak Flat: Apache Stronghold’s Place-based, Temporal, and Mnemonic Dissensus at Public Hearings3
Inspiring G(re)en Z: Unraveling (Para)social Bonds with Influencers and Perceptions of Their Environmental Content3
“This is Part of Everything that is Wrong with the World” – A Comparative Analysis of Sustainability Framing in Social Media Discussions About Food in Five Countries3
Choose Your Own Emotion: Predictors of Selective Exposure to Emotion-Inducing Climate Messages3
From Fake News to Echo-Chambers: On The Limitations of New Media for Environmental Activism in Australia, and “Activist-Responsive Adaptation”3
Water Wars: A “Critical Listening In” to Rural Radio Discourse on a River System in Trouble3
Civil Disobedience by Environmental Scientists: An Experimental Study of its Influence on the Impact and Credibility of Climate Change Research*3
“Meat” Me in the Middle: The Potential of a Social Norm Feedback Intervention in the Context of Meat Consumption – A Conceptual Replication3
Aesthetics, Technology, and Social Harmony: Constructing a “Green China” Image Through Eco-documentaries3
Frack-Off: Social Media Fights Against Fracking in Argentina3
How environment-focused communities discuss COVID-19 online: an analysis of social (risk) amplification and ripple effects on Reddit3
Anti-Incineration Mobilization on WeChat: Evidence from 12 WeChat Subscription Accounts3
“Even I am a Part of Nature”: Unraveling the Human/Nature Binary to Enable Systems Change3
Insights from the 2018 Drought in Ireland’s Broadsheet Media3
From Risk to Legislative Innovation: The Trajectory of Marine Submersion Through the French Media3
Transcorporeal Identification and Strategic Essentialism in Eco-Horror: mother!’s Ecofeminist Rhetorical Strategies3
Adolescents’ Representations of Climate Change: Exploring the Self-other Thema in a Focus Group Study3
The Role of Late-Night Infotainment Comedy in Communicating Climate Change Consensus3
Understanding the Paradoxical Effects of (Environmental) Activists and Their Discourses: When and How are They Penalized for Seeking Change?3
Mobilizing the Public in Saving the Bonneville Salt Flats: Understanding Blame as a Psychological Construct3
Effects of Competing Statistical and Testimonial Evidence in Debates About Science3
State Messaging on Toxic Chemical Exposure: Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances and the Individualization of Risk on State Websites in the United States3
Consumer Willingness to Pay for Sustainable Products3
Hydropower in the News: how Journalists do (not) Cover the Environmental and Socioeconomic Costs of Dams in Brazil3
“Israel is Drying, Again”: Constructing Resilience Discourses in Televised Water Conservation Campaigns2
Message Presentation Is of Importance as Well: The Asymmetric Effects of Numeric and Verbal Presentation of Fear Appeal Messages in Promoting Waste Sorting2
The Place of the Teacher: Environmental Communication and Transportive Pedagogy2
The Power of Moral Words in Politicized Climate Change Communication2
Authoritarian Environmentalism as Reflected in the Journalistic Sourcing of Climate Change Reporting in China2
A Distant Threat? The Framing of Climate Futures Across Four Countries2
Media Issue Crystallization: The Case of Microplastic in Denmark2
Defending “Canadian Energy”: Connective Leadership and Extractive Populism on Canadian Facebook2
Media Use, Environmental Mediators, and Pro-environmental Behaviors across and within Countries2
Text, Short Video, or Long Video? Effects of Attention to Various Types of Social Media on Public Knowledge of Dual Carbon: A Multigroup Comparison Based on Environmental Concern Levels2
Pride and Prejudice and Country-of-Origin Ecological Images: The Influence of COO Ecological Image on Consumer Evaluation of Product Greenness and Green Claim Credibility2
Between Impact, Politics, and Action: Frames of Climate Change in Indonesian Print and Online Media2
Synecdoche and Battles Over the Meaning of “Fracking”2
Contesting Coal, Contesting Climate: Materializing the Social Drama of Climate Change in Australia and Germany2
Sustainable Flying? The Effects of Greenwashed Claims in Airline Advertising on Perceived Greenwashing, Brand Outcomes, and Attitudes Toward Flying2
Cross-Country Analysis of the Association between Media Coverage and Exposure to Climate News with Awareness, Risk Perceptions, and Protest Participation Intention in 110 Countries2
“The Ocean is Our Legacy:” Values of Care and Reciprocity2
Role Perceptions in Climate Science Communication2
Climate Justice Communication: Strategies from U.S. Climate Activists2
Media Representations and Farmer Perceptions: A Case Study of Reporting on Ocean Acidification and the Shellfish Farming Sector in British Columbia, Canada2
Reflecting on Care within an African Relational Framework for Environmental Communication2
Ecomedia Literacy’s El Buen Vivir/Sumak Kawsay: The Practice of Care in Media Education in Latin America2
Predicting the Intention of Sustainable Commuting among Chinese Commuters: The Role of Media and Morality2
Feed for Thought: Factors Predicting Public Support for Funding and Labeling Preferences of Alternative Aquafeed2
Evaluating the Terms Americans Use to Refer to “Carbon Emissions”2
Communicating Agriculture AI Technologies: How American Agricultural Producers’ Perception of Trustworthiness, Risk Perception, and Emotion Affect Their Likelihood of Adopting Artificial Intelligence 2
Communicating Trends in Sustainability Transitions: Minority Beliefs and Dynamic Norms about Plant-Based Food Consumption2
Extreme Weather Events as Teachable Moments: Catalyzing Climate Change Learning and Action Through Conversation2
Green Criminology and Rhetoric of Public Opinion: Online Commenting on Gas Rigs Near Israel's Coast2
A Co-orientation Analysis of Producers’ and Environmentalists’ Mental Models of Water Issues: Opportunities for Improved Communication and Collaboration2
The Fifth Estate: Analyzing Climate Change Punditry in the Zimbabwean Newspaper Columns2
Practicing Care Through Creative and Collaborative Climate Communication2
“It is the Voice of the Environment that Speaks”, Digital Activism as an Emergent Form of Environmental Communication2
The Need for Seed: News Framing of the Pandemic Gardening Boom2