Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture

(The H4-Index of Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Mobilizing Power of Influencers for Pro-Environmental Behavior Intentions and Political Participation51
Engaging People on Climate Change: The Role of Emotional Responses37
The Importance of Influencer-Message Congruence When Employing Greenfluencers to Promote Pro-Environmental Behavior35
Stimulating Sustainable Food Choices Using Virtual Reality: Taking an Environmental vs Health Communication Perspective on Enhancing Response Efficacy Beliefs35
Competing Crises? Media Coverage and Framing of Climate Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic31
#fighteverycrisis: Pandemic Shifts in Fridays for Future’s Protest Communication Frames28
Changing the World One Meme at a Time: The Effects of Climate Change Memes on Civic Engagement Intentions27
Pro-Environmental Behavior Predicted by Media Exposure, SNS Involvement, and Cognitive and Normative Factors26
Individualism, Structuralism, and Climate Change25
How COVID-19 Displaced Climate Change: Mediated Climate Change Activism and Issue Attention in the Swiss Media and Online Sphere25
Mapping the Field of Climate Change Communication 1993–2018: Geographically Biased, Theoretically Narrow, and Methodologically Limited24
Place-based Climate Change Communication and Engagement in Canada’s Provincial North: Lessons Learned from Climate Champions23
#Greenfluencing. The Impact of Parasocial Relationships with Social Media Influencers on Advertising Effectiveness and Followers’ Pro-environmental Intentions21
What is Public Engagement and How Does it Help to Address Climate Change? A Review of Climate Communication Research20
China’s Pathway to Climate Sustainability: A Diachronic Framing Analysis of People’s Daily’s Coverage of Climate Change (1995–2018)19
Who Sets the Agenda? the Dynamic Agenda Setting of the Wildlife Issue on Social Media19
Climate Change Consensus Messages Cause Reactance18
The Effect of Consumer Concern for the Environment, Self-Regulatory Focus and Message Framing on Green Advertising Effectiveness: An Eye Tracking Study18