IET Renewable Power Generation

(The TQCC of IET Renewable Power Generation is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stochastic forecast error estimation of high PV penetration system considering net‐load/PV decoupling for microgrid operation104
Resilience enhancement of distribution networks based on demand response under extreme scenarios82
Mitigating anomalous electricity consumption in smart cities using an AI‐based stacked‐generalization technique63
An active‐support control strategy for multi‐winding medium‐frequency power electronics transformer for renewable generation53
Design of a stand‐alone 1000‐kW biogas power plant from codigestion of organic waste and microalgae grown in a tubular photo bioreactor at Bomaka‐Buea45
Performance assessment of a novel power generation system38
A novel high‐impedance neutral grounding method for medium‐ or large‐size hydroelectric generators36
A bi‐level optimization model and improved algorithm for wind farm layout36
Distributed coordinated control method with multiple objectives optimization algorithm for wind farms35
Investigation of low‐cost dual port co‐rotating dual rotor field excited flux switching generator for low‐power rooftop wind turbine integrated with multi‐port DC micro grid34
Control and capacity planning for energy storage systems to enhance the stability of renewable generation under weak grids31
Design and fabrication of an interleaved high step‐up DC–DC converter with soft‐switching capability to implement in renewable energy systems30
Optimal gear ratio selection of linear primary permanent magnet vernier machines for wave energy applications29
A decentralized control strategy for single‐phase cascaded photovoltaic inverters with MPPT ability28
Output current harmonic analysis and suppression method for PMSM drive system with modular multilevel converter27
Optimal design of phase‐locked loop with frequency‐adaptive prefilter based on the accurate small‐signal model26
Dynamic wake analysis of a wind turbine providing frequency support services26
Robust prequalification process of a distribution system operator considering N‐1 contingency26
The quantum‐mode regulated power point tracking in a photovoltaic array for application under the quantised converter duty ratio26
A novel stochastic thermo‐solar model for water demand supply using point estimate method25
Primary frequency regulation support through deloaded offshore renewable power generators with HVDC‐link25
Microwave‐assisted torrefaction and pyrolysis of rice straw pellets for bioenergy24
ADRC‐based symmetric phase‐locked loop structure for improving low‐frequency stability of grid‐connected inverters24
Impact of translator mass and buoy choice on a power absorption of point absorbing wave energy converter linear generator with linear generator power take off24
Saturated full model capability of virtual synchronous generator to improve transient stability of hybrid power system24
Blockchain‐based framework of power demand response in China24
Test methodology for validation of multi‐frequency models of renewable energy generators using small‐signal perturbations23
A decentralized framework for economic‐resilient operation of networked microgrids, considering demand response program23
Robust two‐level market coordinated transaction optimal model and benefit allocation strategy for a novel shared‐energy aggregator22
Coordinated restoration of inverter‐based power sources and synchronous generators for the high renewable penetrated power system considering the dynamic frequency regulation capability21
A meta‐heuristic capacitor placement framework for distribution grids using modal resonance analysis21
Virtual synchronous generator‐based control of modular multilevel converter for integration into weak grid21
A generalized piecewise linear time‐variable droop frequency controller with adaptive parameters for de‐loaded wind turbine generators20
Capacity evaluation of hydropower for accommodating wind‐photovoltaic power generation in the dry season20
Siting of small modular reactors with renewable power generation support20
Guest editorial: Upscaling industrial electricity innovations to deliver net‐zero targets20
Guest editorial: Selected papers from the 12th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MEDPOWER2020)20
Numerical calculation and model experiment of a novel external buoy type wave energy converter for navigation lighted buoys numerical study of a novel wave energy converter20
Versatile static synchronous machine and its reference machine following control strategy20
FSR‐SSL: A fault sample rebalancing framework based on semi‐supervised learning for PV fault diagnosis20
Cooperative adaptive inertial control for PV and energy storage units with multiple constraints19
Optimal investment and operation of a microgrid to provide electricity and heat19
Multi‐objective optimization of a tubular permanent magnet linear generator with 120° phase belt toroidal windings using response surface method and genetic algorithm19
Analysis of a direct‐drive permanent magnet synchronous generator with novel toroidal winding19
Proposed sub‐synchronous resonance damping controller for large‐scale wind farms18
Guest editorial: Biomass conversion for energy: Process intensification and economics18
A risk‐averse multiyear framework for resilience improvement planning of active distribution networks against hurricanes18
Reactive power control in renewable rich power grids: A literature review18
Flexible management and decarbonisation of rural networks using multi‐functional battery control17
Decentralized frequency control of restructured energy system using hybrid intelligent algorithm and non‐linear fractional order proportional integral derivative controller16
An integrated approach on proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance enhancement combining flower pollination algorithm and nanofluids16
Guest Editorial: Special issue from 9th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference16
Effects of protection settings on optimal performance of reconfigurable smart distribution systems16
Inertia emulation with incorporating the concept of virtual compounded DC machine and bidirectional DC–DC converter for DC microgrid in islanded mode16
Front Cover: Dynamic frequency control strategy for the CSP plant in power systems with low inertia16
Fuzzy model predictive control for frequency regulation of temporary microgrids during load restoration16
Sliding mode control of four‐leg inverters in a stand‐alone microgrid for unbalance, neutral to ground voltage, and harmonics compensation16
Analysis of virtual inductances on the stability of the voltage control loops for LC‐filtered voltage‐controlled voltage‐source inverters in microgrids16
Techno‐economic and sensitivity analysis of a hybrid concentrated photovoltaic/thermal system and an organic Rankine cycle to supply energy to sports stadiums16
Unified AC/DC hybrid admittance modelling and oscillation stability analysis for interlinking voltage source converter system16
A two‐stage adaptive‐robust optimization model for active distribution network with high penetration wind power generation16
Representative modelling of very long HVDC cables15
Testing the energy efficiency of CHP engines and cost‐effectiveness of biogas plant operation15
Strategic bidding of a multi‐carrier microgrid in energy market15
A health condition assessment method of wind turbine generator system based on multiple turbines cooperation15
Single electricity market forecasting and energy arbitrage maximization framework15
Performance investigation and parametric optimization of an eco‐friendly sustainable design solar air heater15
Power synergistic control between of power‐to‐hydrogen and SCESS‐DFIG considering “source–load” turbulence15
DC protection coordination for multi‐terminal HB‐MMC‐based HVDC grids15
An extensive critique on expert system control in solar photovoltaic dominated microgrids15
A grid reinforcement approach for an optimized planning of high‐voltage distribution grids under consideration of line loading indicators15
Tertiary regulation of cascaded run‐of‐the‐river hydropower in the islanded renewable power system considering multi‐timescale dynamics14
A hybrid arm‐multiplexing MMC for DC fault ride‐through without blocking14
Controller design for DFIG‐based WT using gravitational search algorithm for wind power generation14
Comparative analysis of different methods in estimating wind speed distribution, and evaluation of large‐scale wind turbine performance in Rahva‐Bitlis, Turkey14
Renewable energy hosting capacity assessment in distribution networks based on multi‐strategy improved whale optimization algorithm14
A bi‐level planning strategy of a hydrogen‐supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system based on APA‐MOHHO14
Optimal power scheduling of seaport microgrids with flexible logistic loads14
Frequency security constrained control of power electronic‐based generation systems14
A low voltage microgrid protection scheme using digital instrument transformers14
Uncertain accessibility estimation method for offshore wind farm based on multi‐step probabilistic wave forecasting14
Cluster division in wind farm through ensemble modelling13
Adversarial attack and defense methods for neural network based state estimation in smart grid13
Maximum power point tracking control for mechanical rectification wave energy converter13
Modified manta ray foraging optimization algorithm based improved load frequency controller for interconnected microgrids13
Robust self‐adaptive fuzzy controller for load‐frequency control of islanded airport microgrids considering electric aircraft energy storage and demand response13
Performance characteristics and reliability assessment of self‐excited induction generator for wind power generation13
Dual‐stage day‐ahead optimized performance of renewable‐based microgrids13
Effects of sampling frequency on the proper orthogonal decomposition based reconstruction of a wind turbine wake13
Optimal power regulation for wind integration in the balancing market environment13
Transactive energy revolution: Innovative leverage for reliable operation of modern energy networks—A critical review13
Comparative study of reformed neural network based short‐term wind power forecasting models13
Multi‐criteria decision‐making approach for optimal and probabilistic planning of passive harmonic filters in harmonically polluted industrial network with photovoltaic resources13
Dual‐layer model predictive control‐based scheduling of integrated electricity‐hydrogen‐heat microgrid12
Enhancing grid frequency regulation in low inertia modern multi‐area power systems using cascaded non‐integer control approaches with BESS‐based virtual inertia12
An innovative hybrid model combining informer and K‐Means clustering methods for invisible multisite solar power estimation12
A dynamic equivalent aggregation method of wind turbine systems with a full‐scale power converter for electromagnetic transient simulations12
A novel bilayer coordinated control scheme for global autonomous economic operation of islanded hybrid AC/DC microgrids12
Enhanced skill optimization algorithm: Solution to the stochastic reactive power dispatch framework with optimal inclusion of renewable resources using large‐scale network12
Small‐signal impedance modelling and stability analysis of doubly fed induction generator‐based wind turbines during asymmetrical weak grid condition12
Risk evaluation of onshore wind farms in relation to wild duck (Anatidae) movements in the Yangtze River Mouth, China12
Optimizing air conditioning loads scheduling: A bi‐objective dynamic optimization algorithm considering life loss impact12
Energy optimization dispatch based on two‐stage and multi‐objective comparative analysis for PV and BESS integrated fast charging stations with V2G12
Peer‐to‐peer decentralized energy trading in industrial town considering central shared energy storage using alternating direction method of multipliers algorithm12
Interpretable data‐driven contingency classification for real‐time corrective security‐constrained economic dispatch11
Comprehensive coordinated control strategy of PMSG‐based wind turbine for system inertia support11
Effective demand response and GANs for optimal constraint unit commitment in solar‐tidal based microgrids11
Bidirectional DC–DC converter based multilevel battery storage systems for electric vehicle and large‐scale grid applications: A critical review considering different topologies, state‐of‐charge balan11
A new method for current–voltage curve prediction in photovoltaic modules11
The improved fault location method for flexible direct current grid based on clustering and iterating algorithm11
An adaptative control strategy for interfacing converter of hybrid microgrid based on improved virtual synchronous generator11
An FCM based weather type classification method considering photovoltaic output and meteorological characteristics and its application in power interval forecasting11
Grid integration aspects of wave energy—Overview and perspectives11
Robust stability analysis of a novel droop‐based distributed control scheme for islanded operation of DC microgrids11
A new modulation strategy and power balance method of unsymmetrical CHB inverter11
A grid voltage perturbations based bidirectional impedance uniform control for grid‐connected DC/AC converter11
Deep learning based carbon emissions forecasting and renewable energy's impact quantification11
Techno‐enviro‐economic feasibility assessment of an off‐grid hybrid energy system with/without solar tracker considering pumped hydro storage and battery11
Agent based online learning approach for power flow control of electric vehicle fast charging station integrated with smart microgrid10
A new extension of hesitant fuzzy set: An application to an offshore wind turbine technology selection process10
Imitation learning‐based online optimal scheduling for microgrids: An approach integrating input clustering and output classification10
Coordinated investment in wind‐rich regions using dynamic line rating, energy storage and distributed static series compensation to facilitate congestion management10
A new Internet of Things based optimization scheme of residential demand side management system10
Towards the application of renewable energy technologies in green ports: Technical and economic perspectives10
Spatial‐temporal attention and GRU based interpretable condition monitoring of offshore wind turbine gearboxes10
A novel switching method in PV‐fed quasi‐ZSI‐DVR for voltage quality enhancement of photovoltaic integrated networks10
A novel deep reinforcement learning enabled agent for pumped storage hydro‐wind‐solar systems voltage control10
Impact of cyber‐attack on coordinated voltage control in low voltage grids10
Stochastic optimal investment strategy for net‐zero energy houses10
Data‐driven robust look‐ahead power dispatch with preidentification of the worst‐case scenario using combined multilayer perceptron10
Day‐ahead optimal scheduling of building energy microgrids based on time‐varying virtual energy storage10
A data‐driven scheduling approach for integrated electricity‐hydrogen system based on improved DDPG10
Probabilistic/information gap decision theory‐based bilevel optimal management for multi‐carrier network by aggregating energy communities10
Importance of drivetrain optimisation to maximise electrical power from wave energy converters10
Power‐frequency oscillation suppression algorithm for AC microgrid with multiple virtual synchronous generators based on fuzzy inference system10
The long‐term influence of wind and temperature on performance and degradation within an utility‐scale photovoltaic plant10
Co‐optimisation of wind farm micro‐siting and cabling layouts10
A novel primary frequency regulation strategy of wind farm based on wind turbine health condition10
A social relationship preference aware peer‐to‐peer energy market for urban energy prosumers and consumers10
Real‐time implementation and evaluation of gorilla troops optimization‐based control strategy for autonomous microgrids10
Towards the development of offshore wind farms in the Mediterranean Sea: A techno‐economic analysis including green hydrogen production during curtailments10
Maiden application of TIDμ1NDμ2 controller for effective load frequency control of non‐linear two‐area power system10
Sensitivity analysis for evaluation of the effect of sensors error on the wind turbine variables using Monte Carlo simulation10
Optimal configuration of energy storage capacity in wind farms based on cloud energy storage service10
A comprehensive review on IoT‐based infrastructure for smart grid applications10
An integrated methodology for significant wave height forecasting based on multi‐strategy random weighted grey wolf optimizer with swarm intelligence10
A mixed integer linear programming model for risk‐based remote‐controlled switches, distributed generation, and tie line placement in distribution systems with complex topologies to improve the resili9
An integrated control algorithm of power distribution for islanded microgrid based on improved virtual synchronous generator9
Maximum power point tracking in partially shaded photovoltaic systems using grasshopper optimization algorithm9
Reconfiguration‐based probabilistic scheduling of automated grids in view of social–economic boards9
An optimal joint planning of DGs and electric vehicle charging stations in grid‐connected and islanded microgrids9
Frequency stabilization of a hybrid three‐area power system equipped with energy storage units and renewable energy sources9
DRL‐based frequency response of wind turbine generators adapting their variable regulation capabilities9
Reliability evaluation of the renewable energy‐based microgrids considering resource variation9
An overview of catalysts for the hydrodeoxygenation reaction of model compounds from lignocellulosic biomass9
Multi‐criteria techno‐economic analysis of solar photovoltaic/wind hybrid power systems under temperate continental climate9
Smart coordination of predictive load balancing for residential electric vehicles based on EMD‐Bayesian optimised LSTM9
A novel online identification algorithm of lithium‐ion battery parameters and model order based on a fractional order model9
Techno‐economic, environmental and risk analysis of coordinated electricity distribution and district heating networks with flexible energy resources9
A fractional time‐step simulation method suitable for the associated discrete circuit model of power electronic system9
Optimal sizing and siting of different types of EV charging stations in a real distribution system environment9
An optimization capacity design method of household integrated energy system based on multi‐objective egret swarm optimization9
On the modelling, analysis, and design of a suboptimal controller for a class of wind/PV/battery based DC microgrid9
Improving O&M decision tools for offshore wind farm vessel routing by incorporating weather uncertainty9
Strategy for demand side management effectiveness assessment via a stochastic risk‐based bidding approach in a multi‐energy microgrid containing combined cooling, heat and power and photovoltaic units9
Research on optimal dispatch model of power grid considering the uncertainty of flexible resource demand response on the residential side8
A novel wind power forecast diffusion model based on prior knowledge8
An optimal control method considering degradation and economy based on mutual learn salp swarm algorithm of an islanded zero‐carbon DC microgrid8
Coordinated planning of thermal power, wind power, and photovoltaic generator units considering capacity electricity price8
A bi‐level mobile energy storage pre‐positioning method for distribution network coupled with transportation network against typhoon disaster8
The impact of spatial representation in energy transition modelling on systemwide energy return on investment8
An optimal scheduling of renewable energy in flexible interconnected distribution networks considering extreme scenarios8
Resonance analysis of multiple grid‐connected inverters’ series and parallel network8
Review and outlook on reinforcement learning: Its application in agricultural energy internet8
A probabilistic approach for optimal integration of EVs and RES using artificial hummingbird algorithm in distribution network8
Development of optimal participating strategy for source‐grid‐load‐storage integrated projects in electricity markets with multi‐stage joint optimization8
Probabilistic optimal power flow in wind energy integrated power system based on the K‐medoids data clustering method considering correlated uncertain variables8
Optimal PV‐storage capacity planning for rail transit self‐consistent energy systems considering extreme weather conditions8
Integrated energy microgrids participating in voltage regulation ancillary services: An improved ADMM based distributed optimization approach8
A Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm‐based line parameters identification method for distribution network considering multisource measurement8
An experimental performance verification of continuous mixed P‐norm based adaptive asymmetrical fuzzy logic controller for single stage photovoltaic grid integration8
Joint scheduling method of peak shaving and frequency regulation using hybrid energy storage considering degeneration characteristic8
A soft switching non‐isolated bidirectional DC–DC converter with improved voltage conversion ratio and minimum number of switches8
Grey wolf‐based heuristic methods for accurate parameter extraction to optimize the performance of PV modules8
An optimizated additional damping control for suppressing ultra‐low frequency oscillation suppression based on SVC8
A compressed sensing and CNN‐based method for fault diagnosis of photovoltaic inverters in edge computing scenarios8
Efficient switched‐capacitor multilevel inverters for high‐power solar photovoltaic systems8
Study on photovoltaic primary frequency control strategy at different time scales8
A multi‐level coordinated scheduling strategy for shared energy storage systems under electricity spot and ancillary service markets8
Carbon emission flow oriented multitasking multi‐objective optimization of electricity‐hydrogen integrated energy system8
Multi‐objective multiperiod stable environmental economic power dispatch considering probabilistic wind and solar PV generation8
Zonotope approximation based flexible cluster division method for load‐side resource scheduling8
Long short‐term memory‐based forecasting of uncertain parameters in an islanded hybrid microgrid and its energy management using improved grey wolf optimization algorithm8
Integrating the strategic response of parking lots in active distribution networks: An equilibrium approach8
State of health estimation of individual batteries through incremental curve analysis under parameter uncertainty8
A novel prediction method for low wind output processes under very few samples based on improved W‐DCGAN8
Stochastic optimal power flow framework with incorporation of wind turbines and solar PVs using improved liver cancer algorithm8
A computational efficient approach for distributionally robust unit commitment with enhanced disjointed layered ambiguity set8
Optimal sitting, sizing and control of battery energy storage to enhance dynamic stability of low‐inertia grids8
High speed protection of medium voltage DC distribution system using modified mathematical morphology8
Optimal capacity configuration of joint system considering uncertainty of wind and photovoltaic power and demand response8
Piezoelectric energy harvester converting wind aerodynamic energy into electrical energy for microelectronic application8
Model‐agnostic online forecasting for PV power output8
An MPPT method using phasor particle swarm optimization for PV‐based generation system under varying irradiance conditions8
Maximum power point tracking‐based model predictive control with reduced sensor count for PV applications7
Flexible power control strategy for elliptical trajectory based dynamic voltage restorer during voltage sags7
A new method to fit logistic functions with wind turbines power curves using manufacturer datasheets7
Enhanced transient response and seamless interconnection of multi‐microgrids based on an adaptive control scheme7
Current indicator based fault detection algorithm for identification of faulty string in solar PV system7
Guest editorial: Low‐carbon operation and marketing of distribution systems7
Online inertia estimation for power systems with high penetration of RES using recursive parameters estimation7
A novel sizing inherits allocation strategy of renewable distributed generations using crow search combined with particle swarm optimization algorithm7
Collaborative load shifting effect of power‐to‐gas and gas‐fired unit in integrated power and gas system7
Robust NN‐based backstepping control of non‐affine ferry ship fuel cell‐based DC MGs under stochastic disturbance inputs7
Parallel kernel solver of an FPGA‐based real‐time simulator for active distribution networks7
Improvement of voltage adaptability for decentralised doubly‐fed induction generator wind power system based on nine‐switch converter7
Optimal allocation of distributed generation in meshed power networks: A metaheuristic approach7
Optimal operation of multiple integrated energy systems based on a hybrid Taguchi‐compact salp swarm algorithm7
A novel control approach for harmonic compensation using switched power filter compensators in micro‐grids7
Marking function of Stokes number on airfoils’ aerodynamic penalties in a gas–solid flow7
Adjustable unbalanced current controller for tranformerless PV generation to suppress DC voltage ripples of inverter in low‐voltage ride‐through (LVRT) operation7
Shifted frequency‐based electromagnetic transient simulation for AC power systems in symmetrical component domain7
Optimal planning of a micro‐grid containing tidal barrage equipped to the hydro‐pumps7
Design of a stand‐alone 1000‐kW biogas power plant from codigestion of organic waste and microalgae grown in a tubular photo bioreactor at Bomaka‐Buea7
A novel tri‐capacity battery charger topology for low‐voltage DC residential nanogrid7
Production of fuel pellets from bean crop residues (Phaseolus vulgaris)7
Distributed model predictive control of all‐dc offshore wind farm for short‐term frequency support7
Parallel GPF solution: A GPU‐CPU‐based vectorization parallelization and sparse technique for NR implementation6
Turbine layout optimisation for large‐scale offshore wind farms–A grid‐based method6