IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation

(The median citation count of IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An efficient adaptive h‐refinement for the RWG‐based electric field integral equation applied to antennas with waveport32
Active reflection coefficients characterization system for multiple input multiple output antennas27
A flat aperture antenna composed of a series fed H‐plane horn array excited by a ridge gap waveguide horn24
Wideband and metal‐only linear to circular polarization converter using multi‐slot elements23
Dyadic Green's function of partially filled graphene‐loaded rectangular waveguides21
Antenna array calibration methods based on simultaneous perturbation17
Balanced‐to‐unbalanced and balanced‐to‐balanced filtering rat‐race couplers using multilayer substate integrated waveguide cavities14
Guest Editorial: Antennas and propagation at millimetre, sub‐millimetre wave and terahertz bands14
Time domain response of corrugated transmission lines14
A W‐band dual‐beam low side‐lobe level antenna with shared slotted waveguide arrays14
Design and development of broadband gap waveguide‐based 0‐dB couplers for Ka‐band applications13
Analysis of electromagnetic interaction between smooth and corrugated transmission lines by using a circuit model11
A single‐microstrip‐fed S‐shaped magneto‐electric dipole array with broadband circular polarisation for MMW applications10
A stochastic contour path finite‐difference time‐domain method for uncertainty analysis of metal slot size10
High gain, high isolation, and low‐profile two‐element MIMO array loaded by the Giuseppe Peano AMC reflector for wireless communication systems10
A single‐layer circularly polarized planar lens antenna at millimetre‐wave9
Prediction of the far field radiated by a flat antenna under test from a reduced set of near‐field bi‐polar measurements9
On aligning cascaded elements with the polarisation of the incident circularly polarised wave9
High gain and wideband patch antenna with wide 3‐dB axial ratio bandwidth operating at TM 01 and TM 11 9
A 28‐GHz reconfigurable 1‐bit substrate‐integrated‐waveguide based phase shifter9
The performance of in‐building measurement‐based path loss modelling using kriging8
Compact UHF RFID balun‐like integrated tag antenna for long range detection of water bottles8
Wideband single‐fed circularly polarised patch antenna8
A new periodic fractal parasitic structure to design the circularly polarized microstrip antenna for the satellite navigation system8
Embroidered Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Transmission Line for Wireless Body Sensor Network8
Multilayer packaging dual‐band balanced bandpass filter based on dual‐mode substrate integrated waveguide cavities with split‐type topology8
One‐dimensional high‐gain beam‐scanning transmitarray fed by phased array with continuous electronic scan and low scan loss8
A novel metasurface lens antenna design for over‐the‐air testing in millimetre wave radio resource management measurement8
Behaviour modelling of passive intermodulation in a complex non‐linear system7
Miniaturised ultra‐wideband circular polarised koch fractal crossed dipole array7
Efficient electromagnetic analysis of multi‐layer and multi‐scale periodic/quasi‐periodic structures7
A fast multi‐structural tracking method for characteristic modes with the ability to identify and amend errors7
A high gain circularly polarised magnetoelectric dipole antenna array with metallic radiating structures for millimetre‐wave applications7
Watchstrap integrated wideband circularly polarized antenna design for smartwatch applications6
A polarization‐insensitive time‐modulated frequency‐selective surface for broad frequency range6
3‐D glass integrated stacked patch antenna array for silicon active package system6
Low complexity but near optimal hybrid beamforming design in tera‐hertz communication systems: principles and opportunities6
Optimisation‐based design of transversal signal‐interference microwave bandpass and lowpass filters with extended stopband6
A wideband and high‐gain switched‐beam antenna system using active frequency selective surface6
High‐gain ultra‐wideband quasi‐conical beam Fabry‐Perot antenna based on beam switching6
Design of miniaturised printed quadrifilar helix antenna with isoflux coverage and wide‐angle circular polarisation6
A high‐gain circular polarization beam scanning transmit array antenna6
Horn array antenna with high aperture efficiency and suppressed grating lobes6
An ultra‐wideband compact design for hyperthermia: Open ridged‐waveguide antenna6
Low power and low phase noise complementary voltage controlled oscillator optimised by a meta‐heuristic algorithm6
Design and fabrication of waveguide‐based graded refractive index Rotman lens with an improved insertion loss at Ka‐band6
Scattering from a semi‐elliptical cavity with arbitrary orientation placed in a perfect electric conductor plane6
Cover Image6
A non‐50 Ω‐RMCL transition designed for on‐chip measurement in the 0–170 GHz frequency range6
Probability distributions of three‐antenna efficiency measurement in a reverberation chamber6
General approach to the line source electromagnetic scattering by a circular strip: Both E‐ and H‐polarisation cases6
A direct synthesis method of multi‐port filtering power divider with arbitrary phase shift, power division and reference impedances5
Longitudinal coupling impedance of a particle traveling in PEC rings: A regularised analysis5
3D metal printed slot antenna array with high gain and enhanced bandwidth using triple‐mode sine corrugated cavity resonator5
Improving coverage of indoor millimetre wave systems using spherical reflectors5
Miniaturised integrated passive device balun design with balanced amplitude and phase for Wi‐Fi applications5
A low sidelobe 77 GHz centre‐fed microstrip patch array antenna5
Synthesis of flat‐top beampatterns based on simple polynomial transforms of Gaussian excitations5
Design of bandwidth enhancement circular polarisation microstrip antenna loaded with sunflower‐shaped metasurface5
Full‐angle beam scanning leaky‐wave antenna array based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons5
3D geometry‐based UAV to vehicle multiple‐input multiple‐output channel model incorporating Unmanned aerial vehicle heaving motion5
Compact dual‐layer substrate‐integrated waveguide bandpass filters with controllable transmission zeros5
Wideband IMD3 suppression through negative baseband impedance synthesis5
Combined scheme for mitigating coupling interference in dual‐band shared‐aperture base station antenna5
High‐gain, high‐isolation, and wideband millimetre‐wave closely spaced multiple‐input multiple‐output antenna with metamaterial wall and metamaterial superstrate for 5G applications5
Design of robust and low‐loss 3‐D printed double‐ridged waveguide to microstrip transition5
Balanced multiple‐layer dual‐mode substrate integrated waveguide filters with controllable finite‐transmission zeros5
Complex WGM frequencies of gyroelectric cylindrical resonators5
Scattering of an obliquely incident E − polarised plane wave from ensembles of slotted cylindrical cavities: A rigorous approach5
Polarised beampattern synthesis against array manifold mismatch5
Design and characterisation of a dual probe with double‐loop structure for simultaneous near‐field measurement5
Equiripple design of low‐pass filter using stub‐loaded Z‐shaped coupled‐line section4
Coupling effects in array‐fed reflector antennas with digital beamforming4
Metamaterial‐based linear phased array antenna with improved wide‐angle scanning bandwidth by parasitic metal strips4
Rain attenuation prediction model for terrestrial links incorporating wet antenna effects4
Compact linear‐phase bandpass filters with notched frequency response employing eighth‐mode substrate integrated waveguide and dual‐mode microstrip line structure4
Miniaturised frequency selective surface‐based rasorber with wideband two‐sided absorption and switchable transmission/reflection band4
Machine learning‐assisted direction‐of‐arrival accuracy enhancement technique using oversized lens‐loaded cavity4
Miniaturised high‐isolation K‐/Ka‐band diplexer with 3D antarafacial channel integration using vertical quasi‐coaxial matching network4
Bayesian multipath‐enhanced device‐free localisation: Simulation‐ and measurement‐based evaluation4
A grating lobe suppression method for displaced subarrays using genetic algorithm4
W‐band single‐layer circularly‐polarised antenna based on compact gap waveguide4
A reflective metasurface for generating dual‐mode dual‐polarized high‐order Bessel vortex beams with equal divergence angle4
Multilook phase difference distribution for slightly rough boundary layered ground4
Compact 3‐dB directional coupler design based on substrate integrated dual‐strip coaxial line4
An improved simplified composite right‐/left‐handed zeroth‐order resonator and its application to design a compact microstrip bandpass filter with enhanced upper stopband4
Underdetermined direction of arrival estimation of wideband signal based on sparse array4
Dual‐band circular patch antenna working in TM41 and TM11 mode for on‐/off‐body communications4
Three‐dimensional metal‐only phoenix cell and its application for reflectarrays4
System‐based specifications for better design of ground‐penetrating radar antennas4
Compact hybrid eighth‐mode substrate integrated waveguide and microstrip line filters with mixed electric and magnetic coupling4
Efficient minimum blind area model for system and interference uncertainty4
A ray tracing‐assisted device discovery approach for low terahertz communications4
A combined aperture‐coupled membrane microstrip patch antenna array4
Surrogate‐based model using auto‐encoder for optimising multi‐band antennas4
Guest editorial: Antenna integration and miniaturisation techniques4
Accurate prediction of radio wave propagation in an environment of dielectric ground and obstacles based on the principle of domain decomposition4
Comparative analysis of antenna isolation characteristic with & without self‐interference reduction techniques towards in‐band full‐duplex operation4
A simple yet efficient solution for TE scattering from a right trapezoidal groove3
Frequency and polarisation selective surface for sub‐millimetre wave atmospheric remote sensing3
Angular characteristics of multipath propagation in an indoor industrial environment3
Design of broadband dual‐polarized planar antenna with triple radiators3
A slotline‐fed wideband dipole with filtering gain response3
Boosting the performance of low‐cost eco‐friendly pyramidal absorbers with a Salisbury screen3
Measurement‐based delay, angular dispersion and propagation loss characteristics of outdoor propagation in beam domain and multi‐beam operation at 38 GHz for 5‐G communication systems3
Compact front module with integrated miniaturised antenna in package for parabolic reflector antenna in satellite ground terminals3
Electromagnetic radiation estimation at the ground plane near fifth‐generation base stations in China by using machine learning method3
Integral equation modelling of unmanned aerial vehicle radar scattering characteristics in VHF to S frequency bands3
Dual‐polarised end‐fire antenna based on the high‐order mode of spoof surface plasmon polaritons3
In‐band radar cross‐section reduction of the slot array antennas by RAM‐based frequency selective surfaces3
Wideband end‐fire circularly polarised complementary source antenna for millimetre‐wave applications3
Flexible circularly polarized antenna with axial ratio bandwidth enhancement for off‐body communications3
Application of switchable 4G/5G dual antenna system for laptops3
Stability and steady state analysis of mode lock state of medium coupled microwave oscillators3
Compact single‐varactor diode frequency‐reconfigurable microstrip patch antenna3
Research on methods to enhance the survivability of AWACS with FDA against anti‐ARMs on a battlefield3
Magneto‐electric dipole antenna array for 77 GHz automotive radar3
An efficient eigenmode restoration and mode matching method for multi‐junctional inhomogeneous waveguiding structures based on the Krylov subspace method3
Compact 3D‐printed reflector antenna for radar applications at K‐band3
A low‐profile wideband spiral antenna with multiple stopbands3
A 2 × 2 Filtering subarray element antennas using all‐resonator structures2
A low‐cost phased array antenna with axially loaded dielectric laminas2
Dynamic augmentation of scattering cross‐section by a conducting polycylinder coated with varactor‐loaded metasurface2
A photopaper‐based low‐cost, wideband wearable antenna for wireless body area network applications2
Wideband circularly polarised antenna array with isoflux pattern2
Theoretical and experimental investigations on a compact TE11 mode bend for high‐power transmission line2
60‐ghz wideband circularly polarized antenna array based on TE 340 ‐mode SIC and sequential rotation feeding technique2
Synthesis design of dual‐path coupled line circular ring resonator filter with tunable characteristic impedances and transmission zeros2
A parallel‐plate waveguide antenna radiating through a perfectly conducting wedge2
Combined‐harmonics wireless power transfer system2
An efficient and highly accurate singularity extraction method for the evaluation of transient potentials of stratified media2
Physics‐informed surrogates for electromagnetic dynamics using Transformers and graph neural networks2
Compact expression of dyadic Green's function for homogeneous dielectric half‐space and its efficient double integral representation2
On the input impedance of probe‐fed electromagnetic bandgap antennas based on lattice modes2
Theoretical and numerical studies on multi‐physical issues of space parabolic membrane antennas2
A reconfigurable transmitarray unit cell employing liquid metal2
Electromagnetic characterization of transparent conducting thin films using two‐port flange coaxial probe and thin‐film transfer matrix method2
Analysis of double‐Xi‐shaped millimetre‐wave patch antenna backed by a high‐order‐mode cavity using characteristic mode design2
Design of a dual‐CP gap waveguide fed aperture array antenna2
Design of a compact microstrip balanced‐to‐balanced filtering power divider with real impedance‐transformation functionality2
Performance analysis and optimization of polarized on‐body relay channels2
Probe‐fed dipole antenna with parasitic patches for wideband and wide‐scanning planar phased arrays2
A two‐dimensional beam steering Fabry–Pérot antenna employing a liquid‐based reconfigurable metasurface2
Wireless communication applications of the variable inclination continuous transverse stub array for Ku‐band applications2
Compact triple‐broadband implantable antenna for multi‐functions in telemedicine2
Bandwidth enhancement of circularly polarised slot global navigation satellite systems antenna using an integrated filter‐antenna approach2
A broadband beam‐steerable Fabry–Pérot antenna employing water‐based reconfigurable partially reflective surface2
Meander‐line‐loaded circularly polarized square‐slot antenna with inverted‐L‐shaped feed line for C‐band applications2
A low profile, dual‐polarised, high gain patch antenna2
Direction finding and beamforming using cylindrical array of dipole antennas in the presence of cylindrical scatterer/reflector including the mutual coupling effect2
Optimal synthesis of reconfigurable planar arrays for monopulse radar applications: Use of subarrays and distributions with common aperture tail2
Regularised discretisations obtained from first‐kind Fredholm operator equations2
Design of broadband dual‐polarised reconfigurable frequency selective surface based on dual‐branch parallel circuit model2
Electromagnetic scattering by a circular cavity of arbitrary shape placed in a perfect electric conductor2
A multi‐frequency high‐gain GNSS array antenna for asteroid sampling return2
Wideband circularly polarized cross‐dipole antenna with folded ground plane2
Electromagnetic scattering of H‐polarised cylindrical wave by a double‐sided impedance circular strip2
Coupling impedance of a PEC angular strip in a vacuum pipe2
High‐gain omnidirectional patch antenna for conformal application based on near‐zero‐index metamaterials2
High‐gain tapered monopulse antenna based on octuple excitation method in diffusion bonding technology at W‐band2
Combined signal‐interference/split‐type microwave multi‐band bandpass filters2
Optimal radiation pattern synthesis of mutually coupled antenna array using an efficient compensation method2
Integral equation analysis of multiport H‐plane microwave circuits by using 2D rectangular cavity Green's functions accelerated by the Ewald Method2
Constant modulus shaped beam synthesis via linear fractional semidefinite relaxation2
High‐gain and low‐cost circularly polarized antenna array for 5G MMW applications2
Metasurface‐based circularly polarised antenna: Enhanced bandwidth with characteristic mode analysis and symmetric branch design2
Wideband and low‐profile beam‐tilted H‐plane horn array based on MMPTE2
H‐plane horn antenna with very low side lobes using partially dielectric‐filled gap waveguide technology2
Increasing bandwidth of orthogonally polarised omnidirectional antenna composed of halo and sleeve antennas2
A short‐time range‐angle‐decoupled beam pattern synthesis for frequency diverse arrays2
Frequency‐diverse aperture imaging using an open cavity with a rough base2
A novel broadband windmill‐shaped metasurface antenna with stable radiation patterns2
A beamwidth and beam direction reconfigurable antenna based on multi‐mode parasitic coupling2
Compact Ka‐band conical beam filtenna2
Design and implementation of an S‐band near‐field focused array with high E‐field strength2
A two‐dimensional beam scanning continuous transverse stub antenna based on a single‐layer compact linear source generator2
A low radar cross section antenna array based on a liquid metal metasurface2
Physics‐based wave propagation model assisted vehicle localisation in tunnels2
A compact broadband antenna for ultra high frequency and L band on 5G new radio base stations2
Performance analysis of pixelated antennas employing shifted cross‐shaped elements2
Transient analysis of dynamically switched frequency shift keyed transmitters2
Development of a compact metasurface antenna with reconfigurable pattern through mode combination technique for 5G mm‐wave applications2
Guest Editorial: Method of analytical regularisation for new frontiers of applied electromagnetics2
Development of a wideband symmetric pillbox antenna with low side lobes in gap waveguide technology2
General numerical solution of integral equation for long‐range low‐frequency groundwave propagation over irregular terrain2
An electromagnetic scattering reanalysis method for partial geometry modifications2
Performance enhancement of dual‐polarised dipole antenna using parasitic elements2
Three‐dimensional single‐shell dielectric lens design using complex coordinates and local axis‐displaced confocal quadrics2
Malfunctioning conformal phased array: Radiation pattern recovery with particle swarm optimisation2
Troposcatter transmission loss prediction based on particle swarm optimisation2
Multi‐band millimetre wave indoor directional channel measurements and analysis for future wireless communication systems2
Design of compact planar power divider with wideband bandpass response and high in‐band isolation1
Accuracy improvement of relational expressions regarding effective length vector of a dipole and expansion to V‐shaped dipole1
All‐dielectric circularly polarised loop antenna made of high‐permittivity ceramic/water1
A compact half‐mode substrate integrated waveguide bandpass filter based on highly confined slow waves with loading capacitive patches1
Compact Archimedean spiral antenna with high gain for electrostatic discharge detection1
Sub‐array level structural compensation method for radiating and scattering performance of array antennas1
Design of a multi‐function global navigation satellite system and 5G cellular antenna structure for automotive applications using characteristic mode analysis1
Periodic template compensation phase feeding method for phased array antenna1
Low phase noise microwave oscillator with greater than 60 dB second‐harmonic suppression1
Phase‐shifted circularly polarised ring microstrip antenna and application in phased array antennas1
Effect of second harmonic and second‐order intermodulation on third‐order passive intermodulation1
The influence analysis of antenna radiation pattern aberration of airborne radar on clutter feature1
Front‐to‐back ratio and half‐power beamwidth improving for 4G/5G base station antenna1
3D‐printed heterogeneous isotropic–anisotropic dielectric resonator for singly fed dual‐band circularly polarised antennas1
Scattering of electromagnetic waves induced by an shallow triangular cavity1
A novel circularly polarized slotted substrate integrated waveguide antenna array for satellite applications1
Embedding antennas with tilted beam patterns into parabolic wave equation‐based models for tunnel propagation1
Dual‐band filtering power divider with independent in‐band power split ratio using a single quad‐mode dielectric resonator1
Analysis on the vehicle‐induced path loss for millimetre‐wave V2V communication1
A method for transforming 2D imaging features with the AFSS‐loaded rotating Luneberg lens reflector1
Design of on‐chip antennas for THz detector and source in CMOS (Invited paper)1
A novel 24 GHz circularly polarised metasurface rectenna1
A folded monopole antenna with variable input impedance by connecting additional elements1
Two‐plane waveguide coupler with arbitrary coupling ratios in the H‐plane and E‐plane directions1
Corrigendum: Efficient indoor propagation channel prediction based on deep learning approach1
Collocated MIMO travelling wave SIW slot array antennas for millimetre waves1
Pattern synthesis of dual‐polarised conformal array based on adaptive iterative convex optimisation1
Optimisation method for efficiently determining feed parameters of phased array antenna in microwave wireless power transmission1
A practical de‐embedding technique based on the network theory for the filters in a 2‐channel multiplexer1
Time‐domain signal and noise modelling and analysis of millimetre‐wave and THz high electron mobility transistors1
A three‐dimensional parabolic equation with fast reordered‐alternate direction decomposition in atmosphere duct environment1
Smile face array: Generating oblique incident and front output vortex beam for both TE and TM waves1