Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical

(The TQCC of Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Orthogonal projections on hyperplanes intertwined with unitaries87
Harmonic forms on asymptotically ADS metrics73
Higher order Morita approximation and its validity for random copolymer adsorption onto homogeneous and periodic heterogeneous surfaces68
Reply to Comment on ‘Conformal invariance of the Lundgren–Monin–Novikov equations for vorticity fields in 2D turbulence’64
A computer scientist’s reconstruction of quantum theory*54
About the quantum Talbot effect on the sphere50
Minimum and maximum quantum uncertainty states for qubit systems45
Integration on minimal Z22 -superspace and emergence of space44
Search algorithm on strongly regular graph by lackadaisical quantum walk44
Calculable lower bounds on the efficiency of universal sets of quantum gates40
Quenched complexity of equilibria for asymmetric generalized Lotka–Volterra equations39
The standard symmetrized skew information and its applications38
Integrable boundaries for the q-Hahn process34
Verifiable quantum protocol for dynamic secure multiparty summation based on homomorphic encryption *33
Evolution and invariants of free-particle moments33
Lax operator and superspin chains from 4D CS gauge theory32
Correlated disorder in the SYK2 model30
Non-local Lagrangian mechanics: Noether’s theorem and Hamiltonian formalism30
Hamiltonian for the Hilbert–Pólya conjecture29
Anomalous diffusion: fractional Brownian motion vs fractional Ito motion29
Conformal invariants of curves via those for inscribed polygons with circular edges29
Learning physical properties of anomalous random walks using graph neural networks28
Eigenstates of two-level systems in a single-mode quantum field: from quantum Rabi model to N-atom Dicke model in the Coulomb gauge28
Electric-magnetic duality and 28
Relativistic Langevin equation derived from a particle-bath Lagrangian28
Complexified stable and unstable manifolds and chaotic tunneling26
Quantitatively improved finite-size criteria for spectral gaps26
Adding integrable defects to the Boussinesq equation26
On general-n coefficients in series expansions for row spin–spin correlation functions in the two-dimensional Ising model26
One-dimensional AB random sequential adsorption with one deposition per site25
Ensemble inequivalence in Ising chains with competing interactions24
Retraction: Yang–Mills theory for bundle gerbes (2006 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 6039)24
Lattice star and acyclic branched polymer vertex exponents in 3d23
Geometric conditions for saturating the data processing inequality23
The 5-CB algebra and fused SU(2) lattice models22
Apparent heating due to imperfect calorimetric measurements22
Tighter monogamy and polygamy relations for a superposition of the generalized W-class state and vacuum22
Close-to-equilibrium heat capacity21
Scaling asymptotics of spectral Wigner functions*21
Autocorrelation functions and ergodicity in diffusion with stochastic resetting21
Tuning quantum–classical correspondence for atomic and molecular systems in a cavity21
Winding number of a Brownian particle on a ring under stochastic resetting21
Supermultiplicative relations in models of interacting self-avoiding walks and polygons21
Rare extinction events in cyclic predator–prey games21
Symmetries for the 4HDM: II. Extensions by rephasing groups21
Characterization of dynamics and information processing of integrate-and-fire neuron models21
Geometric block-coherence and quantum state discrimination20
Computable lower bounds on the entanglement cost of quantum channels20
Nonlinear analog of the complexity-stability transition in random dynamical systems: a replica calculation20
Spectral properties of confining superexponential potentials20
Ground state of a cross-cavity quantum Rabi model20
Isomonodromic deformations along a stratum of the coalescence locus19
Dynamic behaviors of a stochastic new logistic model for microbial growth in foods19
Entanglement generation through Markovian feed-back in open two-qubit systems19
Exact densities of loops in O(1) dense loop model and of clusters in critical percolation on a cylinder18
Deformations of thermo-algebras and of Fock spaces on a ring, and open quantum systems18
Feynman-Kac theory of time-integrated functionals: Itô versus functional calculus18
A new approach to the study of spacelike submanifolds in a spherical Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker spacetime: characterization of the stationary spacelike submanifolds as an application18
Formation of probability and current waves at the scattering of a Gaussian wave packet by a double quantum well18
Recovering hierarchies in terms of content similarity18
Baxter Q-operator for the hyperbolic Calogero–Moser system *17
Characterization of anomalous diffusion through convolutional transformers17
Higher-order rogue wave solutions of the Sasa–Satsuma equation16
Exact crystalline solution for a one-dimensional few-boson system with point interaction16
A systematic construction of integrable delay-difference and delay-differential analogues of soliton equations16
A resource theory of quantum measurements16
Glass-like transition described by toppling of stability hierarchy*16
Equations of motion governing the dynamics of the exceptional points of parameterically dependent nonhermitian Hamiltonians16
Extended lattice Gelfand–Dickey hierarchy16
Polytope structures for Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger diagonal states *16
A new mathematical model of rigid boundary in shear flows16
Algebraic Bethe ansatz for Q-operators of the open XXX Heisenberg chain with arbitrary spin15
Absorbed driven diffusion can provide positive heat and work output15
Statistics of the maximum and the convex hull of a Brownian motion in confined geometries15
Weak measurement of Berry’s phase15
Second-order statistics of fermionic Gaussian states15
Defect-induced anticorrelations in molecular motor traffic15
A branching random-walk model of disease outbreaks and the percolation backbone15
Geometric phase and non-adiabatic resonance of the Rabi model15
Transverse size of interacting directed lattice animals studied by Yang–Lee approach15
Crossover scaling functions in the asymmetric avalanche process14
Schrödinger equation driven by the square of a Gaussian field: instanton analysis in the large amplification limit14
Morphisms and automorphisms of skew-symmetric Lotka–Volterra systems*14
Diagrammatics for the inverse problem in spin systems and simple liquids14
Mass of quantum topological excitations and order parameter finite size dependence14
Knotting spectrum of polygonal knots in extreme confinement14
The moduli space of non-abelian vortices in Yang–Mills–Chern–Simons–Higgs theory14
Quantum statistical mechanics of vortices14
Superintegrability of separable systems with magnetic field: the cylindrical case14
Coherence-mixedness trade-offs13
First detection probability in quantum resetting via random projective measurements13
Transition to chaos in extended systems and their quantum impurity models13
An algorithm for simulating Brownian increments on a sphere13
Bäcklund transformation and nonlinear superposition formula for the two-component short pulse equation13
Towards a quadratic Poisson algebra for the subtracted classical monodromy of symmetric space sine-Gordon theories13
Diversity of sharp restart13
The geometric theory of phase transitions13
Large deviations at level 2.5 and for trajectories observables of diffusion processes: the missing parts with respect to their random-walks counterparts13
Density of states of a 2D system of soft-sphere fermions by path integral Monte Carlo simulations13
Charged particles interaction in both a finite volume and a uniform magnetic field: II. Topological and analytic properties of a magnetic system13
Lattice eigenfunction equations of KdV-type *13
A measure of dissimilarity between diffusive processes on networks13
Multiparameter universality and conformal field theory for anisotropic confined systems: test by Monte Carlo simulations13
Integrable physics and its connections with special functions and combinatorics13
Exact and approximate mean first passage times on trees and other necklace structures: a local equilibrium approach13
Simulations of quantum dynamics with fermionic phase-space representations using numerical matrix factorizations as stochastic gauges13
Moving energies hide within Noether’s first theorem13
Continuous frames in tensor product Hilbert spaces, localization operators and density operators13
Generalized virial theorem for contact Hamiltonian systems12
Electronic frustration, Berry’s phase interference and slow dynamics in some tight-binding systems coupled to harmonic baths12
Some theory and applications of 2N-dimensional canonical systems: periodic and nonperiodic12
Emptiness formation in polytropic quantum liquids12
On the GREM approximation of TAP free energies*12
Assemblages and steering in general probabilistic theories12
Aspects of non-topological soliton stars in a class of induced gravity theories12
Further results on the minimal random walk12
Critical time-dependent branching process modelling epidemic spreading with containment measures*12
Ternary logic design in topological quantum computing12
Enhanced repetition codes for the cross-platform comparison of progress towards fault-tolerance12
Effect of generalized (r, q)-distributed electrons on ion polytropic coefficient in bounded plasmas12
On the Biot–Savart law of electromagnetism applied to the atomic circulation current *12
Restricted Boltzmann machine based on a Fermi sea12
First-passage Brownian functionals with stochastic resetting12
On some aspects of the response to stochastic and deterministic forcings11
Conformists and contrarians on spheres11
Entropy production from waiting-time distributions for overdamped Langevin dynamics11
Root patterns and exact surface energy of the spin-1 Heisenberg model with generic open boundaries11
Adiabatic theorem for classical stochastic processes11
Repeated measurements and random scattering in quantum walks11
Long-ranged spectral correlations in eigenstate phases11
Exclusion model of mRNA translation with collision-induced ribosome drop-off11
Hydrodynamics of low-dimensional quantum systems11
An intrinsic causality principle in histories-based quantum theory: a proposal11
The SAGEX review on scattering amplitudes Chapter 1: Modern fundamentals of amplitudes11
Lozenge tilings of a hexagon and q-Racah ensembles11
Free fermions, neutrality and modular transformations11
Towards modified bimetric theories within non-product spectral geometry11
Analytical results for the entanglement dynamics of disjoint blocks in the XY spin chain11
Entropic uncertainty relations in a class of generalized probabilistic theories11
Analyticity of the energy in an Ising spin glass with correlated disorder11
Renormalization group analysis of a self-organized critical system: intrinsic anisotropy vs random environment11
Gauge reduction in covariant field theory11
Closed form expressions for the Green’s function of a quantum graph—a scattering approach11
Topological equatorial waves and violation (or not) of the Bulk edge correspondence11
Symmetries of Liouvillians of squeeze-driven parametric oscillators11
Recent development on fragmentation, aggregation and percolation11
The heat kernel of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model11
Self-avoiding walks and polygons crossing a domain on the square and hexagonal lattices10
Particle creation and annihilation in an exclusion process on networks10
On a family of finitely many point interaction Hamiltonians free of ultraviolet pathologies10
Spacing distribution for quantum Rabi models *10
Thermodynamic speed limits for mechanical work10
Symmetries and conservation laws of the one-dimensional shallow water magnetohydrodynamics equations in Lagrangian coordinates10
Dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons and an exact finite-size scaling of Bose–Einstein condensation10
Effectiveness of the Krotov method in finding controls for open quantum systems10
Field theory of free run and tumble particles in d dimensions10
Thermodynamic and topological properties of copolymer rings with a segregation/mixing transition10
Complete and orthonormal sets of exponential-type orbitals with non-integer quantum numbers10
Classification of the reducible Verma modules over the Jacobi algebra G210
Dingle’s final main rule, Berry’s transition, and Howls’ conjecture *10
An exactly solvable asymmetric K-exclusion process10
Self-avoiding walks contained within a square10
Stochastic geometric mechanics in nonequilibrium thermodynamics: Schrödinger meets Onsager *10
Fractional quantum numbers, complex orbifolds and noncommutative geometry10
Some error analysis for the quantum phase estimation algorithms10
Align, then memorise: the dynamics of learning with feedback alignment*10
Reduction and reconstruction of SDEs via Girsanov and quasi Doob symmetries10
Magnetic resonance in quantum spin chains with competing exchange interactions10
Phase transitions as a manifestation of spontaneous unitarity violation9
Revisiting weak values through non-normality9
A numerical study of the generalized Steklov problem in planar domains9
Quantum combinatorial designs and k-uniform states9
Projective representation of the Galilei group for classical and quantum–classical systems*9
Universal quantum computation via quantum controlled classical operations9
l 1 norm of coherence is not equal to its convex roof quantifier9
A vectorial binary Darboux transformation for the first member of the negative part of the AKNS hierarchy9
Universal amplitudes ratios for critical aging via functional renormalization group9
Work fluctuations for a confined Brownian particle: the role of initial conditions9
Efficiency at optimal performance of Brownian heat engines under double tangent constraint9
Positive maps from the walled Brauer algebra9
A family of fourth-order superintegrable systems with rational potentials related to Painlevé VI9
Godbillon-Vey invariants of Non-Lorentzian spacetimes and Aristotelian hydrodynamics9
Conditions tighter than noncommutation needed for nonclassicality9
Optimisation via encodings: a renormalisation group perspective9
Abstract ladder operators and their applications9
Run-and-tumble particles on a line with a fertile site9
The quantum harmonic oscillator with icosahedral symmetry and some explicit wavefunctions9
The decimation scheme for symmetric matrix factorization9
Four-wave mixing in all degrees of freedom9
On a problem due to Glasser on analytically tractable moments9
Persistence probabilities of mixed FBM and other mixed processes9
Operational classical mechanics: holonomic systems9
Mean square winding angle of Brownian motion around an impenetrable cylinder9
Modelling of planetary accretion and core-mantle structure formation9
Intrinsic winding of braided vector fields in tubular subdomains9
From the Riemann surface of TASEP to ASEP9
Modulation instability, periodic anomalous wave recurrence, and blow up in the Ablowitz–Ladik lattices9
On symmetry breaking in the B − L extended spectral standard model9
Maxwell’s disappointment and Sutton’s accident9
Preface: characterisation of physical processes from anomalous diffusion data9
Comparison of Brownian jump and Brownian bridge resetting in search for Gaussian target on the line and in space9
Microwave studies of the spectral statistics in chaotic systems8
Satisfiability transition in asymmetric neural networks8
Variational Gaussian approximation for the magnetic Schrödinger equation *8
Nonlinear quantum Cournot duopoly games8
Branching processes with resetting as a model for cell division8
Vindication of entanglement-based witnesses of non-classicality in hybrid systems8
Cotangent bundle reduction and Routh reduction for polysymplectic manifolds8
Graph limit of the consensus model with self-delay8
On higher-dimensional superintegrable systems: a new family of classical and quantum Hamiltonian models8
Local preservation of no-signaling in multiparty PT-symmetric evolutions8
Non-Markovianity criteria for mixtures of noninvertible Pauli dynamical maps8
Unifying polar and nematic active matter: emergence and co-existence of half-integer and full-integer topological defects8
Universal break law for a class of models of polymer rupture8
Stellar representation of extremal Wigner-negative spin states8
A chaotic lattice field theory in one dimension*8
(Dis)assortative partitions on random regular graphs8
Entanglement and correlations in an exactly-solvable model of a Bose–Einstein condensate in a cavity8
Hybrid Koopman C∗ –formalism and the hybrid quantum–classical master equation *8
Laplace transformations and sine-Gordon type integrable PDE8
Signatures of physical constraints in rotating rigid bodies8
Filling space with polydisperse spheres in a non-Apollonian way8
A closure for the master equation starting from the dynamic cavity method8
Winding number statistics of a parametric chiral unitary random matrix ensemble*8
Dynamics of the τ-Wigner distribution function8
Internal and external harmonics in bi-cyclide coordinates8
Low-frequency scattering defined by the Helmholtz equation in one dimension8
Semiclassical study of single-molecule magnets and their quantum phase transitions8
Generalized symmetries and integrability conditions for hyperbolic type semi-discrete equations *8
In the folds of the central limit theorem: Lévy walks, large deviations and higher-order anomalous diffusion8
Jamming and percolation in the random sequential adsorption of a binary mixture on the square lattice8
Position-dependent mass Dirac equation and local Fermi velocity8
Bloch state constrained by spatial and time-reversal symmetries8
Electric double layers with modulated surface charge density: exact 2D results8
Symmetries of the squeeze-driven Kerr oscillator8
Distribution and pressure of active Lévy swimmers under confinement8
Cover-time Gumbel fluctuations in finite-range, symmetric, irreducible random walks on torus8
Integral preserving discretization of 2D Toda lattices8
A class of Schwarz qubit maps with diagonal unitary and orthogonal symmetries8
Graph theory approach to exceptional points in wave scattering8
Mutually unbiased maximally entangled bases from difference matrices8
Time-optimal state transfer for an open qubit7
Feynman-type representation of the scattering matrix on the line via a discrete-time quantum walk7
Average spectral density of multiparametric Gaussian ensembles of complex matrices7
Young Researchers School 2024 Maynooth: Lectures on CFT, BCFT and DCFT7
Bifurcation analysis of figure-eight choreography in the three-body problem based on crystallographic point groups7
Algebraic structure of Dirac Hamiltonians in non-commutative phase space7
Taylor’s Law from Gaussian diffusions7
Deciding finiteness of bosonic dynamics with tunable interactions7
Haake–Lewenstein–Wilkens approach to spin-glasses revisited7