Early Intervention in Psychiatry

(The TQCC of Early Intervention in Psychiatry is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Exploring the Implementation of Cognitive Screening in First‐Episode Psychosis Settings: The CogScreen Implementation Study41
Individual placement and support programmes for young adults: Where are they and whom do they serve?28
Over 30 years of STEP: The Pittsburgh experience with first‐episode psychosis25
Cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations between cardiometabolic measures and clinical stage in young people accessing early intervention mental health services22
Adapting the early recognition inventory ERIraos to Estonian: A validation study21
Cognitive impairment in ‘non‐user’ first‐degree relatives of persons with cannabis dependence syndrome: A pilot, endophenotype study18
Perspectives of young adults diagnosed with early psychosis using coordinated specialty care in Texas on substance use and substance use interventions17
Issue Information17
Gender differences in outcomes of early intervention services for first episode psychosis17
Prevention of internalizing difficulties in the middle years: Protocol for a noninferiority randomized trial of Mindfulness‐Based Cognitive Therapy for Children and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy16
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Individualized vocational and educational support and training for youth at clinical high risk for psychosis14
At‐risk mental states and personality traits: A cluster analysis approach on a group of help‐seeking young adults14
Co‐occurring first‐episode psychosis and borderline personality pathology in an early intervention for psychosis cohort14
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Symptomatic and full remission rates in first‐episode psychosis: A 12‐month follow‐up study in Korea13
The Hong Kong youth epidemiological study of mental health (HK‐YES)—A population‐based psychiatric epidemiology study of youth mental health in Hong Kong: A study protocol12
Impact on public attitudes of a mental health audio tour of the National Gallery in London12
Differential contributions between objective and subjective psychosis‐like experiences to suicidal ideation in college students12
Parental perceptions of second opinion consultations for recent onset schizophrenia11
Issue Information11
Mental health outcomes and help‐seeking behaviours among Egyptian medical students: A cross‐sectional study11
Do psychotic experiences act as effect modifiers in youths with common mental health problems allocated to transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy versus management as usual? Secondary analyses 11
Self‐stigma and quality of life among people with psychosis: The protective role of religion10
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Olfactory identification impairment in early‐and late‐onset obsessive–compulsive disorder10
Course of insight, depression and suicidality in inpatients with first‐episode schizophrenia who received group psychoeducation10
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Intentions and confidence as predictors of mental health first aid: Findings from a longitudinal study10
Impact of a family history of mental disorders on the characteristics of patients with early psychosis10
Motor impairments in early onset schizophrenia9
Co‐producing to understand what matters to young people living in youth residential rehabilitation services9
A longitudinal study of headspace youth oriented mental health service satisfaction, service utilization and clinical characteristics9
Paediatric eating disorders: Exploring virtual family therapy during a global pandemic9
Clinician perspectives on providing telepsychiatry services to young adults with first‐episode psychosis during COVID‐199
COVID‐19 pandemic's effects and telehealth in Early Psychosis Services of Quebec, Canada: Will changes last?8
Categorical versus dimensional models of early psychosis8
A neuropsychological approach to differentiating cannabis‐induced and primary psychotic disorders8
Young people's help‐giving actions towards a peer with a mental health problem: A systematic review and narrative synthesis8
Development of the Brief Educational Guide for Individuals in Need (BEGIN): A psychoeducation intervention for individuals at risk for psychosis8
Self‐reported reasons for discontinuation or continuation of antipsychotic medication in individuals with first‐episode schizophrenia8
Exploring specific predictors of psychosis onset over a 2‐year period: A decision‐tree model8
Supporting family and friends of young people with mental health issues using online technology: A rapid scoping literature review8
Regional mapping of early childhood risk for mental disorders in an Australian population sample7
Identifying individuals at risk of developing psychosis: A systematic review of the literature in primary care services7
Factors influencing engagement in in‐person and remotely delivered lifestyle interventions for young adults with serious mental illness: A qualitative study7
Development of empirically derived brief program evaluation measures in Pennsylvania first‐episode psychosis coordinated specialty care programs7
Undetected eating disorders among adolescent psychiatric inpatients7
High‐risk sexual behaviours in young people experiencing a first episode of psychosis7
Cannabidiol for at risk for psychosis youth: A randomized controlled trial7
Characteristics and treatment outcomes of children and adolescents accessing treatment in Child and Youth Mental Health Services7
Relative efficacy of psychological interventions following interpersonal trauma on anxiety, depression, substance use, and PTSD symptoms in young people: A meta‐analysis7
Issue Information7
The relationship between family functioning and psychotic‐like experiences of college students: Chain multiple mediating effects7
Rate of adolescent inpatient admission for psychosis during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A retrospective chart review7
Investigating temporal and prosodic markers in clinical high‐risk for psychosis participants using automated acoustic analysis6
Integrating smartwatches in community mental health services for severe mental illness for detecting relapse and informing future intervention: A case series6
A novel application of the Lego® Serious Play® methodology in mental health research: Understanding service users' experiences of the 0‐19 mental health model in the United Kingdom6
Anticipating future threats: Evidence for association, but not interaction, of childhood adversity and identity development with threat anticipation in adolescence6
Response to ‘Letter to the Editor: Weight gain and metabolic screening in young people with early psychosis on long acting injectable antipsychotic medication’6
Foundry: Early learnings from the implementation of an integrated youth service network6
A systematic review and meta‐analysis of the association between emotional stress reactivity and psychosis6
Emotion regulation and social knowledge in youth at clinical high‐risk for psychosis and outpatients with chronic schizophrenia: Associations with functional outcome and negative symptoms6
A Systematic Review Exploring the Relationship Between Family Factors and Symptom Severity, Relapse and Social or Occupational Functioning in First‐Episode Psychosis6
Risk of violent behaviour in young people at clinical high risk for psychosis from the North American Prodrome Longitudinal Studies consortium6
Implementation of a lifestyle and life‐skills intervention to prevent weight‐gain and cardiometabolic abnormalities in young people with first‐episode psychosis as part of routine care: The Keeping th6
Implementing a combined individual placement and support and vocational peer work program in integrated youth mental health settings6
Integrated primary and community mental health care for young adults with serious mental illness: A program evaluation6
“The Best of Both Worlds”: Experiences of young people attending groups co‐facilitated by peer workers and clinicians in a youth mental health service6
Scoping review of stepped care interventions for mental health and substance use service delivery to youth and young adults6
The peer mental health stigmatization scale‐revised (PMHSS‐R): Psychometric properties and cross‐cultural factorial invariance in university students in Ireland and Argentina6
Attenuated psychosis symptoms are related to working alliance between therapist and service user6
The association between early traumatic experiences and the five domains of negative symptoms in participants at clinical high risk for psychosis5
Issue Information5
Empirical evidence for climate concerns, negative emotions and climate‐related mental ill‐health in young people: A scoping review5
PSYCHS: Bridging Positive Symptoms and Diagnostic Criteria for Clinical High Risk for Psychosis—A litmus test for the field5
Internal Validation of the Latvian Version of 16‐Item Prodromal Questionnaire in A Help‐Seeking Adolescent Population: Psychometric Analysis and Associated Factors5
Longitudinal invariance of the positive and negative syndrome scale negative dimension in antipsychotic naïve first‐episode schizophrenia5
Approaches and challenges to assessing risk of violence in first episode psychosis: A qualitative interview study of clinicians, patients and carers5
What areas of everyday functioning are affected by theory of mind deficits in recent‐onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders?5
A systematic review of factors prolonging or reducing the duration of untreated psychosis for people with psychosis in low‐ and middle‐income countries5
Severe and complex youth depression: Clinical and historical features of young people attending a tertiary mood disorders clinic5
Identifying and managing treatment resistance early with the integration of a clozapine clinic within an early intervention for psychosis service5
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Implementation of physical activity interventions in a community‐based youth mental healthcare service: A case study of context, strategies, and outcomes5
An open pilot trial of a behavioural intervention to reduce violence by young adults with early psychosis receiving treatment in an early intervention services setting: A protocol5
Collaborative research for psychosis prediction and prevention5
The differential impact of duration of untreated psychosis on functioning and quality of life: A threshold analysis5
Sex differences in symptom severity, cognition and psychosocial functioning among individuals with at‐risk mental state for psychosis5
Diagnosis of methamphetamine‐induced psychotic disorder: Findings of an expert consensus panel5
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors in first‐treatment drug‐naïve schizophrenia patients: A large‐scale cross‐sectional study5
Issue Information5
Development of the PSYCHS: Positive SYmptoms and diagnostic criteria for the CAARMS Harmonized with the SIPS5
Housing trajectories and the risk of homelessness among new mental health service users: Protocol for the AMONT study5
Severe childhood trauma and emotion recognition in males and females with first‐episode psychosis4
Issue Information4
Prevalence and clinical correlates of impaired glucose tolerance in first‐episode versus chronic patients with schizophrenia4
A Structural Equation Modelling Exploration of the Role of Schizotypal Traits, Cognitive Schemas and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Social Isolation4
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and associated factors in first‐episode psychosis4
Daydreaming and psychopathology in adolescence: An exploratory study4
Development of the motivational interviewing for loved ones skills assessment (MILO‐SA)4
Acceptability and feasibility of a multidomain harmonized data collection protocol in youth mental health4
IPS supported employment and peer support for young adults: Next steps4
LevelMind@JC hubs–a novel community‐based youth mental wellness early intervention in Hong Kong: An evaluation of stakeholders' perceptions and experiences4
Evolution of Linguistic Markers of Agency, Centrality and Content During Metacognitive Therapy for Psychosis: A Pilot Exploratory Study4
Lessons from an aborted controlled trial on the impact of befriending in an early intervention in psychosis population4
Urinary biopyrrins and free immunoglobin light chains are biomarker candidates for screening at‐risk mental state in adolescents4
Decreased serum levels of α‐synuclein in patients with schizophrenia and their unaffected siblings4
Caregiver‐reported psychological and behavioural functioning of children with suicidal thoughts and behaviour: A case–control design4
Using implementation science to operate as a learning health system to improve outcomes in early psychosis4
Characteristics of Individuals Losing Autism Diagnosis: A Comparative Study With Typically Developing and Autism Spectrum Disorder Individuals4
Motor function in early onset schizophrenia—A 2‐year follow‐up study4
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for individuals at risk for psychosis or with a first psychotic episode: A qualitative study on patients' perspectives4
Clinical high risk for psychosis and service disengagement: Incidence and predictors across 2 years of follow‐up3
Which factors are associated with duration of untreated illness in borderline personality disorder?3
Efficacy of long‐acting injectable versus oral antipsychotic drugs in early psychosis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis3
A multifaceted approach in promoting positive mental health culture in Hong Kong secondary schools: The Mindshift educational networking programme3
Criminal Offending and Incarceration in United States Adults With Early Phase Psychosis and Comorbid Substance Use Disorder3
Relationships between early age at onset of psychotic symptoms and treatment resistant schizophrenia3
A Delphi method investigation to prioritize activity‐related determinants thought to affect mental health in adolescent populations3
A pilot study of a yoga intervention for the treatment of anxiety in young people with early psychosis3
Issue Information3
Examining disorganization in patients with first episode psychosis: Findings from a 1‐year follow‐up of the ‘Parma early psychosis’ program3
Barriers, facilitators and interventions to support help‐seeking amongst young people living in families impacted by parental mental illness: A systematized review3
Reduction of DUP in early intervention programmes: No pain… almost no gain3
Stigma and coping experiences in Latinx individuals at clinical high‐risk for psychosis3
Identifying eating disorders at the earliest opportunity: Testing the reliability of an online eating disorder screener (IOI‐S) in primary care and youth mental health settings3
Clinical presentation of first episode psychosis in people with and without HIV in KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa3
Young people's participation in their own mental health care: Session‐by‐session feedback in youth mental health services (headspace)3
Telepsychiatry services during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional survey on the experiences and perspectives of young adults with first‐episode psychosis3
Variability in suicidal ideation during treatment for individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: The importance of repeated assessment3
Improvements in metacognition mediate the effect of metacognitive remediation therapy: A non‐randomized controlled study among individuals with first‐episode psychosis3
The potential predictors for treatment‐resistance depression after selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors therapy in Han Chinese: A resting‐state functional magnetic resonance imaging3
Evaluating outcomes following adolescent and youth mental health inpatient admissions: A systematic review3
Economic strain, parental education and psychotic experiences among college students in the United States: Findings from the Healthy Minds Study 20203
Evolution of Jigsaw ‐ a National Youth Mental Health Service3
Health status of young adults with serious mental illness enrolled in integrated care3
Evaluation of a community‐based brief intervention service for youth in crisis with suicidal ideation or self‐harm3
Antipsychotics are related to psychometric conversion to psychosis in ultra‐high‐risk youth3
Intergenerational Injustice and Youth Mental Health: A Call to Action3
Demographic predictors of lack of current mental health treatment among university students with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder3
Metabolic parameters as possible diagnostic predictors in first‐episode psychosis: An exploratory retrospective cohort study3
Implementing telepsychiatry in an early psychosis service during COVID‐19: Experiences of young people and clinicians and changes in service utilization3
The TIPS family psychoeducational group work approach in first episode psychosis and related disorders: 25 years of experiences3
Social support buffers young men's resilient coping to psychological distress3
Premorbid functioning in adolescence associates with comorbid disorders in individuals at ultra‐high risk for psychosis: A brief report3
Understanding Participation in Integrated Youth Mental Health Service Research: Lessons Learned From a Feasibility Study With Jigsaw3
Plasma biomarkers in adolescents with schizophrenia‐spectrum disorder3
Association of non‐essential metals with Chinese schizophrenia: A case‐control study3
No rest for the weary: Prevalence, impact and nature of sleep problems among young people at risk of psychosis3
An integrated substance use treatment model for young adults with first‐episode psychosis: A naturalistic pilot evaluation3
National roll‐out of early intervention for eating disorders: Process and clinical outcomes from first episode rapid early intervention for eating disorders3
Social network size in adolescents at clinical high risk for psychosis3
Pathways to care in youth and young adults at clinical high risk for psychosis in Switzerland: Current situation and clinical implementation of the PsyYoung project3
A mixed‐methods project on the impact of the mental health first aid training on French university students' knowledge, attitudes and practices3
Race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status as predictors of outcome following family therapy in youth at clinical high risk for psychosis3
Lessons Learnt From Running a Transition‐Age Youth Mental Health Outpatient Clinic in Italy: The PRecocity of Intervention in Adolescent Medicine (PRIMA) Experience3
A qualitative study of coping strategies and resilience in the aftermath of childhood adversity in first‐episode psychosis3