International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology

(The median citation count of International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The effect of sport-based interventions on positive youth development: a systematic review and meta-analysis67
Realist review53
Effects of chronic physical activity on cognition across the lifespan: a systematic meta-review of randomized controlled trials and realist synthesis of contextualized mechanisms51
Autonomy support in sport and exercise settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis50
Psychological safety in sport: a systematic review and concept analysis42
Critical appraisal36
A scoping review of heart rate variability in sport and exercise psychology32
The application of Goal Setting Theory to goal setting interventions in sport: a systematic review32
The mental health of student-athletes: a systematic scoping review31
Psychological stress and psychological well-being among sports coaches: a meta-synthesis of the qualitative research evidence29
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between flow states and performance29
Handling effect size dependency in meta-analysis28
Resilience in sports: a multidisciplinary, dynamic, and personalized perspective25
Grit in sport: a scoping review25
Umbrella reviews (systematic review of reviews)24
The use of contextual priors and kinematic information during anticipation in sport: toward a Bayesian integration framework24
Scoping reviews and rapid reviews23
Self-compassion in sport: a scoping review21
Coaching the development and transfer of life skills: a scoping review of facilitative coaching practices in youth sports20
When is knowledge of performance (KP) superior to knowledge of results (KR) in promoting motor skill learning? A systematic review19
Evidence of gender imbalance across samples in sport and exercise psychology19
Talent development environments within sports: a scoping review examining functional and dysfunctional environmental features18
Citation network analysis18
A systematic review of flow interventions in sport and exercise18
The nature and culture of nonverbal behavior in sports: theory, methodology, and a review of the literature18
Physical activity capability, opportunity, motivation and behavior in youth settings: theoretical framework to guide physical activity leader interventions17
Organizational stress and well-being in competitive sport: a systematic review17
From simulation to motor execution: a review of the impact of dynamic motor imagery on performance17
A critical review of research on executive functions in sport and exercise17
External contexts and movement behaviors in ecological momentary assessment studies: a systematic review and future directions17
Youth sport dropout according to the Process-Person-Context-Time model: a systematic review16
Conceptualizing and measuring positive youth development in sport: a scoping review16
Fear of failure in sport, exercise, and physical activity: a scoping review16
The performance and psychological effects of goal setting in sport: A systematic review and meta-analysis15
EEG correlates of verbal and conscious processing of motor control in sport and human movement: a systematic review15
Systematic review methods15
Enhancing parental support through parent-education programs in youth sport: a systematic review14
Acute effects of exercise engagement on neurocognitive function: a systematic review and meta-analysis on P3 amplitude and latency14
A systematic review of the factors associated with athlete burnout in team sports13
The parental experience in youth sport: a systematic review and qualitative meta-study*12
A systematic review of professional identity in sport psychology12
Psychosocial outcomes of sport participation for middle-aged and older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis12
Meta-analyzing enhanced expectancies on motor learning: positive effects but methodological concerns11
Effects of exercise on electroencephalography-recorded neural oscillations: a systematic review11
Mental health interventions in non-elite sport: a systematic review and meta-analysis11
The relationship between self-talk and affective processes in sports: a scoping review11
Psychological readiness to return to sport following injury: a state-of-the-art review11
Mental and physical health outcomes of burnout in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis10
The effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance among open-skill sport athletes: A scoping review10
Introducing postqualitative inquiry in sport and exercise psychology10
Grounded theory10
A meta-analysis on immediate effects of attentional focus on motor tasks performance9
The effectiveness of pre-performance routines in sports: a meta-analysis9
The combination of reporting bias and underpowered study designs has substantially exaggerated the motor learning benefits of self-controlled practice and enhanced expectancies: a meta-analysis9
Mapping the scientific structure of positive youth development research in sport9
Ramadan observance is associated with higher fatigue and lower vigor in athletes: a systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression8
The effectiveness of stress regulation interventions with athletes: A systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials8
Physical activity and sense of coherence: a meta-analysis8
The effect of self-confidence on performance in sports: a meta-analysis and narrative review8
Moving in the presence of others – a systematic review and meta-analysis on social facilitation8