Child Development Perspectives

(The H4-Index of Child Development Perspectives is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Recentering Action in Critical Consciousness84
Gender Stereotypes Influence Children’s STEM Motivation54
A Developmental Perspective on Children With Incarcerated Parents52
Capturing the complexity of autism: Applying a developmental cascades framework42
The Costs and Benefits of Co‐Rumination41
Perspectives on Social Withdrawal in Childhood: Past, Present, and Prospects34
Advancing Research on Minority Stress and Resilience in Trans Children and Adolescents in the 21st Century32
Child development in an ideological context: Through the lens of resistance and accommodation26
The Challenge of Modeling Co‐Developmental Processes over Time26
Understanding the etiology of adolescent substance use through developmental perspectives26
Why Developmental Research on Social Categorization Needs Intersectionality25
Diversity and representation in studies of infant perceptual narrowing22
Healthy adolescent development and the juvenile justice system: Challenges and solutions22
Advancing Measurement and Research on Youths’ Prosocial Behavior in the Digital Age21
The pubertal stress recalibration hypothesis: Potential neural and behavioral consequences21
Advancing developmental intergroup perspectives on social class19
The power of friendship: The developmental significance of friendships from a neuroscience perspective19
We know more than we ever learned: Processes involved in accumulation of world knowledge18
Sleep and disparities in child and adolescent development18