Critical Studies in Education

(The median citation count of Critical Studies in Education is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Introduction: Critical studies of digital education platforms120
Automation, APIs and the distributed labour of platform pedagogies in Google Classroom91
Multiple temporalities in critical policy sociology in education33
Investing in imagined digital futures: the techno-financial ‘futuring’ of edtech investors in higher education28
Paradoxes of freedom. An archaeological analysis of educational online platform interfaces19
Response: Policy? Policy research? How absurd?19
Indigenous education sovereignty: another way of ‘doing’ education19
Governing knowledge in the entrepreneurial university: a feminist account of structural, cultural and political epistemic injustice18
The politics of critical policy sociology: mobilities, moorings and elite networks14
Critical perspectives on internationalization in higher education: commercialization, global citizenship, or postcolonial imperialism?10
The timescape of school tasks: towards algorhythmic patterns of on-screen tasks9
Response: Matters of (im)mobility: beyond fast conceptual and methodological readings in policy sociology9
Uncanny pedagogies: teaching difficult histories at sites of colonial violence8
Affecting advantage: class relations in contemporary higher education7
Contemporary dynamics of student experience and belonging in higher education7
Racialized retellings: (Un)ma(r)king space and place on college campuses6
The implicit epistemology of metric governance. New conceptions of motivational tensions in the corporate university6
Bullying affects: the affective violence and moral orders of school bullying5
Affective governmentality through gratitude: governmental rationality, education, and everyday life5
Teachers and teaching: (re)thinking professionalism, subjectivity and critical inquiry5
Race and the Evidence of Experience: Accounting for Race in Historical Thinking Pedagogy5
Toward disability-centered, culturally sustaining pedagogies in teacher education5
Filling gaps: assessment software and the production of mathematics and its teaching and learning in primary schools5
Empathy as a virtue: a Confucian interpretation and a tool to address anti-Asian hate crime5
Educators as decolonial intellectuals: revolutionary thought from Gramsci to Fanon4
Learning ‘in the hive’: social character and student wellbeing in the age of psychometric data4
Can we keep up with the aspirations of Indigenous education?4
Privileged careerists, working-class idealists: complicating the relationship of class, college values, and curricular choices4
On the possibility of a public regime in higher education: rethinking normative principles and policy frameworks4
Getting good at bad emotion: teachers resist and reproduce hegemonic positivity in a discourse community4
Reclaiming relationality in education policy: towards a more authentic relational pedagogy4
Carceral logics and education4
Teacher activists’ praxis in the movement against privatization and school closures in Oakland4
The moral positioning of education policy publics: how social media is used to wedge an issue4
Recovery as resistance: bell hooks, engaged pedagogy, and Buddhist thought3
Post-secular affective labours of teaching: contemplative practices and the ‘belaboured self’3
Epistemic governance of diverse research practices and knowledge production: an introduction3
Normalizing race in (gifted) education: genomics and spaces of White exceptionalism3
Good teachers and counter conduct3
The compliant wife, the good mother and other normalizing constructions of womanhood: a critical discourse analysis of idealized female identities within Turkish educational policy3
The resilience of racism and affective numbness: cultivating an aesthetics of attention in education2
The timeless beauty of data: inventing educational pasts, presents and futures through data visualisation2
Reconstructing choice: parental choice of internationally-oriented “public” high schools in China2
The evolving state of policy sociology2
Theorizing and implementing meaningful Indigenization: Wikipedia as an opportunity for course-based digital advocacy2
School as a site of transformative adult learning: parents’ experiences of Polish democratic schools2
Schools, separating parents and family violence: a case study of the coercion of organisational networks2
Counter-Critical Pedagogy: A Manifesto2
Subscribing school: digital platforms, affective attachments, and cruel optimism in a Danish public primary school2
Supplementary schools as sites of access to community cultural wealth and funds of knowledge in Flanders, Belgium2
Color-evasive free speech ideology: a conceptual analysis of free speech as racial oppression in U.S. higher education2
Pathways to progress? – collective conscientisation and progressive school reform in Aboriginal education2
Disturbing able-bodiedness in ‘vulnerable’ schools: dis/orientations inside and through research-assemblages2
Reproducing hierarchisation and depoliticisation: exploring discursive micro processes in global education1
Critical theory in prestigious academic environments: a first-generation student’s chronicle1
Maneuvering constellations of valuation: a critical investigation of the edtech startup sector1
Mundane matters: entangling moments of student wellbeing across cultures, time, space, and virtual worlds1
Restoring trust? Public communication from Swedish Universities about the post-truth crisis1
‘Success is different in our eyes’: reconciling definitions of educational success among Indigenous families and education systems in Alberta, Canada1
Challenging university complicity and majoritarian narratives: counter-storytelling from black working-class students1
Independent learner as the ideal – normative representations of higher education students in film and television drama across Europe1
From Global Citizenship to Anthropocene Denizenship: The Challenge to Education for Sustainable Development1
Bridging theory and practice through Work-Integrated Learning (WIL): critical perspectives on the conceptualisations of WIL at a university in Sweden1
Problematising students’ agency in the internationalisation of higher education1
Academic citizenship, collegiality and good university governance: a dedication to Associate Professor Julie Rowlands (1964–2021)1
Building anti-racist education through spaces of border thinking1
Challenging the gold standard consensus: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and their pitfalls in evidence-based education1
Academic language and learning in higher education: a call to Derridean hospitality1
Becoming neoliberal policy subjects: Staff members’ discursive practices about school climate in Chile1
Women’s networking in Spanish academia: a ‘catch-all’ strategy or strategic sisterhood?1
The need for speed: identification of ‘the deviant’ as the ultimate goal for high returns in early childhood education and care1
Respect@Uni: A feminist insider perspective on respect-based culture change in higher education1
Heterotopia and the ‘image of Africa’: school tours and philanthropy in a Zimbabwean school1
The theory of practice architectures and its discontents: disturbing received wisdom to make it dangerous again1
Negotiating Indigenous higher education policy analysis at the cultural interface in the Northern Territory, Australia1