Memory Studies

(The TQCC of Memory Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Russian LGBT activism and the memory politics of sexual citizenship36
Queering memory: Toward re-membering otherwise27
Pro-dictatorship memorialization in democratic Chile (1990–2020): How is it maintained?23
Memory discourses in visitor books of travelling exhibits in Southern Chile17
A politics of placelessness? The limits of democratising memory in the Centro de Documentación e Investigación of Lima’s Lugar de la Memoria16
Intertextual analysis as a tool for examining processes of memory transformation in literature: Types, figures, and functions15
Repeating beats: The return of rave, memories of joy and nostalgia between the afterglow and the hangover15
Memory, counter-memory and denialism: How search engines circulate information about the Holodomor-related memory wars15
A global label and its local appropriations. Representations of the Righteous Among the Nations in contemporary European museums13
The battle for influence: Commemoration of transnational martyrs in the Italian diaspora of the U.S. under fascism12
A new agenda for a consolidated field of studies: New and old themes of memory studies in Latin America112
Memory studies on the frontlines of the culture wars12
Visual symbols, democracy and memory: The monument of Ivan Stepanovich Konev and the memory of communism in the Czech Republic11
Book Review: Sown In Earth: Essays of Memory and Belonging11
The commendable antisemite? Vienna’s mnemonic struggle with Karl Lueger11
Ghostly pasts and postponed futures: The disorder of time during the corona pandemic10
Memory practices ‘from below’: Mnemonic solidarity, intimacy and counter-monuments in the practices of Zoscua, Colombia9
Revisiting memoricide: The everyday killing of memory9
Book reviews: La muerte del verdugo. Reflexiones interdisciplinarias sobre el cadáver de los criminales de masa8
The COVID-19 crisis chronotope: The pandemic as matter, metaphor and memory8
Filmic memory texts: Seeing America’s archeological turn from salvage to conservation in Spadework for History8
Beyond trauma: Positive postmemories among second- and third-generation North Korean war refugees8
Challenging the placeless imaginary in digital memories: The performation of place in the work of Forensic Architecture8
Notes towards a historical, critical theory of memory constellations: Postcolonial nationalist memory in Michael Anthony’s King of the Masquerade8
Book review: A House in the Homeland: Armenian Pilgrimages to Places of Ancestral Memory7
Memorials’ politics: Exploring the material rhetoric of the Statue of Peace7
Book review: Human Rights Museums: Critical Tensions Between Memory and Justice Jennifer Carter7
Memory laws, mnemonic weapons: The diffusion of a norm across Europe and beyond7
Lived multidirectionality: “Historikerstreit 2.0” and the politics of Holocaust memory7
The digital turn in memory studies7
The Kashmiri diaspora remembers the displacement: Implication and the challenge of healing6
Affective future and non-existent history: The issue of future past in memory research6
Lived queer memorials: How socially inclusive are queer sites of memory?6
Challenging the meaning of the past from below: A typology for comparative research on memory activists6
Developing a memory studies program: Lessons and challenges6
Post-cinematic memory ecology and the remediation of Chinese Red Cinema6
Book review: Foreverism Grafton Tanner6
Whatever happened to Hungarian freedom fighters? Collective memory, collective forgetting, and dissociative collective identity6
My autobiography of Reed Erickson, or, how to re-member a ghost6
Book review: The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum: From Narrative, Memory and Experience to Experientiality6
Solidarity: Memory work, periodicals and the protest lexicon in the long 1960s5
Memory and time in early Quakerism5
A creativity-focused anniversary: Montreal’s 375th anniversary celebrations at the heart of a cultural economy of the past5
Memory in action: Reflections on multidirectionality’s possibilities in the classroom5
Memory and kinship across the Indo-Myanmar border: A study of the lived experiences of displaced Kuki families5
Invisible threads linking phantasmal landscapes in Java: Haunted places and memory in post-authoritarian Indonesia5
“Let me tell you what we already know”: Collective memory between culture and interaction5
State, market, and the manufacturing of war memory: China’s television dramas on the War of Resistance against Japan4
The Filipino comfort women on YouTube: Emotions, advocacy, and war memories in a transnational digital space4
Casa 1, a site of LGBTQ memory in São Paulo, Brazil4
An international, interdisciplinary, online graduate seminar in memory studies: Report on an experiment in a time of crisis4
‘There is no room in our city for hate’: The re-emerged debates over the current and former place name of a Canadian city4
Memory and race at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights4
Entangled memories of violence: Jean Améry and Frantz Fanon4
Spatializing collective memory: The idea of home and the War and Women’s Human Rights Museum4
Cued recall: Using photo-elicitation to examine the distributed processes of remembering with photographs4
Media memory activism in post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina4
Book review: Pandemic Re-Awakenings: The Forgotten and Unforgotten “Spanish” Flu of 1918-19194
Activist turns: The (in)compatibility of scholarship and transformative activism4
Between remembrance and knowledge: The Spanish Flu, COVID-19, and the two poles of collective memory3
Mobilizing MSA Forward3
Remembering through fragmented narratives: Third generations and the intergenerational memory of the 1965 anti-leftist violence in Indonesia3
Promnesic futures: Technology, climate, déjà vu3
‘Comfort women must fall’? Japanese governmental responses to ‘comfort women’ statues around the world3
Remembering forgotten heroes and the idealisation of true love: Veteran memorial activism in contemporary China3
Erratum to Introduction: Sites of reckoning special issue3
Homonationalism, LGBT desaparecidos, and the politics of queer memory in Argentina3
The alliance of victory: Russo-Serbian memory diplomacy3
Thanatographical fiction: Death, mourning and ritual in contemporary literature and film3
Afro-Germans, multidirectional memory and French colonial aphasia: The legacy of the First World War in Galadio by Didier Daeninckx3
Narrating political participation: How do lifetime activists remember their political experiences?3
Moving hearts: How mnemonic labour (trans)forms mnemonic capital3
Book review: Continuous Pasts: Frictions of Memory in Postcolonial Africa3
Memorial museums and burial sites: Rwanda’s unfinished memory work3
Collectivizing justice: Participatory witnessing, sense memory, and emotional communities3
Book review: Navigating Cultural Memory: Commemoration and Narrative in Postgenocide Rwanda David Mwambari3
Book review: The Constructive Mind: Bartlett’s Psychology in Reproduction3
Lens to difficult history: Museums of Hansen’s disease in Malaysia, South Korea, and Taiwan3
Gendering arctic memory: Understanding the legacy of Josephine Diebitsch-Peary3
Book review: The Persistence of Memory: Remembering Slavery in Liverpool, “Slaving Capital of the World.”3
Book review: Remembrance Now: 21st-Century Memorial Architecture2
Memory dynamics in times of crisis: An interview with Sarah Gensburger2
Depicting truth and transition at national memorial museums in Chile and Peru2
Ethical memory and cinema: Confronting the past in Fatih Akın’s The Cut2
The rise of illiberal memory2
‘Could we possibly see your tattoo? If not that’s totally fine!’ Holocaust survivors’ playful activism on TikTok2
Ecologies of violence: Cultural memory (studies) and the genocide–ecocide nexus2
Content analysis of living historical memory around the world: Terrorization of the Anglosphere, and national foundations of hope in developing societies2
Book review: Cultural Recycling in the Postdigital Age Miriam Llamas Ubieto and Johanna Vollmeyer (eds)2
Book review: Remembering Asia’s World War Two2
Contesting public forgetting: Memory and policy learning in the era of Covid-192
Book Review: Repression, Resistance and Collaboration in Stalinist Romania 1944–1964: Post-Communist Remembering2
Media-generated characteristics of Homeland War–related commemorations in Croatia2
‘I can’t remember how many I killed. . .’: Child soldiers and memory work in YouTube2
Book review: Moving Memory: Remembering Palestine in Postdictatorship Chile2
Unnaming buildings2
Fear and loathing in monuments: Rethinking the politics and practices of monumentality and monumentalization2
Far-right anniversary politics and social media: The Alternative for Germany’s contestation of the East German past on Twitter2
Mnemonic reciprocity: Activating Sydney’s Comfort Women statue for decolonial memory2
Judging the past: Memory, others, and intergenerational responsibility among the Japanese youth2
Toward the transnational memory of Holodomor: The famine commemorative genre and the Ukrainian diaspora2
Beyond denial: Justifications of mass violence as an agenda for memory studies2
Why collective memory can never be pluriversal: A case for contradiction and abolitionist thinking in memory studies2
Shape of storage memory: A digital analysis of the museums’ storage of Northeast Europe2
Book Review: Carnivalizing Reconciliation: Contemporary Australian and Canadian Literature and Film beyond the Victim Paradigm2
Book review: Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory2
A microphone in a chandelier: How a secret recording sparks mnemonic imagination and affect2
Book Review: The Struggle for the Past: How We Construct Social Memories2
Legitimation crisis, memory, and United States exceptionalism: Lessons from post-communist Eastern Europe2
Memory care and queer akinship at the former Uckermark concentration camp for girls and young women2
Spain’s democratic anxieties through the lens of Franco’s reburial2
E.E. in 2022: Young, angry, and female?2
Book Review: Tourism and Memory: Visitor Experiences of the Nazi and GDR Past1
Incommensurable worlds, irreparable wounds: Transitional justice politics and personal violent pasts in postconflict Peru1
Non-memory: Remembering beyond the discursive and the symbolic1
The grounds of Gallipoli: Earthy memory and the collapse of space and time1
‘The primitive accumulation of capital and memory’: Mnemonic wars as national reconciliation discourse in (post-)Yugoslavia1
Book review: Multicultural Commonwealth: Poland-Lithuania and Its Afterlives1
Homey foods: Domesticating memories of the martial-law era in Taiwan’s heritage tourism1
Explosive aftermaths: Reassembling transnational memory- and policyscapes of victims and terrorism in the United Kingdom1
Book review: Empathy in Contemporary Poetry after Crisis1
Memory as a means of governmentality1
Ambivalent Déjà-vu: World War II in the poetry of the Northern Irish Troubles1
“Let me be dust”: Memory beyond testimony in Gwangju, South Korea1
The dead as memory workers1
Book Review: Narrating South Asian Partition: Oral History, Literature, Cinema1
Memory conflicts and memory grey zones: War memory in Bosnia–Herzegovina between public memory disputes, literary narratives and personal experience1
Constructing the tellability of intergenerational memory narratives in collective remembering in StoryCorps, a digital memory-sharing platform1
Transnational therapeutic memories: Remembering forced migration in documentary film1
Book review: An Everlasting Name: Cultural Remembrance and Traditions of Onymic Commemoration1
Memory dialogics: Scholastique Mukasonga’s literary renegotiation of Rwandan Genocide narratives1
When does an epidemic become a ‘crisis’? Analogies between Covid-19 and HIV/AIDS in American public memory1
Racialised regimes of remembrance: The politics of trivialising and forgetting the murders of Black children in Brazil1
Introduction: Sites of reckoning special issue1
The ludic lives of memoryscapes: Skateboarding post-Soviet peripheries1
Disappearances, dissident memory and magic: Sandya Ekneligoda’s struggle for justice1
Non-subsumptive memory and narrative empathy1
A network of photographs: The visual public memory of the Dutch Provo movement, 1967–20161
An Instituting Archive for Memory Activism: The Archivo de la Memoria Trans de Argentina1
Memorial reparation: Women’s work of remembrance, repair and restoration in rural Colombia1
Book review1
Entrepreneurs of memory: Selling history in the GDR Museum shop in Berlin1
Dialita: Collective memories of former women political prisoners during the New Order era in Java, 2000–20111
Memory politics in the future tense: Exceptionalism, race, and insurrection in America1
Tracing the politics of aesthetics: From imposing, via counter to affirmative memorials to violence1
Branding public memory in the Walmart Museum1
Remaking memory and the agency of the aesthetic1
Capture the feeling: Memory practices in between the emotional affordances of heritage sites and digital media1
Libyan deportees on the Italian island of Ustica: Remembering colonial deportations in the (peripheral) metropole1
The user is dead, long live the platform? Problematising the user-centric focus of (digital) memory studies1
Memory and protest in Belgrade: Remembering the 1990s in the mass demonstrations of 20231
Contentious memories of a riot dog: The Matapacos statue intervention during the 2019/2020 social uprising in Chile1
Designing the memory of terror, negotiating national memory: The National September 11 Memorial and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice1
Marielle restored? Mortuary graphisms, memory and ritual in intersectional and anti-racist responses to necropolitical violence in Rio de Janeiro1
On disobedient daughters of perpetrator fathers: ‘Transfilial’ activisms across the Argentine human rights movement1
Editorial: Cultural memorial forms1
Changing the story: Intergenerational dialogue, participatory video and perpetrator memories in Cambodia1
Lubyanka: Dissonant memories of violence in the heart of Moscow1
The sequence form of accounting for atrocity1
Book review: Reparando mundos. Víctimas y Estado en los Andes peruanos María Eugenia Ulfe and Ximena Málaga Sabogal1
Collective memory of environmental change and connectedness with nature: Survey evidence from Aotearoa New Zealand1
The monumentalization of the Portuguese Colonial War: Commemorating the soldier’s efforts amid the persistence of imperial imaginaries1
Creating memory of COVID-19: The actions of museums and archives in Spain1
Memorials from the perspective of experience: A comparison of Spain’s Valley of the Fallen to contemporary counter-memorials1
Near and far: Tracing memory and reframing presence in pandemic-era Argentina1
Victim-heroes in collective memory: Surviving soviet repressions heroically1
Redrawing the lesbian: The memory of lesbian feminism in Kate Charlesworth’s Sensible Footwear: A Girl’s Guide1
Digital disorientation and place1
Folkloric memory: (Re)connecting the dots for broader perspectives1
‘We thought she was a witch’: Gender, class and whiteness in the familial ‘memory archive’1
Design elements evoke embodiment at cultural sites in Rwanda and South Africa1
Book review: Road Scars: Place, Automobility, and Road Trauma1
Race, memory and implication in Tulsa’s Greenwood Rising1
States of conception: Renegotiating the mnemonic order amid crisis1
From hatred to hope: Emotions, memory and the German labour movement in the late-nineteenth century1
Mediating memories: Individual remembering of two mass protests in Hong Kong1
Challenges of antagonistic memory: Scholars versus politics and war1
Towards Amazon-centred memory studies: Borders, dispossessions and massacres1
‘Practices of self’: Embodied memory work, performance art, and intersectional activism in Namibia1
Curating conflict-related sexual violence: Museological visibilities at the Imperial War Museum1
Unusual times: Remembering Turkey’s long sixties1