Review of Environmental Economics and Policy

(The median citation count of Review of Environmental Economics and Policy is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editor’s Introduction126
Front Matter89
Using Geospatial Methods in Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs81
The “Seafood” System: Aquatic Foods, Food Security, and the Global South78
An Introduction to the Economics of Natural Capital33
Meeting the Challenges to Economists of Pursuing Interdisciplinary Research on Human–Natural Systems32
New Evidence on Diversity in Environmental and Resource Economics27
The Limits and Costs of Full Electrification26
Climate Change, Epidemics, and Inequality25
European Agri-environmental Policy: Evolution, Effectiveness, and Challenges25
Aquaculture: Externalities and Policy Options24
China’s War on Pollution: Evidence from the First 5 Years22
Inequality Aversion for Climate Policy22
Quality Science for Quality Decisions: Protecting the Scientific Integrity of Benefit–Cost Analysis22
A Guide to Updating the US Government’s Social Cost of Carbon20
Front Matter19
The Economics of Power System Transitions18
Front Matter17
Stranded Assets: Research Gaps and Implications for Climate Policy17
The Promise and Peril of Carbon Neutrality Goals17
The Participation Dilemma: A Survey of the Empirical Literature on International Environmental Agreement Ratification16
Evaluating US Regulations: A Comment on Joseph S. Shapiro’s “Pollution Trends and US Environmental Policy: Lessons from the Past Half Century”14
The Economics of Regulatory Repeal12
Agri-environmental Programs in the United States and Canada11
The Use of Green Nudges as an Environmental Policy Instrument11
The Role of Retrospective Analysis in an Era of Deregulation: Lessons from the US Mercury and Air Toxics Standards11
A New Era of Economic Measurement for the Environment and Natural Capital11
The Impact of Lead Exposure on Fertility, Infant Mortality, and Infant Birth Outcomes9
The Evolution of Economic Views on Natural Resource Scarcity9
A Review of Retrospective Cost Analyses8
Visualizing Causal Hypotheses in Environmental Econometrics8
The Roles of Environmental Groups in Economics7
The Relative Merits of Carbon Pricing Instruments: Taxes versus Trading6
Recent Increases in Air Pollution: Evidence and Implications for Mortality6
The Role of Natural Resource Valuation in Australian Regional Forestry Management6
Revisiting EPA’s Value per Statistical Life6
Where, When, What, and Which? Using Characteristics of Migratory Species to Inform Conservation Policy Questions6
A Carbon Levy for International Maritime Fuels5
Rural Populations, Land Degradation, and Living Standards in Developing Countries5
Biological Invasions and International Trade: Managing a Moving Target5
Front Matter4
Excess Emissions: Environmental Impacts, Health Effects, and Policy Debate4
Front Matter4
Enforcement Discretion Policies in the United States during the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis4
Introduction to the Symposium on Economics and Policy for Seasonal Migratory Species Conservation3
A Framework for Evaluating Mechanisms to Support Seasonal Migratory Species3
Front Matter3