Chinese Management Studies

(The H4-Index of Chinese Management Studies is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Green human resource management, green organization identity and organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: the moderating effect of environmental values56
Intrapreneurship in the digital era: driven by big data and human resource management?22
Investigating inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem through the lens of bottom of the pyramid (BOP) theory: case study of Taobao village in China21
Influence of intellectual capital and integration on operational performance: big data analytical capability perspectives20
Entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation capabilities in platform enterprises: the mediating role of knowledge integration17
Employee strengths use and innovative behavior: a moderated mediation model17
The effects of executives’ overseas background on enterprise digital transformation: evidence from China15
Impact of entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of new ventures in China: the roles of entrepreneurial bricolage and opportunity recognition15
Configuration analysis of influencing factors of operating efficiency based on fsQCA: evidence from China’s property insurance industry15
Political connection, political promotion and corporate environmental information disclosure in China15
The impact of green supply chain management on enterprise environmental performance: a meta-analysis14
How China’s internet commonweal platform improves customer participation willingness? An exploratory study of Ant Forest13
Assessment of the effects of supervisor behaviour, safety motivation and perceived job insecurity on underground miner’s safety citizenship behaviour13
Guanxi, overconfidence and corporate fraud in China13
How does paradoxical leadership promote bootlegging: a TPB-based multiple mediation model13
Impact of employee pro-organizational unethical behavior on performance evaluation rated by supervisor: a moderated mediation model of supervisor bottom-line mentality13