International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

(The TQCC of International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Competitive adsorption between CO2 and CH4 in tight sandstone and its influence on CO2-injection enhanced gas recovery (EGR)143
Noble gas tracers in gas streams at Norwegian CO2 capture plants115
Novel methodology for EEDI calculation considering onboard carbon capture and storage system105
Comparison and optimization of CO2 purification units for CCS applications93
Cost details from front-end engineering design of piperazine with the advanced stripper62
Long range acoustic detection of gas bubbles in a shallow water coastal environment61
GCS site selection in saline Miocene formations in South Louisiana59
Commentary: Legacy wells–we need more case studies58
Editorial Board55
A framework to simulate the blowout of CO2 through wells in geologic carbon storage54
Variability in acoustic backscatter and fish school abundance at a shallow water CCS site54
BECCS as climate mitigation option in a Brazilian low carbon energy system: Estimating potential and effect of gigatonne scale CO2 storage51
Measured CO2 sorption isotherms with 25 Bakken Petroleum System rock samples from the Lower and Upper Shales, Middle Bakken, and Three Forks formations51
Optimisation of carbon dioxide pressurisation pathways for pipeline offshore delivery48
Methane adsorption/desorption and carbon dioxide replacement in low permeable coal using LF-NMR-experiments on cylindrical sample under apparent adsorption equilibrium condition48
Improving the accuracy of CO2 sequestration monitoring in depleted gas reservoirs using the pulsed neutron-gamma logging technique46
Economic, Environmental and Energy analysis of carbon capture systems coupled in coal power plants for the reduction of CO2 emissions in Brazil45
Guidelines for the selection of corrosion resistant alloys for CCS and CCUS injection wells45
Editorial Board45
Assessing Impacts on Pressure Stabilization and Leasing Acreage for CO2 Storage Utilizing Oil Migration Concepts44
Numerical simulation of microscopic CO2 hydrate formation in sandy sediment with two-phase flow43
Effects of carbon treating on piperazine oxidation in pilot plant testing of PZAS™43
Editorial Board43
A methodology for the interpretation of aquifer tests: Application to CO2 residual trapping experiments at the Heletz site42
The effect of biomass ashes and potassium salts on MEA degradation for BECCS42
Effects of thermal shocks on integrity of existing and newly-designed sealants for CCS applications42
Modeling CO2 migration in a site-specific shallow subsurface under complex hydrodynamics42
Quantification of a subsea CO2 release with lab-on-chip sensors measuring benthic gradients41
Augmenting the communication and engagement toolkit for CO2 capture and storage projects40
Effect of uncertainty in property models on the simulated performance of solvent-based CO2-capture—Study of aqueous AMP as solvent40
Impacts of CO2 injection speed on two-phase flow and physical parameters in porous sandstone40
Controlling capture plants to avoid CO2 emissions penalties during peak load demand38
Energy-efficient process designs of integrated biomass-derived syngas purification processes via waste heat recovery and integration of ejector technology38
Quantitative analysis of the influence of capillary pressure on geologic carbon storage forecasts case study: CO2-EOR in the Anadarko basin, Texas37
The cost of CO2 transport by truck and rail in the United States34
Technoeconomic evaluation of combined rich and lean vapour compression configuration for CO2 capture from a cement plant34
A basin scale assessment framework of onshore aquifer-based CO2 suitability storage in Tampico Misantla basin, Mexico33
Influence of system boundary conditions on the life cycle cost and carbon emissions of CO2 transport33
Petrophysical changes of carbonate rock related to CO2 injection and sequestration32
Suitability analysis and revised strategies for marine environmental carbon capture and storage (CCS) monitoring32
Impact of CO2-rich seawater injection on the flow properties of basalts32
CCS industrial clusters: Building a social license to operate31
An investigation on the solvent based carbon capture and storage system by process modeling and comparisons with another carbon control methods for different ships31
Surrogate model optimization of vacuum pressure swing adsorption using a flexible metal organic framework with hysteretic sigmoidal isotherms30
Time-lapse velocity change estimation by anisotropic elastic full waveform inversion for CO30
Coupled geomechanical analysis of irreversible compaction impact on CO2 storage in a depleted reservoir29
Passive acoustic localisation of undersea gas seeps using beamforming29
Surface wettability of sandstone and shale: Implication for CO2 storage29
Optimal design of European supply chains for carbon capture and storage from industrial emission sources including pipe and ship transport29
Integrating oxy-fuel combustion and power-to-gas in the cement industry: A process modeling and simulation study29
Towards nearly zero emissions natural gas-fired power plants using cryogenic carbon dioxide capture technology28
Carbonation-induced properties of alkali-activated cement exposed to saturated and supercritical CO228
Impact of deformation bands on fault-related fluid flow in field-scale simulations28
Numerical simulation of the effect of gas hydrate formation on liquid-CO2 leakage suppression in sub-seabed sand sediment28
A thermodynamic approach to energy requirements for CO2 capture and a comparison between the minimum energy for liquid and solid sorbent processes27
Dynamics of dissolution trapping in geological carbon storage27
Migration behavior and lifetime of CO2 micro-nano bubbles in shallow aquifer27
CO2 capture performance, kinetic and corrosion characteristics study of CO2 capture by blended amine aqueous solutions based on 1-(2-hydroxyethyl) piperidine27
A model for the fate of carbon dioxide from a simulated carbon storage seep27
Evaluation and site selection for carbon storage via shallow CO2 injection into serpentinite in British Columbia, Canada27
Environmental awareness and public perception on carbon capture and storage (CCS) in Brazil27
Corrigendum to “Minimizing exposure to legacy wells and avoiding conflict between storage projects: Exploring Area of Review as a screening tool” [International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 126
Review on carbon capture and storage (CCS) from source to sink; part 1: Essential aspects for CO2 pipeline transportation26
Prediction of coal wettability using machine learning for the application of CO2 sequestration25
A geographical source-sink matching for carbon capture and utilization deployment in Taiwan24
Influence of effective stress and transport on mechanical and chemical alteration processes at the Cement-Caprock interface24
Combined geophysical and rock physics workflow for quantitative CO2 monitoring24
The cost of CO2 transport and storage in global integrated assessment modeling24
Investigation of chemical processes in cement exposed to wet ScCO2 and CO2-saturated brine in geological CO2 storage conditions24
Solvent emissions control in large scale chemical absorption CO2 capture plant24
Scaling up 3D printed hybrid sorbents towards (cost) effective post-combustion CO2 capture: A multiscale study23
Evaluation on water balance and amine emission in CO2 capture23
Main current legal and regulatory frameworks for carbon dioxide capture, transport, and storage in the European Economic Area23
Simulation and optimization of sweetening and dehydration processes in the pretreatment unit of a mini-scale natural gas liquefaction plant23
Effect of Power Plant Capacity on the CAPEX, OPEX, and LCOC of the CO2 Capture Process in Pre-Combustion Applications23
Feasibility of carbon dioxide geological storage in abandoned coal mine: A fully coupled model with validated multi-physical interactions23
3D printed electrically conductive amine based sorbent for CO2 capture23
Reservoir properties and reactivity of the Faroe Islands Basalt Group: Investigating the potential for CO2 storage in the North Atlantic Igneous Province23
Experimental assessment of the hydro-mechanical behaviour of a shale caprock during CO2 injection23
Evaluation of a tetramine-appended MOF for post combustion CO23
CO2 storage potential of offshore oil and gas fields in Brazil22
A pre-injection assessment of CO2 and H2S mineralization reactions at the Nesjavellir (Iceland) geothermal storage site22
Acoustic and optical determination of bubble size distributions – Quantification of seabed gas emissions22
Determining soil CO2 threshold levels by means of common forecasting methods as part of near-surface monitoring for carbon sequestration projects21
Multi-objective optimisation of a carbon capture and sequestration supply chain under seismic risk constraints. A case study considering industrial emissions in Italy21
On the cost of zero carbon hydrogen: A techno-economic analysis of steam methane reforming with carbon capture and storage21
Mechanistic analysis of post-combustion CO2 capture performance during amine degradation21
Uncertainty of stress path in fault stability assessment during CO2 injection: Comparing smeaheia 3D geomechanics model with analytical approaches21
Design and control concept of a 1 MWth chemical looping gasifier allowing for efficient autothermal syngas production21
Enhancing the realism of decarbonisation scenarios with practicable regional constraints on CO2 storage capacity21
Utilization of depleted heavy oil reservoirs for carbon dioxide storage and sequestration: A molecular level assessment21
Study on the chemical absorption main heat exchanger and process modification for 150kt/y CCS demonstration project20
Modelling geological CO2 leakage: Integrating fracture permeability and fault zone outcrop analysis20
Towards improved monitoring of offshore carbon storage: A real-world field experiment detecting a controlled sub-seafloor CO2 release20
The experience in the research and design of a 2 million tons/year flue gas CO2 capture project for coal-fired power plants20
Effects of initial flow velocity on decompression behaviours of GLE CO2 upstream and downstream the pipeline20
Capability of elastic-wave imaging for monitoring conformance and containment in geologic carbon storage20
Laboratory studies on CO2-brine-rock interaction: an analysis of research trends and current knowledge20
Effect of H2O on absorption performance of tetraethylenepentamine-ethanol-CO2 two-phase absorbent and its mechanism20
Leakage hazard distance of supercritical CO2 pipelines through experimental and numerical studies20
Evaluating numerical simulation errors of CO2-brine flow with cap20
Quest CCS facility: Halite damage and injectivity remediation in CO2 injection wells20
Implications of CO219
Efficient CO2/CH4 separation using [Bmim][Ac]/Pebax-1657 supported ionic liquid membranes and its prediction by density functional theory19
Coupled hydromechanical model for evaluating the volume change and fluid permeation behavior of expansive clay smear in a fault upon interaction with CO219
Viscosification of CO2 to improve subsurface storage — A modeling study19
Aerosol growth in CO2 absorption with MEA, modelling and comparison with experimental results19
Modelling CO2 plume spreading in highly heterogeneous rocks with anisotropic, rate-dependent saturation functions: A field-data based numeric simulation study of Otway19
Sustainable aviation fuels – Options for negative emissions and high carbon efficiency19
The CO2 reduction potential for the oxygen blast furnace with CO2 capture and storage under hydrogen-enriched conditions19
Enhancing CO2 storage capacity and containment security of basaltic formation using silica nanofluids18
The impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO218
Coupled multiphase flow and transport simulation to model CO2 dissolution and local capillary trapping in permeability and capillary heterogeneous reservoir18
Large-scale CO2 transport and storage infrastructure development and cost estimation in the Netherlands offshore18
Evaluation of possible reactivation of undetected faults during CO18
CO2 storage guidelines and the science of monitoring: Achieving project success under the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard CCS Protocol and other global regulations18
Investigation of solubility trapping mechanism during geologic CO2 sequestration in Deccan Volcanic Provinces, Saurashtra, Gujarat, India18
CO2 Storage in deep saline aquifers: impacts of fractures on hydrodynamic trapping18
A part-load analysis and control strategies for the Graz Cycle18
Building the world's largest Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) unit18
Prediction of high-pressure adsorption of CH4 and CO2 in shale17
Research on re-liquefaction of cargo BOG using liquid ammonia cold energy on CO2 transport ship17
CO2 containment and storage in organic-rich strata ‒ State of the art and future directions17
Impact of microbial-rock-CO2 interactions on containment and storage security of supercritical CO2 in carbonates17
Fast CO2 saturation simulations on large-scale geomodels with artificial intelligence-based Wavelet Neural Operators17
A deep learning-accelerated data assimilation and forecasting workflow for commercial-scale geologic carbon storage17
Modeling of moving bed CO2 capture process using amine solid adsorbent and its validation using pilot plant test data17
Evaluating offshore legacy wells for geologic carbon storage: A case study from the Galveston and Brazos areas in the Gulf of Mexico17
A review of mineral carbonation by alkaline solidwaste17
The CO2CRC Otway shallow CO2 controlled release experiment: Fault characterization and geophysical monitoring design17
Flue gas injection into depleted tight hydrocarbon reservoirs in the context of global warming mitigation: Computed evolution of some reservoir parameters17
Potential for CO2 storage in shale basins in China17
Experimental study on the corrosion behavior of wellbore cement with a leaking channel under different acidic environments17
Review on CO2 capture by blended amine solutions17
Seismic monitoring of CCS with active and passive data: A synthetic feasibility study based on Pelican site, Australia17
Salt precipitation due to supercritical gas injection: II. Capillary transport in multi porosity rocks16
Impact of the vertical resolution of corner-point grids on CO plume migration predictions for layered aquifers16
Impacts of irregularly-distributed acidified brine flow on geo-chemo-mechanical alteration in an artificial shale fracture under differential stress16
Assessment and uncertainty quantification of onshore geological CO2 storage capacity in China16
Process optimization, energy consumption analysis, and environmental assessment of total CO2 capture from syngas based on [NEMH][Ac] protic ionic liquid16
Carbon dioxide absorption using monoethanolamine, piperazine and n-metil-2-pirolidon solvents under counter current regime in packed column reactor16
A multi-criteria CCUS screening evaluation of the Gulf of Mexico, USA16
Criteria and workflow for selecting saline formations for carbon storage16
Process optimization of high purity CO2 compression and purification system from oxygen-rich combustion flue gas16
Investigation on corrosion behavior and mechanism of carbon steel under CaCO3 deposit in CO2-flooding environment16
Pore scale modeling and evaluation of clogging behavior of salt crystal aggregates in CO2-rich phase during carbon storage16
Assessment of CO2 capture efficiency in packed bed versus 3D-printed monolith reactors for SEWGS using CFD modeling16
Throttle and expansion characteristics of supercritical carbon dioxide during its venting16
Mathematical modeling and economic optimization of a piperazine-based post-combustion carbon capture process16
Synergizing shale enhanced oil recovery and carbon sequestration: A novel approach with dual lateral horizontal wells16
Editorial Board16
Editorial Board16
Net zero Flow Assurance - Validation of various equations of state for the prediction of VLE and density of CO2-rich mixtures for CCUS applications16
Analysis of time-series monitoring data for early detection of CO2 leakage to shallow subsurface environments16
Deformation bands in high-porosity sandstones: Do they help or hinder CO2 migration and storage in geological formations?15
Process optimization of a fixed bed reactor system for direct air capture15
Experimental study and kinetic modeling of high temperature and pressure CO2 mineralization15
Global sensitivity analysis of CO2 storage in fractured aquifers via computer experiments15
Time-lapse seismic inversion for CO2 saturation with SeisCO2Net: An application to Frio-II site15
Assessment of CO2 geological storage capacity of saline aquifers under the North Sea15
Carbon capture and storage and the sustainable development goals15
Study on chemical absroption absrober with polypropylene packing for Guohua Jinjie CCS demonstration project15
Machine learning-based modelling for geologic CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers. Case study of bunter sandstone in Southern North Sea15
Precipitation behavior, density, viscosity, and CO2 absorption capacity of highly concentrated ternary AMP-PZ-MEA solvents15
Beyond 90% capture: Possible, but at what cost?15
Inference of Rock Flow and Mechanical Properties from Injection-Induced Microseismic Events During Geologic CO2 Storage15
Seismic monitoring of a small CO2 injection using a multi-well DAS array: Operations and initial results of Stage 3 of the CO2CRC Otway project15
An experimental investigation on the CO2 storage capacity of the composite confining system15
Research on CCUS business model and policy incentives for coal-fired power plants in China15
The role of mechanical stratigraphy on CO2 migration along faults – examples from Entrada Sandstone, Humbug Flats, Utah, USA14
Current status, challenges and future prospects of carbon capture and storage (CCS) for thermal power plants in Brazil14
Analysis of the physicochemical detectability and impacts of offshore CO2 leakage through multi-scale modelling of in-situ experimental data using the PLUME model14
Carbon dioxide capture through reaction with potassium hydroxide and reject brine: A kinetics study14
Solar-powered PCC: An upfront levy for sustainable carbon capture14
The full chain demonstration project in China—Status of the CCS development in coal-fired power generation in GuoNeng Jinjie14
Assessing the niche development of carbon capture and storage through strategic niche management approach: The case of China14
A pilot study comparing MEA and AEEA solvents in carbon capture14
A techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture in biomass and waste-fired combined heat and power plants – A Swedish case study14
Viscous fingering in CCS - A general criterion for viscous fingering in porous media14
Pressure space: The key subsurface commodity for CCS14
The CO2 desorption analysis of tri-solvent MEA+BEA+DEEA with several commercial solid acid catalysts14
Comprehensive investigation on carbon dioxide absorption capacity, cyclic capacity, and regeneration heat duty of blended 2–amino–2–methyl–1–propanol (AMP) and N–methyl–4–piperidinol (MPDL) solvent14
Characterization of two-phase flow in a faulted sandstone14
Design optimisation of a variable flow CO2 pipeline – A statistical approach14
Influence of geostatistical interpolation method and cell-size resolution on CO2 storage capacity estimates: Application to saline aquifers with sparse data availability in Israel13
Editorial Board13
Feasibility of FDEM cross-dipole and TDEM loop sources for monitoring CO2 at the Kemper CarbonSAFE site13
Impact of a CO2 leak on the release of major and trace elements according to groundwater flow conditions in a shallow freshwater carbonate aquifer: In-situ experiments and modelling13
An approach for VLE model development, validation, and implementation in Aspen Plus for amine blends in CO2 capture: the HS3 solvent case study13
Role of carbon treating in piperazine oxidation13
Process modelling and techno-economic analysis of a 550MWe chemical looping power plant with victorian brown coal13
The effect of original and initial saturation on residual nonwetting phase capillary trapping efficiency13
The case for global regulation of carbon capture and storage and artificial intelligence for climate change13
Characteristics of CO2 hydrate formation and dissociation at different CO2-water ratios in a porous medium13
Assessing the impact of dip angle on carbon storage in saline reservoirs to aid site selection13
A numerical experiment for geological sequestration of CO2 in the 13
Optimized configuration to reduce H2 carbon footprint in a refinery13
Carbon storage units and carbon storage obligations: A review of policy approaches13
The Mexican Carbon Capture and Storage Platform: Construction of a boundary object for bridging the gaps between contexts, actors, and disciplines13
Nanoscale mechanical properties of organic-rich Draupne caprock shale using nano-indentation method, offshore Norway13
Relative Permeability Hysteresis and Capillary Trapping during CO2 EOR and Sequestration13
An efficient deep learning-based workflow for CO2 plume imaging considering model uncertainties with distributed pressure and temperature measurements13
Life cycle optimisation for negative emission technologies in electricity generation13
Potential for permanent CO2 sequestration in depleted volcanic reservoirs in the offshore Campos Basin, Brazil13
Editorial Board13
The influence of irreducible water for enhancing CH4 recovery in combination of CO2 storage with CO2 injection in gas reservoirs13
Development of CCUS clusters in Croatia13
Carbon-sequestration geosystems: A new paradigm for understanding geologic storage of CO2, with application to Southwest Ontario, Canada13
Multi-scale dynamic modeling and techno-economic optimization of a CO2 capture process using microencapsulated carbon sorbents in a moving bed contactors13
Carbon storage capacity of shale formations: Mineral control on CO13
Smarter ways to capture carbon dioxide – exploring alternatives for small to medium-scale carbon capture in Kraft pulp mills13