Education for Chemical Engineers

(The TQCC of Education for Chemical Engineers is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Digitalisation in chemical engineering education and training227
Moodle and Socrative quizzes as formative aids on theory teaching in a chemical engineering subject68
A remote foaming experiment57
Process safety education: A comparative study51
Training strategies from the undergraduate degree in chemical engineering focused on bioprocesses using PBL in the last decade47
Impact of Jupyter Notebook as a tool to enhance the learning process in chemical engineering modules45
The effectiveness of an interdisciplinary postgraduate-taught program in terms of employability39
EUR-ACE accreditation for chemical engineering in Spain: Current situation, lessons learned and challenges36
Enhancing 360° virtual laboratory safety training with linear learning pathway design: Insights from student experiences32
Promoting problem refining, analyzing and solving abilities through active learning in Polymer Chemistry and Physics teaching: A prospective framework for free radical suspension polymerization32
Hands-on kinetic measurements and simulation for chemical process engineering students28
Learning analytics system to aid students in engineering thermodynamics: Impact of pre-requisite course attainment22
Laboratory-independent exploration of stirred bioreactors and their fluid dynamics22
Overview of the current situation relating to chemical engineering degree courses22
Learning experiences from digital laboratory safety training21
Project-based learning for an online course of simulation engineering: From bioreactor to epidemiological modeling21
Towards Education 4.0: The role of Large Language Models as virtual tutors in chemical engineering18
Assessing the impact of augmented reality application on students’ learning motivation in chemical engineering17
Learning by doing using the Life Cycle Assessment tool: LCA projects in collaboration with industries16
Opportunities of experiential education in chemical technology and engineering16
The integrative approach of learning chemical engineering thermodynamics by using simulation-based exercises16
A capstone laboratory course on separations, reactions and control operations16
Machine learning in chemical engineering: Hands-on activities16
Low-cost heat exchanger benches for remote operation14
Online project-based learning in engineering design: Supporting the acquisition of design skills14
Improving undergraduate graduation chemical design using green techniques based on green engineering principles14
Embedding computer programming into a chemical engineering course: The impact on experiential learning14
Digitalisation in chemical engineering: Industrial needs, academic best practice, and curriculum limitations13
Mastering digitized chemical engineering13
A practical development of engineering simulation-assisted educational AR environments13
An effective blended online teaching and learning strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic13
Exploring the use of large language models (LLMs) in chemical engineering education: Building core course problem models with Chat-GPT13
An artificial intelligence course for chemical engineers13
Teaching for chemical process technicians12
Hispanic excellence in chemical engineering: Practical examples for the classroom12
Technology enhanced learning of quantitative critical thinking12
Design, implementation, and evaluation of an online flipped classroom with collaborative learning model in an undergraduate chemical engineering course11
Exploring the impact of an NSERC CREATE program on job readiness among science and engineering graduate students and postdoctoral fellows11
Contextualized project-based learning for training chemical engineers in graphic expression11
Spreadsheet-based application integrated with Virtual reality for teaching economic and environmental assessment of subsurface gasification and combustion for hydrogen production10
A laboratory experiment on preparation of 3PbO·PbSO4·H2O using less solvent solid state reaction for undergraduate students10
Delivering remote food engineering labs in COVID-19 time10
Virtual reality in chemical and biochemical engineering education and training10
An institutional modernization project in chemical engineering education in Brazil: Developing broader competencies for societal challenges10
Gamification in thermal engineering: Does it encourage motivation and learning?9
A tool for mass transfer evaluation in packed-bed columns for chemical engineering students9
Enhancement of efficiency of the training process with the use of digital technologies9
Enabling in-depth analysis in heat exchanger network synthesis via graph-theoretic tool: Experiences in Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus9