International Political Sociology

(The TQCC of International Political Sociology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Gender Washing War: Arms Manufacturers and the Hijacking of #InternationalWomensDay37
Soviet Active Measures and the Second Cold War: Security, Truth, and the Politics of Self34
Telling Stories about Sexual Violence, Victimization, and Agency in Militarized Settings30
Socio-Spatial Multiplicity in World Politics: Non-Western Regional Imaginations of the Indo-Pacific27
Counting Security in the Vernacular: Quantification Rhetoric in “Everyday” (In)Security Discourse18
Memory Fusion, Diplomatic Agency, and Armenian Genocide Recognition in the Czech Republic18
“Be Creative, Be Friends and Share Cultural Experiences”: Genre, Politics, and Fun at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest14
Reconceptualizing the Nation in Sanctuary Practices: Toward a Progressive, Relational National Politics?13
Subjects of Quantum Measurement: Surveillance and Affect in the War on Terror11
Security beyond Biopolitics: The Spheropolitics, Co-Immunity, and Atmospheres of the Coronavirus Pandemic10
Reconceptualizing Advocacy through the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Embodiment, Relationality, and Power10
By What Jurisdiction? Law, Settler Colonialism, and the Geographical Assumptions of IR Theory9
Infodemic, Ignorance, or Imagination? The Problem of Misinformation in Health Emergencies8
Settler Colonialism and Mortal Dangers: Affective Responses to COVID-19 and the 2021 Israeli Bombings among Young Palestinians in Gaza8
The Co-Ontological Securities of Gated Lifeworlds: Atmospheres and Foamed Immunologies under Late Modernity7
Late Modern War and theGeos6
The Paradox of Anthropocene Inaction: Knowledge Production, Mobilization, and the Securitization of Social Relations6
Individual Vulnerability and Collective Resistance Under Surveillance: Claiming the Right to Existence against Discriminatory Suspicion5
Civilizational Politics at the Commonwealth Games: Identity, Coloniality and LGBTIQ+ Inclusion5
Secrecy and Subjectivity: Double Agents and the Dark Underside of the International System5
Editorial: Acknowledging Peer Review Excellence for 20215
Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State5
Coloniality, Race, and Europeanness: Britain’s Borders after Brexit5
The Everyday Life of Security: Capturing Space, Practice, and Affect4
Methods Regimes in Global Governance: The Politics of Evidence-Making in Global Health4
The Politics of the Anthropocene: Temporality, Ecology, and Indigeneity4
Visual Necropolitics and Visual Violence: Theorizing Death, Sight, and Sovereign Control of Palestine4
Thinking with Diplomacy: Within and Beyond Practice Theory4
Inking Wartime: Military Tattoos and the Temporalities of the War Experience3
Toward a Critique of Algorithmic Violence3
Counter-Archiving Migration: Tracing the Records of Protests against UNHCR3
A Feeling of Unease: Distance, Emotion, and Securitizing Indigenous Protest in Canada3
Policing the Enforcers: The Governmentality of Immigration Controls3
Establishing the Health Governance of Flows: Authority Performances and Expertise at the International Sanitary Conference of 18923
Tracing Diplomatic Tutelage: (Post)colonial Pedagogies and the Training of African Diplomats3
Periods, Pregnancy, and Peeing: Leaky Feminine Bodies in Swedish Military Marketing3
Terrain of Contestation: Complicating the Role of Aid in Border Diplomacy between Europe and Morocco3
From the Myth ofSelf-Governmentto the Rise ofHoloptism: Another Genealogy of Liberal Governmentality3