International Political Sociology

(The median citation count of International Political Sociology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Gender Washing War: Arms Manufacturers and the Hijacking of #InternationalWomensDay37
Soviet Active Measures and the Second Cold War: Security, Truth, and the Politics of Self34
Telling Stories about Sexual Violence, Victimization, and Agency in Militarized Settings30
Socio-Spatial Multiplicity in World Politics: Non-Western Regional Imaginations of the Indo-Pacific27
Counting Security in the Vernacular: Quantification Rhetoric in “Everyday” (In)Security Discourse18
Memory Fusion, Diplomatic Agency, and Armenian Genocide Recognition in the Czech Republic18
“Be Creative, Be Friends and Share Cultural Experiences”: Genre, Politics, and Fun at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest14
Reconceptualizing the Nation in Sanctuary Practices: Toward a Progressive, Relational National Politics?13
Subjects of Quantum Measurement: Surveillance and Affect in the War on Terror11
Reconceptualizing Advocacy through the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Embodiment, Relationality, and Power10
Security beyond Biopolitics: The Spheropolitics, Co-Immunity, and Atmospheres of the Coronavirus Pandemic10
By What Jurisdiction? Law, Settler Colonialism, and the Geographical Assumptions of IR Theory9
Settler Colonialism and Mortal Dangers: Affective Responses to COVID-19 and the 2021 Israeli Bombings among Young Palestinians in Gaza8
Infodemic, Ignorance, or Imagination? The Problem of Misinformation in Health Emergencies8
The Co-Ontological Securities of Gated Lifeworlds: Atmospheres and Foamed Immunologies under Late Modernity7
The Paradox of Anthropocene Inaction: Knowledge Production, Mobilization, and the Securitization of Social Relations6
Late Modern War and theGeos6
From the Myth ofSelf-Governmentto the Rise ofHoloptism: Another Genealogy of Liberal Governmentality5
Coloniality, Race, and Europeanness: Britain’s Borders after Brexit5
Periods, Pregnancy, and Peeing: Leaky Feminine Bodies in Swedish Military Marketing5
Civilizational Politics at the Commonwealth Games: Identity, Coloniality and LGBTIQ+ Inclusion5
Secrecy and Subjectivity: Double Agents and the Dark Underside of the International System5
Editorial: Acknowledging Peer Review Excellence for 20215
Inking Wartime: Military Tattoos and the Temporalities of the War Experience4
Tracing Diplomatic Tutelage: (Post)colonial Pedagogies and the Training of African Diplomats4
Methods Regimes in Global Governance: The Politics of Evidence-Making in Global Health4
Policing the Enforcers: The Governmentality of Immigration Controls4
Visual Necropolitics and Visual Violence: Theorizing Death, Sight, and Sovereign Control of Palestine4
A Feeling of Unease: Distance, Emotion, and Securitizing Indigenous Protest in Canada3
Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State3
Counter-Archiving Migration: Tracing the Records of Protests against UNHCR3
Individual Vulnerability and Collective Resistance Under Surveillance: Claiming the Right to Existence against Discriminatory Suspicion3
Terrain of Contestation: Complicating the Role of Aid in Border Diplomacy between Europe and Morocco3
Establishing the Health Governance of Flows: Authority Performances and Expertise at the International Sanitary Conference of 18923
Toward a Critique of Algorithmic Violence3
Transversal Politics of Big Tech3
The Politics of the Anthropocene: Temporality, Ecology, and Indigeneity3
Lessons from the Viral Body Politic: Borders and the Possibilities of a More-than-Human Worldmaking3
“Videogames Saved My Life”: Everyday Resistance and Ludic Recovery among US Military Veterans2
Unmastering Research: Positionality and Intercorporeal Vulnerability in International Studies2
Perceiving and Controlling Maritime Flows. Technology, Kinopolitics, and the Governmentalization of Vision2
The Everyday Life of Security: Capturing Space, Practice, and Affect2
(Dis)possessive Borders, (Dis)possessed Bodies: Race and Property at the Postcolonial European Borders2
Seeing Islamophobia in Black: Contesting Imperial Logics in the Anti-Racist Moment2
Madonna versus “Mother Russia?” Visual Anthropology of Loneliness and Gendered Nationalism on Russian 2021–2023 Political Posters2
Thinking with Diplomacy: Within and Beyond Practice Theory2
Deprivation of Citizenship as Colonial Violence: Deracination and Dispossession in Assam2
The Social Aesthetics of Digital Diplomacy2
Unpacking the Role of Metrics in Global Vaccination Governance1
Unfit to Bounce Back: On the Martial Politics of Resilience in WWI-Weimar Germany and Austerity Britain1
Correction to: Cucktales: Race, Sex, and Enjoyment in the Reactionary Memescape1
The Spirit of the Convention and the Letter of the Colony: Refugees Defining States in a British Overseas Territory1
Proscribing Time?: Proscription and Temporality in Terrorism Trials1
An Autoethnography of Hybrid IR Scholars: De-Territorializing the Global IR Debate1
Exclusivity and Circularity in the Production of Global Governance Expertise: The Making of “Global Mental Health” Knowledge1
Reconciling Theory and Practice: Confronting Violent Histories in Poland and Israel–Palestine1
Cold War Psychiatry, Extremism, and Expertise: The “Special Committee on the Political Abuse of Psychiatry”1
“I Flip, Therefore I Am”: Smartphone Detoxing as a Practice of Sovereignty1
Visual Appropriation: A Self-reflexive Qualitative Method for Visual Analysis of the International1
Playing with the News on Reddit: The Politics Game on r/The_Donald1
Practice Theory and Postsocialist Civil Society: Toward a New Analytical Framework1
Assembling China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Discourse, Institution, and Materials1
“Colonial Lives of the Carceral Archipelago: Rethinking the Neoliberal Security State,” International Political Sociology, Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2021, Pages 415–439,
Who Owns a Deadly Virus? Viral Sovereignty, Global Health Emergencies, and the Matrix of the International1
Connected Memories: The International Politics of Partition, from Poland to India1
The Politics of Foreign Terrorist Fighters in Europe: The Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization of Citizens?1