Criminology & Criminal Justice

(The TQCC of Criminology & Criminal Justice is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Investigating the role of social media abuse in gender-based violence: The experiences of women police officers22
Book review: Capital Punishment in Independent Ireland: A Social, Political and Legal History, by David M Doyle and Liam O’Callaghan (eds.)16
Criminal records and post-prison employment in Ghana: Formal and informal means of performing criminal background checks16
Deconstructing imprisonment: Exploring sentencing discourses in the District Court of New South Wales15
‘Devastating, like it broke me’: Responding to image-based sexual abuse in Aotearoa New Zealand10
Institutional thoughtlessness and the incarcerated pregnancy10
Sport, criminal justice interventions and possible future selves: Towards a research agenda9
Book review: Crowdsourcing the Law: Trying Sexual Assault on Social Media9
The anticipation of an investigation: The effects of expecting investigations after a death from natural causes in prison custody9
Exploring sentencing disparities in the Nordic context: A multilevel analysis of court- and judge-level variation in sentences of ‘aggravated driving under the influence’ in Finnish district courts8
The parole dossier and its negative impacts on prisoner identity8
Evaluation of an enhanced behavioural monitoring system in UK open prisons7
Going for gold: Professionals’ perspectives on the design and implementation of transformative coercive control offences in Scotland and England and Wales6
The pains of going to court: Unrepresented defendants’ ability to effectively participate in court proceedings6
Signifiers of desistance from a positive criminology perspective: The case of responsibility taking in restorative proceedings6
“It’s not because they’re Gypsy”: Practitioners perspectives of Gypsies, Travellers and Crime and Justice6
The limits of ‘professionalisation from above’: On the ‘re-professionalisation’ of street-level policing in England6
Book review: Privatising Justice: The Security Industry, War and Crime Control, by Wendy Fitzgibbon and John Lea6
Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country5
Sexual offences committed by members of the armed forces: Is the service justice system fit for purpose?5
Gender equality and female incarceration: Evidence from global and regional analyses5
Whose confidence? Regional leaders’ perspectives on building confidence in a reconfigured probation service5
The Whiteman and gifts: Underlying concepts influencing Ghanaian officials’ explanation of corruption5
The effectiveness of restorative justice programs: A meta-analysis of recidivism and other relevant outcomes5
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on police recorded domestic abuse: Empirical evidence from seven English police forces5
Prison reform and torture prevention under ‘compromised circumstances’4
Child maltreatment, low self-control, and delinquent behaviour of early-aged adolescents4
Children and police questioning: A rights-based approach4
Questions and control in victim–offender meetings4
Assessing the seriousness of cybercrime: The case of computer misuse crime in the United Kingdom and the victims’ perspective4
Routine activities and fraud re-victimization among older adults: Do types of routine activities matter?4
Book review: Normalizing Extreme Imprisonment: The Case of Life Without Parole in California4
Book review: Drug Courts and the Criminal Justice System4
Public defenders versus private attorneys: A comparison of criminal case disposition outcomes by type of counsel in Mexico4
What is trauma-informed practice? Towards operationalisation of the concept in two prisons for women4
Mass shootings, fatality thresholds and defining by numbers: Political and social consequences4
Rape myth acceptance among Croatian and Cypriot police officers4
What it takes to be a “Good” correctional officer: Occupational fitness and co-worker expectations from the perspective of correctional officer recruits in Canada4
Book review: Responses to Serious Offending by Children: Principles, Practice and Global Perspectives Lynch N, Van den Brink Y and Forde L (eds)4
Lifting the lid on Pandora’s box: Putting professional curiosity into practice4
Is it part of my job? Prosecution and restorative justice in Chile4
Understanding the new geographies of organised crime: Empirical studies into the spatialities of organised criminal phenomena4
Mechanisms of the social control of children and young people: From ‘stop and search’ to ‘stop and engage’ in Police Scotland4
Preventing future crime in adolescent drug offenders: A study of differential sanction effects on recidivism4
Artificial intelligence, illegalised mobility and lucrative alchemy of border utopia3
Ethnic affiliation and reentry difficulties and barriers among parolees3
‘Dragonisation’ revisited: A progressive criminal justice policy in Wales?3
Reflecting on flexibility in the probation system: Learning from Catalonia and England and Wales3
Book review: Macrocriminology and Freedom, by John Braithwaite3
New ideas, enduring cultural barriers? An analysis of recommendations from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Restorative Justice in England and Wales3
Conducting criminological fieldwork in China: A comprehensive review and reflection on power relations in the field3
Me? A criminal? Relationships with offenders and implicit criminal associations3
Leaving the table: Organisational (in)justice and the relationship with police officer retention3
The Qianke system in China: Disorganisation, discrimination and dispersion3
Researching inside police custody in four jurisdictions: ‘Getting in’, ‘getting on’, ‘getting your hands dirty’ and ‘getting through it’3
The impact of the kingpin strategy on extortion and kidnapping3
The geographies and complexities of online networks in the off-street sex market3
The predictability of court-adjudicated compensation for pain and suffering damages within the criminal proceedings and the role of victim labels: A case study on victims of sexual crime in the Nether3
The value of liminal cases in developing a narrative victimology: The case of families of people serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection3
Privacy, promotionalism and the proliferation of state-performed criminal record screening in the Netherlands: How a restrictive legal framework can still result in a steep increase of criminal backgr2
‘A wee kick up the arse’: Mentoring, motivation and desistance from crime2
Stable housing, ‘home’ and desistance: Views from Aotearoa New Zealand2
Direct supervision and the epistemic culture of prisons2
The geographical embeddedness of organised crime in China: A rural–urban divide perspective2
Is it possible to reform police stops? Politicisation and police change in two European countries2
“It’s all about covering your . . .”: The unintended consequences of police accountability measures2
‘A welcome change . . . but early days’: Irish Service Provider Perspectives on Domestic Abuse and the Domestic Violence Act 20182
The Kerry Babies, criminology, and Reinhart Koselleck2
“You are first a migrant”: The role of police procedural injustice and social identity among Nigerian immigrants in the United States2
Painful lives: Understanding self-harm amongst care-experienced women in prison2
Exploring reconvictions and ‘crime-free’ gaps over time: What were the experience of one cohort of English probationers?2
‘They don’t do nothing’: Exploring marginalized people who use drugs’ experiences with and expectations of private security officers2
Do police make you feel safe? A qualitative comparison of youth and youth service provider perspectives2
The exclusion of serious and organised offenders and their victims from the offer of restorative justice: Should this be so and what happens when the offer is put on the table?2
Exiting the captaverse: Digital resistance and its limits pre and post the Covid-19 pandemic2
To pay or not to pay: An exploratory analysis of sextortion in the context of romance fraud2
Human rights abuses and criminal justice in policing practices in Bangladesh2
Bricks or cooks? Geographical and social determinants of the investment choices of mafia-type organized crime2
De(a)fining consent: Exploring nuances of offering and receiving sexual consent among Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing people2
Reintegration experiences in a sample of Israeli parolees on completion of their term of supervision: A qualitative study2
When social media feeds classic punitivism on media: The coverage of the glorification of terrorism on XXI2
Book review: Crime, Justice and Social Order: Essays in Honour of A. E. Bottoms, Clarendon Studies in Criminology Liebling A, Shapland J, Sparks R, et al. (eds)2
Professional support and re-entry preparedness among prisoners2
Exploring criminal justice policy transfer models and mobilities using a case study of violence reduction2
UK victim-survivor experiences of intimate partner spiritual abuse and religious coercive control and implications for practice2
The drop in worry about crime and its gender gap: Trends in England and Wales from 1998 to 2019/20202
The emotional infrastructure of a cybercrime collective: Evidence from Dark0de2
Empowering the police during COVID-19: How do normative and instrumental factors impact public willingness to support expanded police powers?2
Mismatches and criminal justice policy: The case of GPS for domestic violence2