Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology

(The TQCC of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Vibration analysis of an aviation engine turbine shaft shield36
Life cycle analysis results for engine blisk LCA27
Analytical modeling on the coloring of certain graphs for applications of air traffic and air scheduling management23
Online monitoring experiments of turbo-shaft engine based on electrostatic sensor17
Evaluation of design criteria for mini unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) applications16
An efficient evaluation method for wing fuel mass variations effect on transonic aeroelasticity15
High accuracy disturbance observer-based agile attitude stabilization with three-dimensional MSW15
An investigation on cutting of the MWCNTs doped composite plates by CO2 laser beam14
Accuracy compensation method with the combined dissimilar measurement devices for enhanced measurement quality: a digital aircraft assembly technology13
Self-learning for translational control of elliptical orbit spacecraft formations13
Safety evaluation of human-caused errors in civil aviation based on analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method13
Parameter optimization of FSW aviation-grade AA8090 using Taguchi grey relational analysis12
Research on relative reachable domain in target orbit for maneuvering spacecraft12
An active force controlled of small CMG-based satellite11
Aircraft route optimization with simulated annealing for a mixed airspace composed of free and fixed route structures11
Optimal propeller blade design, computation, manufacturing and experimental testing11
A method to predict structural dynamic strain based on acceleration signal11
Bending and torsional vibration attenuation of multi-panel deployable solar array using reaction wheel actuators10
Numerical evaluation of the exhaust-direction effects on plume flow and helicopter infrared radiation under hover and cruise statuses10
Fractional order sliding mode control based on delayed output observer for unmanned aircraft system10
INS/CNS/DNS/XNAV deep integrated navigation in a highly dynamic environment10
Comprehensive stiffness analysis of the cylindrical roller bearing for aircraft engines considering the radial clearance10
Multidisciplinary analysis and structural optimization for the aeroelastic sizing of a UAV wing using open-source code integration10
Developing conceptual model for safety risk management in aviation as building capacity and resilience strategy10
Multidisciplinary design and optimization of expendable launch vehicle for microsatellite missions10
Viewing electromagnetic scattering characteristics on air-brake of a stealth plane10
Rotating co-flow jets with horizontal lip and shape transition10
Simulation of a passenger aircraft flight with the wing tip cut9
Experimental investigation of NACA 4415 airfoil using vibration data for stall detection9
Initial development of tandem wing UAV aerodynamic configuration9
Reset and prescribed performance approach to spacecraft attitude regulation9
Real-time tuning of PID controller based on optimization algorithms for a quadrotor9
Analysis of chip formation mechanism in turning of AA 7075/SiCp MMCs9
A new control strategy of stopped-rotor aircraft based on manipulation model8
Actuator model for spacecraft attitude control simulation8
Effect of wall length on an interacting supersonic rectangular jet8
Theoretical model proposal on direct calculation of wetted area and maximum lift-to-drag ratio7
Multiobjective optimization of process parameters of AZ91D/AgNPs/TiO2 composite fabricated by friction stir processing using response surface methodology and desirability7
Aerodynamic analysis of a logistics UAV wing with compound ducted rotor7
Numerical procedure for the simulation of an electro-thermal anti-icing system7
Analysis of the influence of day and night temperature difference on oxygen concentration in ullage space of fuel tank7
The effects of flap extension time on the fuel burn of commercial aircraft7
The use of vision system to determine lateral deviation from landing trajectory7
Thermal contact conductance model of rough surfaces with inclination based on three-dimensional fractal theory7
Geomagnetic orbit determination: EKF or UKF?7
An analytical model of the replacement costs of aircraft engine life-limited parts7
A combination method for integrated modular avionics safety analysis7
CFD investigation of pouchtype lithium-ion battery7
Adaptive rapid neural observer-based sensors fault diagnosis and reconstruction of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle7
Cooperative mission planning based on game theory for UAVs and USVs heterogeneous system in dynamic scenario7
Unstable tilt-rotor maximum likelihood wavelet-based identification from flight test data7
Design and dynamic analysis of alpha solar rotary mechanism for China Space Station7
Experimental study of the boosters impact on the rocket aerodynamic characteristics7
RPAS performance model for fast-time simulation research on integration in non-segregated airspace7
Multiobjective optimization of the LASER aircraft wing’s composite structural design7
An experimental investigation on surface integrity and wire wear in rough and trim cut modes of WEDM for hybrid composite7
LQR and LQG control of the helicopter during landing on the ship deck7
Long wave infrared signature of swept back leading edges in aircraft frontal aspect7
Aero-thermal investigation of thermal interactions between turboprop engine exhaust and selected parts of the airplane skin for tractor configured aircraft6
Observer-based robust actuator fault isolation and identification for microsatellite attitude control systems6
Development of a novel supervisory controller on a parallel-hybrid powertrain for small unmanned aerial systems6
Stability analysis for scheduled air traffic flow6
Numerical modeling on dynamics of droplet in aircraft wing structure at different velocities6
Elliptical one-side composite bonded repair analysis through a differential evolution algorithm6
Passenger aircraft emissions analysis at Ordu-Giresun International Airport, Turkey in 20176
Investigation of effect of abrasive water jet (AWJ) machining parameters on aramid fiber-reinforced polymer (AFRP) composite materials6
Severity assessment of sudden plunging motion for jet transport aircraft in response to severe atmospheric turbulence6
Review and selection of commercially available IMU for a short time inertial navigation6
Effects of hydrogen and chicken waste blends in the internal combustion engines for superior engine performance and emission characteristics assisted with graphite oxide5
Analysis of longitudinal dynamic stability of tandem wing aircraft5
Part 1: robust adaptive control of quadrotor with disturbance observer5
Design and validation of the evolved version of the tactical separation system5
Fault-tolerant control of spacecraft attitude regulation: a concise adaptive dual-mode scheme5
Design and aerodynamic characteristics analysis of propellers for a novel rescue unmanned aerial vehicle5
Fault detection based on extended state observer and interval observer for UAVs5
Risk assessment method for controlled flight into terrain of airlines based on QAR data5
Design, modeling and simulation of a control surface-less tri-tilt-rotor UAV5
A fuzzy logic evolution of the functional resonance analysis method (FRAM) to assess risk in ground operation5
The value of statistical life in air and road transport5
Porosity-dependent impact study of a plate with Winkler-Pasternak elastic foundations reinforced with agglomerated CNTs5
Uncertainty quantification of blade geometric deviation on compressor stability5
Simultaneous UAV having actively sweep angle morphing wing and flight control system design5
Estimation of helicopter emission and greenest helicopters for London5
Impact of weather conditions on airport arrival delay and throughput5
Aeroacoustic and aerodynamic characteristics of a morphing airfoil5
Horizontal take-off of an insect-like FMAV based on stroke plane modulation5
An algorithmic application with flexible airspace approach5
Flight control system design of UAV with wing incidence angle simultaneously and stochastically varied5
Improved radial basis function artificial neural network and exact-time extended state observer based non-singular rapid terminal sliding-mode control of quadrotor system5
Fuzzy control of a landing gear system with oleo-pneumatic shock absorber to reduce aircraft vibrations by landing impacts5
Numerical investigation of aerodynamically efficient wing tip-mounted propeller configuration using coupled RANS–BEM approach5
A comprehensive review of state-of-art FishBAC – fishbone active camber morphing wing surfaces–: a promising morphing method5
Safety performance functions to predict separation minima infringements in en-route airspace5
Selected aspects of electronic hardware development and testing for the flight reconfiguration system in accordance with the RTCA DO-160G standard5
AAM/goods delivery: main enablers for BVLOS routine operations within environment at low and medium risk5
A satellite component contour extraction method for lightweight space mobile platforms5
An optimization approach to financial and operational viabilities of spare aircraft5
Performance of a microjet using component map scaling5
The use of FEA and semi-empirical equations for weight estimation of a passenger aircraft5
Stability analysis of Mars soft landing under uncertain landing conditions and two landing strategies5
Model predictive control using LPV approach for trajectory tracking of quadrotor UAV with external disturbances5
Flow control method by applying flexible shells procedure in transonic flow5
Simultaneous design of morphing hexarotor and autopilot system by using deep neural network and SPSA5
Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of hypersonic vehicles based on ESO5
Determination of airports’ atmospheric mixing height boundaries using operational data5
UAV trajectory optimisation with limited onboard energy budget5
Closed-loop identification for aircraft flutter model parameters4
The effect of environmental pressure changes on the bond strength between zirconia ceramic and adhesive resin cement4
Influencing factors of polarization coefficient of hollow fiber membrane4
Integration effects of UAVs in non-segregated airspace4
Reducing temperature, drag load and wear during aircraft tyre spin-up4
Prediction of the maintenance cost of general aviation aircraft based on engineering method4
Using axiomatic design approach in preliminary design of a blended wing body aircraft4
Multi-UAV path planning using DMGWO ensuring 4D collision avoidance and simultaneous arrival4
UAV generalized longitudinal model for autopilot controller designs4
Gust response analysis based on a nonlinear structural model and the unsteady aerodynamics of a flexible aircraft4
Schlieren imaging investigation on azimuthally varying shock net from four-lobed corrugated nozzle4
Tactical runway scheduling for demand and delay management4
A comparison analysis on forward error correction technology: a future perspective for GNSS4
Gain scheduling of backstepping sliding mode controller using optimized type-1 Sugeno fuzzy logic approach for quadcopter4
Effect of ultra-high aspect ratio wings and distributed propulsion on the viability of fully electric regional aircraft4
Design, manufacturing and testing of pull-out and shear-out insert allowable for sandwich applications4
CFD investigation of shock boundary layer interaction in hypersonic flow and flow control using micro ramps4
An innovation-based actuator/surface fault detection, isolation and filter tuning4
On the state independency and log-linearity of error propagation for discrete group affine systems with application to attitude estimation4
CFD-CSD method for rotor aeroelastic analysis with free wake model4
A review of computational studies on trapped vortex combustors for gas turbine applications4
Physics informed neural networks for triple deck4
The effects of dihedral angle on hover rigidity and planar maneuvers in rotary-wing UAVs4
Chemical potential variation effect of new design of graphene antenna for satellite applications4
Effects of swirl on nonreacting and reacting flows in a single-element lean direct injection combustors4
Fuel flow rate modeling for descent using cuckoo search algorithm: a case study for point merge system procedure at Istanbul airport4
Decision tree classifiers for unmanned aircraft configuration selection4
Optimization of synthetic jet actuation by analytical modeling4
Multi-UAV cooperative target tracking via consensus-based guidance vector fields and fuzzy MRAC4
Conceptual design of a new experimental setup to simulate aircraft tyre spin-up dynamics4
Flight test evaluation of trim tab stabilisation system on a PZL-130 orlik aircraft3
Maintenance satellite modular docking mechanism design for on orbit servicing to nanosatellites3
An information flow field model for human–machine interaction3
Flight testing verification of lateral-directional dynamic stability of gliding birds due to wing dihedral3
Flow of visco elastic fluid through a porous medium with chemical reaction3
Robust fault-tolerant attitude control of spacecraft using hybrid actuators3
Friction forge riveting of AA7075-T6 sheets with large diameter 2117-T3 rivets3
Advanced debonding detection technique for aerospace composite structures3
Influence of scanning speed on titanium alloy processed with TC4+Ni60/hBN composite powder by laser metal deposition coating technology3
A new proposal for the prediction of an aircraft engine fuel consumption: a novel CNN-BiLSTM deep neural network model3
Predicting the response and perforation of fibre metal laminates subjected to projectile impact3
Determining the pointer positions of aircraft analog indicators using deep learning3
Bio-inspired optimization of leading edge slat3
Numerical analysis of supersonic co-flow jet with varying lip thickness3
Systematic fuzzy Navier–Stokes equations for aerospace vehicles3
The effect of global warming and climate changes on aircraft accidents between 2010-20223
Investigation of the strength of forged rivet joints made with different bucking bar gaps3
Fuel savings on missed approach through aircraft reinjection3
An energy-autonomous UAV swarm concept to support sea-rescue and maritime patrol missions in the Mediterranean sea3
Guest editorial: Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons (13th EASN International Conference)3
To be, or not to be in formalization: the relationship between HR practices and work engagement in the aviation industry3
Parametric structure optimization of a main rotor blade as an application for FSI analysis in main rotor optimization process3
Wind tunnel investigation of hemispherical forebody interaction on the drag coefficient of a D-shaped model3
Design and development of an experimental bench concept for testing of fuselage stiffened panels, using a virtual testing methodology3
Guest editorial: The 11th EASN international conference special issue: “emerging technologies & innovative concepts in aviation and space”3
Rotating flow thorough parallel plates with the various inclined magnetic field under the influence of hall current3
Plasma actuation effect on a NACA 4412 airfoil3
Holistic approaches and advanced technologies in aviation product recycling3
Using social media for flight path safety assessment3
Impact of human factors in aircraft accident mitigation and aircraft maintenance training needs in post COVID-19 aviation3
LIDAR altimeter conception for HERA spacecraft3
Improved particle filter-based estimation of a quadrotor subjected to uncertainties3
A deep auto-encoder satellite anomaly advance warning framework3
Assessment of aviation operators’ efficacy in highly automated systems3
Conceptual design and analysis of a box fan-in-split-wing tiltrotor eVTOL aircraft3
Analysis of influencing factors of aircraft fuel tank flammability3
How much workload is workload? A human neurophysiological and affective-cognitive performance measurement methodology for ATCOs3
CFD-based time-domain aeroelastic simulations of a twin-fudelage aircraft3
Fuzzy robust fault estimation scheme for fault tolerant flight control systems based on unknown input observer3
Aerodynamic design of an electronics pod to maximise its carriage envelope on a fast-jet aircraft3
Effect of the countersunk rivet head dimensions on fatigue behavior of riveted specimens of 2024-T3 alloy3
Effect of aspect ratio on mean flow characteristics of cruciform orifice jet3
Performance analysis of electrical flight control actuation system in a commercial transport aircraft3
GNSS denied navigation system for the manoeuvring flying objects3
Energetic, exergetic, exergoeconomic, environmental (4E) and sustainability performances of an unmanned aerial vehicle micro turbojet engine3
Fixed-time fault-tolerant attitude tracking control for UAV based on fixed-time extended state observer3
A questionnaire-based musculoskeletal disorder assessment for aircraft maintenance technicians3
Automatic carrier landing for UAV based on integrated disturbance observer and fault-tolerant control3
Guest editorial: Towards future aviation: latest advancements in aviation3
Free vibration and buckling analysis of FGM plates using inverse trigonometric shear deformation theory3
Automatic management of electrical loads in more electric aircraft3
Power performance enhancement of vertical axis wind turbines by a novel gurney flap design3
Experimental study of the operating parameters on the performance of a single-stage Stirling cryocooler cooling infrared sensor for space application3
Numerical calculation of inchworm actuator reliability: effect of space temperature and material parameters3
Flame stabilization and emission reduction: a comprehensive study on the influence of swirl velocity in hydrogen fuel-based burner design3
Model-free low-power observer based robust trajectory tracking control of UAV quadrotor with unknown disturbances3
Visible time window calculation based on map segmentation for task planning3
Aerodynamic optimisation of flat-upper-surface wing3
Designing aerodynamic devices for UAV – lessons learned3