Journal of Children and Media

(The median citation count of Journal of Children and Media is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Introducing the Social Media Literacy (SMILE) model with the case of the positivity bias on social media63
How educational are “educational” apps for young children? App store content analysis using the Four Pillars of Learning framework53
In-home video chat for young children and their incarcerated parents30
“Snaps”, “screenshots”, and self-blame: A qualitative study of image-based sexual abuse victimization among adolescent Danish girls29
“Where are you?” An observational exploration of parental technoference in public places in the US and Israel23
Front liners fighting fake news: global perspectives on mobilising young people as media literacy advocates21
Who’s modeling STEM for kids? A character analysis of children’s STEM-focused television in the US20
Developing evaluation tools for assessing the educational potential of apps for preschool children in the UK18
Kidfluencer exposure, materialism, and U.S. tweens’ purchase of sponsored products14
A randomized controlled trial of an educational app to improve preschoolers’ emergent literacy skills13
Online and offline victimisation: a cluster analysis of adolescent victims of bullying and cyber-bullying in Chile13
Review of feedback in edutainment games for preschoolers in the USA12
Picture perfect during a pandemic? Body image concerns and depressive symptoms in U.S. adolescent girls during the COVID-19 lockdown12
Teenagers’ reflections on media literacy initiatives at school and everyday media literacy discourses11
Is my kid that naive? Parents’ perceptions of their children’s attitudes towards advertising on smartphones in Chile11
This picture does not portray reality: developing and testing a disclaimer for digitally enhanced pictures on social media appropriate for Austrian tweens and teens10
Making the best of app use: The impact of parent-child co-use of interactive media on children’s learning in the U.S10
Under the influence of (alcohol)influencers? A qualitative study examining Belgian adolescents’ evaluations of alcohol-related Instagram images from influencers10
Type of screen time and academic achievement in children from Australia and New Zealand: interactions with socioeconomic status9
Moral clarity decreases as viewer age increases: a content analysis of the moral values and reinforcement cues depicted in popular U.S. children’s television9
The mediating role of sympathy in the relationship between media violence and Dutch adolescents’ social behaviors9
Does digital media use increase risk of social-emotional delay for Chinese preschoolers?8
News videos consumption in an age of new media: a comparison between adolescents and adults8
Media use for children with disabilities in the United States during COVID-198
Social media use and political cynicism among German youth: the role of information-orientation, exposure to extremist content, and online media literacy7
Romanian adolescents, fake news, and the third-person effect: a cross-sectional study7
Sleep deprived but socially connected: balancing the risks and benefits of adolescent screen time during COVID-197
Fortnite: a context for child development in the U.S. during COVID-19 (and beyond)7
“Consent Is Sexy”: exploring the portrayal of prosocial sexuality messages in youth-oriented series6
Do parental control tools fulfil family expectations for child protection? A rapid evidence review of the contexts and outcomes of use6
Intelligent digital beings as children’s imaginary social companions6
My pandemic pedagogy playbook: a glimpse into higher education in the Dutch Zoom-room6
The home literacy and media environment of Saudi toddlers6
“Bringing you into the Zoom”: the power of authentic engagement in a time of crisis in the U.S.6
Assessing the state of media literacy policy in U.S. K-12 schools5
Filters and fillers: Belgian adolescents’ filter use on social media and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery5
Predictors of children’s and young people’s digital engagement in informational, communication, and entertainment activities: findings from ten European countries5
Inaccessible media during the COVID-19 crisis intersects with the language deprivation crisis for young deaf children in the U.S.5
The impact of touchscreen interactivity on U.S. toddlers’ selective attention and learning from digital media5
Narratives of online education in India: issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity5
Digital citizenship under lockdown: promoting the healthy use of technology for adolescents growing-up in Perú during COVID-195
Malaysian Parents’ Perception of How Screen Time Affects their Children’s Language5
Reassessing the risks: an updated content analysis of violence on U.S. children’s primetime television4
The privilege of childcare: an intersectional analysis of the COVID-19 U.S. childcare crisis and its implications for CAM research4
Grandsharenting: How grandparents in Belgium negotiate the sharing of personal information related to their grandchildren and engage in privacy management strategies on facebook4
Educational ICT use outside school in the European Union: disparities by social origin, immigrant background, and gender4
“My mom just wants to know where I am”: Estonian pre-teens’ perspectives on intimate surveillance by parents4
Early vocabulary size in Argentinean toddlers: associations with home literacy and screen media exposure4
Like post-cataract surgery: what came into focus about children and media research during the pandemic3
Trans young people and the media: transnormativity, agency, and social change3
Masters of media: A longitudinal study of parental media efficacy, media monitoring, and child problematic media use across early childhood in the United States3
A bifactor model of U.S. parents’ attitudes regarding mediation for the digital age3
Parental mediation and problematic media use among U.S. children with disabilities and their non-disabled siblings during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Our ‘stay home’ music video: the collision of academic research and family life during COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia3
Parents’ understandings of social media algorithms in children’s lives in England: Misunderstandings, parked understandings, transactional understandings and proactive understandings amidst dataficati3
Sesame Street: Beyond 503
Parental cyberbullying through a global lens: children’s digital rights and social media policies2
Problematic media use in early childhood: The role of parent-child relationships and parental wellbeing in families in New Zealand and the United States2
U.S. co-viewing during COVID2
The crises of 2020: the effects of intersectionality and virality on marginalized youth in the U.S.2
Toddlers and the Telly: A latent profile analysis of children’s television time and content and behavioral outcomes one year later in the U.S.2
The youth social media literacy inventory: Development and validation using item response theory in the US2
Transforming children’s perception of autism through the “superpower” of media representation in the U.S.2
Programming girlhood: digital labor and the twenty-first century girl coder in the United States2
Analysis of the constructions of children and the internet in Kenya and Ghana2
Problematic online gaming, subjective health complaints, and depression among adolescent gamers from the United States: the role of console-gaming aggression2
The next time is now! How children and media professionals must respond to Russia’s war in Ukraine2
Digital rights in digital exclusion settings: the experiences of institutionalised youth in Portuguese detention centres2
Finding the self through others: exploring fandom, identification, and self-concept clarity among U.S. adolescents2
Relational dimensions in poor children’s decisions to obtain a mobile phone – the case of Singapore2
Princesses and paupers: a content analysis of socioeconomic status in animated Disney films2
Love and sexual scripts: A content analysis of 19 Netflix teen series2
The road to addiction (might be) paved with good intentions: Motives for social media use and psychological distress among early adolescents2
COVID-19 and children’s screen time in Ceará, Brazil: a repeated cross-sectional survey2
What do parents really know about their child’s online behaviour? Discrepancies between parents and their children in Israel2
The collective challenges of color, COVID-19, and their convergence1
The media education manifesto1
Connected to devices, disconnected from children: struggles of urban, dual-earning parents in India during COVID-191
There is a difference between being aware and being afraid: journalistic media literacy during the era of COVID-191
The role of digital media in family life during the U.K. lockdown 20201
Applying a family stress model to understand U.S. families’ patterns of stress, media use, and child behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Where do the children play…in a pandemic? Personal observations of U.S. children’s social learning of preventative health through embodied experiences while sheltering-in-place1
Online digital platform use by adolescents in Kenya1
Current state of play: Children’s learning in the context of digital games1
Free, appropriate, public, and educational? Screen-schooling U.S. children with disabilities during the 2020 pandemic1
Chinese children’s perspectives of long-distance familyhood via WeChat1
Vocabulary-learning cues used on children’s bilingual programming1
Thai teens’ privacy-related practices on Facebook1
Digitally connected but personally disconnected? Crisis, digital media and the Australian family1
Beyond home and school: community-based media and youth voice on pandemic life in the United States1
Behind the policy frontline in the Netherlands during the Corona crisis1
Parenting for a digital future: how hopes and fears about technology shape children’s lives1
Representations of LGBQ+ families in young children’s media1
Blurring the boundaries between home and school: how videoconference-based schooling places American education’s cultural values at risk during COVID-191
Respecting children`s rights in research ethics and research methods1
Representations of migration in U.K. and U.S. children’s picture books in the Trump and Brexit era1
Playfully building resilience: Dutch children’s risk-managing tactics in digital risky play1
Haptics and hotspots: creating usable and educational apps for children in the Netherlands1
No longer invisible, but still mistreated: Trans minors and the Spanish digital press (2006-2020)1
Conceptualizing U.S. educational television as preparation for future learning1
Psychological, cultural and socio-structural factors associated with digital immersion in Chilean adolescents1
Voices and images of hope: the rebirth of educational television in Ecuador in times of COVID-191
Roadblocks and resistance: Digital mediation as a process of calibration among U.S. parents of adolescents1
Overcoming pandemic social distancing challenges in research in Portugal and England1