Educational Research Review

(The TQCC of Educational Research Review is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Does adult-child co-use during digital media use improve children's learning aged 0–6 years? A systematic review with meta-analysis210
Editorial Board170
Editorial Board142
Neurodiversity and cognitive load in online learning: A systematic review with narrative synthesis126
Relation between examinees’ true knowledge and examination scores: systematic review and exemplary calculations on Multiple-True-False items109
How well centrality measures capture student achievement in computer-supported collaborative learning? – A systematic review and meta-analysis102
A meta-analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on student achievement94
Supervising graduation projects in higher professional education – A literature review93
Can e-books foster child language? Meta-analysis on the effectiveness of e-book interventions in early childhood education and care62
Personalization through adaptivity or adaptability? A meta-analysis on simulation-based learning in higher education61
Does combining real and virtual experiments improve learning achievement in physics? Evidence from a meta-analysis (2001–2021)57
Meta-analysis on the relation between visuomotor integration and academic achievement: Role of educational stage and disability56
Effects of additions to independent silent reading on students’ reading proficiency, motivation, and behavior: Results of a meta-analysis53
Response to De Jong et al.’s (2023) paper “Let's talk evidence – The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction”50
A systematic review of the key components of online peer feedback practices in higher education50
The instructor presence effect and its moderators in instructional video: A series of meta-analyses43
Assessment as a matter of inclusion: A meta-ethnographic review of the assessment experiences of students with disabilities in higher education43
Synthesizing research evidence on self-regulated learning and academic achievement in online and blended learning environments: A scoping review42
Influences of shadow education on the ecology of education – A review of the literature41
A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of functional literacy interventions for adults38
A review of feedback models and typologies: Towards an integrative model of feedback elements37
Let's talk evidence – The case for combining inquiry-based and direct instruction37
The effects of affective pedagogical agent in multimedia learning environments: A meta-analysis37
Eliciting and responding to young children's talk: A systematic review of educators' interactional strategies that promote rich conversations with children aged 2–5 years36
Computational thinking in early childhood education: Reviewing the literature and redeveloping the three-dimensional framework36
A critical review of the role of texts in fostering Intercultural Communicative competence in the English Language classroom35
Toward a set of design principles for decoding training: A systematic review of studies of English as a foreign/second language listening education34
Corrigendum to “The use of Latin-square designs in educational and psychological research” [Educational Research Review 24 (2018) 84–97]32
Teaching for paradigm shifts: Supporting the drivers of radical creativity in management education31
Systematic review of the operational definitions and indicators of teacher communities29
Conceptualization, measurement, predictors, outcomes, and interventions in digital parenting research: A comprehensive umbrella review29
Using learning progress monitoring to promote academic performance? A meta-analysis of the effectiveness27
AI-driven learning analytics applications and tools in computer-supported collaborative learning: A systematic review26
Approaches to studying teacher collaboration for instructional improvement: A review of literature25
Examining research on the impact of distance and online learning: A second-order meta-analysis study24
A systematic literature review of K-12 environmental Citizen Science (CS) initiatives: Unveiling the CS pedagogical and participatory aspects contributing to students’ environmental citizenship24
The impact of Covid-19 on student achievement: Evidence from a recent meta-analysis23
Research engagement in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study: A systematic review23
Morphological assessment features and their relations to reading: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling study23
Exploration of domains of educational purpose in K-12 data literacy education research23
Editorial Board22
Mathematic skills in low birth weight or preterm birth: A meta-analysis22
Computer-based assessment of collaborative problem solving skills: A systematic review of empirical research22
Short and long-term effects of out-of-school learning activities on student achievement: A mixed-research synthesis21
The use of social robots in classrooms: A review of field-based studies21
Quotation accuracy in educational research articles21
Fifty years of parental involvement and achievement research: A second-order meta-analysis20
Effective master's thesis supervision – A summative framework for research and practice19
The social impact of schooling on students with dyslexia: A systematic review of the qualitative research on the primary and secondary education of dyslexic students19
Editorial Board19
A meta-analysis of the correlation between teacher self-efficacy and teacher resilience: Concerted growth and contextual variance17
A systematic review on how educators teach AI in K-12 education17