British Politics

(The TQCC of British Politics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The UK government’s COVID-19 policy: assessing evidence-informed policy analysis in real time56
The COVID-19 exams fiasco across the UK: four nations and two windows of opportunity18
Constructing the coronavirus crisis: narratives of time in British political discourse on COVID-1915
Technocratic economic governance and the politics of UK fiscal rules7
Intra-party dissent over Brexit in the British Conservative Party5
Civic education as an antidote to inequalities in political participation? New evidence from English secondary education5
Scotland and England’s colliding nationalisms: neoliberalism and the fracturing of the United Kingdom5
Are ‘red wall’ constituencies really opposed to progressive policy? Examining the impact of materialist narratives for Universal Basic Income5
Brexit and the Myth of British National Identity5
The futility of participation: austerity and public reluctance to oppose it5
“Enemies of the people”? Diverging discourses on sovereignty in media coverage of Brexit5
The Johnson factor: British national identity and Boris Johnson4
From green crap to net zero: Conservative climate policy 2015–20224
MPs’ expenses: the legacy of a scandal 10 years on4
Who are the victims of electoral fraud in Great Britain? Evidence from survey research3
America and the special relationship: the impact of the Trump administration on relations with the UK3
Boris Johnson: the moral case for government resignations in July 20223
Prime Ministerial powers of patronage: Ideology and Cabinet selection under Margaret Thatcher 1979–19903
Who and what is their ‘people’? How British political leaders appealed to the people during the 2019 election3
‘Building back better’ or sustaining the unsustainable? The climate impacts of Bank of England QE in the Covid-19 pandemic3
The present is a foreign country: Brexit and the performance of victimhood3
COVID-19 and the second exams fiasco across the UK: four nations trying to avoid immediate policy failure3
Understanding drivers of support for English city-region devolution: a case study of the Liverpool City Region3
The Labour Party leadership election: The Stark model and the selection of Keir Starmer3
Political community and the new parochialism: Brexit and the reimagination of British liberalism and conservatism2
Reading the mindset of the secretary of state: shaping policy delivery effectiveness2
Using non-legislative tools when legislation is hard: a comparison of the Canadian, UK, and Israeli parliaments2
The privilege of public service and the dangers of populist technocracy: a response to Michael Gove and Dominic Cumming’s 2020 Ditchley annual lecture2
Leadership election reform in the British Labour party: democratisation or power struggle?2
The space between leave and remain: archetypal positions of British parliamentarians on Brexit2
The dilemma of Brexit: hard choices in the narrow context of British foreign policy traditions2
The lessons of 1969: policy learning, policy memory and voting age reform2
Dear British politics—where is the race and racism?2
Debating the value of twinning in the United Kingdom: the need for a broader perspective2
Elements of neoliberal Euroscepticism: how neoliberal intellectuals came to support Brexit2
Brexit and the Labour Party: Europe, cosmopolitanism and the narrowing of traditions2
Five decades of small business policy in England: policy as a value proposition or window dressing?2