Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

(The median citation count of Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Ornamental plants associated with Buddhist figures in China76
Academic history, domains and distribution of the hot-cold system in Mexico48
An ethnobiological study on traditional knowledge associated  with black-boned sheep (Ovis aries) in Northwest Yunnan, China37
Giving a voice to “the silent killer”: a knowledge, attitude and practice study of diabetes among French Guiana’s Parikweneh people33
Traditional food taboos and practices during pregnancy, postpartum recovery, and infant care of Zulu women in northern KwaZulu-Natal32
Ethnobotanical study on herbal tea drinks in Guangxi, China29
Wild food plants of Brazil: a theoretical approach to non-random selection29
Nahua biocultural richness: an ethnoherpetological perspective27
Nanhai Jigui Neifa Zhuan: exploration of and research on hygiene, medicine and health care knowledge in ancient India23
Distribution and utilization of homestead windbreak Fukugi (Garcinia subelliptica Merr.) trees: an ethnobotanical approach23
Cultural attitudes and human pressure towards vultures around the Comoé National Park, Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa)22
What are the factors influencing the aversion of students towards reptiles?21
Ethnobotanical study on edible flowers in Xishuangbanna, China20
Ethnoecology of miriti (Mauritia flexuosa, L.f.) fruit extraction in the Brazilian Amazon: knowledge and practices of riverine peoples contribute to the biodiversity conservation19
Ethnoprimatology of the Shipibo of the upper Ucayali River, Perú19
Plants for making wooden bowls and related traditional knowledge in the Gyirong Valley, Tibet, China18
Cultural consensus and intracultural diversity in ethnotaxonomy: lessons from a fishing community in Northeast Brazil18
Beyond the border: comparative ethnobotany in Valmalenco (SO, Italy) and Valposchiavo (Canton of Grisons, Switzerland)17
The ethnobotanical heritage of Lotkuh, a high-altitude tribal haven of Chitral, the Eastern Hindu Kush, Pakistan16
Known but not called by name: recreational fishers’ ecological knowledge of freshwater plants in Hungary15
Legendary fermented herbs: an ethnobotanical study of the traditional fermentation starter of the Chuanqing people in Northwestern Guizhou, China15
Harvesting nature's bounty: exploring the ethnobotanical landscape of wild edible plants in the Awi Agäw community, Northwestern Ethiopia14
Variation in traditional knowledge of culturally important macromycete species among three indigenous communities of Oaxaca, Mexico14
Traditional ecological knowledge sustains due to poverty and lack of choices rather than thinking about the environment14
Homegarden agroecosystems managed by Salar people on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau14
The legacy of traditional rice cultivation by descendants of Indian contract laborers in Suriname14
Ethnobotany for food security and ecological transition: wild food plant gathering and consumption among four cultural groups in Kurram District, NW Pakistan14
Dark local knowledge: the yet-to-be scientifically discovered and locally acknowledged aspects of local knowledge systems14
Ethnobotanical inventory of medicinal plants used by Cashinahua (Huni Kuin) herbalists in Purus Province, Peruvian Amazon14
Ethnobotany study on wild edible plants used by the Tujia ethnic group in Laifeng, southwest Hubei, China13
The Primate Cultural Significance Index: applications with Popoluca Indigenous people at Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve13
An ethnopharmacological survey and comparative analysis of plants from the Sudhnoti District, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan13
Perception of health risks in contexts of extreme climate change in semiarid Northeastern Brazil: an analysis of the role of socioeconomic variables13
Quality blues: traditional knowledge used for natural indigo identification in southern China13
Traditional medical practices for children in five islands from the Society archipelago (French Polynesia)13
The influence of urbanization on local ecological knowledge: a systematic review13
A comparison of traditional plant knowledge between Daman people and Tibetans in Gyirong River Valley, Tibet, China13
Descriptive ethnobotanical studies are needed for the rescue operation of documenting traditional knowledge13
Interactions between local medical systems and the biomedical system: a conceptual and methodological review in light of hybridization subprocesses12
The nexus between ecology of foraging and food security: cross-cultural perceptions of wild food plants in Kashmir Himalaya12
Wild edible plants and their cultural significance among the Zhuang ethnic group in Fangchenggang, Guangxi, China12
Tradition and trade: culture and exploitation of avian fauna by a rural community surrounding protected areas in the south of Bahia’s State, Northeastern Brazil12
Collection calendar: the diversity and local knowledge of wild edible plants used by Chenthang Sherpa people to treat seasonal food shortages in Tibet, China12
Aboriginal medicinal plants of Queensland: ethnopharmacological uses, species diversity, and biodiscovery pathways12
An ethnoveterinary study on medicinal plants used by the Bai people in Yunlong County northwest Yunnan, China12
Ethnobotanical study of traditional medicinal plants used by the local Gamo people in Boreda Abaya District, Gamo Zone, southern Ethiopia11
Sympathetic science: analogism in Brazilian ethnobiological repertoires among quilombolas of the Atlantic forest and Amazonian ribeirinhos11
Herbal plants traded at the Kaili medicinal market, Guizhou, China11
Market survey on the traditional medicine of the Lijiang area in Yunnan Province, China11
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal wild plants in the Shouf Biosphere Reserve, Lebanon11
Ethnobotany of an indigenous tree Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. (Fabaceae) in the arid and semi-arid areas of South Omo Zone, southern Ethiopia11
Correction to: Ethnobotanical characterization of medicinal plants used in Kisantu and Mbanza-Ngungu territories, Kongo-Central Province in DR Congo10
Entomophagy practices, use patterns, and factors influencing perception and consumption frequency of edible insects in the Republic of Benin10
Correction: The local medicinal plant knowledge in Kashmir Western Himalaya: a way to foster ecological transition via community-centred health seeking strategies10
Correction: Wild edible plants of the Yao people in Jianghua, China: plant-associated traditional knowledge and practice vital for food security and ecosystem service10
Bird conservation status and cultural values in Indigenous Mexican communities: towards a bioculturally informed conservation policy10
The local medicinal plant knowledge in Kashmir Western Himalaya: a way to foster ecological transition via community-centred health seeking strategies10
Correction: Incorporating local stakeholders’ voices and knowledge into conservation decisions: a case study on the Chinese Hwamei (Garrulax canorus Linnaeus, 1758) in Taijiang, Guizhou, China10
Wild edible vegetables of ethnic communities of Mizoram (Northeast India): an ethnobotanical study in thrust of marketing potential10
Ethnobiological study on traditional medicinal plants and fungi recorded in the Naxi Dongba sutras10
Farmers’ knowledge on cultivation, utilization and conservation practices of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in three selected districts in Ethiopia9
Tracing gender variation in traditional knowledge: participatory tools to promote conservation in a Quilombola community in Brazil9
Ethnobotanical insights on the management of plant pests and diseases by smallholder farmers in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa9
Food and medicinal uses of Annona senegalensis Pers.: a country-wide assessment of traditional theoretical knowledge and actual uses in Benin, West Africa9
Faith healing: the threat of "Surucucu" and the local cure of Amazon floodplain dwellers9
Ethnomedicinal plants in Champadevi rural municipality, Okhaldhunga district, Nepal9
Zootherapeutic uses of animals excreta: the case of elephant dung and urine use in Sayaboury province, Laos9
Plant use and perceptions in the context of sexual health among people of Congolese descent in Belgium9
Ethnobotany of traditional cosmetics among the Oromo women in Madda Walabu District, Bale Zone, Southeastern Ethiopia8
Local perception of ecosystem services and their conservation in Sudanian savannas of Burkina Faso (West Africa)8
Ethno-medicinal uses and cultural importance of stingless bees and their hive products in several ethnic communities of Bhutan8
Study on wild medicinal plant resources and their applied ethnology in multiethnic areas of the Gansu–Ningxia–Inner Mongolia intersection zone8
Species perceived to be dangerous are more likely to have distinctive local names8
In situ conservation of traditional vegetable diversity in Wa homegardens in southwestern Yunnan, China8
The role of schools as an opportunity for transmission of local knowledge about useful Restinga plants: experiences in southeastern Brazil8
Traditional lore on the healing effects of therapeutic plants used by the local communities around Simien Mountains National Park, northwestern Ethiopia8
Traditional uses and practices of edible cultivated Allium species (fam. Amaryllidaceae) in Sweden8
Folk nomenclature and traditional knowledge of breadfruit [Artocarpus altilis (Parkinson) Fosberg] diversity in four Anglophone Caribbean countries8
Ethnopharmacology of five flowers herbal tea, a popular traditional beverage in Hong Kong and South China7
Anthropogenic legacies shaping the present composition of demarcation trees in a temperate upland field landscape in Japan7
A review of the melliferous flora of Yucatan peninsula, Mexico, on the basis for the honey production cycle7
On-farm diversity, use pattern, and conservation of enset (Ensete ventricosum) genetic resources in southern Ethiopia7
The loneliness of the long-distance ethnobotanist: a constructive critique of methods used in an ethnoveterinary study in Mongolia7
Students’ knowledge of and conservation attitude toward the black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) in Guizhou, China: insights for conservation7
Socioeconomic benefits associated with bats7
Traditional Khmer Medicine and its role in wildlife use in modern-day Cambodia7
Patterns associated with hunting with dogs in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil7
Ethnobotanical biocultural diversity by rural communities in the Cuatrociénegas Valley, Coahuila; Mexico6
Ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by the Yao people in Gongcheng County, Guangxi, China6
Traditional sports and games among the Sámi people in Northern Fennoscandia (Sápmi): an ethnobiological perspective6
A cross-cultural study of high-altitude botanical resources among diverse ethnic groups in Kashmir Himalaya, India6
Shifting perceptions, preferences and practices in the African fruit trade: the case of African plum (Dacryodes edulis) in different cultural and urbanization contexts in Cameroon6
Actualized inventory of medicinal plants used in traditional medicine in Oaxaca, Mexico6
Influence of socio-demographic factors on medicinal plant knowledge among three selected ethnic groups in south-central Ethiopia6
Indigenous communities’ perceptions reveal threats and management options of wild edible plants in semiarid lands of northwestern Kenya6
A case study of local ecological knowledge of shellfishers about edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the Ria de Aveiro lagoon, Western Iberia6
An ethnobotany survey of wild plants used by the Tibetan people of the Yadong River Valley, Tibet, China6
Traditional knowledge of plants used in hunting and fishing practices among Baka hunter-gatherers of eastern Cameroon6
Plant cultural indicators of forest resources from the Himalayan high mountains: implications for improving agricultural resilience, subsistence, and forest restoration6
Taste and chemical composition as drives for utilitarian redundancy and equivalence: a case study in local medical systems in Northeastern Brazil6
Traditional knowledge of medicinal plants on Gau Island, Fiji: differences between sixteen villages with unique characteristics of cultural value6
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Adwa District, Central Zone of Tigray Regional State, Northern Ethiopia6
Edible wild plant species used by different linguistic groups of Kohistan Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan5
Correction: In search of traces of the mandrake myth: the historical, and ethnobotanical roots of its vernacular names5
Ethnobotanical investigation of medicinal plants in Buska Mountain range, Hamar district, Southwestern Ethiopia5
Wild edible plants of the Yao people in Jianghua, China: plant-associated traditional knowledge and practice vital for food security and ecosystem service5
Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants in Arsi Robe district of East Arsi Zone, Ethiopia5
Are we romanticizing traditional knowledge? A plea for more experimental studies in ethnobiology5
The medicinal plant used in the Guangxi Fangcheng Golden Camellias national nature reserve, a coastal region in southern China5
An ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants of Shexian Dryland Stone Terraced System in northern China5
Wild edible plants traditionally collected and used in southern Yemen5
Traditional knowledge of edible plants used as flavoring for fish-grilling in Southeast Guizhou, China5
Farmer preferred traits and genotype choices in Solanum aethiopicum L., Shum group5
Incorporating local stakeholders’ voices and knowledge into conservation decisions: a case study on the Chinese Hwamei (Garrulax canorus Linnaeus, 1758) in Taijiang, Guizhou, China5
Isolated Mediterranean foraging: wild greens in the matrifocal community of Olympos, Karpathos Island, Greece5
Local plant knowledge and its variation among farmer’s families in the Napf region, Switzerland5
Edible insect biodiversity and anthropo-entomophagy practices in Kalehe and Idjwi territories, D.R. Congo5
Making the most of scarce biological resources in the desert: Loptuq material culture in Eastern Turkestan around 19005
Traditional knowledge and practice of the Triassic variegated clay from Silesia (Krasiejów), Poland, in human medicine5
A survey on the potential contribution of Reunion Island dye plant species diversity to the market demand for bioactive plant-based dyes and pigments4
Farmers’ knowledge in the Swiss canton Valais: cultural heritage with future significance for European veterinary medicine?4
An ethnobotanical study on wild plants used by Tibetan people in Gyirong Valley, Tibet, China4
Local traditional ecological knowledge about hay management practices in wetlands of the Biebrza Valley, Poland4
Ethnobotany of wild edible plants in multiethnic areas of the Gansu–Ningxia–Inner Mongolia junction zone4
Indigenous farmers’ perceptions of problems in the rice field agroecosystems in the upper Baram, Malaysia4
Ethnobotanical study on herbal market at the Dragon Boat Festival of Chuanqing people in China4
Variation of local zoological knowledge about Southern river otter and other semi-aquatic mammals in Nahuel Huapi National Park (Argentina)4
Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants in Melit area (North Darfur), Western Sudan4
Exploring the ethnobiological practices of fire in three natural regions of Ecuador, through the integration of traditional knowledge and scientific approaches4
Traditional knowledge of medicinal mushrooms and lichens of Yuman peoples in Northern Mexico4
Ethnobotany of the medicinal plants used by the ethnic communities of Kerman province, Southeast Iran4
Traditional knowledge 10 min far from Barcelona: ethnobotanical study in the Llobregat river delta (Catalonia, NE Iberian Peninsula), a heavily anthropized agricultural area4
Female naturalists and the patterns of suppression of women scientists in history: the example of Maria Sibylla Merian and her contributions about useful plants4
Integrating traditional ecological knowledge into habitat restoration: implications for meeting forest restoration challenges3
Traditional agricultural management of Kam Sweet Rice (Oryza sativa L.) in southeast Guizhou Province, China3
Ethnozoological and commercial drivers of the pangolin trade in Benin3
Stingless bees: uses and management by meliponiculturist women in the Chaco region of Bolivia3
Breaking the paradigms of residual categories and neglectable importance of non-used resources: the “vital” traditional knowledge of non-edible mushrooms and their substantive cultural significance3
Plants of the USA: recordings on native North American useful species by Alexander von Humboldt3
Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Dibatie district, Metekel zone, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, western Ethiopia3
Ethnobotany of the Aegadian Islands: safeguarding biocultural refugia in the Mediterranean3
Contested or complementary healing paradigms? Women’s narratives of COVID-19 remedies in Mwanza, Tanzania3
Entomotherapy: a study of medicinal insects of seven ethnic groups in Nagaland, North-East India3
Wild plants used by the Lhoba people in Douyu Village, characterized by high mountains and valleys, in southeastern Tibet, China3
Climate change perceptions and adaptation by Sebei pastoralists in Mount Elgon, Uganda: a qualitative survey3
Preserving for the future the — once widespread but now vanishing — knowledge on traditional pig grazing in forests and marshes (Sava-Bosut floodplain, Serbia)3
Core-periphery structure of a medicinal botanical system in Uruguay3
Selection of medicinal plants for traditional medicines in Nepal3
Influence of the sociodemographic profile of hunters on the knowledge and use of faunistic resources3
Participatory analysis of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cropping system and production constraints in Burkina Faso3
Cultural significance of medicinal plants in healing human ailments among Guji semi-pastoralist people, Suro Barguda District, Ethiopia3
Understanding interdisciplinary perspectives of plant intelligence: Is it a matter of science, language, or subjectivity?3
Ethnobotanical study on factors influencing plant composition and traditional knowledge in homegardens of Laifeng Tujia ethnic communities, the hinterland of the Wuling mountain area, central China3
Ethnoveterinary medicinal plants and their utilization by the people of Soro District, Hadiya Zone, southern Ethiopia3
Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants in the mountainous regions of Semnan Province, Iran3
The use of medicinal plants to prevent COVID-19 in Nepal3
Food taboos and animal conservation: a systematic review on how cultural expressions influence interaction with wildlife species2
What’s in a name? Revisiting medicinal and religious plants at an Amazonian market2
Peasant perception of beekeeping constraints and practices in large honey production areas in Burkina Faso2
Amazonian useful plants described in the book “Le Pays des Amazones” (1885) of the Brazilian propagandist Baron de Santa-Anna Nery: a historical and ethnobotanical perspective2
The perception of fungi among Karajá indigenous children and adolescents from Brazil2
Local knowledge of homegarden plants in Miao ethnic communities in Laershan region, Xiangxi area, China2
On pickles: biological and sociocultural links between fermented foods and the human gut microbiome2
Study on medicinal food plants in the Gaoligongshan Biosphere Reserve, the richest biocultural diversity center in China2
Just beautiful green herbs: use of plants in cultural practices in Bukovina and Roztochya, Western Ukraine2
Standard medical ethnobotany of Kohistan, North Pakistan2
Diversity and traditional knowledge of medicinal plants used by Shui people in Southwest China2
Cultural significance of locusts, grasshoppers, and crickets in sub-Saharan Africa2
“The climate itself must have hidden some medicines”: traditional veterinary medicine of indigenous and non-indigenous campesinos of the southern Andes2
Green Christmas: bryophytes as ornamentals in Croatian traditional nativity scenes2
The influence of exotic and native plants on illnesses with physical and spiritual causes in the semiarid region of Piauí, Northeast of Brazil2
Patterns in fish naming ability in two fishing communities of Myanmar2
Notes on current Mbyá-Guarani medicinal plant exchanges in southern Brazil2
Rural reality contradicts the ethnographic literature—a nationwide survey on folk beliefs and people's affection for the stork in Poland2
Use, perception, and local management of Copernicia prunifera (Miller) H. E. Moore in rural communities in the Brazilian Savanna2
Socioeconomic factors influencing knowledge and consumption of food plants by a human group in a mountainous environment in the semiarid region of Bahia, Northeast Brazil2
Ethnobotany of wild edible plants in Soro District of Hadiya Zone, southern Ethiopia2
Ethnomedicinal study of medicinal plants used by Mizo tribes in Champhai district of Mizoram, India2
Ethnobotanical contributions to global fishing communities: a review2
Beyond artificial academic debates: for a diverse, inclusive, and impactful ethnobiology and ethnomedicine2
How do plant demographic and ecological traits combined with social dynamics and human traits affect woody plant selection for medicinal uses in Benin (West Africa)?2
Ethnozoological study of medicinal animals used by the inhabitants of the Kucha District, Gamo Zone, Southern Ethiopia2
Ethnobotanical studies on rice landraces under on-farm conservation in Xishuangbanna of Yunnan Province, China2
Ethnobotanical study of wild edible fruits in eastern Bhutan2
Traditionally used medicinal plants for human ailments and their threats in Guraferda District, Benchi-Sheko zone, Southwest Ethiopia2
Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants in Dibatie district, Metekel zone, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State, western Ethiopia2