Perspectives on Psychological Science

(The TQCC of Perspectives on Psychological Science is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Problem of Coordination and the Pursuit of Structural Constraints in Psychology316
So Useful as a Good Theory? The Practicality Crisis in (Social) Psychological Theory244
Racial Microaggressions: Critical Questions, State of the Science, and New Directions215
Measurement of Intersectional Microaggressions: Conceptual Barriers and Recommendations206
The Development of Identity Fusion192
Invalid Claims About the Validity of Implicit Association Tests by Prisoners of the Implicit Social-Cognition Paradigm176
Internally Triggered Experiences of Hedonic Valence in Nonhuman Animals: Cognitive and Welfare Considerations174
Complex Racial Trauma: Evidence, Theory, Assessment, and Treatment146
Learning in Individual Organisms, Genes, Machines, and Groups: A New Way of Defining and Relating Learning in Different Systems140
The Rise, Demise, and Reprise of the Increasingly Protracted APA Journal Article?122
Are Regional Differences in Psychological Characteristics and Their Correlates Robust? Applying Spatial-Analysis Techniques to Examine Regional Variation in Personality102
Applying the Science of Habit Formation to Evidence-Based Psychological Treatments for Mental Illness89
A Strange Kind of Wave: Response to Payne, Vuletich, and Lundberg (2022)84
Pushing Back Against the Microaggression Pushback in Academic Psychology: Reflections on a Concept-Creep Paradox83
Where’s My Consciousness-Ometer? How to Test for the Presence and Complexity of Consciousness73
The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive67
A Case for Translation From the Clinic to the Laboratory67
Recommendations for Investigating the Cross-Category Effect Among Hispanic and Latino Populations65
Cognitive Training: A Field in Search of a Phenomenon65
Improving Graduate-School Admissions by Expanding Rather Than Eliminating Predictors65
Well-Being Science for Teaching and the General Public64
The Willpower Paradox: Possible and Impossible Conceptions of Self-Control62
Psychological Selfishness62
A Novel, Network-Based Approach to Assessing Romantic-Relationship Quality62
What Happens When Payments End? Fostering Long-Term Behavior Change With Financial Incentives61
The Sound of Emotional Prosody: Nearly 3 Decades of Research and Future Directions61
For Whom (and When) the Time Bell Tolls: Chronotypes and the Synchrony Effect61
A Systematic Review and New Analyses of the Gender-Equality Paradox59
A Shared Intentionality Account of Uniquely Human Social Bonding57
How Computational Modeling Can Force Theory Building in Psychological Science55
Are All “Basic Emotions” Emotions? A Problem for the (Basic) Emotions Construct55
The Burden for High-Quality Online Data Collection Lies With Researchers, Not Recruitment Platforms54
Incomparability and Incommensurability in Choice: No Common Currency of Value?51
The Sweet Spot: When Children’s Developing Abilities, Brains, and Knowledge Make Them Better Learners Than Adults50
An Active-Inference Approach to Second-Person Neuroscience50
Why Antibias Interventions (Need Not) Fail49
Wrecked by Success? Not to Worry49
Neoliberalism and the Ideological Construction of Equity Beliefs49
What Makes a Champion? Early Multidisciplinary Practice, Not Early Specialization, Predicts World-Class Performance47
Be Happy: Navigating Normative Issues in Behavioral and Well-Being Public Policy45
Moral Judgment as Categorization (MJAC)44
Person Perception, Meet People Perception: Exploring the Social Vision of Groups44
Arrested Theory Development: The Misguided Distinction Between Exploratory and Confirmatory Research44
A Description–Experience Framework of the Psychology of Risk43
Unstandard Deviation: The Untapped Value of Positive Deviance for Reducing Inequalities43
The Diversity Gap: When Diversity Matters for Knowledge43
Research-Problem Validity in Primary Research: Precision and Transparency in Characterizing Past Knowledge41
The Myth of Normal Reading40
Enriching Psychology by Zooming Out to General Mindsets and Practices in Natural Habitats40
The Effects of Editorial-Board Diversity on Race Scholars and Their Scholarship: A Field Experiment39
Interparental Positivity Spillover Theory: How Parents’ Positive Relational Interactions Influence Children37
“When” Versus “Whether” Gender/Sex Differences: Insights From Psychological Research on Negotiation, Risk-Taking, and Leadership37
A New Way to Think About Internal and External Validity36
Polarization and the Psychology of Collectives36
The Emerging Science of Interacting Minds35
New Forms of Collaboration Between the Social and Natural Sciences Could Become Necessary for Understanding Rapid Collective Transitions in Social Systems35
Understanding Collective Intelligence: Investigating the Role of Collective Memory, Attention, and Reasoning Processes34
Communities of Knowledge in Trouble33
Significance-Quest Theory33
Leveraging the Strengths of Psychologists With Lived Experience of Psychopathology33
“It’s Not in Your Head”: Gaslighting, ‘Splaining, Victim Blaming, and Other Harmful Reactions to Microaggressions31
Positionality and Its Problems: Questioning the Value of Reflexivity Statements in Research31
A Signal Detection Approach to Understanding the Identification of Fake News31
Discrepancies in the Definition and Measurement of Human Interoception: A Comprehensive Discussion and Suggested Ways Forward30
Corrigendum: Family Matters: Rethinking the Psychology of Human Social Motivation30
A Systematic Review of Black People Coping With Racism: Approaches, Analysis, and Empowerment30
What Is Digital Parenting? A Systematic Review of Past Measurement and Blueprint for the Future30
Stuck on Intergroup Attitudes: The Need to Shift Gears to Change Intergroup Behaviors29
Normative Expectations in Human and Nonhuman Animals29
The Future of Decisions From Experience: Connecting Real-World Decision Problems to Cognitive Processes29
Explaining Social Normativity: Introduction to the Discussion Forum on Cecilia Heyes’s “Rethinking Norm Psychology”29
A Review of Multisite Replication Projects in Social Psychology: Is It Viable to Sustain Any Confidence in Social Psychology’s Knowledge Base?29
Broadening the Scope and Dropping Dead Weight: Toward a Better Understanding of the Full Life Cycle of Norms29
The View From a Social Constructivist Framework: Comparing Explicit Conversations About Mental States and Explicit Conversations About Norms29
Good Theories in Need of Better Data: Combining Clinical and Social Psychological Approaches to Study the Mechanisms Linking Relationships and Health28
A Social-Identity Theory of Information-Access Regulation (SITIAR): Understanding the Psychology of Sharing and Withholding28
Reckoning With Our Crisis: An Agenda for the Field of Social and Personality Psychology28
How Racism “Gets Under the Skin”: An Examination of the Physical- and Mental-Health Costs of Culturally Compelled Coping27
Not All Effects Are Indispensable: Psychological Science Requires Verifiable Lines of Reasoning for Whether an Effect Matters27
Challenging the White = Neutral Framework in Psychology27
Examination of the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health From Three Perspectives: Global, Social, and Individual26
A Role for Uncertainty in the Neural Distinction Between Social and Nonsocial Thought26
How Do People Come to Judge What Is “Reasonable”? Effects of Legal and Sociological Systems on Human Psychology26
Practical Methodological Reform Needs Good Theory25
Personality Change Through Arts Education: A Review and Call for Further Research25
Reconsidering the Minimum Voting Age in the United States25
If Mathematical Psychology Did Not Exist We Might Need to Invent It: A Comment on Theory Building in Psychology25
The Role of Replication Studies in Theory Building25
Individual Differences in Structure Building: Impacts on Comprehension and Learning, Theoretical Underpinnings, and Support for Less Able Structure Builders25
Viewing Development Through the Lens of Culture: Integrating Developmental and Cultural Psychology to Better Understand Cognition and Behavior24
The Number of Senders and Total Judgments Matter More Than Sample Size in Deception-Detection Experiments24
Bias, Fairness, and Validity in Graduate-School Admissions: A Psychometric Perspective23
The Benefits, Barriers, and Risks of Big-Team Science23
Why and When Beliefs Change23
Racial Incivility in Everyday Life: A Conceptual Framework for Linking Process, Person, and Context22
Toward a Harm-Based Account of Microaggressions22
Reframing Single- and Dual-Process Theories as Cognitive Models: Commentary on De Neys (2021)22
Judgments of Morality in War: Commentary on Watkins (2020)21
Editorial for the Special Issue on Algorithms in Our Lives20
Insight Into the Hispanic Paradox: The Language Hypothesis20
Placebo and Nocebo Effects as Bayesian-Brain Phenomena: The Overlooked Role of Likelihood and Attention20
Gender Nonconformity and Minority Stress Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals: A Meta-Analytic Review20
Happiness Maximization Is a WEIRD Way of Living19
The Colonial History of Systemic Racism: Insights for Psychological Science19
Reference-Point Theory: An Account of Individual Differences in Risk Preferences19
The Cognitive Architecture of Infant Attachment19
Psychology in an Indeterminate World19
Taboos and Self-Censorship Among U.S. Psychology Professors19
Do COVID-19 Vaccination Policies Backfire? The Effects of Mandates, Vaccination Passports, and Financial Incentives on COVID-19 Vaccination19
A Challenge to Orthodoxy in Psychology: Thomas Sowell and Social Justice19
Understanding the Magnitude of Psychological Differences Between Women and Men Requires Seeing the Forest and the Trees19