
(The median citation count of Mobilities is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Sensory and emotional dimensions of domesticating new technology: an experiment with new e-bike users in Norway102
Pandemic cartographies: a conversation on mappings, imaginings and emotions49
Changes in everyday life of rural China: a perspective of mobilities40
Going out and making it home: on the roots, routes and homing of young queer men in Nairobi, Kenya31
Maps, mobility, and perspective: remarks on map use in producing an orienteering course28
Being near the action: bed and breakfast and guesthouse entrepreneurs and the hosting of black South African domestic tourists in the Cape Town townships25
Kin-aesthetics, ideology, and the cycling tour: the performance of territory in the Israeli Giro d’Italia24
Basic human requirements of physical and virtual spaces and their implications23
‘Where are you?’: (Auto)ethnography of elite passage and (non)-placeness at London Heathrow Airport22
Repetition, movement and the visual ontographies of urban rephotography: learning from Smoke (1995)22
Prohibited journeys: power, mobility and resistance in early-modern Spain and Spanish America21
From car frenzy to car troubles: automobilites, highway driving and the road movie in experimental film21
Temporary transnational labour mobility and gendered individualization in Europe19
Pandemic disruption, extended bodies, and elastic situations - Reflections on COVID-19 and Mobilities18
Existential vs. essential mobilities: insights from before, during and after a crisis18
Making decisions: the normal interventions of Nissan ‘mobility managers’16
Towards a history of transit etiquette: the development of orderly boarding practices in Tokyo16
Zombie automobility13
Placing regimes of mobilities beyond state-centred perspectives and international mobility: the case of marketplaces13
Placing futures in regimes of im/mobilities13
Beyond outmigration: Im/mobilities and futures in peripheral postindustrial cities12
(Re)framing the emerging mobility regime at the U.S.-Mexico borderlands: Covid-19, temporality, and racial capitalism12
‘Being treated like an actual person’: attitudinal accessibility on the bus11
Clandestine migration facilitation and border spectacle: criminalisation, solidarity, contestations11
Lived expertise of the structurally disadvantaged: towards a more just participatory transport planning process11
‘We move the world’: the mobile labor of Filipino seafarers10
Ideational obstructions to mobility justice in U.S. study abroad10
Gender and cycling: reconsidering the links through a reconstructive approach to Mexican history10
‘Ecological concerns weren’t the main reason why I took the bus, that association only came afterwards’: on shifts in meanings of everyday mobility10
‘Nobody ever cuddles any of those walkers’: the material socialities of everyday mobilities in Santiago de Chile9
Queer mobilities: critical LGBTQ perspectives of public transport spaces9
Doing digital discipline: how Airbnb hosts engage with the digital platform9
Enmeshed with the digital: satellite navigation and the phenomenology of drivers’ spaces9
Beyond the American dream: unveiling the complexity of young people’s (im)mobility in Governador Valadares, Brazil9
‘Everyone rides together, everyone rolls together’: exploring walking and cycling cultures in South Auckland9
Mobility dynamics within the settlement phase of Syrian refugees in Norway and The Netherlands8
E-biking within a transitioning transport system: the quest for flexible mobility8
The deportation plane: charter flights and carceral mobilities8
Deconstructing accessibility – discursive barriers for increased cycling in Sweden8
Governmentalities of automobility in times of climate change: competing logics of circulation and imaginaries of the (im)possible8
Mobile labour: an introduction7
Mobilizing social reproduction: gendered mobility and everyday infrastructure in Abidjan7
From threat to essentially sacrificial: racial capitalism, (im)mobilities, and food delivery workers in New York City during Covid-197
‘Be true to yourself’: Transnational mobility, identity, and the construction of a mobile self by Taiwanese young adults7
Mobilities, locality and place-making: understanding categories of (non-)membership in a peripheral valley7
Anti-coronas and germophobic neurotics: rationalising choices to use or not use public transport during the pandemic7
Cross-border mobilities: mobility capital and the capital accumulation strategies of Palestinian citizens of Israel7
Trajectories in platform capitalism7
Housing for highly mobile transnational professionals: evolving forms of housing practices in Moscow and London7
Mobile places and emplaced mobilities: problematizing the place-mobility nexus6
Pluralising (im)mobilities: anti-Muslim acts and the epistemic politics of mobile methods6
Territorial and mobility justice for Indigenous youth: accessing education in Ecuadorian Amazonia6
An agenda for creative practice in the new mobilities paradigm6
Nammakam, wasta and the cultivation of differential mobility capital between South India and the Gulf6
Towards a relational spatial mobility justice of disability as territory6
Informal transportation systems in the region of Urabá in Colombia through the lens of everyday forms of resistance6
Places and mobilities: studying human movements using place as an entry point6
Immoral and irrational cyclists? Exploring the practice of cycling on the pavement6
‘Cold European civilisation hasn’t arrived here yet’ – negotiations within the Cypriot regime of (im)mobility6
Driving North/Driving South reprised: Britain’s changing roadscapes, 2000–20206
Temporary home: a case study of a rural–urban migrant family’s homemaking practices in Guangzhou, China5
Public anticipations of self-driving vehicles in the UK and US5
Planning for plurality of streets: a spheric approach to micromobilities5
The impact of COVID-19 on academic aeromobility practices: Hypocrisy or moral quandary?5
Mobile Colonial Architecture: Facilitating Settler Colonialism’s Expansions, Expulsions, Resistance, and Decolonisation5
Changing relationships to the country of origin through transnational mobility: migrant youth’s visits to Ghana5
Dwelling in campervans: homemaking and mobile neighbouring on the move5
Questioning mobility ideals – the value of proximity for residents in socially deprived urban areas in Sweden5
Sacrificing entitlement for self-preservation: ‘privatising vulnerability’ as a cyclist in Dublin5
Leisure walking in the original compact city: senses, distinction, and rhythms of the bourgeois promenade5
Trans-paw-tation: on animal geographies and mobilities in South African cities5
Electric automobility and the race to road transfer: ‘Formula E’ and ‘Extreme E’ in documentary film5
Mapping the anxiety of digitally mediated mobilities in the mundane5
The affects and emotions of everyday commutes in Kolkata: shaping women’s public transport mobility5
Mobility practices in a changing climate: Understanding shifts in car ownership and use across the life course4
Integration: a tale of two communities4
A tale of one city through three stories of ludic mobilities4
Exploratory walk and local cohesion— the concept and application4
Mobile safety apps: a material feminist orientation to precarious mobilities4
Living on the border of an authoritarian mobility regime: defecting, border hopping, and smuggled smartphones in North Korea4
Uber mobilities, algorithms, and consumption: Politicizing ethical reflection4
Political rallies as assemblages for transportation and communication: the case of the 2016 Democratic presidential campaign4
Kinetic health: ecologies and mobilities of prevention in Europe,c. 1100-16004
Migration infrastructure, moral economy, and intergenerational injustice in mother-and-child migration from the Philippines to Japan4
Deterritorialized careers, ageing and the life course4
The intelligibility of mobile trajectories: walking in public space4
Re-storying gendered im/mobilities through a mobile and generationed autoethnography4
John Urry Article Prize 20204
Home reconsidered in transnational fiction: walking as alternative/oppositional mobility and landscape claiming in Karen Tei Yamashita’s Tropic of Orange4
New frontiers in the platform economy: place, sociality, and the embeddedness of platform mobilities4
‘Squeezing in’ : body, affect, infrastructure and everyday passenger mobilities in contemporary China4
Mobilities and home: the notion of becoming insiders among the Sri Lankan Northern Tamil IDPs in Colombo4
Lifestyle mobilities and urban environmental degradation: evidence from China4
Do we really consider their concerns? User challenges with electric car sharing3
Entering, enduring and exiting: the durability of shared mobility arrangements and habits3
Diseasescape and immobility governance: COVID-19 and its aftermaths3
What do cars do when they are parked? Material objects and infrastructuring in social practices3
Chasing scale: the pasts and futures of mobility in electricity and logistics3
Rootedness along the way: meaningful sociality in petroleum and mining mobile worker camps3
Sport mobilities: a framework and agenda for the study of sport in mobilities3
Disentangling Following: Implications and Practicalities of Mobile Methods3
Being there: capturing and conveying noisy slices of walking in the city3
Living without commuting: experiences of a less mobile life under COVID-193
Virtual student mobility on Zoom: digital platforms and differentiated experiences of international education and (im)mobilities in a time of pandemic3
‘Watch the closing doors’- material interpellation, mobility affordance, and passenger sensations3
Walking beyond the city? On the importance of recreational mobilities for landscape planning, urban design, and public policy3
Extending the theoretical grounding of mobilities research: transport psychology perspectives3
Fare-free, not carefree: care mobilities in a fare-free public transport system in Tallinn3
Channelling mobilities: migrant-owned businesses as mobility infrastructures3
The making of a skilled worker: the transnational mixed embeddedness of migrant workers3
Broken elevators, temporalities of breakdown, and open data: how wheelchair mobility, social media activism and situated knowledge negotiate public transport systems3
The problem with Pod Man3
Uneasy belonging in the mobility capsule: Erasmus Mundus students in the European Higher Education Area3
Time and mobility/immobility: the chronopolitics of mobility and the temporalities of suffering and hope in situations of encampment3
Sub-Saharan migrants ‘in transit’: intersections between mobility and immobility and the production of (in)securities3
Using non-representational theory to explore older people’s travel to and from the supermarket3
List of reviewers2
Mobile caringscapes. Walking as an infrastructure of care in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Sweden2
Automation in electric vehicle futures2
Seasonal differences in mobility and activity space in later life: a case study of older adults in the Northern Netherlands2
An immobility turn? The Covid-19 pandemic, mobility capital and international students in Portugal2
Migrant immobilities in the periphery: insights from the Vietnam-Russia corridor2
The rhetoric of return: Mingma or the contradictions of development in Nepal*2
The reproductive silk route: transnational mobility of oocytes from Europe to Brazil2
2023 John Urry Article Prizewinner2
Mobility data justice2
Pandemic (Im)mobilities2
The role of autonomous vehicles in transportation equity in Tempe, Arizona2
Homely mobilities: between ‘immobility’ and ‘mobility’ through tiny homes2
Moving with and against the state: digital nomads and frictional mobility regimes2
From intensive car-parenting to enabling childhood velonomy? Explaining parents’ representations of children’s leisure mobilities2
Exploring the affective atmospheres of the threat of sexual violence in minibus taxis: the experiences of women commuters in South Africa2
Referees who reported for Mobilities from 1 November 2021 to 30 October 20222
Ghost trains: past and future mobilities haunting a Southern Town2
Turnstile politics: practices of care and mobility justice in Santiago’s public transport system2
All at sea? Using seaborne mobilities to decolonialise national narratives in maritime museums2
‘Social Darwinism has moved to the cycle path’: framings of micromobility in the Dutch and British press2
‘A stop on the train’: the transient mentality of creative expats in Beijing, China2
‘Running during the Covid-19 lockdown: reshuffling the pedestrian order’2
Automating the first and last mile? Reframing the ‘challenges’ of everyday mobilities2
Understanding train tourism mobilities: a practice theories perspective2
Ethnic proximity, mobility and (non)-belonging: middle-class Singaporean migrants in China2
Uneven mobilities and epistemic injustice: towards reflexive mobilities research2