International Journal of Law in Context

(The TQCC of International Journal of Law in Context is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Casualties of preparedness: the Global Health Security Index and COVID-1914
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: a kaleidoscope of international law9
The EU shaping the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: the glass half full or half empty?8
Qualified to be deviant: stigma-management strategies among Chinese leftover women5
The ILO and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: labour migration, decent work and implementation of the Compact with specific reference to the Arab states region5
Translating politics into policy implementation: welfare frontline workers in polarised Brazil5
A new dawn for the human rights of international migrants? Protection of migrants’ rights in light of the UN's SDGs and Global Compact for Migration5
Pre-trial detention and legal defence in Latin America4
Between comparison and commensuration: a case-study of COVID-19 rankings4
Ending disability segregated employment: ‘modern slavery’ law and disabled people's human right to work4
One step forward or one step back? Autonomy, agency and surrogates in the Indian Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 20194
Legitimising a ‘zombie idea’: childhood vaccines and autism – the complex tale of two judgments on vaccine injury in Italy4
Indicators, security and sovereignty during COVID-19 in the Global South4
Bureaucracies under authoritarian pressure: legal destabilisation, politicisation and bureaucratic subjectivities in contemporary Turkey3
The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: to what extent are human rights and sustainable development mutually compatible in the field of migration?3
The role of legal intermediaries in the dispute pyramid: inequalities before the French legal system3
Equality Bodies: advancing towards more responsive designs?3
Inclusive education and the law in Ireland3
Layers of privacy in the blockchain: from technological solutionism to human-centred privacy-compliance technologies2
Marginally housed or marginally homeless?2
Enacting a depoliticised alterity: law and traditional medicine at the World Health Organization2
The jurisprudence of elimination: starvation and force-feeding of Palestinians in Israel's highest court2
Predictive analytics and governance: a new sociotechnical imaginary for uncertain futures2
Women and self-defence: an empirical and doctrinal analysis2
The JewishVerfassung, the Israelinomos: the constitutional situation of the beginnings of the State of Israel in the context of Carl Schmitt's political and legal philosophy2
‘Choking the national demos’: research partnerships and the material constitution of global health2
Non-religious prisoners’ unequal access to pastoral care2
Help or hindrance? Rethinking interventions with ‘troubled youth’2
Introduction: the rule of law in transnational development projects – private actors and public chokeholds2
Hazards and fallacies of social measurements: global indicators in the pandemic2
In or against the state? Hospitality and hostility in homelessness charities and deportation practice2
Subverting the prison: the incarceration of stigmatised older Japanese2
Marginalisation, Grenfell Tower and the voice of the social-housing resident: a critical juncture in housing law and policy?2
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017: furthering not fracturing marginalisation of those experiencing homelessness2
Discursive alignment of trafficking, rights and crime control2
Legal consciousness and migration: towards a research agenda2
Access to remedy in transnational development projects: the need for effective and comprehensive remedy ecosystems1
Intermediaries in the criminal justice system: professional work, jurisdictions, and boundary work1
Legitimacy and public opinion: a five-step model1
Teaching family law in neoliberal times1
Historical futures and future futures in environmental law pedagogy: exploring ‘futures literacy’1
Numbers in an emergency: the many roles of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis1
Review of Hanoch Dagan, A Liberal Theory of Property1
Community courts as legal transplants: a socio-legal case study from the Netherlands1
Response to comments1
Mapping a causal scheme of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis1
A concise note on Peter Fitzpatrick's ‘Racism and the innocence of law’1
The right to food and substantive equality as complementary frameworks in addressing women's food insecurity1
Stigmatisation, identities and the law: Asian and comparative perspectives1
Failing, writing, litigating: daily practices of resistance in Belgian welfare bureaucracies1
The scalpel, the calculator and the judge in France: from technical perspective to legal evidence1
‘Law in context’ in post-colonial South Asia1
Using detention to talk about the elephant in the room: the Global Compact for Migration and the significance of its neglect of the UN Migrant Workers Convention1
Race-making, religion and rights in the post-colony: unmasking the pathogen in assembling a Hindu nation1
‘Route Causes’ and Consequences of Irregular (Re-)Migration: Vulnerability as an Indicator of Future Risk in Refugee Law1
Peace, war, law: teaching international law in contexts1
When the law is silent: stigma and challenges faced by male sex workers in Japan1
Hidden depths: diversity, difference and the High Court of Australia1
A counter-hegemonic rule of law?1
Does Dagan's liberal theory of property provide for compensation at nil compensation in the South African context?1
Access to administrative justice and the role of outreach measures: empirical findings on the Austrian Ombudsman Board1
Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development By Onyeka K. Osuji, Franklin N. Ngwu and Dima Jamali (eds), Cambridge and New York:1
Contracting in land and natural resources: a tale of exclusion1
William Twining: the man who radicalised the middle ground1
Transcarceral lawscapes enacted in moments of Aboriginalisation: a case-study of an Indigenous woman released on urban parole1
How to ‘make law count’: Lessons from the Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) for the Effectiveness of Hybrid Governance1
How to do things with legal theory1
Experience vs. knowledge in comparative law: critical notes on Pierre Legrand's ‘sensitive epistemology’1
Mapping ‘wild zones’ of globalisation: on private actors and the rule of law1
Vulnerability’s Legal Life: An Ambivalent Force of Migration Governance1
Context, context everywhere1
Introduction: marginalisation in law, policy and society1
Darker Legacies Of Anti-corruption: Fascist Criticisms of the Law in Inter-war Romania1
Private actors in development projects: reflections on human rights between power and resistance1