International Journal of Law in Context

(The median citation count of International Journal of Law in Context is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Casualties of preparedness: the Global Health Security Index and COVID-1914
The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: a kaleidoscope of international law9
The EU shaping the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: the glass half full or half empty?8
The ILO and the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: labour migration, decent work and implementation of the Compact with specific reference to the Arab states region5
Translating politics into policy implementation: welfare frontline workers in polarised Brazil5
A new dawn for the human rights of international migrants? Protection of migrants’ rights in light of the UN's SDGs and Global Compact for Migration5
Qualified to be deviant: stigma-management strategies among Chinese leftover women5
Ending disability segregated employment: ‘modern slavery’ law and disabled people's human right to work4
One step forward or one step back? Autonomy, agency and surrogates in the Indian Surrogacy (Regulation) Bill 20194
Legitimising a ‘zombie idea’: childhood vaccines and autism – the complex tale of two judgments on vaccine injury in Italy4
Indicators, security and sovereignty during COVID-19 in the Global South4
Pre-trial detention and legal defence in Latin America4
Between comparison and commensuration: a case-study of COVID-19 rankings4
The role of legal intermediaries in the dispute pyramid: inequalities before the French legal system3
Equality Bodies: advancing towards more responsive designs?3
Inclusive education and the law in Ireland3
Bureaucracies under authoritarian pressure: legal destabilisation, politicisation and bureaucratic subjectivities in contemporary Turkey3
The UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: to what extent are human rights and sustainable development mutually compatible in the field of migration?3
Help or hindrance? Rethinking interventions with ‘troubled youth’2
Introduction: the rule of law in transnational development projects – private actors and public chokeholds2
Hazards and fallacies of social measurements: global indicators in the pandemic2
In or against the state? Hospitality and hostility in homelessness charities and deportation practice2
Subverting the prison: the incarceration of stigmatised older Japanese2
Marginalisation, Grenfell Tower and the voice of the social-housing resident: a critical juncture in housing law and policy?2
The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017: furthering not fracturing marginalisation of those experiencing homelessness2
Discursive alignment of trafficking, rights and crime control2
Legal consciousness and migration: towards a research agenda2
Layers of privacy in the blockchain: from technological solutionism to human-centred privacy-compliance technologies2
Marginally housed or marginally homeless?2
Enacting a depoliticised alterity: law and traditional medicine at the World Health Organization2
The jurisprudence of elimination: starvation and force-feeding of Palestinians in Israel's highest court2
Predictive analytics and governance: a new sociotechnical imaginary for uncertain futures2
Women and self-defence: an empirical and doctrinal analysis2
The JewishVerfassung, the Israelinomos: the constitutional situation of the beginnings of the State of Israel in the context of Carl Schmitt's political and legal philosophy2
‘Choking the national demos’: research partnerships and the material constitution of global health2
Non-religious prisoners’ unequal access to pastoral care2
Using detention to talk about the elephant in the room: the Global Compact for Migration and the significance of its neglect of the UN Migrant Workers Convention1
Race-making, religion and rights in the post-colony: unmasking the pathogen in assembling a Hindu nation1
‘Route Causes’ and Consequences of Irregular (Re-)Migration: Vulnerability as an Indicator of Future Risk in Refugee Law1
When the law is silent: stigma and challenges faced by male sex workers in Japan1
Peace, war, law: teaching international law in contexts1
Hidden depths: diversity, difference and the High Court of Australia1
A counter-hegemonic rule of law?1
Does Dagan's liberal theory of property provide for compensation at nil compensation in the South African context?1
Access to administrative justice and the role of outreach measures: empirical findings on the Austrian Ombudsman Board1
Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing and Emerging Markets: Institutions, Actors and Sustainable Development By Onyeka K. Osuji, Franklin N. Ngwu and Dima Jamali (eds), Cambridge and New York:1
Contracting in land and natural resources: a tale of exclusion1
William Twining: the man who radicalised the middle ground1
Transcarceral lawscapes enacted in moments of Aboriginalisation: a case-study of an Indigenous woman released on urban parole1
How to ‘make law count’: Lessons from the Comisión Internacional contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) for the Effectiveness of Hybrid Governance1
How to do things with legal theory1
Experience vs. knowledge in comparative law: critical notes on Pierre Legrand's ‘sensitive epistemology’1
Mapping ‘wild zones’ of globalisation: on private actors and the rule of law1
Vulnerability’s Legal Life: An Ambivalent Force of Migration Governance1
Context, context everywhere1
Introduction: marginalisation in law, policy and society1
Darker Legacies Of Anti-corruption: Fascist Criticisms of the Law in Inter-war Romania1
Private actors in development projects: reflections on human rights between power and resistance1
Access to remedy in transnational development projects: the need for effective and comprehensive remedy ecosystems1
Intermediaries in the criminal justice system: professional work, jurisdictions, and boundary work1
Legitimacy and public opinion: a five-step model1
Teaching family law in neoliberal times1
Historical futures and future futures in environmental law pedagogy: exploring ‘futures literacy’1
Numbers in an emergency: the many roles of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis1
Review of Hanoch Dagan, A Liberal Theory of Property1
Community courts as legal transplants: a socio-legal case study from the Netherlands1
Response to comments1
Mapping a causal scheme of indicators in the COVID-19 crisis1
A concise note on Peter Fitzpatrick's ‘Racism and the innocence of law’1
The right to food and substantive equality as complementary frameworks in addressing women's food insecurity1
Stigmatisation, identities and the law: Asian and comparative perspectives1
Failing, writing, litigating: daily practices of resistance in Belgian welfare bureaucracies1
The scalpel, the calculator and the judge in France: from technical perspective to legal evidence1
‘Law in context’ in post-colonial South Asia1
Law-jobs in the algorithmic society0
The ambitions of liberal property0
IJC volume 17 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Bringing EU law back down to Earth0
Henry Foe's dilemma0
Liberal Democratic Education: A Paradigm in Crisis Edited by Julian Culp, Johannes Drerup, Isolde de Groot, Anders Schinkel and Douglas Yacek, Paderborn: Brill mentis, 2022. 182 pp. ISBN: 978-3-95743-0
Improvising with Peter0
IJC volume 16 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Teaching by historicising private international law0
Editorial introduction0
Epidemiological surveillance and performance assessment: the two roles of health indicators during the COVID-19 pandemic0
Mainstreaming equality and human rights: Factors that inhibit and facilitate implementation in regulators, inspectorates and ombuds in England and Wales0
IJC volume 17 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Vulnerability and marginalisation at sea: maritime search and rescue, and the meaning of ‘place of safety’0
Perceiving law without colonialism: Revisiting courts and constitutionalism in South Asia0
Migrants’ rights finally front and centre of the international agenda? Exploring the perils and possibilities of the SDGs and the GCM0
Contextualising the absence of standardised approaches to transitional justice in the Philippines0
The Lawyers’ Movement in Pakistan: how legal actors mobilise in a hybrid regime0
The immigrant versus the state: The marginal contribution of tribunal judges to administrative justice0
IJC volume 18 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Empire, Incorporated: The Corporations That Built British Colonialism By Philip J. Stern, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2023. 408 pp. ISBN: 97806749881250
‘We are not like them’: stigma and the Destitute Persons Act of Singapore0
Before Borders: A Legal and Literary History of Naturalization By Stephanie DeGooyer, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022. 216 pp. ISBN: 97814214439280
Law in context as terrestrial politics?0
A Liberal Theory of Property in condominium0
Women's International Thought: A New History Edited by Patricia Owens and Katharina Rietzler, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 354 pp. ISBN: 978110879873 £22.99 (paperback)0
The response from Scottish health boards to complaint investigations by the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman: A qualitative case-study0
Environmentally Induced Displacement: When (Ecological) Vulnerability Turns into Resilience (and Asylum)0
Not to save, but to encounter: Fitzpatrick as transnational jurisprudent0
‘Informed consent is a bit of a joke to me’: lived experiences of insight, coercion, and capabilities in mental health care settings0
The difference a wire makes: planning law, public Orthodox Judaism and urban space in Australia0
The ideological role of Chilean judges in the definition of Mapuche domestic violence0
Asylum Marginalisation Renewed: ‘Vulnerability Backsliding’ at the European Court of Human Rights0
IJC volume 18 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Changing the administration from within: criticism and compliance by junior bureaucrats in Niger's Refugee Directorate0
Ultimate conversation: Fitzpatrick at Warwick, February 20200
Communal Justice in Shakespeare's England: Drama, Law, and Emotion By Penelope Geng, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021. 257 pp. ISBN: 9781487508043 $75.00 (hardback)0
Metaphysical Animals: How Four Women Brought Philosophy Back to Life By Clare Mac Cumhaill and Rachael Wiseman, London: Chatto & Windus, 2022. 416 pp. ISBN: 9781784743284 £25.00 (hardback)0
Governance and human rights implications of ASEAN's Smart Cities Network: a knowledge commons analysis0
IJC volume 18 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Incongruous objectives? Endeavouring to realise women migrant workers’ rights through the global development agenda0
The Making of Measure and the Promise of Sameness By Emanuele Lugli, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2019. 312pp. ISBN: 978-0-22661-249-2 $350
IJC volume 17 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
The contractualisation of public international law0
IJC volume 17 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Legal pluralism and stigma: a case-study of customary resurgence in the Chakma communities of Bangladesh and India0
Torture and progress, past and promised: problematising torture's evolving interpretation0
Magistrates marching in the streets: making and debating judicial independence and the rule of law in Benin0
An inquiry into the blurring boundaries between professionals and paraprofessionals in Dutch courts and the public prosecution service0
IJC volume 17 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Liquid regulation: the (men's) business of women's water music?0
IJC volume 18 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
IJC volume 17 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
From computational indicators to law into technologies: the Internet of Things, data analytics and encoding in COVID-19 contact-tracing apps0
Distributing the costs of change: property transitions and pacts0
IJC volume 18 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Limitations on fundamental freedoms in Sri Lanka: majoritarian influence of constitutional practice0
Sitting at the Same Table: a cross-disciplinary ‘constitutional-institutionalist’ approach to the study of constitutions0
Tensions between norms of everyday narrating and legal narrating0
A theory of legal apparitions: regulation and escape in Indian divorces0
Deconstruction, dissipation and death, and the ‘casting-away of the law’?0
Post-colonial attitudes and the relevance of incommensurability0
The invisible stigmatisation of female practitioners in international arbitration0
Inventions of Nemesis: Utopia, Indignation, and Justice By Douglas Mao, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2020. 284 pp. ISBN: 9780691212302 £20.990
Critical theory and memory politics: leftist autocritique after the Ukraine war0
M – Son of the Century By Antonio Scurati, London: 4th Estate, 2022. 784 pp. ISBN: 9780008363239 £10.99 (paperback); translated by Anne Milano Appel, first published in Italian 20180
The algorithmic law of business and human rights: constructing private transnational law of ratings, social credit and accountability measures0
William Twining and the Law in Context series: a personal reflection0
The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights: forging a jurisdictional frontier in post-colonial human rights0
The Asian Law and Society Reader By Lynette J Chua, David M Engel and Sida Liu, Cambridge University Press, 2023. 400pp. ISBN: 978-1-108-83641-8 $39.99 (hardback)0
Birth of the State: The Place of the Body in the Crafting of Modern Politics By Charlotte Epstein, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 327 pp. ISBN: 9780190917630 £22.00 (paperback)0
The Vulnerable (M)other and the Autonomous Legal Subject: Rethinking Vulnerability in Criminal Law0
Looking at the other side: working conditions in Portuguese courts0
Epistemic Violence and Colonial Legacies in the Representation of Refugee Women: Contesting Narratives of Vulnerability and Victimhood0
Protecting working welfare recipients through human rights experimentalism0
Rethinking and Advancing a ‘Bottom-up’ Approach to Cultural Participation of Persons with Disabilities as Key to Realising Inclusive Equality0
The Role of the Monarchy in Modern Democracy: European Monarchies Compared Edited by Robert Hazell and Bob Morris, Oxford and London: Hart, 2020. 311 pp. ISBN: 978-1-50993-101-9 £58.50 hardback0
Place-based pedagogies of hope0
Between Comparison and Commensuration: A case study of COVID-19 Rankings – CORRIGENDUM0
Individual autonomy and takings in a liberal theory of property0
The teaching of Law and Development: towards inclusiveness and reflexivity across time zones0
Incongruous pedagogy: on teaching feminism, law and humour during the pandemic0
Deliberative Experience and the Civic Aspirations of Legal Education0
Information: A historical companion Edited by Ann Blair, Paul Duguid, Anja-Silvia Goeing and Anthony Grafton, Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2021. 904 pp. ISBN: 9780691179544 $65.000
IJC volume 16 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
IJC volume 17 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
IJC volume 18 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
IJC volume 18 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Sustainable Utopias: The Art and Politics of Hope in Germany By Jennifer L. Allen, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2022. 368 pp. ISBN 9780674249141 $39.95 (hardback)0
Myth and concealment at colonial law's foundations0
IJC volume 16 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
On the chances of structural pluralism in the liberal theory of property0
Regulating surrogacy intermediaries: a comparative analysis of regulatory approaches and implications in the Chinese context0
Caritas: Neighbourly Love & the Early Modern Self By Katie Barclay, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. 240 pp. ISBN: 9780198868132 £65.00 (hardback)0
Metaphors judges live by: ‘dirty minds’ and the ‘fear of contamination’ in the new criminal justice system in Mexico0
How to do things with Foucault (legally)0
Hanoch Dagan and the liberal concept of autonomy0
Excavating the Memory Palace: Arts of Visualisation from the Agora to the Computer By Seth Long, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2020. 248 pp. ISBN: 9780226695280 £22.00 (paperback)0
Ethical vulnerability analysis and unconditional hospitality in times of COVID-19: rethinking social welfare provision for asylum seekers in Scotland0
Delay and settlement: The disposition of medical negligence claims in Ireland0
Homer, Parmenides, and the Road to Demonstration By Benjamin Folit-Weinberg , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 367 pp. ISBN: 9781009047562 £34.99 (paperback).0
The Colonial Constitution By Arghya Sengupta, Juggernaut, 2023. 296 pp. ISBN 978-9353451929 £10.64, (paperback)0
Politicised Bureaucrats: Conflicting Loyalties, Professionalism and the Law in the Making of Public Services0
Review of Hanoch Dagan, A Liberal Theory of Property – ERRATUM0
The opportunity and limitation of legal mobilisation for social struggles: a view from the Argentinian factory recuperation movement0
Contextual legal pedagogy: still radical?0
On the Basis of Migratory Vulnerability: Augmenting Article 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Context of Migration0
The promise and limitations of Hong Kong's Women's Commission as a vehicle to drive gender equality0
Charitable purposes and the shaping effects of money0
Accounts of vulnerability within positive human rights obligations0
The racialising effects of non-marriage in English Law: A critical postcolonial analysis0
Googling the equivalence of private arbitrary power and state arbitrary power: why the Rule of Law does not relate to private relationships0
Alle Thyng Hath Tyme: Time and Medieval Life By Gillian Adler and Paul Strohm: London/Chicago: Reaktion Books/Chicago University Press, 2023, 248 pp. ISBN 9781789146790 (hardback) £16.950
Becoming Peter Fitzpatrick (1941–2020)0
IJC volume 17 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
IJC volume 16 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
IJC volume 18 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Situating ‘law’ as ‘culture’ in scholarly discourse on the International Criminal Court: a reflection on Fraser and McGonigle Leyh's Intersections of Law and Culture at the International Criminal C0
Exorcism and children: balancing protection and autonomy in the legal framework0