Ships and Offshore Structures

(The median citation count of Ships and Offshore Structures is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal design of a single-point electromechanical cable subsurface mooring34
Dynamic analysis of frustum TLP-type wind turbine multi-purpose floating platform30
Numerical analysis and performance assessment of trapezoidal oscillating water columns28
Numerical analysis on three-dimensional green water events induced by freak waves27
Non-linear response of a moored LNG ship subjected to regular waves24
Hydrodynamic analysis of a semi-submersible aquaculture platform with mesh grouping impact21
Numerical simulation study of ship-ice interaction based on multi-fracture strength cohesive element model21
Analysis of emergency response and rescue operation using fuzzy expert system21
Characterisation and collapse analysis of composite egg-shaped pressure housings: experimental and numerical insights18
Method for securing minimum spacing distance during auto routing on ships using bounding box method16
A framework for quantifying fatigue deterioration of ship structures under changing climate conditions16
Experimental and numerical investigation of double-stepped hull and optimisation of the distance between steps in calm water via Response Surface Design Analysis (DOE method)15
Investigation on diffusion characteristic of leaked oil in the thermal insulation layer of submarine pipe-in-pipe14
An autonomous location prediction model for maritime transport applications: a case study of Persian Gulf13
Adaptive trajectory tracking control for safe navigation of underactuated hovercraft with state-constraints12
Analyzing vibration responses to predict water-added mass and hydrodynamic damping in offshore jacket structures12
Study on the multi-objective optimization method of trimaran outrigger layout12
Investigation on mechanical properties of double-armoured umbilical12
Experimental investigation on the dynamic properties of a floating bridge under regular waves: model design, implementation, and analysis12
Numerical investigation of the hull girder ultimate strength under realistic cyclic loading derived from long-term hydroelastic analysis12
Research on hydrodynamic performance of an AUH equipped with the vertical vectored propulsor12
An integrated methodology for enhancing safety assessment in yacht system design11
Burst pressure of perforated-steel strip composite pipe10
Dynamic characteristics evaluation of balance valve for seawater hydraulic variable ballast system considering the depth variation10
Experiments and numerical simulation on the influence of pier scour on pipeline safety: a case study of Hang-Yong high-speed line10
Validation of a partitioned fluid-structure interaction simulation for turbo machine rotors10
FRP-based reinforcement coatings of steel with application prospects in ships and offshore structures: a review9
Dynamic analysis of OWT foundation with large diameter monopile under transient storm loading9
Operability analysis of traditional small fishing boats in Indonesia with different loading conditions9
The marine diesel engine exhaust gas temperature baseline model based on particle swarm optimised generalised regression neural network9
Development of parametric equations for ultimate capacity of internally ring-stiffened tubular T/Y-joints under axial and moment load9
New formulation and application of the segment method for extensible risers9
Use of physical testing data for the accurate prediction of the ultimate compressive strength of steel stiffened panels8
Influence of spudcan penetration on the stability of adjacent steel cylinder in sand8
Internal laminar flow effect on the nonlinear dynamic response of marine risers under uniform ocean current8
A method of dynamic union control for intelligent mould bed system in ship block building8
Upper-bound solution of the horizontal bearing capacity of a composite bucket shallow foundation in sand8
A two-stage approach for ship detection in restricted visibility based on dehazing and SE-YOLO algorithms8
Analysis of the interface stress of riser composite piles8
Research on the buoyancy motion of a submarine in calm water7
Wave forces and moments on concave and vertical front caissons supported on piles7
Drag reduction design and research of high-speed amphibious vehicle’s deformable track wheels7
A research on similarity law for combined ultimate bending and torsional strength7
On technical issues for underwater charging of robotic fish schools using ocean renewable energy7
Efficient derivation of extreme non-Gaussian stochastic structural response using the finite-memory nonlinear system (FMNSNL). Part 1: model development7
Full-scale ship-structure ice impact laboratory experiments: experimental apparatus and initial results7
Optimal section design of surface piercing propeller using artificial neural networks algorithm7
Process design and energy assessment of an onboard carbon capture system with boilers or heat pumps for additional steam generation7
Numerical parametric assessment of the effects of stern wedges on the pressure and friction resistance of high-speed craft7
Mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced pipeline during the laying process7
Residual ultimate strength of large opening box girder with pitting corrosion damage under torsion and bending loads7
Numerical modeling of wave and current patterns of a slope breakwater in the development plan7
Control of underwater suspended vehicle to avoid ‘falling deep’ under the influence of internal solitary waves7
Water wave scattering by pair of porous barriers in the presence of a bottom-standing rectangular obstacle7
Time domain potential and source methods and their application to twin-hull high-speed crafts6
Hydrodynamic response analysis of the aquaculture net under the combined action of irregular waves and currents6
Applicability of two-dimensional numerical simulation associated with vortex-induced vibration response of the circular cylinder6
A multi-objective optimization design method for underwater composite sandwich structures with high acoustic transmission and low vibration performance6
Numerical investigation on drag characteristics of the truncated hemispherical-nose projectile in vertical water entry6
Buckling of spherical shells with pitting corrosion under external pressure6
Static behaviours and collision onset criterion of two adjacent vertical risers6
A probabilistic selection of fire scenarios considering operating condition in aircraft carrier’s hangar spaces6
Crack propagation mechanism of flexible composite stiffened bags under pressure load6
A comparative method for scaling SOLAS collision damage distributions based on ship crashworthiness – application to probabilistic damage stability analysis of a passenger ship6
The effect of spatial correlation of sea states on extreme wave loads of ships6
A new similarity law for penetration of steel plates by blunt projectiles6
The pressure hull collapse and protective cover in high-pressure environments6
Load-bearing capacity of open-ended pipe piles with interior wings in sand5
Conceptual design of a novel 10 MW T-Semi floating offshore wind turbine and mooring system for transitional water depths5
A simplified methodology for dynamic responses of cross-decks of trimarans under slamming loads5
Design comparison and effects of a chamber structure on wave dissipation5
A comparison of two ship performance models against full-scale measurements on a cargo ship on the Northern Sea Route5
Performance analysis and offshore applications of the diffuser augmented tidal turbines5
Hydrodynamic characteristics of a waterjet propulsion pump with front straight guide vane5
Moving air-water interface on no-slip solid walls for high-speed planing hulls5
On the effect of stiffness discontinuities on the reeling of pipelines using FEM and machine learning strategy5
Physics informed machine learning based applications for the stability analysis of breakwaters5
Research on shock resistance of shipborne equipment based on multibody system discrete-time transfer matrix method5
Dynamics of a Y-shaped semi-submersible floating wind turbine: a comparison of concrete and steel support structures5
Wind field forecasting using a novel method based on convolutional neural networks and bidirectional LSTM5
Extreme response prediction for fixed offshore structures by efficient time simulation regression procedures. Part 2: model validation5
Protective performance of sacrificial aluminium foam core sandwich panels vs. equivalent solid plates under direct and near-contact UNDEX conditions5
Hydroforming and buckling of a longan-shaped pressure vessel with longitudinal tension rods5
Simplified methods for the strength of ring-stiffened tubular T/Y-joints5
Procedure for determining design accidental loads in liquified-natural-gas-fuelled ships under explosion using a computational-fluid-dynamics-based simulation approach5
An investigation on the wake vortex structure and trajectory characteristics of the vehicle launched underwater5
Numerical analysis of pipe–soil interaction between SCR and nonlinear seabed based on co-rotational approach5
Ultimate strength models for spherical shells under external pressure: a comparative study5
Ecological effects and mitigation strategies for underwater noise from shipping activities5
Carbon footprint and cost analysis of renewable hydrogen-fuelled ships4
Effects of the stator prewhirl angle on the unsteady force under uniform and turbulent inflow for a pump-jet propulsor: a numerical study4
Influence of the offshore electrical platform on the dynamic responses of converter valve under sea waves and earthquakes4
Design and analysis of joints in reinforced thermoplastic composite pipe under internal pressure4
Hydrodynamic analysis of a round-ended caisson in submerging4
Fuzzy neural network adaptive AUV control based on FTHGO4
A study on structural CAD data conversion between AVEVA MARINE®and Intergraph Smart 3D®4
Ship propulsion shafting assembly detection: a model-data-driven approach4
Structural strength analysis of curved submarine pipes during pipeline connection4
Disturbance observer-based backstepping control for leader–follower ships with disturbances4
An improved coupled beam method for predicting longitudinal bending behaviour in luxury cruise ships4
A simplified prediction model of dwell-fatigue crack growth behaviour for titanium alloy4
An improved mesh refinement method to study the tip vortex cavitation of a marine propeller4
Energy harvesting efficiency analysis of counter-rotating horizontal-axis tidal turbines4
Understanding the fluid–structure interaction from wave diffraction forces on CALM buoys: numerical and analytical solutions4
Analysing cutting dynamics and mechanism design for AUVs navigating flexible fishing net hazards4
An analytical method for the vibration characteristics of double panel structures with uniform elastic boundary supports4
Sensitivity assessment of the crack propagation behavior in welded stiffened panels4
Prediction of cavitating propeller underwater radiated noise using RANS & DES-based hybrid method4
Estimating the stationary distribution of pitch motion response for floating offshore wind platforms via the detailed balance method4
Fixed-time observer-based heading control for underactuated hovercraft with slew rate safety constrain4
Nonlinear roll damping coefficients and natural frequency estimation via augmented extended Kalman filtering for floating body4
Dynamic analysis of the Cable-Driven Anti-swing System for slender payload lifting in the offshore environment4
Reliability analysis for ultimate strength evaluation methods of ring-stiffened cylindrical shells under hydrostatic pressure4
Structural damage detection using a sensitivity-based model updating approach with autocorrelation function data4
An optimisation method for anti-blast performance of corrugated sandwich plate structure based on neural network and sparrow search algorithm4
Effects of moving vehicles and running lane on the dynamic response of a long-span floating suspension bridge4
Numerical analysis on impact response of ice sheet against impactor penetration loading4
Numerical investigation into motion responses of the intact and damaged DTMB 5415 based on the AMR method in regular waves4
Experimental and numerical investigation on Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed CFRP laminate subjected to spherical and conical impacts4
Bias in estimates of extreme significant wave heights for the design of ship structures caused by neglecting within-year wave climate variability4
Numerical simulation and experimental study on perforated heave plate of a DeepCwind floating wind turbine platform4
Vibration prediction of offshore wind turbines based on long short-term memory network4
Rans investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of a ship moving obliquely in shallow and narrow channel4
An efficient fatigue analysis for the nonbonded flexible riser4
Experimental and numerical investigation on the cavitation erosion effect and resonance effect of submerged water jets4
Study on the application of vortex generator to suppress ship propeller cavitation excitation4
Predicting the occurrence of rogue waves in short-crested mixed seas4
Experimental investigation of ice resistance in jacket foundations for large offshore wind turbines4
Indirect inference approach for parameter estimation of non linear manoeuvring models of a ROV based on model basin trials4
A critical review of different works on marine propellers over the last three decades4
Temperature control characteristics of intelligent cooling system for high-speed marine diesel engine4
Deep reinforcement learning in dynamic positioning control: by rewarding small response of riser angles4
Numerical investigation of synthetic jet effects on vortex-induced vibrations in tandem circular cylinders4
Numerical analysis of the correlation between the pitting severity and surface roughness of corroded specimens4
Object detection of inland waterway ships based on improved SSD model4
Tangential developable and hydrodynamic surfaces for early stage of ship shape design4
Numerical simulation of the wave interaction with mussel droppers3
Analysis of vertical transport systems in deep-sea mining using variable-speed lifting electric pump3
Investigation of roll damping effects on deep water FPSOs with riser balcony through global coupled analysis3
Impact protection of offshore structures via high specific stiffness sandwich braces with a multistable transition mechanism3
Robustness optimisation of opening casing wall-strengthened cylindrical pressure hulls based on 6σ3
An investigation into the influence of analysis methods upon fatigue damage predictions for jack-up rigs3
Stress–strain analysis of steel cylinders in walls surrounding Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge’s artificial islands3
Experimental investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of an inverted trapezoidal breakwater3
A study on hydrodynamic characteristics of a planing hull by CFD simulation and modified M-S method3
Sailing status recognition to enhance safety awareness and path routing for a commuter ferry3
Experimental investigation of the effect of sail geometry on the flow around the SUBOFF submarine model inspired by the dolphin’s dorsal fin3
A suggestion of using task efficiency to replace swimming efficiency for both robotic fish and living fish3
Local joint flexibility of tubular K-joints reinforced with external plates under out of plane bending moments3
Collision avoidance for formation of autonomous ships using separation and recovery mechanism combine artificial potential field method3
Comparative technical-economic evaluation of offshore container port systems3
Wave characteristics and energy distribution over the sloping bed3
Design-oriented uniaxial material model for predicting longitudinal compressive behaviour of D36 steel plates with multiple mechanically induced pits3
Dissipation of incident wave energy by two floating horizontal porous plates over a trench type bottom3
A comparative analysis of numerically simulated and experimentally measured static responses of a floating dock3
Experimental study on fire extinguishing performance of typical large space fires on ships3
Voice activity detection for audio signal of voyage data recorder using residue network and attention mechanism3
Neural adaptive performance guaranteed formation control for USVs with event-triggered quantized inputs3
A Conceptual Design Framework for Tirhandil Type Sailing Yachts3
Tensile strength behaviour of steel plates with corrosion-induced geometrical deteriorations3
Free vibrations of functionally graded material cylindrical shell closed with two spherical caps3
Predicting ship ramming performance in thick level ice via experiments3
Influence of drainage conditions on piezocone penetration mechanism in offshore clays3
Numerical and experimental investigation of the effect of moonpool positioning on the hydrodynamics of floating drilling production storage and offloading vessel3
Marine propeller optimisation through user interaction and machine learning for advanced blade design scenarios3
Tool degradation in EDM processes: experimental study of surface contamination in electrodes used in the shipbuilding industry3
A numerical and experimental study on mechanical behaviours of type III composite vessels with different lay-up sequences3
Investigation of a combined Monte Carlo simulation and Galerkin approach for probabilistic characteristics modelling the dynamic behaviour of the fluid-conveying pipe3
A top-down lashing bridge collaborative design method3
A model-based shape conceptual design framework of blend-wing-body underwater gliders with curved wings3
Self-tuning ship autopilot based on the neural network concept: An empirical approach3
Tests on the incline rectification of suction bucket foundation installation under local cyclic shock loading3
The dynamic ultimate strength of stiffened panels under axial impact loading3
Novel technique for the retrofitting and refurbishment of a damaged offshore quay: a case study application3
BSEE decommissioning cost estimates in the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico3
Allowable differential air pressure during offshore transportation of composite bucket foundation3
Experimental study on the heat balance of turbocharged marine diesel engines with variable coolant flow3
Hydro-elastic analysis of water entry for flat and convex flexible wedges using the one-way coupling method3
Transient analysis of the influence of gap size of the rotor from stator on hydrodynamic performance of the linear jet propulsion system3
Residual ultimate strength of ship cracked plates considering fatigue crack propagation under cyclic loads3
The concept phase design of LNG tank and the fuel supply system on dual-fuel ships3
Collision dynamics in AUV docking with conical hood type dock: influencing factors and performance analysis3
A hydrogen fuelled LH2 tanker ship design3
Steady-state characteristics prediction of marine towing cable with BPNN3
Numerical method for the vibration analysis of pre-swirl stator3
Effect of the geometry on the structural performance of high-density polyethylene small craft joints3
On the analysis of burst capacity of steel strip reinforced flexible pipe with swaging endfitting3
Planing craft motion in oblique regular waves3
Effect of imperfect boundary conditions on free vibrations of square simply supported plates3
Experimental study on mooring system of tunnel element subjected to current loading during the standby period before its immersion2
A numerical study for predicting the capacity of skirted foundations in clay subjected to cyclic loading2
Local buckling and method for predicting ultimate compressive strain of pipeline with kinked dent2
The aerodynamic performances of the wing-shaped poop sail2
Multi-objective optimal input design for grey-box identification modelling of ship manoeuvring motion2
Analysis of the factors influencing the sealing performance in subsea electrical connectors2
Mitigating jacket offshore platform vibration under wave loadings utilising nonlinear energy sinks2
Simulation of creep-fatigue crack growth in aluminum alloy layers of hydrogen storage cylinders2
Machine learning-based semi-online performance optimisation for long-range underwater glider missions2
Kinetic characteristics of a moored floating structure with a liquid column vibration absorber (LCVA)2
Assessment of typhoon-induced wind and wave effects on fatigue crack growth life in offshore wind turbines2
Wave-attenuation performance and hydrodynamic characteristics of a plant ecological floating breakwater2
Design framework for sail & rigging parameters of Bodrum Gulets: comparison of schooner and ketch configurations2
Numerical study of the local scour characteristics of bottom-supported installation platforms during the installation of a monopile2
Effects of geometrical parameters on the local joint flexibility (LJF) of three-planar tubular T-joints in offshore structures2
Bearing capacity of perforated surface foundations on sand2
Structural responses of large-sized floating wind turbine with consideration of mooring-line dynamics based on coupled FEM simulations2
Optimisation of spool offset of sleeve valve considering opening frequency2
Adaptive neural trajectory tracking non-affine control for a hovercraft subject to multiple safety constraints2
Determining the effects of implementing IMO’s Hong Kong Convention’s requirements on the productivity of a ship recycling yard by using discrete event simulation2
Welding distortion prediction of ship plate frame structures based on a self-learning database2
Approximate settlement influence factors for bucket foundations2
Rapid assessment of load-bearing capacity of asymmetric hulls using the MOPSO-based Smith method2
Numerical investigation on the effect of interceptor mechanism on maneuvering derivatives2
A Fuzzy Bayesian approach for ‘Appraisal’ of ship voyage plans2
Spudcan slip prediction of jack-up rig near the footprint: a coupled RPD-moment based solution2
Bayesian and machine learning-based fault detection and diagnostics for marine applications2
Data-driven condition monitoring of two-stroke marine diesel engine piston rings with machine learning2
Reliability analysis of SHS compression members in shipbuilding: derivation of probabilistic buckling curves2
Effects of Reynolds number on the unsteady performance and flow of a pre-swirl stator pump-jet propulsor2
Method for monitoring scour depth of monopile under different relative densities of soil2
Impact of the learning curve on the production performance of shipyard welding workers2
Damping material distribution optimisation based on power flow level difference: numerical analysis and experimental validation2
Optimisation of hexagon-shaped floating units using the response surface method2
Study on force characteristics of catamaran buttress during floating2
Structural damage identification by a sensitivity-based finite element model updating method using transmissibility function data2
Linear finite element formulation for free vibration and buckling analyses of multi-directional FGP doubly curved shallow shells in thermal environment2
A numerical method for analysing the responses of cargo containment system of an LNGC under iceberg collision2
Study on aerodynamic performance of floating offshore wind turbine with fusion winglets under yaw motion2
Investigations on a moving target’s penetration into the seabed sediment using the ALE technique2
Theoretical and numerical analysis of buckling stability of bi-directional corrugated sandwich panels2
A hybrid harmonic polynomial cell and STF strip theory method for marine hydrodynamics and ship motion analysis2
Effects of tendon breakage on the dynamic behaviour of a TLP2
Analysis of wave focusing characteristics of parabolic reflecting wall2
Offshore crane non-linear stochastic response: novel design and extreme response by a path integration2
Early warning of vibration faults of marine diesel engine based on improved VMD2
Experimental investigation of decomposition of signal energy for damage detection of jacket type offshore platforms2
Offshore pipeline buried in Indian coastal clay: buckling behaviour analysis2
A distribution model for predicting long-term design force values in wave energy converters2
Analysis of the dynamic response of a model of an oyster farming structure2
Collaborative task decision-making of multi-UUV in dynamic environments based on deep reinforcement learning2
Numerical investigation of breaking wave loads on the downstream inclined cylinder under shelter effect from the upstream vertical cylinder2
Static and dynamic analyses of stiffened and unstiffened square steel plates under static and hydrostatic loads using finite element method2
Microstructural damage and response of stiffened composite submersible pressure hull subjected to underwater explosion2
Numerical study of ice impacted by a vehicle launched underwater based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics2
Experimental and numerical investigation on axial load transfer across cracked tubular joint strengthened with grouted clamps of a jacket in under water condition2
Numerical investigation of collision between massive ice floe and marine structure using coupled SPH-FEM method2
Performance analysis of the combination of a pitching wave surge energy converter and floating breakwaters2
A stochastic analysis approach for marine riser’s cross-flow/in-line VIV under heave-induced parametric vibration2
Investigation on control strategy optimisation of harsh transient condition for a marine natural gas engine2
A RANS approach for transfer function plot based on discrete fourier transform2