Learning Media and Technology

(The H4-Index of Learning Media and Technology is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The rise of education rentiers: digital platforms, digital data and rents71
AI hyped? A horizon scan of discourse on artificial intelligence in education (AIED) and development68
The platformization of primary education in The Netherlands52
Covid-19 controversies and critical research in digital education45
Re-examining AI, automation and datafication in education42
A decolonial approach to AI in higher education teaching and learning: strategies for undoing the ethics of digital neocolonialism37
Health education, social media, and tensions of authenticity in the influencer pedagogy’ of health influencer Ashy Bines30
Lockdown literacies and semiotic assemblages: academic boundary work in the Covid-19 crisis28
Neoliberal education and the neoliberal digital classroom28
What is ‘critical’ in critical studies of edtech? Three responses27
The hidden costs of connectivity: nature and effects of scholars’ online harassment26
Systematic review of 15 years of research on digital citizenship: 2004–201926
A patchwork of platforms: mapping data infrastructures in schools25
Big EdTech25
Lifting the veil on TeachersPayTeachers.com: an investigation of educational marketplace offerings and downloads23
Theorising on covid-19 educational emergency: magnifying glasses for the field of educational technology23
The platform classroom: troubling student configurations in a Danish primary school22
Immersive virtual reality (VR) for digital media making: transmediation is key22
Sociotechnical imaginaries in the present and future university: a corpus-assisted discourse analysis of UK higher education texts21
Educational technologies as matters of care21