
(The median citation count of Leadership is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The perils of authentic leadership theory32
Fifty-five years of managerial shared leadership research: A review of an empirical field31
Extinction Rebellion: Green activism and the fantasy of leaderlessness in a decentralized movement20
Individual and collective leadership for deliberate transformations: Insights from Indigenous leadership18
Theorizing compassionate leadership from the case of Jacinda Ardern: Legitimacy, paradox and resource conservation18
Whiteness in leadership theorizing: A critical analysis of race in Bass’ transformational leadership theory18
Problematizing authentic leadership: How the experience of minoritized people highlights the impossibility of leading from one’s “true self”16
Place, power and leadership: Insights from mayoral governance and leadership innovation in Bristol, UK15
Land Back: A meta narrative to help indigenous people show up as movement leaders14
Crazy, stupid, disobedience: The dark side of paradoxical leadership13
Impossible or just irrelevant? Unravelling the ‘authentic leadership’ paradox through the lens of emotional labour13
Beyond diversity, inclusion, and belonging12
Leadership Special Issue: Do we need Authentic Leadership? Interrogating authenticity in a new world order12
Can you be a follower even when you do not follow the leader? Yes, you can12
Putting leadership in its place: Introduction to the special issue11
What lies beneath resilience: Analyzing the affective-relational basis of shared leadership in the Chilean miners’ catastrophe11
White privilege, Black resilience: Women of color leading the academy11
Why is collective leadership so elusive?10
The fallacy of discrete authentic leader behaviours: Locating authentic leadership in interaction9
A Daoist understanding of mindful leadership9
Friend or fiend? An interpretative phenomenological analysis of moral and relational orientation in authentic leadership9
The field of race and leadership8
Exploring caring leadership through a feminist ethic of care: The case of a sporty CEO8
How social context impacts the emergence of leadership structures7
Proposals for the future of leadership scholarship: Suggestions in Phronesis7
Volodymyr Zelenskyy, heroic leadership, and the historical gaze7
The paradox of the seed and soil: Cultivating inclusive leadership for a “new normal”7
Leading innovation through employees’ participation: Plural leadership in employee-driven innovation practices7
Is leadership the solution to the wicked problem of climate change?6
The gaslighting of authentic leadership 2.06
Ancestral leadership: Place-based intergenerational leadership6
The connecting leader. Aligning leadership theories to managers’ issues6
The construction of leadership practice: Making sense of leader competencies6
The gaslighting of authentic leadership6
Unleading during a pandemic: Scrutinising leadership and its impact in a state of exception6
‘I AM’: Indigenous consciousness for authenticity and leadership6
Black Lives Matter and the revitalization of collective visionary leadership6
What silence can teach us about race and leadership6
Post-heroic heroism: Embedded masculinities in media framing of Australian business leadership5
The development and disruption of relationships between leaders and organizational members and the importance of trust5
Place – The final frontier: Exploring the outer reaches of collaborative agency using the Japanese concept of Ba5
Exposing and re-placing leadership through workers inquiry5
The 2020 election and its aftermath: Love, lies, and ensorceling leadership5
Leadership of place in virtual environments5
‘You can’t Google everything’: the voluntary sector and the leadership of communities of place5
Paternalistic leadership as a double-edged sword: Analysis of the Sri Lankan President’s response to the COVID-19 crisis5
Challenging humanist leadership: Toward an embodied, ethical, and effective neo-humanist, enlightenment approach5
Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces4
The role of status and power inequalities in leader-member exchange4
Reframing the past to legitimate the future: Building collective agency for social change through a process of decolonizing memory4
Leadership, incrementalism and the repetition of history: A Ukrainian tragedy in four acts4
Adaptation of leadership competence to climate change education: Conceptual foundations, validation, and applications of a new measure4
Trying out loud: Leadership development as experimentalism4
It is time to use the F word about Trump: Fascism, populism and the rebirth of history4
Leadership legitimacy and the mobilization of capital(s): Disrupting politics and reproducing heteronormativity3
Making sense of the rise and fall of Jeremy Corbyn: Towards an ambiguity-centred perspective on authentic leadership3
The advantages and disadvantages of different implementations of shared leadership in organizations: A qualitative study3
Examining employee willingness to execute shared leadership: The role of leadership behaviour, gender, age, and context3
The gaslighting of authentic leadership revisited3
Blackboxing leadership: Methodological practices leading to manager-centrism3
If philosophers went on a leadership course: A (serious) farce in three Acts3
Evaluating assertions by a Wells Fargo CEO of a ‘return to ethical conduct’3
Consensus, convergence, and COVID-19: The ethical role of religious reasons in leaders’ response to COVID-192
Working together to survive and thrive: The struggle for Black lives past and present2
Ukraine 2022, through the leadership binoculars2
An insatiable hunger for charisma? A follower-centric analysis of populism and charismatic leadership2
Editorial transitions part 2 – hail and hello2
Exploring alignment of assumptions in plural leadership: A case study of managers’ implicit leadership theories in the danish public sector2
Pernicious executive order 13950 revoked, yet structural racism looms large2
Update of leadership-as-practice “practice theory”: Featuring Joe Raelin Interviewed by Jenny Robinson2
Dialectics of distributed leadership in an interorganizational entrepreneurship hub2
‘Unlocking Us’: Analyzing the US election and its aftermath2
The return of the hero-leader? Volodymyr Zelensky’s international image and the global response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine2
Bureaucratic squires: A critical analysis of the construction of charismatic top-leaders2
Transformations towards an integrated leadership development system—A longitudinal study in a high-performing public organization2
Stoicism, philosophy as a way of life and Negative Capability: Developing a capacity for working in radical uncertainty2
Leadership configuration in crises: Lessons from the English response to COVID-192
Twitter as a leadership actor — A communication as constitutive of organizing perspective on a ‘leaderless’ social movement1
Charismatic rhetoric, perceptions of charisma and narcissism, and voting behavior: Leadership under crisis1
Orientations toward community leadership1
Book Review: Virtual Leadership: practical strategies for success with remote or hybrid work and teams1
What do leaders really want to learn in a workplace? A study of the shifting agendas of leadership coaching1
Disrupting masculinities within leadership: Problems of embodiment, ethics, identity and power1
Imagining aesthetic leadership1
Editorial transitions: Hail and farewell1
Letter to Putin1
The meaning of leadership for educated young bedouin men1
Reconstructing authenticity through a multi-paradigmatic umbrella: A process perspective1
Narrating failure1
Leading like lions: The model junior officer in the Great War and a critique of present-day mainstream leadership models1
Evaluating shifting perceptions and configurations of social capital in leadership development1
Leader development: A pathway for social change?1