Reproductive Health

(The TQCC of Reproductive Health is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Meeting the reproductive health needs of female sex workers in Côte d’Ivoire: protecting the human right to dignified health184
Known HIV status among adolescent women attending antenatal care services in Eswatini, Ethiopia and Mozambique75
Designing and validating an adaptation tool for endometriosis: an exploratory mixed method study protocol50
Fear of childbirth and psychiatric disorders decrease the likelihood of subsequent births: a retrospective register-based cohort study49
Food aversion during pregnancy and its association with nutritional status of pregnant women in Boricha Woreda, Sidama Regional State, Southern Ethiopia, 2019. A community based mixed crossectional st47
Challenges and opportunities from using abortion harm reduction and value clarification and attitude transformation engagements for safe abortion advocacy in Uganda47
Effects of the reaching married adolescents program on modern contraceptive use and intimate partner violence: results of a cluster randomized controlled trial among married adolescent girls and their44
Influence of socio-contextual factors on the link between traditional and new media use, and young people’s sexual risk behaviour in Sub-Saharan Africa: a secondary data analysis44
The effects of completion of continuum of care in maternal health services on adverse birth outcomes in Northwestern Ethiopia: a prospective follow-up study43
Assessing knowledge, attitudes, and practice of health providers towards the provision of postpartum intrauterine devices in Nepal: a two-year follow-up42
Women’s voice on changes in childbirth care practices: a qualitative approach to women’s experiences in Brazilian private hospitals participating in the Adequate Childbirth Project42
Escaping social rejection, gaining total capital: the complex psychological experience of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) among the Izzi in Southeast Nigeria42
Insights into preventing female genital mutilation/cutting in Sri Lanka: a qualitative interpretative study40
Health facilities readiness to provide comprehensive abortion care and factors associated with client satisfaction in Central Oromia Region, Ethiopia: a multilevel modeling approach39
The influence of social and cultural practices on maternal mortality: a qualitative study from South Punjab, Pakistan38
Comparative analysis of viral infection outcomes in human seminal fluid from prior viral epidemics and Sars-CoV-2 may offer trends for viral sexual transmissibility and long-term reproductive health i37
Sexual lives and reproductive health outcomes among persons with disabilities: a mixed-methods study in two districts of Ghana36
The association between childbirth-related fear, childbirth readiness, and fertility intentions, and childbirth readiness as the mediator34
Validation of an obstetric fistula screening questionnaire: a case–control study with clinical examination33
The need for regulation in the practice of human assisted reproduction in Mexico. An overview of the regulations in the rest of the world32
Factors associated with risk sexual behaviours of HIV/STDs infection among university students in Henan, China: a cross-sectional study29
Exploring women’s interpretations of survey questions on pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes: cognitive interviews in Iganga Mayuge, Uganda29
How do Pacific Island countries add up on contraception, abortion and reproductive coercion? Guidance from the Guttmacher report on investing in sexual and reproductive health27
Intimate partner violence after childbirth: an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study protocol26
Is intimate partner violence and obstetrics characteristics of pregnant women associated with preterm birth in Ethiopia? Umbrella review on preterm birth26
Hair salons and stylist–client social relationships as facilitators of community-based contraceptive uptake in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a qualitative analysis25
What to expect when girls are expecting: psychosocial support challenges and opportunities in the context and aftermath of teenage pregnancy in Kenya24
Exposure to family planning messages and teenage pregnancy: results from the 2017 Philippine National Demographic and Health Survey24
Contraceptive preferences and adoption following female genital fistula surgery in Uganda: a mixed-methods study24
Reproductive health status of adolescent mothers in an Iranian setting: a cross-sectional study24
“It’s important to foster open discussion about the topic”: development, implementation, and evaluation of an ethics of abortion independent learning module for second year medical students23
The long-term effects of reproductive health education among primary and secondary school students: a longitudinal quasi-experimental study in rural Tanzania23
Involving the health sector in the prevention and care of female genital mutilation: results from formative research in Guinea22
Awareness of pubertal body changes among primary school children aged 10–14 years in Eastern Uganda; challenges and opportunities22
Socioeconomic and residence-based inequalities in adolescent fertility in 39 African countries22
Unraveling reproductive and maternal health challenges of women living with HIV/AIDS in Vietnam: a qualitative study22
Process of adhesion of the Adequate Childbirth Program to improve obstetric care in private hospitals in Brazil20
‘Baby mamas’ in Urban Ghana: an exploratory qualitative study on the factors influencing serial fathering among men in Accra, Ghana20
Measuring social norms of intimate partner violence to exert control over wife agency, sexuality, and reproductive autonomy: an item response modelling of the IPV-ASRA scale20
Contraceptive behavior of women in India after induced abortion20
Naïve, uninformed and sexually abused: circumstances surrounding adolescent pregnancies in Malawi20
Examining the recent trends in adolescent sexual and reproductive health in five countries of sub‐Saharan Africa based on PMA and DHS household surveys19
Understanding sexual behaviors of youth from the lens of caregivers, teachers, local leaders and youth in Homabay County, Kenya19
A 20 year experience in the management of non-tubal ectopic pregnancies in a tertiary hospital – a retrospective review19
The advancement of a gender ethics protocol to uncover gender ethical dilemmas in midwifery: a preliminary theory model19
Geographical hotspots and correlates of early sexual debut among women in Ghana18
Comparative efficacy of oral insulin sensitizers metformin, thiazolidinediones, inositol, and berberine in improving endocrine and metabolic profiles in women with PCOS: a network meta-analysis18
Study protocol for the implementation of Centering Patients with Fibroids, a novel group education and empowerment program for patients with symptomatic uterine fibroids18
Glancing at the past and course-setting for the future: lessons from the last decade of research on medication abortion in high-income countries18
Abortion services during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review18
Patterns and predictors of gestational weight gain in Addis Ababa, Central Ethiopia: a prospective cohort study18
Women's voices and meanings of empowerment for reproductive decisions: a qualitative study in Mozambique17
Assessing parental marital quality and divorce related to youth sexual experiences and adverse reproductive health outcomes among 50,000 Chinese college students17
Paternal smoking and preterm birth: a population-based retrospective cohort study among non-smoking women aged 20–49 years in rural China17
Parents’ approaches to sexuality education of their adolescent boys: a qualitative study in Ahvaz, Iran17
Social determinants of health pave the path to maternal deaths in rural Sri Lanka: reflections from social autopsies17
The technical efficiency of maternal and child health hospitals in China: a case study of Hubei Province17
Association between paternal age and singleton birthweight in frozen embryo transfer cycles17
Family planning service availability and readiness assessment of primary health care facilities in Delta State, Nigeria: a mixed methods survey17
Support for sexual and reproductive health and rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: a new index based on World Values Survey data17
Examining contraceptive utilization behavior in Pakistani women16
Ranking the dietary interventions by their effectiveness in the management of polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic review and network meta-analysis16
Parent-young communication on sexual and reproductive health issues and its associated factors: experience of students in Agaro Town, Ethiopia16
Transition into the sexual and reproductive role: a qualitative exploration of Iranian married adolescent girls’ needs and experiences16
University students’ fertility awareness and its influencing factors: a systematic review16
Prediction of chromosomal abnormalities in the screening of the first trimester of pregnancy using machine learning methods: a study protocol16
Role of social network in decision making for increasing uptake and continuing use of long acting reversible (LARC) methods in Pakistan16
Vitamin D and reproductive disorders: a comprehensive review with a focus on endometriosis16
Early union, ‘disgrasya’, and prior adversity and disadvantage: pathways to adolescent pregnancy among Filipino youth16
Development and psychometric evaluation of the sexual satisfaction questionnaire for postmenopausal women (PWSSQ): an exploratory mixed method study protocol16
Effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on depression, anxiety, and stress of women with the early loss of pregnancy in southeast Iran: a randomized control trial16
School attendance and sexual and reproductive health outcomes among adolescent girls in Kenya: a cross-sectional analysis16
Optimizing screening practice for gestational diabetes mellitus in primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania: research protocol15
Evaluating pregnancy outcomes in women with uterine fibroids treated with high-intensity focused ultrasound: insights from a single-institution study15
A multilevel analysis of trends and predictors associated with teenage pregnancy in Zambia (2001–2018)15
Artificial intelligence and sexual reproductive health and rights: a technological leap towards achieving sustainable development goal target 3.715
Sexual function and sexual quality of life in men with genital warts: a cross-sectional study15
The portrayal and perceptions of cesarean section in Mexican media Facebook pages: a mixed-methods study15
A critical cartography of domestic violence policies in Mozambique15
Magnitude and factors for method discontinuation and switching among long acting reversible contraceptive users in health facilities of Southern Ethiopia14
Canadian service providers' perspectives on reproductive coercion and abuse: a participatory action research to address their needs and support their actions14
Childhood adversity, perceived social support, and depressive symptoms among pre-abortion Chinese women14
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of contraceptive methods from a health provider perspective: case study of Kiambu County Hospital, Kenya14
What factors shape quality of life for women affected by gynaecological cancer in South, South East and East Asian countries? A critical review14
Tanzanian adolescents’ attitudes toward abortion: innovating video vignettes in survey research on health topics14
“I am not shy anymore”: A qualitative study of the role of an interactive mHealth intervention on sexual health knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of South African adolescents with perinatal HIV14
Individualized luteal phase support after fresh embryo transfer: unanswered questions, a review14
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health needs and utilisation of health services in the Bono East Region, Ghana14
Scale-up of a novel vital signs alert device to improve maternity care in Sierra Leone: a mixed methods evaluation of adoption13
Factors associated with the intention to undergo Pap smear testing in the rural areas of Indonesia: a health belief model13
It’s a woman’s thing: gender roles sustaining the practice of female genital mutilation among the Kassena-Nankana of northern Ghana13
Fertility awareness, perceived factors and approaches to improve contraceptive uptake among sexually active adolescent girls in Phalombe, Malawi: a mixed-methods study13
Men’s involvement in family planning programs: an exploratory study from Karachi, Pakistan13
Sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian settings: a matter of life and death13
Factors facilitating the use of contraceptive methods among urban adolescents and youth in Guinea: a qualitative study13
Magnitude of postpartum hemorrhage and associated factors among women who gave birth in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis13
Comprehensive emergency management of obstetric and newborn care program implementation at University of Gondar Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021: an evaluation study13
Menstrual health among adolescents and young adults in rural Haiti13
‘The tabloid test’: a qualitative interview study on the function and purpose of termination of pregnancy review committees in Victoria, Australia13
Intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression among urban adolescent mothers in South Africa13
Clinical and epidemiological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection among pregnant and postpartum women in Mozambique: a prospective cohort study13
Fertility and contraception among women of reproductive age following a disaster: a scoping review13
Respectful maternity care during facility-based child birth and associated factors in public health facilities of Ilu AbaBor zone, Southwest Ethiopia13
Contextual determinants of generational continuation of female genital mutilation among women of reproductive age in nigeria: analysis of the 2018 demographic and health survey13
Menstrual health and hygiene among Juang women: a particularly vulnerable tribal group in Odisha, India13
Parental communication on sexual and reproductive health issues to their adolescents and affecting factors at Asella town, Ethiopia: a community-based, cross-sectional study13
Determinants of preventive sexual behaviours among first year university students in Beira city, central Mozambique: a cross-sectional study13
The effect of women’s body mass index on pelvic organ prolapse: a systematic review and meta analysis12
Association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene variants with preeclampsia12
Designing, implementing and evaluating an educational program regarding the effects of second-hand smoke in pregnancy on the knowledge, attitude and performance of male smokers12
Individual empowerment and community norm effects of engaging young husbands in reproductive health in rural India: findings from a pilot study12
Barriers, attitudes and perceptions to physical activity among pregnant women in Ibadan, Nigeria and the associated factors: a mixed method study12
Episiotomy practice and associated factors among mothers who gave birth at public health facilities in Metema district, northwest Ethiopia12
Parent–adolescent communication on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in sub-Saharan Africa: a qualitative review and thematic synthesis12
Disclosure to social network members among abortion-seeking women in low- and middle-income countries with restrictive access: a systematic review12
Determinants associated with high-risk fertility behaviours among reproductive aged women in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study12
Association of diet and lifestyle factors with semen quality in male partners of Chinese couples preparing for pregnancy12
Interviewing adolescent girls about sexual and reproductive health: a qualitative study exploring how best to ask questions in structured follow-up interviews in a randomized controlled trial in Zambi12
Understanding abortion seeking care outside of formal health care settings in Cape Town, South Africa: a qualitative study12
Study protocol for an individually randomized control trial for India's first roleplay-based mobile game for reproductive health for adolescent girls12
Woman and girl-centred care for those affected by female genital mutilation: a scoping review of provider tools and guidelines12
Modern contraceptive use among women in need of family planning in India: an analysis of the inequalities related to the mix of methods used12
Nutritional practice of pregnant women in Buno Bedele zone, Ethiopia: a community based cross-sectional study12
Changes in the prevalence of child marriage in Ethiopia, 2005–201612
Sexual and reproductive health among forcibly displaced persons in urban environments in low and middle-income countries: scoping review findings12
Reproductive health interventions for Inuit youth in the north: a scoping review12
Understanding the impacts of child marriage on the health and well-being of adolescent girls and young women residing in urban areas in Egypt12
Timing of first antenatal care visits and number of items of antenatal care contents received and associated factors in Ethiopia: multilevel mixed effects analysis12
Improving the sexual health of women with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review of published studies11
Capturing the HIV-related social exclusion practices experienced by key populations through photovoice: an interpretative phenomenological study11
The effects of reproductive variables on child mortality in Ethiopia: evidence from demographic and health surveys from 2000 to 201611
Risky sexual behaviours and HIV testing among young people in Ghana: evidence from the 2017/2018 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey11
The reasons for and influences of unintended teenage pregnancy in Kericho county, Kenya: a qualitative study11
Strategies to enhance sexual health education for prevention of teenage pregnancy in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province: different stakeholder’s perspectives, a co-operative Inquiry qualitative protoco11
The condition of women frequently changing sanitary pads in 28 cities of China: a cross-sectional study11
Effect of online intervention mode on breastfeeding results: a systematic review and meta-analysis11
Assessing the prevalence and association between physical, emotional, and sexual of intimate partner violence against women in Nigeria11
Determinants and predictive model of failure of surgical repair of obstetric vesico-vaginal fistula in the Democratic Republic of the Congo11
Both reduced ovarian reserve and severe semen alterations are overrepresented in couples seeking assisted reproductive technology treatment for the first time: a cross-sectional study11
How birth outcomes among a cohort of Guatemalan women with a history of prior cesarean vary by mode or birth across different interpregnancy intervals11
ASRHR in Ethiopia: reviewing progress over the last 20 years and looking ahead to the next 10 years11
Correction: The effect of national antenatal care guidelines and provider training on obstetric danger sign counselling: a propensity score matching analysis of the 2014 Ethiopia service provision ass11
Correction: Prevalence and correlates of reproductive coercion across ten sites: commonalities and divergence11
Reproductive health literacy scale: a tool to measure the effectiveness of health literacy training11
Contraception after in vitro fertilisation (IVF): a qualitative study of the views of women who have had spontaneous pregnancies after successful IVF11
Knowledge and utilisation of preconception care and associated factors among women in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis11
Health workers’ and hospital administrators’ perspectives on mistreatment of women during facility-based childbirth: a multicenter qualitative study in Ghana11
Examining the associations between social support and postpartum depression symptoms among adolescent mothers in Nairobi, Kenya11
Opportunities for improving abortion care: a key stakeholder analysis of best practices for addressing the needs of transgender, nonbinary, and gender expansive people seeking abortions11
INSIGHT-2: mechanistic studies into pregnancy complications and their impact on maternal and child health—study protocol11
Evaluating a scalable ARCHES (Addressing Reproductive Coercion in Health Settings) model in government health facilities in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlle10
Psychosocial determinants of sexual health in newly married couples: a protocol for a mixed-methods study10
Perceptions of family, community and religious leaders and acceptability for minimal invasive tissue sampling to identify the cause of death in under-five deaths and stillbirths in North India: a qual10
“We don’t want problems”: reasons for denial of legal abortion based on conscientious objection in Mexico and Bolivia10
Long-acting reversible contraceptives use among adolescent girls and young women in high fertility countries in sub-Saharan Africa10
The relationship between social support and mental health problems during pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis10
Development of self-care strategies to promote young Iranian women’s sexual health: an explanatory sequential mixed method study protocol10
Exploring health insurance and knowledge of the ovulatory cycle: evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys of 29 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa10
Spatial heterogeneity in discontinuation of modern spacing method in districts of India10
Awareness of obstetric fistula and associated factors among women in reproductive age group attending public hospitals in southwest Ethiopia, 202110
Effectiveness of a breastfeeding promotion intervention model based on Society ecosystems Theory for maternal women: a study protocol of randomized controlled trial10
Is there an optimal inter-delivery interval in women who underwent trial of labor after cesarean delivery (TOLAC)?10
Promoting adolescent mother self-efficacy for parenting roles, and self-care after childbirth: protocol for a mixed methods study10
Female genital mutilation and sexual behaviour by marital status among a nationally representative sample of Nigerian women10
The impact of having a dedicated obstetrics and gynecology resident to provide contraceptive counseling on immediate postpartum family planning uptake: a “pre–post” study10
Acceptance and attitude of Lebanese lawyers and medical students toward surrogate pregnancy: a cross-sectional study10
Prevalence of and factors associated with unintended pregnancies among sexually active undergraduates in mainland China10
A bit of medical paternalism? A qualitative study on power relations between women and healthcare providers when deciding on mode of birth in five public maternity wards of Argentina9
Women’s experiences throughout the birthing process in health facilities in Arab countries: a systematic review9
A loss-of-function variant in ZCWPW1 causes human male infertility with sperm head defect and high DNA fragmentation9
Modeling the determinant of time to age at first marriage among women in Ethiopia using Cox models with mixed effects9
I felt so much conflict instead of joy: an analysis of open-ended comments from people in British Columbia who declined care recommendations during pregnancy and childbirth9
Unmet need for family planning among rural married women in Ethiopia: What is the role of the health extension program in reducing unmet need?9
Comparability of family planning quality of care measurement tools in low-and-middle income country settings: a systematic review9
A qualitative assessment of the impact of a community-embedded intervention on beneficiaries' attitudes and beliefs about adolescent sexual reproductive health in Ebonyi State, Southeast, Nigeria9
Understanding the meaning of the lived experience “maternal role” in women with multiple sclerosis and planning a supportive program: a combined exploratory study protocol9
Providing technical assistance: lessons learned from the first three years of the WHO Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Technical Assistance Coordination Mechanism9
How do changes in motivation to prevent pregnancy influence contraceptive continuation? Results from a longitudinal study with women who receive family planning services from Community Pharmacists and9
Designing, validation and evaluation of the expert system of “Healthy Menopause” and assessing its effect on the management of menopause symptoms: an exploratory mixed method study protocol9
Assisted reproductive technology induces different secondary sex ratio: parental and embryonic impacts9
The effectiveness of an m-Health intervention on the sexual and reproductive health of in-school adolescents: a cluster randomized controlled trial in Nigeria9
Investigation of common risk factors between polycystic ovary syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease: a narrative review9
Impact of postpartum weight change on metabolic syndrome and its components among women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus9
A comprehensive interventional program based on the needs and concerns related to female genital cosmetic surgeries: protocol for a multistage mixed methods study9
A cross-sectional study on pelvic floor symptoms in women living with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting9
Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoea, and Trichomonas vaginalis infections among pregnant women and male partners in Dutch midwifery practices: prevalence, risk factors, and perinatal outcomes9
Comparing options for females seeking permanent contraception in high resource countries: a systematic review9
Post-traumatic stress disorder among Iranian women with genital mutilation: a cross-sectional study9
Development of integration indexes to determine the extent of family planning and child immunization services integration in health facilities in urban areas of Nigeria9
Minimum initial service package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health for women in a displacement setting: a narrative review on the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon9
Unmet need for family planning and factors associated among women living with HIV in Oromia regional state, Ethiopia9
Preimplantation genetic testing for familial amyloid polyneuropathy9
Exploring the link between chromosomal polymorphisms and reproductive abnormalities9
Genital mycoplasma infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis8
Assessing changes in knowledge, attitudes, and intentions to use family planning after watching documentary and drama health education films: a qualitative study8
Seeking menstrual products: a qualitative exploration of the unmet menstrual needs of individuals experiencing homelessness in New York City8
Acceptance and commitment therapy adapted for women with infertility: a pilot study of the Infertility ACTion program8
Developing a comprehensive abortion prevention program for couples based on I-change model: study protocol for a mixed method research8
Acceptability of an on-demand pericoital oral contraceptive pill: a systematic scoping review8
Patterns of contraceptive use among young Australian women with chronic disease: findings from a prospective cohort study8
Beyond knowledge acquisition: factors influencing family planning utilization among women in conservative communities in Rural Burundi8
Structural barriers to maternity care in Cameroon: a qualitative study8
Gynecological morbidity and treatment-seeking among older adult (aged 45–59) women in India8
Typologies of women’s abortion trajectories in Burkina Faso: findings from a qualitative study8
Barriers to sexual and reproductive care among cisgender, heterosexual and LGBTQIA + adolescents in the border region: provider and adolescent perspectives8
Women’s household decision-making power and contraceptive use in Mali8
Impact of Sumadhur intervention on fertility and family planning decision-making norms: a mixed methods study8
Intentions of preventive depression management for a healthy pregnancy by gender among unmarried college students in Korea: a cross-sectional study8
Nothing so practical as theory: a rapid review of the use of behaviour change theory in family planning interventions involving men and boys8
Landscape assessment of the availability of medical abortion medicines in India8
“I wasn’t sure it would work. I was just trying”: an ethnographic study on the choice of abortion methods among young women in Kilifi County, Kenya, and Atlantique Department, Benin8
Geographic and socioeconomic inequalities in the coverage of contraception in Uttar Pradesh, India8
Effectiveness of checklist-based box system intervention (CBBSI) versus routine care on improving postnatal care utilization in Northwest Ethiopia: a cluster randomized controlled trial8
Socio-cultural implications for women’s menstrual health in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs): a scoping review8
The impact of a reproductive health voucher in Uganda using a quasi-experimental matching design8
Acceptance, utilization, and factors associated with immediate postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device among mothers delivered at public health facilities in Hawassa city, Ethiopia: Institution-b8
Stakeholders’ perspectives on the acceptability and feasibility of maternity waiting homes: a qualitative synthesis8
Altered gene expression of VEGF, IGFs and H19 lncRNA and epigenetic profile of H19-DMR region in endometrial tissues of women with endometriosis7
Effect of COVID-19 on antenatal care: experiences of medical professionals in the Netherlands7
Prevalence, indications, and complications of caesarean section in health facilities across Nigeria: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Association of electronic screen exposure with depression among women in early pregnancy: a cross-sectional study7
Iranian single-child couples’ perceptions and experiences regarding childbearing incentives7
Health care professionals’ attitudes towards youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services in Jordan: a cross-sectional study of physicians, midwives and nurses7
Knowledge and willingness of parents towards child girl HPV vaccination in Debre Tabor Town, Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study7
Coping with dyspareunia, the importance of inter and intrapersonal context on women’s sexual distress: a population-based study7
Women's strategies for managing domestic violence during pregnancy: a qualitative study in Iran7
Duration of third stage labour and postpartum blood loss: a secondary analysis of the WHO CHAMPION trial data7
“They talked to me rudely”. Women perspectives on quality of post-abortion care in public health facilities in Kenya7
Reproductive health decision making among nomadic pastoralists in North Eastern Kenya: a qualitative social network analysis7
Women’s preference for a vaginal birth in Brazilian private hospitals: effects of a quality improvement project7
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health for all in sub-Saharan Africa: a spotlight on inequalities7
Giving birth on the way to the clinic: undocumented migrant women’s perceptions and experiences of maternal healthcare accessibility along the Thailand–Myanmar border7
Prevalence and predictors of premarital sexual intercourse among young women in sub-Saharan Africa7
Correlates of intimate partner violence among pregnant and parenting adolescents: a cross-sectional household survey in Blantyre District, Malawi7
Caesarean section on maternal request: a qualitative study of conflicts related to shared decision-making and person-centred care in Sweden7
Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on family planning: results from a qualitative study in rural Uganda following COVID-19 lockdown7
Prevalence and correlates of induced abortion: results of a facility-based cross-sectional survey of parturient women living with HIV in South Africa7
Incidence, causes, and maternofetal outcomes of obstructed labor in Ethiopia: systematic review and meta-analysis7
Community perspectives on family planning service quality among users and non-users: a qualitative study from two cities in Burkina Faso7
Urban public health education services, health status, and increased fertility intentions of the rural migrant population7
Comparing the effect of two educational interventions on mothers’ awareness, attitude, and self-efficacy regarding sexual health care of educable intellectually disabled adolescent girls: a cluster ra7
Assessment of access and utilization of adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health services in western Ethiopia7
Evaluation of labor and childbirth care by nurse-midwives in Brazilian private hospitals: results of a quality improvement project7
Novel concepts and improvisation for treating postpartum haemorrhage: a narrative review of emerging techniques7
Information-seeking behavior on sexually transmitted infections and its associated factors among university students in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study7
Factors associated with contraceptive use among women living with HIV in Canada: a controlled, cross-sectional study7
The barriers and facilitators of Iranian men's involvement in perinatal care: a qualitative study7
Contraceptive and abortion practices of young Ghanaian women aged 15–24: evidence from a nationally representative survey7
Two decades of Iranian midwives' activities as a health care provider under supervision in a multidisciplinary team in reducing maternal mortality7
Doctors’ experiences providing sexual and reproductive health care at Catholic Hospitals in the conflict-affected North-West region of Cameroon: a qualitative study7