Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

(The TQCC of Journal of Geophysics and Engineering is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Evaluation of membrane quality and entrance pressure of oil-based mud at elevated temperatures70
Zero-offset data estimation using CNN for applying 1D full waveform inversion30
Enhancing learning to solve multicomponent fractional viscoelastic equations with U-net Fourier neural operators20
Velocity model calibration for surface microseismic monitoring based on a 3D gently inclined layered equivalent model20
Deep carbonate reservoir characterisation using multi-seismic attributes via machine learning with physical constraints19
Enhancing prestack seismic data by sparse radon transform and dynamic waveform matching16
Simultaneously computing the 3D dip attributes for all the time samples of a seismic trace15
High-order azimuth coherent imaging for microseismic location14
Viscoacoustic least-squares reverse-time migration using the L1-2 norm sparsity constraint13
The formation mechanism of the typical hot dry rocks in Hunan Province, China11
Boundary recognition of tunnel lining void from ground-penetrating radar data11
Biot's equations-based reservoir parameter inversion using deep neural networks10
Extracting angle domain common image gather with variable density acoustic-wave equation10
Vibration and horizontal directivity analysis of transmitting transducer for acoustic logging while drilling10
High-resolution time–frequency analysis based on a synchroextracting adaptive S-transform and its application10
A study of ionospheric impacts in the wireless electromagnetic exploration with the QWE method9
Inexact augmented Lagrangian method-based full-waveform inversion with randomized singular value decomposition9
Flooding mechanism of biolithite based on progressive ion exchange model: an example of the Wangxuzhuang biolithite reservoir in the Dagang oilfield9
Rock physics characteristics and their control factors of carbonate in different sedimentary microfacies of the Yingshan Formation, Gucheng Area, Tarim Basin9
A critical investigation of diffuse double layer changes in clay-electrolyte systems at high temperatures8
Biot's theory-based dynamic equation modeling using a machine learning auxiliary approach8
A multi-information combined convolutional neural network velocity spectrum automatic picking method8
Denoising for airborne transient electromagnetic data using noise-whitening-based weighted nuclear norm minimization7
An advanced detection method for unfavorable geological boulder based on electrical source in drill holes under shield machine7
Effects of clay types and fractions on elastic properties of artificial clay-bearing sandstones: an experimental study7
The mechanical responses in monopole acoustic LWD and their relation with the output voltage waveform7
A new method in reservoir rock classification in carbonate and sandstone formations6
Water alternative gas (WAG) optimization for a heterogeneous Brazilian pre-salt carbonate reservoir6
Correction to: Study on temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of overburden deformation and gas emission during the longwall working face initial mining phase6
Fine characterization of interbedding sand-mudstone based on waveform indication inversion6
Characterizing the target of interest underlying a complex overburden with target-oriented elastic waveform inversion6
Simulation study on the radioactive logging responses in the spiral borehole6
An iterative Kalman filter-based method for traveltime tomography6
Development of non-hydrophilic similar materials for weakly cemented rocks and its experimental application in water conservation mining6
Numerical investigation of particles flow pattern and pressure distribution of coal bunker6
Calibration method of azimuth electromagnetic boundary detection logging while drilling based on air–seawater double-layer dielectric as reflection interface6
Comparative study of a novel arithmetic amplitude-phase weighted beamforming method in vector and tensor CSAMT6
Three-dimensional inversion for short-offset transient electromagnetic data based on 3D U-Net6
Crustal structure of the southern Lower Yangtze region and its geological implications: a deep reflection seismic profile6
Pulse width research on half-sine excitation signal for bending vibrator6
Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling analysis of geothermal reservoirs: optimizing extraction capacities by revealing influential factors5
Spatial mapping of the seismic vulnerability index in Kathmandu Valley: insight from dominant frequency and amplification factor5
Bayesian linearized inversion for petrophysical and pore-connectivity parameters with seismic elastic data of carbonate reservoirs5
Q-compensated viscoelastic reverse time migration in crosswell seismic imaging5
U-net-based pseudoseismic imaging for the short-offset transient electromagnetic method5
Three-dimensional seismic data reconstruction via partial sum of tensor nuclear norm minimization5
Seismic wavelet shape-oriented reflectivity inversion method5
A novel explicit optimized scheme for numerical simulation of elastic-wavefield separation5
Research on acoustic logging while drilling transmitting technologies5
Electromagnetic compatibility analysis and interference shielding method for AcoustoElectric Logging Tool 2.05
Stability mechanism and control technology of large inclined working face roof in large-scale caving area5
A method for assessing the operational status of a microseismic monitoring system using energy distribution changes of observed data5
Investigation on interaction effects of multiple factors on clean gas extraction: implementation of response surface methodology5
2D acoustic equation prestack reverse-time migration based on an optimized combined compact difference scheme5
A high-resolution method of spectral fitting with horizon constraints and its application4
An efficient 3D wave-equation pre-stack time migration for high-density and wide-azimuth data4
DIW-based reflection full waveform inversion and its application of land seismic data4
Impact of geomechanical heterogeneity on multiple hydraulic fracture propagation4
Multiscale pore network modeling and flow property analysis for tight sandstone: a case study4
Performance assessment of an iterative ensemble smoother with local analysis to assimilate big 4D seismic datasets applied to a complex pre-salt-like benchmark case4
Fracture prediction based on attenuative anisotropy theory and its application to a shale gas reservoir4
Superior performance of optimal perfectly matched layers for modeling wave propagation in elastic and poroelastic media4
A three-dimensional immersed boundary method for accurate simulation of acoustic wavefields with complex surface topography4
Integrated geological quality evaluation using advanced wireline logs and core data: a case study on high clay shale oil reservoir in China4
Regularized deep learning for unsupervised random noise attenuation in poststack seismic data4
Excitation-time imaging condition reverse-time migration based on a physics-informed neural network traveltime calculation with wavefield decomposition using an optical flow vector4
The role of geophysics in geologic hydrogen resources4
Lithospheric structure beneath southern Iberia and northern Morocco constrained by 3D Kirchhoff-approximate GRT imaging4
Velocity gradients choice affecting seismic site response in deep alluvial basins: Application to the Venetian Plain (Northern Italy)4
Numerical simulation of resistivity and saturation estimation of pore-type gas hydrate reservoirs in the permafrost region of the Qilian Mountains4
Investigation of urban active faults using the short-offset transient electromagnetic method: an example from Shunping, Hebei Province, China4
Least-squares reverse-time migration with sparsity constraints4
Seismic data interpolation with a recurrent inference mechanism4
Electrical resistivity imaging of an enhanced aquifer recharge site4
Source modification for efficiency enhancement of marine controlled-source electromagnetic method4
Uncertainty analysis of numerical inversions of temperature logs from boreholes under injection conditions4
Borehole radiation and reception responses for azimuthal shear-wave reflection imaging with an off-centred dipole acoustic tool3
Application of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in uranium mining earth dam3
Disposition of magmatic eruptions and fault distribution in northwestern Saudi Arabia using pseudo-depth slice magnetic anomaly3
Stress interactions in cracked media during the closure of prestressed cracks3
The distortion and misinterpretation of TEM responses caused by the IP effect3
OpenFOAM solver of the methane behaviour near the coal mine tunnelling face and its application3
Prediction of sweet spots in tight sandstone reservoirs based on anisotropic frequency-dependent AVO inversion3
Improving the 3D facies model with the seismic-derived log volumes: a case study from the Asmari Formation in the Hendijan Field, southwest Iran3
Seismic inversion and fracture prediction in tilted transversely isotropic media3
Use digital rock physics to characterize velocity and attenuation signatures of deep cavity-fracture carbonate reservoirs3
Evaluating strategies for estimation of local kinematic parameters in noisy land data: quality versus performance trade-offs3
The quantitative characterization of hydraulic fracture connectivity from a postmortem investigation3
Strong ground-motion prediction equations from induced earthquakes in St. Gallen geothermal field, Switzerland3
Acoustic wave propagation with new spatial implicit and temporal high-order staggered-grid finite-difference schemes3
Inversion of horizontal in situ stress field based on wide-azimuth seismic data3
Multichannel adaptive deconvolution based on streaming prediction-error filter3
Mapping of geological structures and sediment thickness from analysis of aeromagnetic data over the Obudu Basement Complex of Nigeria3
Using logging while drilling resistivity imaging data to quantitatively evaluate fracture aperture based on numerical simulation3
Long-term creep and microscopic deformation mechanisms of sandstone using rock rheology creep equipment and scanning through high-resolution 3D XRM3
Goaf area detection using high-precision wavefield imaging method of ground-airborne transient electromagnetics3
Deabsorption prestack time migration from rugged topography3
Joint PP-PS seismic prestack inversion of thin-bed reservoirs3
DAS-VSP coupled noise suppression based on U-Net network3
Robust K-means algorithm with weighted window for seismic facies analysis3
Petrophysical properties identification and estimation of the Wufeng-Longmaxi shale gas reservoirs: a case study from South-West China3
Seismic radiation analyses in anisotropic media based on general dislocation source model3
Pressure and rate distribution performance of a multiple-fractured well with multi-wing fracture in low-permeability gas reservoirs3
Tomography with sparseness regularisation for ultrasonic velocity imaging3
Controllable image expansion of rock castings based on deep learning3
Efficient least-squares reverse time migration using local cross-correlation imaging condition3
Advances in transient electromagnetic methods3
Correction to: Augmented deep learning workflow for robust fault prediction over multiple tectonic regimes3
Application of resistivity sounding in Quaternary stratigraphic division in Yixing, Eastern China3
Using the multi-component induction logging data to evaluate the geometric parameters of the hydraulic fracture3
Brittle mineral prediction based on rock-physics modelling for tight oil reservoir rocks3
Determining crack initiation stress in unconventional shales based on strain energy evolution3
DG-based joint transmission-reflection traveltime tomography and its application of borehole seismic data3
A comparison of the compensation effects of two typical post-stack attenuation compensation methods3
An efficient plug-and-play regularization method for full waveform inversion3
Comparison of map metrics as fitness input for assisted seismic history matching3
Source-independent least-squares reverse time migration in vertical transversely isotropic media based on the Student’s t-distribution3
Experiment and particle flow simulation on mechanical properties and crack evolution mechanism of Brazilian discs containing two flaws3
Internal multiple suppression with convolutional neural network-based transfer learning3