Spatial Economic Analysis

(The median citation count of Spatial Economic Analysis is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Regional economic resilience in the European Union: a numerical general equilibrium analysis40
Structural propagation of pandemic shocks: an input–output analysis of the economic costs of COVID-1931
A multi-regional generalized RAS updating technique17
Sharing the burden: quantifying climate change spillovers in the European Union under the Paris Agreement15
Insights for a sustainable environment: analysing the persistence of policy shocks to ecological footprints of Mediterranean countries15
Machine-learning models for bankruptcy prediction: do industrial variables matter?14
Covid-19 impact on US housing markets: evidence from spatial regression models13
A spatial multinomial logit model for analysing urban expansion11
The role of interregional and inter-sectoral knowledge spillovers on regional knowledge creation across US metropolitan counties8
Non-spatial and spatial econometric analysis of tourism demand in a panel of countries around the world8
A calibrated gravity model of interregional trade8
Agglomeration of low-productive entrepreneurs to large regions: a simple model8
A simultaneous spatial autoregressive model for compositional data8
Store sales evaluation and prediction using spatial panel data models of sales components7
Business cycle synchronization among the US states: spatial effects and regional determinants7
A Bayesian approach for the estimation of weight matrices in spatial autoregressive models7
The local costs of global climate change: spatial GDP downscaling under different climate scenarios6
The digital layer: alternative data for regional and innovation studies6
Climate change in Brazil: dealing with uncertainty in agricultural productivity models and the implications for economy-wide impacts6
Construction of multiregion–multisector input–output tables: a spatial econometric approach for Poland6
The effect of agglomeration economies and geography on the survival of accommodation businesses in Sicily6
Integrating digital and global transformations in forecasting regional growth: the MASST5 model6
A spatial stochastic frontier model including both frontier and error-based spatial cross-sectional dependence6
Intra-industry agglomeration and the external economies of scale model: empirical evidence from Colombia5
Women’s political empowerment and welfare policy decisions: a spatial analysis of European countries5
Do public libraries impact local labour markets? Evidence from Appalachia5
Estimating a spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive disturbances based on the indirect inference principle5
To use, or not to use the spatial Durbin model? – that is the question5
Application of machine-learning models to estimate regional input coefficients and multipliers5
Climate-related natural disasters and forced migration: a spatial regression analysis5
Herd behaviour and the emergence of clusters5
Akaike information criterion in choosing the optimal k -nearest neighbours of the spatial weight matrix5
Technological congruence and Smart Specialisation: evidence from European regions5
Unveiling spatial and temporal patterns of second home dynamics: a Bayesian spatiotemporal analysis for a Mediterranean island5
Rethinking regional wage determinants: regional market potential versus trade partners’ potential5
The geography of political ideologies in Switzerland over time4
Geography and embeddedness in city networks4
Industrial specialization patterns across cities, agglomeration of skilled labour and technological growth4
The geographical and sectoral concentration of global supply chains4
Dynamic spatiotemporal ARCH models4
Spatial agglomeration, innovation and firm survival for Italian manufacturing firms4
Introducing the Replication Studies section4
Complex spatial economic systems: migration, industrial location and regional asymmetries4
Supply-chain simulations for shaping lockdown policies3
Long-run economic growth in the delay spatial Solow model3
Neighbouring countries and bilateral remittances: a global study3
Transportation gas emissions with online retailing: a spatial model3
A minimum-disruption approach to input–output disaster analysis3
Spatial pattern of Russia’s market integration3
Spatial GARCH models for unknown spatial locations – an application to financial stock returns3
Market potential, spatial theories and spatial trends3
Bayesian inference in spatial GARCH models: an application to US house price returns3
A spatial macroeconomic analysis of the equity-efficiency trade-off of the European cohesion policy3
Spatio-temporal principal component analysis3
Forecasting regional GDPs: a comparison with spatial dynamic panel data models3
Productivity and earnings at the firm-plant level: the case of Lombardy’s urban and non-urban agglomerations3
Productivity spillovers in two overlapping networks3
The spatial association between drugs and urban violence: an analysis for the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Brazil2
Heterogeneous spatial dynamic panels with an application to US housing data2
New developments in spatial econometric modelling2
Spatial dependence in patient migration flows2
Advances in spatial economic data analysis: methods and applications2
A spatial model of investment behaviour for First Nation governments2
Unequal response to mobility restrictions: evidence from COVID-19 lockdown in the city of Bogotá2
The rise and spread of female labour force participation at the US county level2
Skill-based functional specialization in trade: an input–output analysis of multiscalar value chains in Brazil2
Diffusion of crime control benefits: forced eradication and coca crops in Colombia2
A simple test for stability of a spatial model2
Allies or rivals? Spatial price competition in the Chinese retail gasoline market of inner Mongolia2
Geographical and cultural patterns in cross-border mergers and acquisitions: the role of experience2
Productivity spillovers and the productivity–compensation gap2
Bayesian analysis of a dynamic multivariate spatial ordered probit model2
Migration and academic performance in higher education: evidence for Colombia2