Journal of Neural Engineering

(The median citation count of Journal of Neural Engineering is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A survey on deep learning-based non-invasive brain signals: recent advances and new frontiers154
Uncovering the structure of clinical EEG signals with self-supervised learning105
EEGdenoiseNet: a benchmark dataset for deep learning solutions of EEG denoising101
EEG-inception: an accurate and robust end-to-end neural network for EEG-based motor imagery classification101
Myoelectric control of robotic lower limb prostheses: a review of electromyography interfaces, control paradigms, challenges and future directions93
Investigating EEG-based functional connectivity patterns for multimodal emotion recognition90
A 1D CNN for high accuracy classification and transfer learning in motor imagery EEG-based brain-computer interface77
Towards real-life EEG applications: novel superporous hydrogel-based semi-dry EEG electrodes enabling automatically ‘charge–discharge’ electrolyte74
Implementing a calibration-free SSVEP-based BCI system with 160 targets66
The Argo: a high channel count recording system for neural recording in vivo64
A novel training-free recognition method for SSVEP-based BCIs using dynamic window strategy60
A review of user training methods in brain computer interfaces based on mental tasks59
Towards adaptive deep brain stimulation: clinical and technical notes on a novel commercial device for chronic brain sensing59
Adaptive asynchronous control system of robotic arm based on augmented reality-assisted brain–computer interface55
Neural stimulation and recording performance in human sensorimotor cortex over 1500 days55
Brain2Char: a deep architecture for decoding text from brain recordings48
How to successfully classify EEG in motor imagery BCI: a metrological analysis of the state of the art47
Removal of movement-induced EEG artifacts: current state of the art and guidelines47
Bioelectronic medicine for the autonomic nervous system: clinical applications and perspectives46
Deep learning of resting-state electroencephalogram signals for three-class classification of Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and healthy ageing44
Compliant peripheral nerve interfaces41
Boosting template-based SSVEP decoding by cross-domain transfer learning40
Carbon-based neural electrodes: promises and challenges38
Brain–computer interfaces based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials (c-VEP): a literature review37
Simultaneous and proportional control of wrist and hand movements by decoding motor unit discharges in real time37
Stretchable gold nanowire-based cuff electrodes for low-voltage peripheral nerve stimulation36
Spatiotemporal patterns of gene expression around implanted silicon electrode arrays36
Multiscale space-time-frequency feature-guided multitask learning CNN for motor imagery EEG classification36
Robust and accurate decoding of hand kinematics from entire spiking activity using deep learning35
Platinum dissolution and tissue response following long-term electrical stimulation at high charge densities35
Deep learning for robust detection of interictal epileptiform discharges35
A convolutional neural network to identify motor units from high-density surface electromyography signals in real time35
Wearable wireless power systems for ‘ME-BIT’ magnetoelectric-powered bio implants35
Epidural and transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation facilitates descending inputs to upper-limb motoneurons in monkeys34
End-to-end learnable EEG channel selection for deep neural networks with Gumbel-softmax34
Grading hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in neonatal EEG with convolutional neural networks and quadratic time–frequency distributions34
Concurrent stimulation and sensing in bi-directional brain interfaces: a multi-site translational experience33
Edge deep learning for neural implants: a case study of seizure detection and prediction33
MuscleNET: mapping electromyography to kinematic and dynamic biomechanical variables by machine learning33
CNN-based classification of fNIRS signals in motor imagery BCI system33
A brain-actuated robotic arm system using non-invasive hybrid brain–computer interface and shared control strategy33
Non-invasive wearable seizure detection using long–short-term memory networks with transfer learning32
A comfortable steady state visual evoked potential stimulation paradigm using peripheral vision32
Benefits of deep learning classification of continuous noninvasive brain–computer interface control32
Long-term intracortical microelectrode array performance in a human: a 5 year retrospective analysis31
Polyvinyl alcohol/polyacrylamide double-network hydrogel-based semi-dry electrodes for robust electroencephalography recording at hairy scalp for noninvasive brain–computer interfaces31
A bioelectric neural interface towards intuitive prosthetic control for amputees31
Network-based brain–computer interfaces: principles and applications31
A novel flexible hydrogel electrode with a strong moisturizing ability for long-term EEG recording31
Skilled independent control of individual motor units via a non-invasive neuromuscular–machine interface31
Long exposure convolutional memory network for accurate estimation of finger kinematics from surface electromyographic signals30
A comparison of insertion methods for surgical placement of penetrating neural interfaces30
Flexible, high-resolution thin-film electrodes for human and animal neural research30
Identifying similarities and differences in emotion recognition with EEG and eye movements among Chinese, German, and French People29
Adaptive latent state modeling of brain network dynamics with real-time learning rate optimization29
Neuropathological effects of chronically implanted, intracortical microelectrodes in a tetraplegic patient29
Vertical-junction photodiodes for smaller pixels in retinal prostheses29
High-density mapping of primate digit representations with a 1152-channel µECoG array29
Generalized neural decoders for transfer learning across participants and recording modalities29
Functional synergy recruitment index as a reliable biomarker of motor function and recovery in chronic stroke patients28
The temporal pattern of intracortical microstimulation pulses elicits distinct temporal and spatial recruitment of cortical neuropil and neurons28
Ceramic packaging in neural implants28
Universal adversarial perturbations for CNN classifiers in EEG-based BCIs28
Relating EEG to continuous speech using deep neural networks: a review27
Online asynchronous detection of error-related potentials in participants with a spinal cord injury using a generic classifier27
A Bayesian-optimized design for an interpretable convolutional neural network to decode and analyze the P300 response in autism26
Data augmentation for learning predictive models on EEG: a systematic comparison26
Modular multilevel TMS device with wide output range and ultrabrief pulse capability for sound reduction25
An attention-based deep learning approach for the classification of subjective cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment using resting-state EEG25
Multi-channel transcranial temporally interfering stimulation (tTIS): application to living mice brain25
Effects of an exoskeleton-assisted gait training on post-stroke lower-limb muscle coordination25
A deep learning method for single-trial EEG classification in RSVP task based on spatiotemporal features of ERPs25
On the road to the brain-on-a-chip: a review on strategies, methods, and applications25
State-space optimal feedback control of optogenetically driven neural activity24
Towards human motor augmentation by voluntary decoupling beta activity in the neural drive to muscle and force production24
Multi-objective data-driven optimization for improving deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease24
Optimizing spatial properties of a new checkerboard-like visual stimulus for user-friendly SSVEP-based BCIs24
Review of wearable technologies and machine learning methodologies for systematic detection of mild traumatic brain injuries24
Characterizing the short-latency evoked response to intracortical microstimulation across a multi-electrode array24
Brain variability in dynamic resting-state networks identified by fuzzy entropy: a scalp EEG study24
An end-to-end CNN with attentional mechanism applied to raw EEG in a BCI classification task24
A study on CNN image classification of EEG signals represented in 2D and 3D24
Motor imagery recognition with automatic EEG channel selection and deep learning24
Multi-scale neural decoding and analysis24
Direct measurement of oxygen reduction reactions at neurostimulation electrodes23
SleepSEEG: automatic sleep scoring using intracranial EEG recordings only23
An efficient CNN-LSTM network with spectral normalization and label smoothing technologies for SSVEP frequency recognition23
Auditory stimulus-response modeling with a match-mismatch task23
Systematic analysis of wavelet denoising methods for neural signal processing23
Thermal effects on neurons during stimulation of the brain23
Similarity-constrained task-related component analysis for enhancing SSVEP detection23
Spatially selective stimulation of the pig vagus nerve to modulate target effect versus side effect23
Multi-feature computational framework for combined signatures of dementia in underrepresented settings23
Embedding decomposition for artifacts removal in EEG signals22
Electrical brain stimulation and continuous behavioral state tracking in ambulatory humans22
Longevity and reliability of chronic unit recordings using the Utah, intracortical multi-electrode arrays22
Electrochemical methods for neural interface electrodes22
Extended home use of an advanced osseointegrated prosthetic arm improves function, performance, and control efficiency22
The effect of calibration parameters on the control of a myoelectric hand prosthesis using EMG feedback22
Early classification of motor tasks using dynamic functional connectivity graphs from EEG22
EEG microstate in first-episode drug-naive adolescents with depression21
Accuracy and precision of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation21
Modeling and augmenting of fMRI data using deep recurrent variational auto-encoder20
Kinematics of individual muscle units in natural contractions measured in vivo using ultrafast ultrasound20
Implant- and anesthesia-related factors affecting cardiopulmonary threshold intensities for vagus nerve stimulation20
Effects of virtual reality-based motor rehabilitation: a systematic review of fMRI studies20
Bioelectrical interfaces with cortical spheroids in three-dimensions20
Hybrid asynchronous brain–computer interface for yes/no communication in patients with disorders of consciousness20
Multi-class motor imagery EEG classification method with high accuracy and low individual differences based on hybrid neural network20
Neuroprotective effect of hypoxic preconditioning and neuronal activation in a in vitro human model of the ischemic penumbra20
Calcium imaging in freely moving mice during electrical stimulation of deep brain structures20
Carbon fiber electrodes for intracellular recording and stimulation20
Responses of model cortical neurons to temporal interference stimulation and related transcranial alternating current stimulation modalities20
Deep brain stimulation: is it time to change gears by closing the loop?20
Speech-imagery-based brain–computer interface system using ear-EEG20
Neural decoding from surface high-density EMG signals: influence of anatomy and synchronization on the number of identified motor units20
Naturalistic spatiotemporal modulation of epiretinal stimulation increases the response persistence of retinal ganglion cell20
The effect of stimulus number on the recognition accuracy and information transfer rate of SSVEP–BCI in augmented reality19
Bidirectional flow of action potentials in axons drives activity dynamics in neuronal cultures19
Cluster decomposing and multi-objective optimization based-ensemble learning framework for motor imagery-based brain–computer interfaces19
TAP: targeting and analysis pipeline for optimization and verification of coil placement in transcranial magnetic stimulation19
A computational approach for generating continuous estimates of motor unit discharge rates and visualizing population discharge characteristics19
Enhancing detection of steady-state visual evoked potentials using channel ensemble method19
A portable, self-contained neuroprosthetic hand with deep learning-based finger control19
Optimizing the electric field strength in multiple targets for multichannel transcranial electric stimulation19
Adaptive polymer fiber neural device for drug delivery and enlarged illumination angle for neuromodulation19
Enhancement for P300-speller classification using multi-window discriminative canonical pattern matching19
Layer-specific parameters of intracortical microstimulation of the somatosensory cortex19
Enhancing transfer performance across datasets for brain-computer interfaces using a combination of alignment strategies and adaptive batch normalization19
Short-delay neurofeedback facilitates training of the parietal alpha rhythm19
Improving the performance of multisubject motor imagery-based BCIs using twin cascaded softmax CNNs19
A geometric approach to quantifying the neuromodulatory effects of persistent inward currents on individual motor unit discharge patterns18
An automatic sleep disorder detection based on EEG cross-frequency coupling and random forest model18
Towards optimizing electrode configurations for silent speech recognition based on high-density surface electromyography18
Long-term upper-extremity prosthetic control using regenerative peripheral nerve interfaces and implanted EMG electrodes18
Deep learning reveals personalized spatial spectral abnormalities of high delta and low alpha bands in EEG of patients with early Parkinson’s disease18
Simultaneous decoding of cardiovascular and respiratory functional changes from pig intraneural vagus nerve signals18
Cross-subject spatial filter transfer method for SSVEP-EEG feature recognition18
Fascicles split or merge every ∼560 microns within the human cervical vagus nerve18
Neural sources of prediction errors detect unrealistic VR interactions18
Robust decoding of the speech envelope from EEG recordings through deep neural networks18
A whole-process interpretable and multi-modal deep reinforcement learning for diagnosis and analysis of Alzheimer’s disease 18
Neurological state changes indicative of ADHD in children learned via EEG-based LSTM networks18
Decoding ECoG signal into 3D hand translation using deep learning17
Emergence of flexible technology in developing advanced systems for post-stroke rehabilitation: a comprehensive review17
Simultaneous control of natural and extra degrees of freedom by isometric force and electromyographic activity in the muscle-to-force null space17
Long-term stability of the chronic epidural wireless recorder WIMAGINE in tetraplegic patients17
Transcranial photobiomodulation changes topology, synchronizability, and complexity of resting state brain networks17
From full calibration to zero training for a code-modulated visual evoked potentials brain computer interface17
FB-CGANet: filter bank channel group attention network for multi-class motor imagery classification17
Preferential activation of proprioceptive and cutaneous sensory fibers compared to motor fibers during cervical transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation: a computational study17
Characterizing physiological high-frequency oscillations using deep learning17
A deep learning framework with multi-perspective fusion for interictal epileptiform discharges detection in scalp electroencephalogram17
Decoding and interpreting cortical signals with a compact convolutional neural network17
An adaptive closed-loop ECoG decoder for long-term and stable bimanual control of an exoskeleton by a tetraplegic17
A finite element method framework to model extracellular neural stimulation17
Multichannel power electronics and magnetic nanoparticles for selective thermal magnetogenetics17
Utah array characterization and histological analysis of a multi-year implant in non-human primate motor and sensory cortices17
Semi-supervised EEG emotion recognition model based on enhanced graph fusion and GCN17
Soft, wireless and subdermally implantable recording and neuromodulation tools16
A novel motor imagery EEG decoding method based on feature separation16
A CNN identified by reinforcement learning-based optimization framework for EEG-based state evaluation16
Emotion recognition using spatial-temporal EEG features through convolutional graph attention network16
From unsupervised to semi-supervised adversarial domain adaptation in electroencephalography-based sleep staging16
A high-speed hybrid brain-computer interface with more than 200 targets16
Spatio-temporal equalization multi-window algorithm for asynchronous SSVEP-based BCI16
Pathway-specific cortico-muscular coherence in proximal-to-distal compensation during fine motor control of finger extension after stroke16
Computational modelling of nerve stimulation and recording with peripheral visceral neural interfaces16
The impact of CT image parameters and skull heterogeneity modeling on the accuracy of transcranial focused ultrasound simulations16
Characterizing pink and white noise in the human electroencephalogram16
Detection of human white matter activation and evaluation of its function in movement decoding using stereo-electroencephalography (SEEG)15
Q-PINE: A quick to implant peripheral intraneural electrode15
Cortical network effects of subthalamic deep brain stimulation in a thalamo-cortical microcircuit model15
Evaluation of multiple perceptual qualities of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for evoked tactile sensation in forearm amputees15
Optimally-calibrated non-invasive feedback improves amputees’ metabolic consumption, balance and walking confidence15
Methods of poly(3,4)-ethylenedioxithiophene (PEDOT) electrodeposition on metal electrodes for neural stimulation and recording15
Focal electrical stimulation of human retinal ganglion cells for vision restoration15
Predicting task performance from biomarkers of mental fatigue in global brain activity15
Automated detection of ripple oscillations in long-term scalp EEG from patients with infantile spasms15
Detection of spontaneous seizures in EEGs in multiple experimental mouse models of epilepsy15
A non-invasive wearable sensory leg neuroprosthesis: mechanical, electrical and functional validation15
Combining generative adversarial network and multi-output CNN for motor imagery classification15
Invariability of EEG error-related potentials during continuous feedback protocols elicited by erroneous actions at predicted or unpredicted states15
Modular pulse synthesizer for transcranial magnetic stimulation with fully adjustable pulse shape and sequence15
Automatic classification of idiopathic Parkinson’s disease and atypical Parkinsonian syndromes combining [11C]raclopride PET uptake and MRI grey matter morphometry15
Bridging the gap between patient-specific and patient-independent seizure prediction via knowledge distillation15
Electrochemical safety limits for clinical stimulation investigated using depth and strip electrodes in the pig brain15
Deep learning multimodal fNIRS and EEG signals for bimanual grip force decoding15
Multi-modal artificial dura for simultaneous large-scale optical access and large-scale electrophysiology in non-human primate cortex15
Pixel size limit of the PRIMA implants: from humans to rodents and back15
Corticomuscular integrated representation of voluntary motor effort in robotic control for wrist-hand rehabilitation after stroke15
IENet: a robust convolutional neural network for EEG based brain-computer interfaces14
Electrochemical microelectrode degradation monitoring: in situ investigation of platinum corrosion at neutral pH14
Resting state dynamic functional connectivity in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder14
Cross-correlation based discriminant criterion for channel selection in motor imagery BCI systems14
Bidirectional Siamese correlation analysis method for enhancing the detection of SSVEPs14
Silicone encapsulation of thin-film SiO x , SiO x N y and SiC for m14
Decoding imagined speech from EEG signals using hybrid-scale spatial-temporal dilated convolution network14
Inductive conformal prediction for silent speech recognition14
A multi-modal modified feedback self-paced BCI to control the gait of an avatar14
Decoding working memory task condition using magnetoencephalography source level long-range phase coupling patterns14
Detection of motor-evoked potentials below the noise floor: rethinking the motor stimulation threshold14
Looking through the windows: a study about the dependency of phase-coupling estimates on the data length14
Impedance scaling for gold and platinum microelectrodes14
Modeling multiscale causal interactions between spiking and field potential signals during behavior14
Relevance-based channel selection in motor imagery brain–computer interface14
Feasibility of cerium-doped LSO particles as a scintillator for x-ray induced optogenetics14
SpikeDeep-Classifier: A deep-learning based fully automatic offline spike sorting algorithm14
SSVEP-assisted RSVP brain–computer interface paradigm for multi-target classification14
An in-silico analysis of electrically evoked responses of midget and parasol retinal ganglion cells in different retinal regions14
Decoding motor imagery tasks using ESI and hybrid feature CNN14
Single trial detection of error-related potentials in brain–machine interfaces: a survey and comparison of methods14
Reconstruction of hand, elbow and shoulder actual and imagined trajectories in 3D space using EEG current source dipoles14
Real-time removal of stimulation artifacts in closed-loop deep brain stimulation14
Deep learning for automated epileptiform discharge detection from scalp EEG: A systematic review14
DAGAM: a domain adversarial graph attention model for subject-independent EEG-based emotion recognition14
Deep learning for biosignal control: insights from basic to real-time methods with recommendations14
Intracortical microstimulation pulse waveform and frequency recruits distinct spatiotemporal patterns of cortical neuron and neuropil activation14
Flexible graphene/GO electrode for gel-free EEG14
Characterization of optogenetically-induced cortical spreading depression in awake mice using graphene micro-transistor arrays14
Fast and accurate decoding of finger movements from ECoG through Riemannian features and modern machine learning techniques14
MRASleepNet: a multi-resolution attention network for sleep stage classification using single-channel EEG14
Infrared neurostimulation in ex-vivo rat sciatic nerve using 1470 nm wavelength14
Estimating muscle activation from EMG using deep learning-based dynamical systems models14
Filter bank sinc-convolutional network with channel self-attention for high performance motor imagery decoding14
Robust neural decoding by kernel regression with Siamese representation learning13
A high-performance brain switch based on code-modulated visual evoked potentials13
A novel decoding method for motor imagery tasks with 4D data representation and 3D convolutional neural networks13
Deep transfer learning compared to subject-specific models for sEMG decoders13
Automatic annotation correction for wearable EEG based epileptic seizure detection13
Algorithm and hardware considerations for real-time neural signal on-implant processing13
Mapping of primary somatosensory cortex of the hand area using a high-density electrocorticography grid for closed-loop brain computer interface13
Boundary element fast multipole method for modeling electrical brain stimulation with voltage and current electrodes13
Improving motor imagery classification during induced motor perturbations13
Combining direct current and kilohertz frequency alternating current to mitigate onset activity during electrical nerve block13
Automated pipeline for EEG artifact reduction (APPEAR) recorded during fMRI13
Automated deep brain stimulation programming with safety constraints for tremor suppression in patients with Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor13
Ear-EEG compares well to cap-EEG in recording auditory ERPs: a quantification of signal loss13
Sufficient sampling for kriging prediction of cortical potential in rat, monkey, and human µECoG13
Cross-dataset transfer learning for motor imagery signal classification via multi-task learning and pre-training13
Yet another artefact rejection study: an exploration of cleaning methods for biological and neuromodulatory noise13
Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchanger modulates microglial activation and scar formation following microelectrode implantation13
Bayesian optimization of peripheral intraneural stimulation protocols to evoke distal limb movements13
Biomechanical micromotion at the neural interface modulates intracellular membrane potentials in vivo13
Trade-off between stimulation focality and the number of coils in multi-locus transcranial magnetic stimulation13
Non-invasive on-skin sensors for brain machine interfaces with epitaxial graphene13
Electrotactile feedback outweighs natural feedback in sensory integration during control of grasp force13
AOAR: an automatic ocular artifact removal approach for multi-channel electroencephalogram data based on non-negative matrix factorization and empirical mode decomposition13
Physiologic signaling and viability of the muscle cuff regenerative peripheral nerve interface (MC-RPNI) for intact peripheral nerves13
Toward brain–heart computer interfaces: a study on the classification of upper limb movements using multisystem directional estimates13