Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

(The TQCC of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Exploring the changes of physical education in the age of Covid-1980
Perceived teachers’ behavior and students’ engagement in physical education: the mediating role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation55
Pedagogical principles that support the prioritisation of meaningful experiences in physical education: conceptual and practical considerations41
An integrated blended learning approach for physical education teacher education programmes: teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ experiences40
The influence of online physical activity interventions on children and young people’s engagement with physical activity: a systematic review35
Heteronormativity meets queering in physical education: the views of PE teachers and LGBTIQ+ students34
An ecological dynamics conceptualisation of physical ‘education’: Where we have been and where we could go next27
Development of a self-report scale to assess children’s perceived physical literacy26
Experiences of teaching and learning in K-12 physical education during COVID-19: an international comparative case study25
Advocating for Service-Learning as a pedagogical model in Physical Education: towards an activist and transformative approach23
Mental imagery training programs for developing sport-specific motor skills: a systematic review and meta-analysis23
The use of digital media in primary school PE – student perspectives on product-oriented ways of lesson staging20
Infusing disability into coach education and development: a critical review and agenda for change20
The effects of gamification on the motivation and basic psychological needs of secondary school physical education students18
Nonlinear Pedagogy and its implications for practice in the Singapore PE context17
Promoting instructional alignment in physical education teacher education16
Developing evidence-informed principles for trauma-aware pedagogies in physical education16
Aligning the principles of assessment for learning to learning in physical education: A review of literature16
What do we know about pedagogical models in physical education so far? An umbrella review15
‘Feeling better’: embodied self-knowledge as an aspect of movement capability14
PE at Home: keeping the ‘E’ in PE while home-schooling during a pandemic14
Motor competence assessment in physical education – convergent validity between fundamental movement skills and functional movement assessments in adolescence14
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) for professional development: meeting the needs and expectations of physical education teachers and youth sport coaches14
Academics’ perspectives on the future of sport education13
Do goal clarification and process feedback positively affect students’ need-based experiences? A quasi-experimental study grounded in Self-Determination Theory13
Games-based movement education: developing a sense of self, belonging, and community through games12
Learning in the educational landscapes of juggling, unicycling, and dancing12
Synthesis and literature review of different mixed methods designs in pedagogical research in physical education12
Examining the concept of engagement in physical education12
Rethinking the classification of games and sports in physical education: a response to changes in sport and participation12
How do competitiveness and previous contact with people with disabilities impact on attitudes after an awareness intervention in physical education?12
Cognitively enriched physical activity may foster motor competence and executive function as early as preschool age: a pilot trial11
‘We united to defend ourselves and face our struggles’: nurturing a physical education teachers’ community of practice in a precarious context11
Differences in perceived physical literacy between teachers delivering physical education in schools: classroom teachers vs physical education teachers11
Effects of an 8-week school-based intervention programme on Irish school children's fundamental movement skills11
Knowledge in the school subject of physical education: a Bernsteinian perspective11
The relations between students’ causality orientations and teachers’ interpersonal behaviors with students’ basic need satisfaction and frustration, intention to physical activity, and well-being11
Coaching in the shadows: critically examining the unintended (non)influence of pedagogical practice10
Physical education from LGBTQ+ students’ perspective. A systematic review of qualitative studies10
Mapping the physical literacy controversy: an analysis of key actors within scholarly literature10
The importance of satisfying children’s basic psychological needs in primary school physical education for PE-motivation, and its relations with fundamental motor and PE-related skills10
Coaching player decision making in rugby union: exploring coaches espoused theories and theories in use as an indicator of effective coaching practice9
‘I was always made fun of for being fat’: first-hand accounts of bullying in children’s football9
Exploring Australian teachers’ perceptions of physical literacy: a mixed-methods study9
Taking action for social justice in HPE classrooms through explicit critical pedagogies9
‘Free but not free-free’: teaching creative aspects of dance in physical education teacher education9
Regulation of tactical learning in team sports – the case of the tactical-decision learning model9
The gendered social representation of physical education and sport science higher education in Spain9
The art of the question: the structure of questions posed by youth soccer coaches during training9
Feminists against fad, fizz ed: a poetic commentary exploring the notion of Joe Wicks as physical education8
Stakeholder perceptions of physical literacy assessment in primary school children8
‘The teacher makes us feel like we are a family’: students from refugee backgrounds’ perceptions of physical education in Swedish schools8
Service-learning experiences for pre-service teachers: cultural competency and behavior management challenges when working with a diverse low-income community8
Physical activity during physical education in elementary school in China: the role of teachers8
Social justice knowledge construction among physical education teacher educators: the value of personal, professional, and educational experiences8
How do high-level youth soccer players approach and solve game problems? The role of strategic understanding8
Fit for the job? How corporeal expectations shape physical education teachers’ understandings of content, pedagogy, and the purposes of physical education7
Physical activity during school-time and fundamental movement skills: a study among preschoolers with and without physical education classes7
Understanding the complexity of learning through movement7
What about physical education and Sustainable Development Goals? A scoping review7
Effects of a training course on creation of an empowering motivational climate in physical education: a quasi-experimental study7
Mixed-methods approaches to learning strategies and self-regulation in Physical Education: a literature review7
Effectiveness of a lesson study intervention on teacher behaviour and student motivation in physical education lessons7
Practising the practice. Towards a theory of practising in physical education from a Bildung-theoretical perspective7
Can we play the real sport?’ Co-creating a student-centered after-school sports club7
How is embodiment in physical education theoretically conceptualised? A concept analysis7
Motor competence, motivation and enjoyment in physical education to profile children in relation to physical activity behaviors7