Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy

(The H4-Index of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Exploring the changes of physical education in the age of Covid-1973
Perceived teachers’ behavior and students’ engagement in physical education: the mediating role of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation50
Pedagogical principles that support the prioritisation of meaningful experiences in physical education: conceptual and practical considerations39
An integrated blended learning approach for physical education teacher education programmes: teacher educators’ and pre-service teachers’ experiences38
Examining early adolescents’ motivation for physical education: associations with actual and perceived motor competence36
The influence of online physical activity interventions on children and young people’s engagement with physical activity: a systematic review34
Between hope and happening: Problematizing the M and the P in models-based practice32
Heteronormativity meets queering in physical education: the views of PE teachers and LGBTIQ+ students31
Experiences of teaching and learning in K-12 physical education during COVID-19: an international comparative case study27
Advocating for Service-Learning as a pedagogical model in Physical Education: towards an activist and transformative approach25
An ecological dynamics conceptualisation of physical ‘education’: Where we have been and where we could go next25
Development of a self-report scale to assess children’s perceived physical literacy24
Mental imagery training programs for developing sport-specific motor skills: a systematic review and meta-analysis21
Infusing disability into coach education and development: a critical review and agenda for change21
Investigating the impact of a Freirean informed coach education programme20
The use of digital media in primary school PE – student perspectives on product-oriented ways of lesson staging18
Nonlinear Pedagogy and its implications for practice in the Singapore PE context17