Nuclear Engineering and Technology

(The H4-Index of Nuclear Engineering and Technology is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An interactive multiple model method to identify the in-vessel phenomenon of a nuclear plant during a severe accident from the outer wall temperature of the reactor vessel176
Stress evaluation method of reinforced wall-thinned Class 2/3 nuclear pipes for structural integrity assessment169
Development and validation of the lead-bismuth cooled reactor system code based on a fully implicit homogeneous flow model129
Analysis of wind field data surrounding nuclear power plants to improve the effectiveness of public protective measures103
Beyond design basis seismic evaluation of underground liquid storage tanks in existing nuclear power plants using simple method91
Experimental study on solidification of uranium tailings by microbial grouting combined with electroosmosis89
A hybrid neutronics method with novel fission diffusion synthetic acceleration for criticality calculations84
Nodal method for handling irregularly deformed geometries in hexagonal lattice cores80
SiRENE: A new generation of engineering simulator for real-time simulators at EDF79
Patents for power: Intellectual property and the geopolitics of nuclear energy technologies74
Experimental and numerical investigation on the flow and heat transfer behavior of double-side heating once-through steam generator with helical tubes69
COFUN: A new tool for evaluating containment failure frequency and uncertainty59
An improved CREAM model based on Deng entropy and evidence distance53
The effect of irradiation on the thermal stability of the levextrel dibenzo-21-crown-7 applying to the high-level waste fractionation processes51
Evaluation of dose received by workers while repairing a failed spent resin mixture treatment device50
New method for dependence assessment in human reliability analysis based on linguistic hesitant fuzzy information47
Nuclear power utilization as a future alternative energy on icebreakers47
An evaluation on in-pile behaviors of SiCf/SiC cladding under normal and accident conditions with updated FROBA-ATF code46
CFD analysis of the flow blockage in a rectangular fuel assembly of the IAEA 10 MW MTR research reactor44
Nuclear energy consumption and CO2 emissions in India: Evidence from Fourier ARDL bounds test approach42
Thermal-hydraulic phenomena and heat removal performance of a passive containment cooling system according to exit loss coefficient42
Iron hydrolysis and lithium uptake on mixed-bed ion exchange resin at alkaline pH40
Experimental research on flow regime and transitional criterion of slug to churn-turbulent and churn-turbulent to annular flow in rectangular channels39
Coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulic analysis of ANTS-100e using MCS/RAST-F two-step code system37
Effect of slab stiffness on floor response spectrum and fragility of equipment in nuclear power plant building36
Monte Carlo-based identification of electron and proton edges for calibration of miniaturized tissue equivalent proportional counter35
Optimized TOF-PET detector using scintillation crystal array for brain imaging35
Cesium and strontium recovery from LiCl-KCl eutectic salt using electrolysis with liquid cathode35
Seismic behavior of simplified electrical cabinet model considering cast-in-place anchor in uncracked and cracked concretes35
Pump availability prediction using response surface method in nuclear plant34
Flexible liquid light-guide-based radiation sensor with LaBr3:Ce scintillator for remote gamma-ray spectroscopy33
Developing an interface strength technique using the laser shock method33
On-the-fly energy release per fission model in STREAM with explicit neutron and photon heating32