Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics

(The median citation count of Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experimental Studies of the Evaporation of Pure Liquid Droplets in a Single-Axis Non-Resonant Levitator5
Turbulence Structures in Accelerated Flow over a Flat Plate with Non-Zero Pressure Gradient5
Numerical Investigation of an Innovative Windbreak Design with Jet Flow Generated by an Air Curtain for Half-pipe Skiing5
Improvement of Mass Transfer Rate Modeling for Prediction of Cavitating Flow5
Investigation of the Erosion Characteristics in the Distribution Parts of Pelton Turbine5
Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of Biodiesel/Natural Gas Dual Fuel Engine4
Stability of Oblique Water Entry of Cylindrical Projectiles4
Numerical Simulation of H2 Addition Effect to CH4 Premixed Turbulent Flames for Gas Turbine Burner4
Wall Shear Stress-Based Hemodynamic Descriptors in the ‎Abdominal Aorta Bifurcation: Analysis of a Case Study3
Numerical Simulation of Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Emergency Rescue Drainage Pump Based on MUSIG Model3
Stability of an Electrically Conducting Fluid Flow between Coaxial Cylinders under Magnetic field3
Suppressing Methods of the Pressure Fluctuation in Open Jet Wind Tunnels3
Parametric Study of Magnus Wind Turbine with Spiral Fins using BEM Approach3
Experimental and Simulation Study on the Emissions of a Multi-Point Lean Direct Injection Combustor3
CPFD Simulation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Multiple Particles Mixing in a Circulating Fluidized Bed3
Fast-moving Mesh Method and Its Application to Circumferential Non-uniform Tip Clearance in a Single-stage Turbine3
Numerical Study of the Mixing Process during Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas Pipelines3
Experimental Study on Overall Cooling Effectiveness of Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane with Impingement-Cutback Structure3
Supersonic Flow over Elliptic Cone with Different Ellipticity Ratio3
Differential Equation for Turbulence Power Losses and Energy Spectra Based on Consolidated Empirical Results3
Research on the Flow and Drag Reduction Characteristics of Surfaces with Biomimetic Fitting Structure3
Numerical Simulation of Exhaled Particle Transmission in a Car Cabin with Open Windows3
Investigation on Jet Characteristics of Turbofan Exhaust System under Take-off Condition with High Angle of Attack3
Investigating Pressure Gradient Dynamics in Two-phase Fluid Flow through Porous Media: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis3
Energy Losses Assessment of Smallholder Farmers’ Surface Water Irrigation Pumps in South and Southeast Asia Using Entropy Generation Principle3
Optimization Design of a Semi-Open Centrifugal Impeller using GA-Fuzzy Logic Combination Strategy2
Aerodynamic Performance of Lambda Wing-UCAV at Different Back-sweep Angles2
Investigation of Isothermal Flow inside a New Combustor with Two-Stage Axial Swirler2
Compressibility Modified RANS Simulations for Noise Prediction of Jet Exhausts with Chevron2
CFD-DEM-based Numerical Simulation of Erosion Characteristic of Multistage Pressure Relief String Regulating Valve2
Investigation on the Agent Precise Quantitative Control for Foam Technology with Cavitation Jet2
Surrogate Model on the Extension Operation Range of an Isolated Centrifugal Fan2
A Model for Shelled Micro-Bubble in Geometric Confinement under Acoustics Field2
Flow Separation Control on NACA0015 Airfoil Using Synchronized Jet Actuator2
Innovations in Non-Linear Oscillations of a Pendent Drop From a Capillary Tip During Formation and Detachment - An LBM Simulation2
On the Stabilization of a Viscoelastic Jeffreys Fluid Layer Heated from Below2
Mechanism of Stability Enhancement with Shallow ‎Reversed Slot-Type Casing Treatment in a Transonic ‎Compressor2
Experimental Study on Wake Characteristics of Secondary Grooved Cylinders with Different Depths2
Flow Field Investigation of a Blended Wing Body in Low Speeds2
Numerical and Experimental Study of Abrupt Wave Interaction with Vertical and Inclined Rectangular Obstacles2
Parametric Investigation of Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe with Cerium Oxide Nanofluid2
Investigation on the Gas Jet Flow Performance Confined in Round Pipe2
Unsteady Numerical Investigation on Vortex Interaction between Rim Seal Purge Flow and Upstream Stator2
Critical Angle and Fundamental Frequency of Symmetric Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers2
Numerical Study on the Effects of Anti-Snow Deflector on the Wind-Snow Flow Underneath a High-Speed Train2
CFD Simulations and External Shape Optimization of Missile with Wing and Tailfin Configuration to Improve Aerodynamic Performance2
Aerodynamic Analysis and Design Optimization of a Novel Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle in Hovering Flight2
Multiplicity of Steady State Solutions in 2-D Incompressible Viscous Wall Driven Arc-Shaped Cavity ‎Flow2
Numerical Investigation and Experimental Validation of Different Air Flow Conditioners using Up - and Down - Stream Pipeline2
Monitoring the Wake of Low Reynolds Number Airfoils for Their Aerodynamic Loads Assessment2
Enhancing Aerodynamic Performance of Double Rectangular Cylinders through Numerical Analysis at Varying Inclinations2
Influence of Full and Symmetrical Domains on the Numerical Flow around a SUBOFF Submarine Model using OpenFOAM2
Effect of Contact Angle Hysteresis on Evaporation Dynamics of a Sessile Drop on a Heated Surface2
Transient Dynamics of a Porous Sphere in a Linear Fluid2
Influence of Surface Curvature on Coanda Effect for Vertical Jet Impacting Horizontal Cylinder2
Experimental Study on Breakup and Transition of a Rotating Liquid Jet2
Improved Multicomponent Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Model for Physical Foaming Simulation2
Experimental Study on Three-Dimensional Bubble Rising Behaviours by Virtual Stereo Vision2
Investigation of Rheological and Geometric Properties Effect on Nonlinear Behaviour of Fluid Viscous Dampers2
Experimental Investigation of a Wave-Piercing Trimaran on the Outrigger Configurations in terms of Seakeeping and Added Resistance2
Numerical Investigation on Film Cooling Mechanism with Different Coolant Delivery Configurations2
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Stall Mechanism in Centrifugal Pump Impeller2
Aerodynamic and RSM Analysis of Wingsuit Stability2
Shape Optimization of an Asymmetric Airfoil for Low Wind Speed Region having Adjoint-Based Optimization Technique2
Investigation of Flow Boiling in Micro-Channels: Heat Transfer, Pressure Drop and Evaluation of Existing Correlations2
Physical Reasoning of Double- to Single-Loop Transition in Industrial Reactors using Computational Fluid Dynamics2
Cavitation Characteristics and Structure Optimization of Two-Dimensional Valve Based on Entropy Production Theory2
Erosion Characteristics and Flashing Flow of High-differential-pressure Control Valves: A Numerical Study using an Erosion-Coupled Dynamic Mesh1
Characterizing Swirl Strength and Recirculation Zone Formation in Tangentially Injected Isothermal Flows1
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Control of the Flow Structure on Surface Modified Airfoils1
Influence of Axial Position of Self-Circulating Casing Treatment on the Performances of a Centrifugal Pump at Low Mass Flow Conditions1
Fluid Dynamic Characteristics and Flow Distribution ‎Structure Optimization of Axial Piston Pump Considering ‎Cavitation Bubble Evolution1
Dynamic Response Analysis of Tilting Pad Journal Bearing Considering Fluid-Structure Interaction1
Experimental Study on the Flow Pattern of Double-hemisphere Rough Elements with Different Streamwise Spacing1
Reacting Flow Simulations of a Dual Throat-Dual Fuel Thruster1
Influence of Intake Valve Structure Combined with Valve Lift Dissimilitude on Intake Performance of Diesel Engine1
Influence of Ellipsoidal Dimple Column Number on Performance of Highly-loaded Compressor Cascade1
Improved Simulation of Flows with Free-Surface Waves by Optimizing the Angle Factor in the HRIC Interface-Sharpening Scheme1
Submerged Vortex Morphology and Pressure Fluctuation Characteristics in Intake Sump1
Numerical Analysis on Improving the Rectangular Texture Floating Ring Gas-film Seal Characteristics with Different Bottom Shapes1
Study on Suppression of Combustion Instability using Quarter Wavelength Tube1
Application of the Godunov-Type Corrective Smoothed Particle Method to Impulsive Load Studies1
Research on the Flow Characteristic in a Multi-Stage Multiphase Pump by Numerical Simulations1
Artificial Neural Network Application for Aerodynamics of an Airfoil Equipped with Plasma Actuators1
Hydrodynamic Characteristics of an Electric Eel-Like Undulating Fin1
Influence of Inlet Vane and Wrap Angles on Cavitation Behavior of a Centrifugal Pump1
Three-dimensional Flow Field Characteristics of a Normal Slot Plasma Synthetic Jet Actuator1
Growth of Turbulent Boundary Layer with Varying Inlet ‎Length Scales‎1
Numerical Study on the Interaction Characteristics between Attached Cavitation and Velocity Boundary Layer under Different Working Conditions1
Analysis of Blood Flow Bifurcation Phenomena in Mitral Valve: A Numerical Approach to Predict Cardiac Arrest1
Pedigree Aerodynamic Shape Design of High-Speed Trains1
Airwake Characteristics of NATO-Generic Destroyer: A Numerical Study1
On an Efficient Solution of the Boltzmann Equation Using the Modified Time Relaxed Monte Carlo (MTRMC) Scheme1
Effects of Volute Structure on Energy Performance and Rotor Operational Stability of Molten Salt Pumps1
Internal Flow Phenomena of Two-Way Contra-Rotating Axial Flow Pump-Turbine in Pump Mode under Variable Speed1
Analysis of the Sound Field Characteristics of a Muffler at Different Flow Conditions1
Optimized Reduction in Draft Tube Pressure Pulsation for a Francis Turbine1
Numerical Investigation of Bed Shear Stress and Roughness Coefficient Distribution in a Sharp Open Channel Bend1
Analysis of Near-wall Coherent Structure of Spiral Flow in Circular Pipe Based on Large Eddy Simulation1
Experimental Study of Secondary Flow in Narrow and Sharp Open-Channel Bends1
Numerical Study on the Sloshing Behaviors of Dual Liquid Tanks with Gas Inflow1
A Numerical Study on the Performance of a Magnesium-Based Automotive Cooling Fan with Bead Structure1
Flow Evolution and Energy Loss Mechanism in Accidental Shutdown Process of a Large Submersible Mixed-Flow Pump System1
Influence of Marshalling Length on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Urban Emus under Crosswind1
An Intermittent Flow Structure in Airlift Pump by Using an Annular Venturi Injector1
Computational Analysis of Rheological Secondary Flow in a Pipe-Manifold Containing In-Plane Double Bends1
Injection Properties According to the Inner Shape of Metal Additive Layer Manufactured Coaxial Injectors1
Evaluation of the Cavitation Fluid Characteristics of the Bullet across the Medium into the Water at Different Velocities1
Experimental Study on the Effect of Attachments on the Vortex-Induced Vibration of a Centrally Slotted Box Deck1
Effect of Mesh Shape and Turbulence Model on Aerodynamic Performance at NACA 44151
Study of the Aerodynamic Characteristics on the ‎Computed Flowfield During Thrust Reversers Operation1
Numerical Study of Single-Hole and Multi-Holes Orifice Flow Parameters1
Influence Rule of Projectile Density on the Characteristics of High-Speed Water-Entry Cavity1
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Gas-solid Flow in a Gradual Expansion1
Effects of Inlet Incidence Perturbations on Compressor Cascade Performance using Adaptive Sparse Grid Collocation1
Experimental Study on the Effect of Tabs with Asymmetric Projections on the Mixing Characteristics of Subsonic Jets1
Sessile Droplet Evaporation on Wall with Radial Temperature Gradient1
Numerical Simulation of Crude Oil Leakage from Damaged Submarine-Buried Pipeline1
Study of the Behavior of a Vertical Axis Eolic Turbine with Articulated Blades1
Numerical Simulation of Hydrodynamics Characteristics in a Tank with an Up-down Reciprocating Agitator1
Exploring the Diagnostic Potential of Infrared Thermography for Experimental Assessment of Cavitation and Air Entrainment-induced Faults in Centrifugal Pumps1
Gas-Solid Erosion Study of Elbow Pipe based on Erosion Dynamic Grid Technology1
A Comparative Study of Two Numerical Methods Applied for 3D Liquid-Liquid Taylor Flow in a Microchannel1
Aerodynamic Investigation and Simulation Studies on Wing Section of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Attached with Solar Plate1
Passive Control with Blade-End Slots and Whole-Span Slot in a Large Camber Compressor Cascade1
Analytical and Numerical Study on the Performance of ‎Supersonic Ejector at Different Operating Conditions ‎and Working Fluids1
Study of the Flame Characteristics of Biodiesel Blend Fuel in a Semi-industrial Boiler1
Numerical Study of Microstructures and Roughness Design Effects on Surface Hydrophilicity through the Lattice Boltzmann Method1
Influence of Turbulence in Aorta-like Tube: Computational and Experimental Study1
Simulation of Rotor-Rotor Interaction and Noise of an Axial Counter-Rotating Fan1
Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of Novel Bypass Shock-Induced Thrust Vector Nozzle1
Effect of Synthetic Jet on NACA0012 Airfoil Vortex Structure and Aerodynamic Characteristics1
Various Wavy Leading-Edge Protuberance on Oscillating Hydrofoil Power Performance1
Numerical Study of the Effect of Corona Discharge on Upward Wake Flow in the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Farm1
Numerical Analysis of the Effect of the Non-Sinusoidal Trajectories on the Propulsive Performance of a Bionic Hydrofoil1
A Study on Booster Pump System with Flow Sensor for Individual Flow Control Method1
3D Numerical Modeling and Geometry Optimization of an Oscillating Water Column Device in Sloshing Conditions Using Openfoam and Genetic Algorithms1
Leading Edge Radius Effects on VAWT Performance1
Numerical and Experimental Enhancement of the Aerodynamic Performance of a Road Vehicle using Passive Flow Control1
Effect of Low ALR on the Spray Characteristics of a Pressure-swirl Duplex Nozzle1
Numerical Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Tail-stabilized Projectile with Asymmetrical Diversion Groove1
Natural Convection and Radiation in Enclosures with Semi-transparent Medium: Conjugate CFD Analysis1
Integrated Impacts of Building Space Ratio and Wind Direction on Pedestrian-level Wind Environment around High-rise Buildings with Equilateral Triangle Arrangement1
Inelastic Solution for Power Law Fluid with Taylor Galerkin-Pressure Correction Finite Element Method: Axisymmetric Contraction Flows1
Influence of a Wavy Blade-End Applied in an Axial Compressor Cascade on the Secondary Flow of the Passage1
Erosion Wear Characteristics and Failure Mechanism of the Sulzer Oil Pump1
Aerodynamic Noise Simulation of a High-Speed Maglev Train Operating inside a Fully Enclosed Sound Barrier1
Vertical and Spanwise Wake Flow Structures of a Single Spire over Smooth Wall Surface in a Wind Tunnel1
Free and Non-Free Vortex Design for Axial Fans with Circumferential Sweep through CFD Techniques1
Effect of the Guide Vane on the Hydraulic Stability of a Low-head, Large-discharge Industrial Hydraulic Turbine1
Airfoil Shape Optimization of a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade using a Discrete Adjoint Solver1
Numerical Investigation on Aerodynamic Drag and Noise of Pantographs with Modified Structures1
Optimized Geometric Structure of a Rotational Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactor1
Numerical Study on Natural Ventilation around a Burning Car inside a Tunnel1
Investigation of the Smoke Ventilation and Evacuation Strategies to Decrease Smoke Poisoning Risk by Coupling Fire and Evacuation Simulations1
Numerical Investigation of the Vortex Breaker for A Dynamic Separator using Computational Fluid Dynamics1
A Numerical Study on the Energy Dissipation Mechanisms of a Two-Stage Vertical Pump as Turbine Using Entropy Generation Theory1
A Three-dimensional CFD Study on Multiphase Flow in an FCC Regenerator Integrated with Oxy-combustion1
Using Tip Injection to Stability Enhancement of a Transonic Centrifugal Impeller with Inlet Distortion1
Coupling Bionic Design and Numerical Simulation of the Wavy Leading-Edge and Seagull Airfoil of Axial Flow Blade for Air-conditioner1
Performance Optimization of Nozzle-Diffuser Piezoelectric Micropump with Multiple Vibrating Membranes by Design of Experiment (DOE) Method1
Numerical Investigation of Flow Characteristics in a Centrifugal Pump Impeller with Sinusoidal Flow Rates of Different Oscillation Amplitudes1
A Simple Nonlinear Eddy Viscosity Model for Geophysical Turbulent Flows1
Velocity Slip in a Deep-sea Slurry Pump and Its Effect on Particle Transportation1
Three-Dimensional Thermocline Dynamics in Thermal Storage Tanks1
Aircraft Stability Characteristics in a Single Horizontal Tail Failure and Evaluation of Countermeasures for Safe Landing1
Uncertainty Analysis of Experiments of Vortex-Induced Vibrations for Circular Cylinders1
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Chemical Species and Chemical Kinetic Mechanisms on Laminar Premixed Flame-Acoustic Wave Interactions1
Experimental and CFD Analysis on the Effect of Various Cold Orifice Diameters and Inlet Pressure of a Vortex Tube1
Numerical Analysis on the Unsteady Radial Load on the Shaft of a Large-Scale Dredge Pump Unit1
Experimental Study on Evolution of Cavitation Flow Structure in Hump Region of Waterjet Pump1
Experimental and Computational Study on Effect of Vanes on Heat Transfer and Flow Structure of Swirling Impinging Jet1
Steady-State Characteristics of Spiral Groove Floating Ring Gas-film Seal Considering Temperature-Viscosity Effect1
Flow Characteristics of a Mixed Compression Hypersonic Intake1
Boiling Heat Transfer in Copper Foam Bilayers in Positive and Inverse Gradients of Pore Density1
Modeling Multiphase Debris Floods Down Straight and Meandering Channels1
Influence of External Magnetic Field on 3D Thermocapillary Convective Flow in Various Thin Annular Pools Filled with Silicon Melt1
Mixing and Interpenetration in a Three-Dimensional Buoyancy-Driven Flow of Two Immiscible Liquids: A GPU Based LBM Approach1
Enhancement of the Natural Ventilation within Commercial and Traditional Wind Towers in Arid Environments1
Effects of Turbulence Models on Flow Characteristics of a Vertical Fire Pump1
Effect of Inclination Grooves on Axial Flow Compressor Stability: An Experimental and Numerical Simulation Study1
Flow and Heat Transfer in a Co-Rotating Cavity with Tubes: A Coupled Prediction Model1
Effect of Guide Vane on Turbulence Characteristics for Single-Phase Flow through a 90-Degree Pipe Bend1
Multiple Performance Optimization of a Single Stage Centrifugal Pump using an Intelligent System Approach1
Evaluation of CFD URANS Turbulence Models for the Building under Environmental Wind Flow with Experimental Validation0
Improving Thermal Performance of Rectangular Microchannel Heat Sinks using Porous Layer: CFD Simulation and Optimization0
Numerical Study of Erosion Wear Characteristics in a High-pressure Black Water Angle Valve by Using CFD-VOF-DPM Method0
Numerical Study of Geometrical Properties of Full-Span Tubercle Leading Edge Wing at Post-Stall Condition0
A Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation Model for the Simulation of Complex Turbulent Flow0
A Liquid Jet Impinging onto Rotating Convex Superhydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces: Reflection or Deflection?0
Optimization and Assessment of the Comprehensive Performance of an Axial Separator by Response Surface Methodology0
Numerical Investigation of Flow Inside a Channel with Elastic Vortex Generator and Elastic Wall for Heat Transfer Enhancement0
Comparison of the Models for Multiscale Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in a Line Contact0
Aerodynamic Drag Improvements on a Simplified Heavy Vehicle using Three-sided Plain and Notched Base Flaps0
Flow Field Analysis of Francis Turbine Draft Tube using POD at Design and Part Load Operating Conditions0
Experimental Research of Two-phase Rotating Detonation Combustor Operating with High Total Temperature Air0
Applying Machine Learning in CFD to Study the Impact of Thermal Characteristics on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Airfoil0
Effects of Inlet Types and Lengths on the Flow Field of Cyclone Separators0
Experimental Investigation of Aluminum Oxide Nanofluid on Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe Performance0
Vortex Evolution and Energy Production in the Blade ‎Channel of a Francis Turbine Operating at Deep Part ‎Load Conditions0
Hydrodynamic Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in an Industrial Electrowinning Cell with New Scheme0
Numerical Study on Catalytic Reaction and Catalytic Mechanism of Ceramic Catalytic Turbine Technology under Variable Operating Conditions during Vehicle Warm-up0
Acoustic and Thermoacoustic Jet Propulsion0
Measuring the Taylor Bubble Length in a Two-Phase Flow using an Electrical Resistance Sensor and a High-Speed Camera0
Influence of Pressure-Equalizing Groove on Static Load Performance of Aerostatic Guideway0
Study on the Erosion Characteristics of Non-spherical Particles in Liquid-solid Two-phase Flow0
Numerical Study on the Influence of Plasma Actuation on the Cavitation Characteristics of Hydrofoil0
Flow Conditions Influence on the Instability of a Pump Characteristic0
Flow Characteristics Analysis of Load Rejection Transition Process in Pumped Storage Unit Based on Cavitation Model0
Analysis of Macroscopic Cavitation Characteristics of a Self-Excited Oscillating Cavitation Jet Nozzle0
Cavitation Characteristics during Startup Process of a Condensate Pump with Splitter Blades0
Experimental Study of Airfoil Aerodynamic Behavior under Oscillating Motion in Ground Effect0
Application of an Open-Source OpenFoam for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of the Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbine Blade0
Effects of Porous Parameters on the Aerodynamic Noise of the Blowing Device of Guardrails0
Effect of Different Types of External Guide Vanes on the Performance of High-Pressure Centrifugal Compressor0
Determination of Optimum Parameter Space of a Fluidic Thrust Vectoring System based on Coanda Effect Using Gradient-Based Optimization Technique0
Investigation of the Flow-Induced Noise and Optimization Design of a Short Tube Throttle Valve0
Instabilities of Transonic Turbulent Flow over a Flat-Sided Wedge0
Sweep Optimization to Reduce Aerodynamic Loss in a Transonic Axial Compressor with Upstream Boundary Layer Ingestion0
Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Flopping NACA0012 Hydrofoil and Dolphin Fish-Like Model0
Aerodynamic Performance Investigations of Savonius Twin-rotor Wind Turbines0
Development of an Intelligent Passive Device Generator for Road Vehicle Applications0
Study of the Self-starting Performance of a Vertical-axis Wind Turbine0
Experimental Studies on Suppression of Combustion Instability with the Addition of Helium0
Hydrodynamic Coefficients for Various Postures of the Underwater Manipulator0
Unsteady Fluid Flow Analysis of Tongue Geometry in a Centrifugal Pump at Design and Off-design Conditions0
Effect of Ambient Air Temperature on the Compression Wave Propagating along a Railway Tunnel0
Flow Characteristics of a Dual-Intake Port Diesel Engine with Guide Vanes0
An Evaluation of Inflow Profiles for CFD Modeling of Neutral ABL and Turbulent Airflow over a Hill Model0
Vibrational Analysis and Optimization of a Water Injection Pipeline in a High-pressure Plunger Pump0
Impact Evaluation of Full-Span Slot and Blade-End Slot on Performance of a Large Camber Compressor Cascade0
Experimental and LES Studies of Propane–air Premixed Gases in Pipelines Containing Mixed Obstacles0
Parameter-Based Design and Analysis of Wind Turbine Airfoils with Conformal Slot Co-Flow Jet0
Asymmetric Y-shaped Micromixers with Spherical Mixing Chamber for Enhanced Mixing Efficiency and Reduced Flow Impedance0
A Comparative Study of the Buoyancy-Opposed Wall Jet using Different Turbulent Models0
Aeroelastic Simulation of Stall Flutter Undergoing High ‎and Low Amplitude Limit Cycle Oscillations0
Studies on the Extraction of the Guaranteed Fuel Reserve in the Tanks of the Expended Stage0
Transient Analysis of the Flow Behavior under a Small Leakage Accident in Feed Water Pipeline0
Computational Investigation of Effects of Side-Injection Geometry on Thrust-Vectoring Performance in a Fuel-Injected Dual Throat Nozzle0
Large-eddy Simulations on Flow Structures and Interaction Mechanism of Synthetic Jets in a Crossflow0
Self-similarity Characteristics of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Wakes0
Effect of Exhaust Jet from Takeoff Aircraft on the Inlet Distortion of Runway-Crossing Aircraft0
Method of Improving Stability of a Highly-Loaded Axial Compressor Stage by Coupling Different Casing Treatments0
Thermal Enhancement Effects of Buoyancy-Driven Heat Transfer of Hybrid Nanofluid Confined in a Tilted U-Shaped Cavity0
Numerical Investigation of Bile Secretion and Pressure Rise in Obstructed Human Common Bile Duct0
Suppressing the Vortex Rope Oscillation and Pressure Fluctuations by the Air Admission in Propeller Hydro-Turbine Draft Tube0
Parametric Investigation of Pelton Turbine Injector under Hydro-abrasive Erosion Conditions0
Numerical Study on the Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Flow Field Characteristics of Underwater Manipulator0
Simulation of the Hydraulic Performance of Parallel Pivot Weirs with Different Angles0
Balance of Efficiency and Security-influence on Slurry Transport from the Diffusion of Flow Passages of a Deep-sea Mining Pump0