Revista Internacional de Andrologia

(The median citation count of Revista Internacional de Andrologia is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Fluoride-induced testicular degeneration and sperm quality deteriorations: Salutary role of Cyperus esculentus tubers (tiger nut) extract in animal model7
Experiencia subjetiva del orgasmo en el contexto de la masturbación en solitario6
The evolution of hypospadias publications: A bibliometric approach6
Comparison of hormone profile and systemic inflammation in patients presenting with sexual dysfunction: Which is important?3
Effects of photobiomodulation therapy on human sperm function3
Relationships between lipids levels in blood plasma, follicular fluid and seminal plasma with ovarian response and sperm concentration regardless of age and body mass index3
Red blood cell distribution width values in erectile dysfunction3
Pre-pubertal cyclophosphamide exposure-induced mutilation in spermatogenesis, steroidogenesis and testicular architecture in SD rat: Protection from an alternative herbal viagra2
Microfluidic sperm sorting improves ICSI outcomes in patients with increased values of Double-Strand Breaks in sperm DNA2
Priapism – A rare side effect of alpha blockers: Report of 2 cases and literature review2
Implante de prótesis de pene en la era COVID. Seguimiento tras la cirugía y manejo de complicaciones2
Evaluation of sialic acid, malondialdehyde and glutathione levels in infertile male2
La disforia de género en menores trans: nicho ecológico2
Low testosterone levels as an independent risk factor for mortality in male patients with COVID-19: Report of a Single-Center Cohort Study in Mexico2
Preservação da fertilidade em indivíduos transgénero2
Mindfulness en la salud sexual y bienestar psicológico de profesionales y cuidadores/as de personas en riesgo de exclusión social2
Long term erectile function results of radical perineal prostatectomy2
Therapeutic effects of melatonin in long-term exposure to 2100 MHz radiofrequency radiation on rat sperm characteristics2
Important interaction between urethral taste bud-like structures and Onuf's nucleus following spinal subarachnoid hemorrhage: A hypothesis for the mechanism of dysorgasmia2
Benzodiazepines related sexual dysfunctions: A critical review on pharmacology and mechanism of action2
Suprapubic bladder aspiration: A novel method in the diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation2
MTHFR-c 677C>T polymorphism and male infertility: An analysis in a cohort of Pakistani men2
Diagnostic value of transrectal combined scrotal ultrasonography in acquired obstructive azoospermia2
The effect of taxifolin on experimental testicular ischaemia reperfusion injury in rats. A biochemical and histopathological analysis2
Correlation of DNA fragments with routine semen parameters and lifestyle and their impact on assisted reproductive outcomes2
El papel mediador de las actitudes entre los comportamientos sexuales de hombres y mujeres2
The effect of maternal treatment with diclofenac sodium and thymoquinone on testicular parameters in rat offspring2
Study of the association between SOD3G362A polymorphism, seminal SOD activity and risk for idiopathic male infertility in Algeria1
Climacturia after robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy1
The synergistic effects of testosterone and phophodiesterase-5 inhibitor combination on oxidative stress markers, matrix metalloproteinases and oxidative DNA damage: A randomized controlled experiment1
Validación de la versión española del Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction1
Sugar-sweetened beverage intake in relation to reproductive parameters in young men1
A possible mechanism of erectile dysfunction in coronavirus disease-19: Cavernosal smooth muscle damage: A pilot study1
Zinc alleviates high fat diet-induced spermatogenic dysfunction in Wistar rats: role of oxidative stress, HMGB1 and inflammasomeEl zinc alivia la disfunción espermatogénica inducida por una dieta rica1
Gallic acid attenuates torsion/detorsion-induced testicular injury in rats through suppressing of HMGB1/NF-κB axis and endoplasmic reticulum stressEl ácido gálico atenúa la lesión testicular inducida 1
A different look at genetic factors in individuals with non-obstructive azoospermia or oligospermia in our research study: To whom, which threshold, when, in what way?1
Study of the risk factors of erectile dysfunction and phospho diestrase type 5 inhibitors usage among Egyptian population with erectile dysfunction: A cross-sectional survey1
Effects of androgen deprivation therapy on metabolic markers and bioelectrical impedance analyze in prostate cancer patients1
Comparison of sexual function between women with iatrogenic and natural menopause1
Long-term exposure to cimetidine induced gonado-toxicity in male rats: Modulating role of Ocimum gratissimum1
Characterization of embryonic stem-like cells derived from mouse spermatogonial stem cells following low-intensity ultrasound treatment1
Disfunción eréctil y YouTube: calidad de los vídeos en español1
Satisfaction with testicular prosthesis: a Portuguese questionnaire-based study in testicular cancer survivors1
Protective effect of black mulberry (Morus nigra L.) fruit hydroalcoholic extract against testosterone-induced benign prostatic hyperplasia in rats1
Localización de arilsulfatasa A durante la incubación in vitro de espermatozoides humanos en medio de capacitación1
The mouse testis tissue culture could resume spermatogenesis as same as in vivo condition after human spermatogonial stem cells transplantation1
Ondas de choque de baja intensidad para la mejora en el tratamiento de la disfunción eréctil en pacientes no respondedores a PDE5-i: revisión sistemática1
Klinefelter syndrome: The characterization of the clinical and sociological features of 51 patients1
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) analog and phosphodiesterase inhibitor (IBMX) ameliorate human sperm capacitation and motility0
Assessment of sexual life in spina bifida patients: A survey among pediatric urologists0
Leptin and prolactin reduce cryodamage in normozoospermic human semen samples during cryopreservation0
Human papillomavirus in men0
The effect of smoking and electronic cigarettes on rat testicles0
The effects of wireless devices on male reproductive health: A literature overview0
Consensos em HPV masculino da Sociedade Portuguesa de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual e Reprodução: diagnóstico0
Experiencia inicial en el tratamiento microquirúrgico del varicocele: análisis comparativo con la varicocelectomía macroquirúrgica convencional0
Precisión y utilidad de la resonancia magnética para el diagnóstico de cáncer de testículo0
Neisseria meningitidis y el aumento del sexo oral. A propósito de un caso0
Consensos em HPV Masculino da Sociedade Portuguesa de Andrologia, Medicina Sexual e Reprodução: Seguimento0
Efecto del tadalafilo 5 mg/día en la hemodinámica peniana en pacientes con disfunción eréctil0
Disfunção sexual nos doentes oncológicos: a importância de uma abordagem especializada0
Therapeutic potential of testosterone on sperm parameters and chromatin status in fresh and thawed normo and asthenozoospermic samples0
Aspectos médico-legales de la vasectomía0
Beneficial effects of Pilates exercise on female sexual dysfunction: A prospective pilot study0
Recuperación espermática post mortem: análisis técnico y legislativo en España a propósito de dos casos0
Can ChatGPT help patients understand their andrological diseases?¿ChatGPT puede ayudar a los pacientes a comprender sus enfermedades andrológicas?0
The role of imaging in patients with corporal fibrosis undergoing penile prosthesis placement: a narrative reviewTécnicas de imagen y colocación de una prótesis de pene en pacientes con fibrosis corpo0
Evaluation of vascular changes in cavernous arteries by penile doppler ultrasound in patients undergoing laparoscopic radical prostatectomyEvaluación de los cambios vasculares sobre las arterias caver0
Female sexual dysfunction in an outpatient andrology clinic—A therapeutic opportunity?0
A case of triple vas deferens complaining of infertility: A challenging case report0
Glandectomía con injerto cutáneo de muslo0
Contemporary challenges and advanced technologies in the management of subfertile men with varicoceleDesafíos contemporáneos y tecnologías avanzadas en el manejo de hombres subfértiles con varicocele0
Percepción de riesgo para VIH y sexo seguro en migrantes de la frontera norte de México0
Investigating discordance between embryologists and histopathologists: analysis of multiple factors in mTESE sperm retrieval outcomesInvestigando la discordancia entre embriólogos e histopatólogos: an0
Assessing the nitric oxide and asymmetric dimethylarginine levels in lifelong premature ejaculation: A prospective study0
Mondor's penile disease requiring thrombectomy: A case report and literature review0
Exploring the anatomical factors influencing testes elasticity via ultrasound shear wave elastography: Preliminary results0
Prótesis penianas: descripción de una serie de implantes con y sin dilatación de cuerpos cavernosos0
Impacto de la morfología espermática en las tasas de embarazo con inseminación intrauterina0
The microbiota of sexual intercourse and its effect on prostatitisLa microbiota vaginal como un factor protector contra la prostatitis0
Evaluation of male sexual parameters in infertile couples with a history of abortion0
Single nucleotide polymorphisms in 5-HT receptors in the etiology of premature ejaculation0
Segmental partial thrombosis of the corpora cavernosa: Case report and diagnostic/therapeutic algorithm0
Microdissection testicular sperm extraction in non-obstructive azoospermic patients with solitary testis: a retrospective case-control studyExtracción de espermatozoides testiculares por microdisecció0
Chronic minocycline administration improves spermatogenesis in rats0
Cirugía de rescate de extrusión de prótesis hidráulica de pene mediante protocolo de Mulcahy modificado. Revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso0
Eficacia y seguridad de la testosterona en el tratamiento del deseo sexual hipoactivo en mujeres: ¿qué dice la evidencia?0
Inflatable penile prosthesis reservoir placement—Are we ready for a paradigm change?0
The role of prostate inflammation in the pathogenesis of urethral strictures occurring after transurethral resections0
Relationship between testicular histopathology and the success of testicular sperm extraction in patients with non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome0
Superficial glans ischemia after penile prosthesis successfully treated by conservative treatment0
Association between interleukin-6 and lower urinary tract symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia0
Dopamine as a potential diagnostic biomarker in women's sexual dysfunctionLa dopamina como potencial biomarcador diagnóstico en la disfunción sexual de la mujer0
Effect of sunitinib on testicular oxidative and proinflammatory damage induced by ischemia–reperfusion in rats0
The pedicled Antero lateral thigh flap for gender affirming surgery: what is different? First case series outcomes of a single center from TurkeyColgajo anterolateral del muslo regional para cirugía g0
Effect of icariin on the transformation efficiency of induced pluripotent stem cells into sperm cells in vitro0
Effect of incubation and analysis temperatures on sperm kinematics and morphometrics during human semen analysis0
Evaluation of average penis length and the thoughts of Turkish men and partners. Is surgery necessary?Evaluación de la longitud promedio del pene y los pensamientos de los hombres y parejas turcos. ¿E0
Estudio sociodemográfico comparativo de los períodos 2007-2009 y 2015-2019 de la Unidad de Tratamiento de Identidad de Género del Principado de Asturias0
Research progress on the treatment of premature ejaculation by integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicineProgreso de la investigación en el tratamiento de la eyaculación precoz con la medicin0
Relation of pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography parameters and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in diabetic patients with erectile dysfunction0
Is there any advantage in the use of absorbable sutures in congenital penile curvature surgery performed in childhood?0
Long term follow-up on young adults that underwent hypospadias repair through urethral advancement in childhoodSeguimiento a largo plazo de adultos jóvenes con reparación de hipospadias mediante avanc0
Disfunción eréctil en pacientes con enfermedad cardiovascular y potencial influencia de marcadores genéticos0
Therapeutic use of platelet-rich plasma for the treatment of male infertilityUso terapéutico del plasma rico en plaquetas para el tratamiento de la esterilidad masculina0
Prolactinoma como causa de disfunción eréctil0
Management of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: The perspective of Spanish urologists. Results of the PANDORA Project (Part II)0
Depressive ranges in infertile couples with male factor0
Actitudes, conocimiento y percepción del personal asistencial de centros geriátricos de larga duración sobre las expresiones sexuales de los residentes. Revisión sistemática0
Can PCNA and LIM15 gene expression levels predict sperm retrieval success in men with non-obstructive azoospermia?0
Evaluation of depression, anxiety and quality of life in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia0
Calcification of the cavernosal bodies may be responsible for development of erectile dysfunction in uremic apolipoprotein E deficient (apoE−/−) mice0
Investigación sobre el diseño y la evaluación de las campañas de prevención en salud sexual dirigidas a jóvenes en España desde 1987 a 20160
Medium-long-term outcomes of saphenous vein graft in Peyronie surgery: Is there a need for new graft material?0
Is there a relationship between infertility and fertilin β protein distribution?0
Resveratrol ameliorates spermatogenesis by increasing protamine 1, 2 and HSPA2 expression in experimental varicocele rat model0
Sexual abuse and dysfunction in people with addiction problems and the general population. A descriptive studyAbusos sexuales y disfunciones en personas con problemas de adicción y población en genera0
Human kinematic and morphometric sperm subpopulation analysis using CASA technology: A new approach to spermatozoa classification0
Age-related histopathological and biochemical testicular damages were ameliorated by vitamin C administration0
Comparison of early period sexual function parameters between surgical repair and conservative treatment after penile fracture0
Role of sperm morphological parameters in the selection of fertilization methodsPapel de los parámetros morfológicos del esperma en la selección de los métodos de fecundación0
Static magnetic field can ameliorate detrimental effects of cryopreservation on human spermatozoaCampo magnético estático puede mejorar los efectos perjudiciales de la criopreservación en espermatozoi0
Protective effect of astaxanthin on testis torsion/detorsion injury through modulation of autophagyEfecto protector de la astaxantina en la lesión por torsión/detorsión testicular a través de la modul0
Mechanisms of inhibitory activity of root extract of Carpolobia lutea G. Don on in vitro contractile responses of rabbit corpus carvernosum0
Propolis ameliorates ischemia/reperfusion-induced testicular damage by reducing oxidative stress0
Corporoplasty under local anesthesia: Cost-effective improvement of the surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease0
An observational, national and multicentric study to describe the detection, diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation from the patient's perspective0
An integrative prediction model of successful sperm retrieval for men with non-obstructive azoospermiaUn modelo predictivo integral para el éxito de la recuperación de espermatozoides en hombres con a0
Long term complications of penile fracture repair: Erectile dysfunction and penile curvature0
Significación clínica de la presencia de espermatozoides en los seminogramas posvasectomía. Análisis de una serie de 2.168 pacientes0
Linfoma testicular primario. A propósito de 2 casos nuevos0
Propiedades psicométricas del Massachusetts General Hospital-Sexual Functioning Questionnaire en personas mayores0
Aislamiento de Haemophilus no ducreyi en muestras del aparato genital de varones: relación con la clínica0
Effect of physical activity level and occupation on resolution of pain after varicocelectomy: A prospective clinical study0
Actitudes sexuales y violencia en estudiantes de la Universidad de Huelva0