International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology

(The median citation count of International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Prevalence of depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A meta-analysis of community-based studies556
Mental health problems among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19: The importance of nutrition and physical activity133
Resilience matters: Explaining the association between personality and psychological functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic102
An International Study on Psychological Coping During COVID-19: Towards a Meaning-Centered Coping Style49
Differential efficacy between cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapies for chronic pain: Systematic review40
The roles of exercise tolerance and resilience in the effect of physical activity on emotional states among college students37
Impact of mindfulness and self-compassion on anxiety and depression: The mediating role of resilience35
Reducing stress and promoting well-being in healthcare workers using mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for life35
Associations between sedentary behavior and negative emotions in adolescents during home confinement: Mediating role of social support and sleep quality29
Was that (cyber)bullying? Investigating the operational definitions of bullying and cyberbullying from adolescents’ perspective29
Loneliness, ageism, and mental health: The buffering role of resilience in seniors28
Coping strategies in obsessive-compulsive patients during Covid-19 lockdown25
The interplay between emotion dysregulation, psychological distress, emotional eating, and weight status: A path model24
A longitudinal study on depressive symptoms and physical activity during the Spanish lockdown23
Psychometric properties of Spanish version of the Mini-Mental Adjustment to Cancer Scale19
Active school travel is associated with fewer suicide attempts among adolescents from low-and middle-income countries19
The Satisfaction with Life Scale in Breast Cancer Patients: Psychometric Properties19
Social status and friendship in peer victimization trajectories19
Modification of hostile interpretation bias and self-reported aggression in juvenile delinquents: A randomized controlled trial17
Coping with stress in parents of children with developmental disabilities16
Psychometric evaluation of the inventory of dimensions of emerging adulthood (IDEA) in China16
Loneliness predicts suicidal ideation and anxiety symptoms in long-term childhood cancer survivors16
An application of the stress-diathesis model: A review about the association between smoking tobacco, smoking cessation, and mental health15
Interoceptive attention facilitates emotion regulation strategy use15
Impact of COVID-19 on psychological wellbeing15
Association of physical activity and fitness with executive function among preschoolers15
Mind matters: A narrative review on affective state-dependency in non-invasive brain stimulation15
Validity of Categories Related to Gender Identity in ICD-11 and DSM-5 Among Transgender Individuals who Seek Gender-Affirming Medical Procedures15
Neuroticism, rumination, depression and suicidal ideation: A moderated serial mediation model across four countries15
Development of the Spanish short version of Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory14
COVID-19: Impact of Diagnosis Threat and Suggestibility on Subjective Cognitive Complaints13
Student burnout and engagement: Relationship with adolescent use of alcohol and attitudes towards authority13
The (In)flexible self: Psychopathology, mindfulness, and neuroscience12
Transcranial direct current stimulation versus intermittent theta-burst stimulation for the improvement of working memory performance12
Transcranial alternating brain stimulation at alpha frequency reduces hemispatial neglect symptoms in stroke patients12
The relationship between personality and bullying among primary school children: the mediation role of trait emotion intelligence and empathy12
Validation of the Spanish Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire11
Concurrent TMS-EEG and EEG reveal neuroplastic and oscillatory changes associated with self-compassion and negative emotions11
Adolescent social anxiety undermines adolescent-parent interbrain synchrony during emotional processing: A hyperscanning study11
Normal executive attention but abnormal orienting attention in individuals with sluggish cognitive tempo11
COVID-19 pandemic impact on family life and exacerbated emotional and behavioral health among preschool children: A longitudinal study10
Seeking the Psilocybiome: Psychedelics meet the microbiota-gut-brain axis10
A single bout of aerobic exercise modulates motor learning performance and cortical excitability in humans10
Criterion and construct validity of the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) to measure depression in patients with cancer: The contribution of somatic items10
Determinants associated with self-management behavior among type 2 diabetes patients in China: A structural equation model based on the theory of planned behavior10
Mental health meets computational neuroscience: A predictive Bayesian account of the relationship between interoception and multisensory bodily illusions in anorexia nervosa10
Profile of the Victimized Aggressor in Child-to-Parent Violence: Differences According to the Type of Victimization10
Marked shifts in gut microbial structure and neurotransmitter metabolism in fresh inmates revealed a close link between gut microbiota and mental health: A case-controlled study10
Brief psychological treatments for emotional disorders in Primary and Specialized Care: A randomized controlled trial9
Clinical and psychosocial constructs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening participation: A systematic review9
Spanish normative data of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in a community-based sample of adolescents9
Alteration of hypnotic experience following transcranial electrical stimulation of the left prefrontal cortex9
Mindfulness-based psychotherapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A meta-analytical Study9
The Role of Psychological Well-Being in Weight Loss: New Insights from a Comprehensive Lifestyle Intervention9
Association Between Attitudes Toward Violence and Violent Behavior in the School Context: A Systematic Review and Correlational Meta-Analysis9
Differences between risk perception and risk-taking are related to impulsivity levels8
Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulation to treat disorders of consciousness: Protocol for a double-blind randomized controlled trial8
Stressful Life Events and Distress in Breast Cancer: A 5-Years Follow-Up8
A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies on the interplay between sleep, mental health, and positive well-being in adolescents8
Adolescents' social anxiety dynamics in a latent transition analysis and its psychosocial effects8
Psychometric Properties of Parental Burnout Assessment and Prevalence of Parental Burnout: A Person-Centered Approach8
Objective Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia Using Neuroretinal Evaluation and Artificial Intelligence8
Latent structure and measurement invariance of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale in cancer outpatients7
Can transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) of the cerebellum improve implicit social and cognitive sequence learning?7
Cognitive behavioral stress management for parents: Prevention and reduction of parental burnout7
Childhood trauma is linked to abnormal static-dynamic brain topology in adolescents with major depressive disorder7
Towards modern post-coma care based on neuroscientific evidence7
A longitudinal study of preadolescent and adolescent substance use: Within-individual patterns and protective factors7
Sense of coherence, resilience, and habitual optimism in cancer patients7
Fears during the Covid-19 pandemics and their influence on physical health: A cross-sectional study on the general population in Spain6
Modulatory effects of transcranial direct current stimulation of right insula on compassion motivation6
Mediation of the stigma in the influence of negative symptomatology over recovery in psychosis6
Abnormalities in the default mode network in late-life depression: A study of resting-state fMRI6
Implanting rich autobiographical false memories: Meta–analysis for forensic practice and judicial judgment making6
Supervised machine learning: A new method to predict the outcomes following exercise intervention in children with autism spectrum disorder6
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on neural activity and functional connectivity during fear extinction6
Associations of 24-hour movement behaviors with externalizing and internalizing problems among children and adolescents prescribed with eyeglasses/contact lenses6
Longitudinal study of quality of life in acquired brain injury: A self- and proxy-report evaluation5
The claustrum and consciousness: An update5
Stimulated brains and meditative minds: A systematic review on combining low intensity transcranial electrical stimulation and meditation in humans5
Content Validity through Expert Judgment for the Depression Clinical Evaluation Test5
Effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive function in adults with major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis5
A Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis of the Padua Inventory-Revised (PI-R)5
Distress tolerance as a mechanism of mindfulness for depression and anxiety: Cross-sectional and diary evidence5
Establishing the relevance of psychological determinants regarding physical activity in people with overweight and obesity5
Non-pharmacological treatment-related changes of molecular biomarkers in major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis5
Relationship between physical activity and coping with stress in people with multiple sclerosis: A moderated mediation model with self-efficacy and disability level as variables4
Abnormal degree centrality and functional connectivity in Down syndrome: A resting-state fMRI study4
Role of the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) in anxiety and cognition: Opportunities for intervention for anxiety-related disorders4
The role of mindfulness on theta inter-brain synchrony during cooperation feedback processing: An EEG-based hyperscanning study4
Use of functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess cognition and consciousness in severe Guillain-Barré syndrome4
Relationship (in)congruency may differently impact mental health4
Mental health of people with distorted body weight perception using medicinal remedies: A representative study4
Depression screening and treatment among uninsured populations in Primary Care4
Transgender body image: Weight dissatisfaction, objectification & identity - Complex interplay explored via matched group4
Psychometric propierties of the Selective Mutism Questionnaire in Spanish children4
Effects of Smoking Social Cues on Inhibitory Control in Smokers: An Event-Related Potential Study4
From fears of evaluation to social anxiety: The longitudinal relationships and neural basis in healthy young adults4
Antenatal depressive symptoms are strongly predicted by the severity of pre-menstrual syndrome: results of partial least squares analysis4
Twice daily low frequency rTMS for treatment-resistant auditory hallucinations3
Network-level dynamics underlying a combined rTMS and psychotherapy treatment for major depressive disorder: An exploratory network analysis3
Do patients suffering from chronic diseases retrospectively overestimate how healthy they were before they fell ill?3
Sleep predicts the response to rTMS and CBT in patients with OCD: an open label effectiveness study3
Transdiagnostic model of psychological factors and sex differences in depression in a large sample of Ecuador3
Glucose metabolism, hippocampal subfields and cognition in first-episode and never-treated schizophrenia3
Neuroanatomical and functional substrates of the hypomanic personality trait and its prediction on aggression3
Anticipated fear and anxiety of Automated Driving Systems: Estimating the prevalence in a national representative survey3
The effects of stimulating the cerebellum on social sequences: A tDCS-fMRI pilot study3
Study of Sexual Concordance in Men and Women with Different Typologies of Adherence to the Sexual Double Standard3
Applicability of the cognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder to adolescents’ sleep quality: A cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis3
Mindfulness on Daily Life Coping in People Experiencing Psychosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial3
Stress-Related Growth Scale-Short Form: A Portuguese validation for cancer patients3
A biphasic relational approach to the evolution of human consciousness3
Dopamine D2 receptor antagonist modulates rTMS-induced pain experiences and corticospinal excitability dependent on stimulation targets3
Nodes of the default mode network implicated in the quality of empathic responses: A clinical perspective of the empathic response3
Prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation over the right prefrontal cortex reduces proactive and reactive control performance towards emotional material in healthy individuals3
Association of Mu opioid receptor (A118G) and BDNF (G196A) polymorphisms with rehabilitation-induced cortical inhibition and analgesic response in chronic osteoarthritis pain3
Benchmarks for dialectical behavioural therapy intervention in adults and adolescents with borderline personality symptoms2
Default mode network connectivity and social dysfunction in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder2
Which came first? Bulimia and emotional symptoms: A cross-lagged panel analysis2
A quantitative study on peripersonal space in anorexia nervosa and healthy subjects: Role of social variables and association with psychopathology2
Volume of the Dentate Gyrus/CA4 Hippocampal subfield mediates the interplay between sleep quality and depressive symptoms2
Altered connectivity patterns of medial and lateral orbitofrontal cortex underlie the severity of bulimic symptoms2
Risky decision-making in major depressive disorder: A three-level meta-analysis2
Trust in higher guidance and suicidality in Afghan students under the Taliban regime2
Dating Violence Questionnaire for Victimization and Perpetration (DVQ-VP): An Interdependence Analysis of Self-Reports2
Loneliness among single and coupled individuals in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-country analysis2
Psychological characteristics associated with chemsex among men who have sex with men: Internalized homophobia, conscientiousness and serostatus as predictive factors2
Clinical value and mechanistic analysis of HIIT on modulating risk and symptoms of depression: A systematic review2
Attentional bias to infant faces might be associated with previous care experiences and involvement in childcare in same-sex mothers2
Differential associations of leisure music engagement with resilience: A network analysis2
Emotional Dysregulation in Adults from 10 World Societies: An Epidemiological Latent Class Analysis of the Adult-Self-Report2
Symptoms of emotional disorders and sociodemographic factors as moderators of dropout in psychological treatment: A meta-review2
Impaired social learning in patients with major depressive disorder revealed by a reinforcement learning model2
Conscious knowledge of CS-UCS contingency information affects extinction retrieval of conditioned disgust responses: Findings from an online de novo disgust conditioning task2
Post-traumatic growth in cancer survivors: What is its extent and what are important determinants?2
A scale to measure the worry level in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy with sedation: Development, reliability, and validity2
Maladaptive Consequences of Mental Intrusions with Obsessive, Dysmorphic, Hypochondriac, and Eating-disorders Related Contents: Cross-cultural Differences2
The impact of COVID-19 and socioeconomic status on psychological distress in cancer patients2
The efficacy and safety of ketamine for depression in patients with cancer: A systematic review2
Feeling stressed and depressed? A three-wave follow-up study of the beneficial effects of voluntary work2
Cognitive-Behavioral and Personal Construct Therapies for Depression in Women with Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial2
Implicit threat learning involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum2
Dissecting the mediating and moderating effects of depression on the associations between traits and coronary artery disease: A two-step Mendelian randomization and phenome-wide interaction study2
The contribution of the cingulate cortex: treating depressive symptoms in first-episode drug naïve schizophrenia2
Measuring everyday adaptation after imprisonment: The post-release living inventory for ex-prisoners (PORLI-ex)2
Measurement properties of the Spanish version of the brief resilient coping scale (BRCS) in cancer patients2