Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences

(The TQCC of Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Assessment of pollution at the former uranium waste dumpsite near kaji-Say Village/Kyrgyzstan: a genetic and physiological investigation80
A study of maximizing skew Brownian motion with applications to option pricing26
Dermatological infrared thermal imaging with human-machine interaction image diagnostics interface using DenseNet23
Research on the vision system of lychee picking robot based on stereo vision22
Proton, neutron and deuteron induced nuclear reactions in medical application22
The role of radiomics in computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasound for renal tumors’ diagnoses: A systematic review21
The radioactive materials within accident reactors: A review of damaged fuel-containing materials21
A deep learning-based dose prediction method for evaluation of radiotherapy treatment planning19
Estimation of the central-axis-reference percent depth dose in a water phantom using artificial intelligence17
Transformers and their application to medical image processing: A review16
Supraspinatus tendon measurement using high frequency ultrasound in Sudanese pediatrics15
Cone beam computed tomography and image registration based on target area for stereotactic body radiation therapy of lung cancer13
Effects of modafinil on epileptiform activity in absence epilepsy: Results of a study in WAG/Rij rats12
Significance of measured negative dead time of a radiation detector using two-source method for educational purpose12
Natural radioactivity in Turkish foodstuff consumed in Iraq12
Clinico-pathological correlation of incidental focal colorectal uptake on 18F-Labelled 2-fluoro-2-Deoxyglucose PET/CT: A prospective single centre experience12
Study of the occupational health risk of radon exposure in underground workers in a mine11
Geochemometrics of primordial radionuclides and their potential radiological risk in coastal sediments of Southeast Coast of India11
Circulating CXCL16 in type 2 diabetes mellitus Egyptian patients11
Lead-free Gamma-ray shielding: Comparative analysis of elastomeric and fluoro-rubber materials using FLUKA and EGSnrc simulations11
Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on hemodynamic and morphology of foot arteries: A duplex ultrasound evaluation10
Mapping high-grade glioma response to chemoradiotherapy: Insights from fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity10
Endovascular embolization for Rasmussen's aneurysm with massive hemoptysis: 3 case reports and literature review10
IFC - Editorial Board10
“Comparative study of serum and synovial fluid Oncostatin M level in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients”10
Gamma radiation shielding by titanium alloy reinforced by polymeric composite materials9
A non-immunotoxic exopolysaccharide with anticancer effect in colorectal cancer isolated from Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus ACS5 strain9
A new non-parametric hypothesis testing with reliability analysis applications to model some real data9
Adaptive radiotherapy in head and neck cancer: Evaluating volumetric and dosimetric changes for enhanced treatment quality9
Measurements of rotator cuff tendons, acromioclavicular joint space, and subacromion-subdeltoid bursa in the adults sudanese population using ultrasonography9
The effect of lead garment on musculoskeletal injuries and physical activity among Saudi radiographers during fluoroscopy and interventional procedures8
Performance of 4H–SiC radiation detector after high flux proton and Fe13+ heavy ion beam irradiation8
Medical image detection and classification of renal incidentalomas based on YOLOv4+ASFF swin transformer8
Temporal assessment of radiation exposure to uterus and ovaries in simulated scopy during hip fracture repair: A phantom study8
Evaluation of the groundwater radon concentration in the Al Jahra Governorate, Kuwait8
MULTI-modal radiomics to predict early treatment response from PSA (prostate specific antigen) decline in prostate cancer patients under stereotactic body radiotherapy in MR-Linac7
Assessment of T Regulatory cells in Egyptian patients with Behcet’s disease as a prognostic marker of Uveitis7
Assessment of DNA damage in healthcare workers occupationally exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation in the comet assay: Meta-analysis7
Setup error and residual error analysis of ExacTrac X-ray image guidance system in stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastases7
Sonographic measurement of renal cortical size among hypertensive patients7
Image cascade matching method based on an improved random sampling consistency algorithm7
Influence of air DBD plasma treatment on the shear and flexural strength of adhesively bonded glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite joints7
A class of power inverted Topp-Leone distribution: Properties, different estimation methods & applications7
Analysis of thermal performance a heat pipe for concentrated photovoltaic cooling7
Fractional Erbium YAG laser versus pulsed dye laser in the treatment of Xanthelasma palpebrarum: Randomized comparative intrapatient study7
The effect of ion chamber volume on intensity-modulated radiotherapy small field dosimetry6
Effect of nano-filled protective coating on the microleakage resistance of a nanocomposite during bleaching treatment6
Synthesis, physical, optical, and radiation attenuation efficiency of Bi2O3+SrF2+Li2O glass system6
Assessment of thyroid nodule malignancy risk in medical radiation workers using ACR TI-RADS6
Clinical impact of the flattening filter free irradiation in fixed-field IMRT and VMAT for stage I–II nasal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma6
Comparative study on the effect of cerium nano composite on juvenile hormones in adult and aged rats6
Assessment of radiation exposure in a nuclear medicine department of an oncology hospital6
Progressive U-Net residual network for computed tomography images super-resolution in the screening of COVID-196
Nuclear attenuation ability of ternary alumina-borate glass system for medical shielding applications6
IFC - Editorial Board6
Influences of pinprofile and transverse speed on microstructure, mechanical properties, and wear behavior of nanocomposite AA6082/WC and fabricated via friction stir processing6
Optical features and radiation absorption efficiency of borate glasses and the role of PbO/ Eu2O3 substitution6
Radiation sensitive MOSFETs irradiated with various positive gate biases6
Neutrophil extracellular traps-mediated molecular subtypes characterize the hallmarks of tumor microenvironment and guide precision medicine in hepatocellular carcinoma5
Clinical study on LVO-based evaluation of left ventricular wall thickness and volume of AHCM patients5
Construction of a prediction model for chronic HBV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma based on ultrasound radiomics5
Parameter study of the grid spacer position on subcooled boiling in an upward vertical tube at low pressures5
Role of gastrointestinal ultrasound in image-guided radiation therapy: A review5
Effect of Tangshen formula on alleviating oxidative renal injury in UUO mice by downregulated expression of NADPH oxidase5
Association between comorbid asthma and depression and depression-related gene SNPs5
The effect of impaired glucose metabolism on IVF-ET pregnancy outcome with endometrial hyperplasia and early-stage endometrial cancer5
Safety and stability evaluation of the uranium tailings impoundment dam: Based on the improved AHP-cloud model5
Sensitivity study of risk to future generations from geological disposal of radioactive waste in high strength rock in the UAE5
Radiation shielding performance of seawater-mixed concrete incorporating recycled coarse aggregate and steel slag4
Chest radiology report generation based on cross-modal multi-scale feature fusion4
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using medicinal plants: Characterization and application4
Applications of magnetic field and porous medium for Jeffrey (non-Newtonian) fluid by using Laplace simulations4
Application of radiographic imaging diagnosis in the treatment and nursing intervention of perioperative infection for kidney transplant recipients4
Shape features and thermal inspiration of ferromagnetic hybrid nanofluid (CoFe2O4-Fe3O4)/CH3OH over isothermal sphere with radiative effects4
Exploring the dynamic behavior of the two-phase model in radiative non-Newtonian nanofluid flow with Hall current and ion slip effects4
Nanochitosan to control the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)4
Gamma attenuation characteristics of silicon-rich glasses in Na2O–SiO2–Al2O3– CaO–ZnO system for radiation applications4
Image segmentation using improved U-Net model and convolutional block attention module based on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging4
Automated Alzheimer's disease classification using deep learning models with Soft-NMS and improved ResNet50 integration4
Investigation of comparative entropy in different nanofluids inspired by solar radiations and unsteady effects: Model analysis for permeable channel4
SSML: Semi-supervised metric learning with hard samples for hyperspectral image classification4
Deep learning-assisted non-invasive pediatric tic disorder diagnosis using EEG features extracted by residual neural networks4
Impact of NaF on electrical and radiation shielding properties of CdO-B2O3 glass system4
High-density polyethylene with ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticle filler: Computational and experimental studies of radiation-protective characteristics of polymers4
Impact of calcium content on optical properties and radiation shielding performance of lithium antimony borate glasses4
Application of computer images in virtual simulation technology-apparel as an example4
Multipixel image fuzzy edge extraction algorithm based on geometric algebra4
VGG16-based intelligent image analysis in the pathological diagnosis of IgA nephropathy4
Integration of endoscopic professional database development and image annotation platform: Radiation control plan for gastric examination4
A new Weibull distribution for modeling complex biomedical data4
Simulation and calculation of the radiation attenuation parameters of newly developed bismuth boro-tellurite glass system4
Effects of 60Co-γ radiation on the growth and physiological characteristics of two dwarf bamboos3
Classification methods for hyperspectral remote sensing images with weak texture features3
Sensitive detection of low doses beta particles using quartz crystal oscillators3
Investigating how obesity alters cardiac geometry through echocardiography analysis3
Nanostructured assessment of copper oxide for latent fingerprint recognition3
Predicting Stock Price Movements with Combined Deep Learning Models and Two-Tier Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm3
Classification method of seabed sonar image substrate based on ELM-AdaBoost3
Improved novel estimation for estimation of population distribution function using auxiliary information under stratified sampling strategy3
Synthesis, performance and application of environmental protection scale inhibitorβ-CD-MA-SSS copolymer——in electric power industry3
The role of aspirin in with breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy by targeting JAK2/ STAT33
Thermal transport analysis for radiative entropy generated flow of Maxwell nanomaterial: Finite difference approach3
Artificial intelligence in cardiology: Present state and prospective directions3
Ultrasound-based radiomics nomogram for distinguishing invasive breast cancer (IBC) from invasive breast cancer with intraductal component (IBC-IC)3
A new extended Pham distribution for modelling cancer data3
Thermal radiation image recognition camera using target detection techniques with human computer interaction3
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to examine thermal third grade non-Newtonian fluid using as a polymer for wire covering with variable viscosity3
Application of low-dose CT in image-guided radiotherapy based on CT-linac3
Assessment of soil moisture on radon levels, radon exhalation, natural radioactivity, and radiological risks in offices and laboratories in GAEC3
The influence of cortical end plate upon ultrasound transit time spectroscopy estimated bone assessment3
Development of a deep learning-based automatic detection model for gastroesophageal varices using transient elastography3
IFC - Editorial Board3
Dosimetric impact of respiratory motion on proximal bronchial tree during lung cancer stereotactic body radiation therapy: A patient-specific phantom study3
Advancing estimation techniques and their applications in engineering and medical data analysis through novel continuous and discrete linear failure rate distribution extension3
Liver vessel MRI image segmentation based on dual-path diffusion model3
Oil painting image style recognition based on ResNet-NTS network3
Effects of thermal radiation on TiO2-Cu/water hybrid nanofluid: A finite difference discretization3
The software investigation of the new multimodal imaging system for one-stop health examination3
SnO2-TiO2/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites: Green synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic efficiency for dye removal3
Hybrid deep features computed from spatial images and bit plane-based pattern maps for the classification of chest X-ray images3
Synthesis and characterization of metakaolin-based geopolymers doped with CRT waste glass for radiation shielding applications3
Theoretical and experimental study of atmospheric water generation employing desiccant materials in a solar-powered single slope apparatus with internal reflectors3
Unit extended exponential distribution with applications2
Calsyntenin 1 mRNA expression sensitivity to ionizing radiation in human hepatocytes and carcinoma cells and blood cells of BALB/c mice2
Radiation protection in dental imaging: Evaluating the impact of the SABA thyroid shield during panoramic and cone beam computed tomography2
A new discrete distribution with applications to radiation, smoking, and health data2
Effect of postoperative nursing intervention with thoracoscopy assisted cardiac surgery based on radioactive imaging examination2
A vertical coaxial sample holder and collimator design for gamma attenuation experiments on 3″x3" NaI(Tl) detector2
Radiation and nuclear shielding performance of tellurite glass system containing Li2O and MoO3: XCOM and FLUKA Monte Carlo2
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on radiology services in Saudi Arabia2
The genotoxicity effects and oxidative stress of common volatile and injectable anesthesia drugs on peripheral blood during irradiation of BALB/c mice2
Study on the correlation between different expression levels of Ki-67 and ultrasonic image characteristics in primary breast lymphoma2
Annual effective dose associated with radioactivity in drinking water from tin mining areas in North-western Nigeria2
Effect of gamma irradiation on protease and nuclease enzymes activity and egg oviposition of Culex pipiens mosquito engorged with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)2
Direct and accumulative DNA damage level in patients underwent coronary CT angiography2
Assessment of environmental radiological hazards associated with elevated levels of radon gas in drinking water2
Dosimetric characterization of CyberKnife® robotic SRS using MOSFET-based "MOskin" detector2
Enhancing non-small cell lung cancer tumor segmentation with a novel two-step deep learning approach2
A comparative study on breast cancer classification with stratified shuffle split and K-fold cross validation via ensembled machine learning2
Assessment of undergraduates nursing students’ knowledge toward MRI safety: Cross-sectional study2
Collapsed photonic crystal fibre thermoluminescence dosimetry for external beam radiotherapy2
Role of adjuvant radiotherapy in resected T4aN0 colon cancer2
Study on artificial intelligence to judge the activity of tuberculomas2
Transcriptional modulations induced by proton irradiation in mice skin in function of adsorbed dose and distance2
Dehazing algorithm for complex environment video images considering visual communication effects2
Mammography image quality evaluation in breast cancer screening: The Saudi experience2
Fast and accurate islanding detection technique for microgrid connected to photovoltaic system2
Application of deep learning ultrasound imaging in monitoring bone healing after fracture surgery2
Sensitivity study of risk to future generations associated with the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste in the Jebel-Al-Dhanna salt dome2
Radioprotective effects and mechanism of Dicliptera chinensis polysaccharide on submandibular gland injury induced by radiation in rats2
Simple parameterization for refractive indices of semiconductors2
Review of pediatric sedation and anesthesia for radiological diagnostic and therapeutic procedures2
A study on the use of PMMA - Bi2O3 polymer composites as a replacement for concrete and gypsum at diagnostic photon energies2
NeXtResUNet: A neural network for industrial CT image denoising2
Batch and fixed bed column investigations of the sorptive removal of cesium ions from aqueous solutions using modified graphene-alginate nanocompositebeads2
Investigation of parameters affecting longitudinal seam quality of aluminum extruded profiles2
Nuclear security in public events2
Efficacy of the aqueous extract of Siwa dates in protection against the whole body γ irradiation induced damages in mice2
Knowledge of COVID-19 infection control among healthcare workers in radiology departments in Saudi Arabia2
IFC - Editorial Board2
Clinical efficacy of low-temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation in children with pyriform fossa fistula2
A new extension of the Gumbel distribution with biomedical data analysis2
Radiation dosimetric influence by different target volume definition in Cyberknife lung cancer and abdomen stereotactic body radiotherapy2
Investigation of unsteady Buongiorno nanofluid in a slanted thermally radiated revolving channel under upstream microbial movement in the absence of chemical reaction2
A study of blind denoising algorithms for two-scale real images based on partial differential equations2
Comparison between computed tomography and ultrasonography to diagnose acute appendicitis in a Saudi population2
Statistical inference on the exponentiated moment exponential distribution and its discretization2
Metastasis of small cell lung carcinoma to the appendix: A case report and literature review2
Influence of solar thermal radiations and convective boundary on Al2O3/H2O transient model efficiency2
Improvement of the optical properties, dielectric behaviors and Cole-Cole plot of gamma-irradiated polyvinyl alcohol filled by nanostructured aluminum metal oxide2
Acceptance sampling plans based on percentiles for extended generalized exponential distribution with real data application2
Predictive model for pancreatic steatosis after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer: Construction and ultrasound validation2
Diagnostic efficiency of ultrasound diagnosis of venous catheters and venous catheter blood flow spectrum2
Development of a prognostic nomogram among chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients based on laboratory tests and chest radiography2
Rehabilitation strategies and magnetic resonance imaging techniques for shoulder injuries in sports2
Navigating radiopharmaceutical dynamics in Ra-223 alpha emitter radiotherapy: Implications for treatment optimization and personalization2
The radiation attenuation coefficients (RAC) of barite coated fabric for 137Cs and 60Co sources2
Deciphering the potential influence of BNCT on gene expression in normal cells through bioinformatic analysis of the α-particles-induced transcriptome data2
Characterization of breast lumps locations using high-frequency ultrasound: Correlation between Doppler vascularity and BI-RADS2
Investigating the mechanism of Banxia Xiexin Decoction in treating Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic atrophic gastritis through network pharmacology and molecular docking2
The impacts of colors on the catalyst HD system: Gains, integral times, and setups in radiotherapy2
Comparison of deconvoluted-convoluted reconstituted ultrasound signals with their experimental original in a porous composite, cancellous bone2
Prostate cancer of magnetic resonance imaging automatic segmentation and detection of based on 3D-Mask RCNN2
The efficacy of Mecapegfilgrastim therapy in the primary prevention of concurrent chemoradiotherapy-induced neutropenia2
Comparison of two different VMAT radiotherapy TPSs for pancreatic cancer using flattening filter free photon beam energy2
The possibility of developing customized 3D-printed silicone hydrogel bolus for post-mastectomy radiotherapy2
Measurement of soil radon concentration in Balikesir and examination of its effects on health1
Prediction model based on artificial intelligence for identifying risk of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease in computed tomography1
Evaluation the effect of wide-body detector CT under free breathing combined with cardiac motion correction technology on CCTA image quality1
Evaluating MRI and CT scan scheduling workflows: A retrospective analysis1
IFC - Editorial Board1
Pathogenic screening and disease prevention of thrombophilia based on radiation CT imaging examination1
Framework for psoriasis/molluscum detection in skin images using ResNetV2 variants1
Dynamic RU-Next: Advancing liver and tumor segmentation with enhanced deep learning architecture1
A transmission line tower tilt detection method based on BeiDou positioning signals and UAV inspection images1
CT quantitative score based on DesneNet combined with serum IL-6 and PCT to predict the prognosis of childhood pneumonia1
Effect of gut microbiota intervention on inflammatory responses and cellular immune function in hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing radiotherapy1
Iterative intelligent algorithm-based on CT three-dimensional reconstruction in endoscopic thyroidectomy and perioperative comprehensive nursing1
A Multicentric study on a dosimetric comparison of extended SSD technique, VMAT-Based and helical tomotherapy (HT) for total body irradiation (TBI)1
Effect of colemanite mineral on gamma radiation attenuation properties of vinyl ester resin1
A statistical study for the impact of REMS and nuclear energy on carbon dioxide emissions reductions in G20 countries1
Effects of in ovo injection of glucose and vitamin C on hatching performance in broiler fertile eggs1
Enhanced gamma shielding properties of borosilicate glasses with Gd2O3 addition: A theoretical study using Phy-X/PSD and XCOM programs1
Leveraging GAN-based CBCT-to-CT translation models for enhanced image quality and accurate photon and proton dose calculation in adaptive radiotherapy1
Measurement and spatial distribution pattern of natural radioactivity in a uranium tailings pond in Northwest China1
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) features of diabetic mastopathy in T1DM and T2DM: Case report and a review of the literature1
Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen combined with transurethral bladder electrocoagulation in the treatment of radiation cystitis hematuria1
Radiological image analysis using effective channel extension and fusion network based on COVID CT images1
Chest tomosynthesis image enhancement by bone suppression using convolutional neural networks with synthetic data1
Deep learning-based prediction of thyroid cartilage invasion: Analysis on CT images in laryngeal and hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma1
Three-stage Lobatto analysis on hydrodynamic Eyring-powell flow of nanofluid: Impact of viscous dissipation, thermal radiation, and wall slip dynamics1
Corrigendum to “Assessment of undergraduates nursing students’ knowledge toward MRI safety: Cross-sectional study” [Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences Volume 17, Issue 1, March 2024, 11
Application of ultrasonic imaging technology in beef cattle breeding management1
Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) in Saudi Arabia: A Review1
Assessing parotid gland function through diffusion weighted MRI during and post-radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients1
Computed tomography radiomics-based prognosis prediction of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease1
The effect of auto-planning parameter settings on the quality of automated cervical cancer plans1
Radiation shielding properties for 90(Se)- (10-x) (Te)-x(Ag) chalcogenide glasses1
Anticancer Effects of radiation dose and dose fractionation on X-ray-induced photodynamic therapy1
Advancing gamma radiation shielding with Bitumen-WO₃ composite materials1
Analysis of Xgamma distribution using adaptive Type-I progressively censored competing risks data with applications1
AHP-based quantitative evaluation of radiation safety in nuclear technology utilization units1
Statistical analysis of the Gompertz-Makeham model using adaptive progressively hybrid Type-II censoring and its applications in various sciences1
The presence of NORMs and toxic heavy metals in talcum baby powder1
Effect of Y2O3 addition and milling time on the synthesis of nanocrystalline Ag–ZnO composite powder via mechanical alloying1
Non-Western approach to nuclear security1
Physics and economic applications by progressive censoring and bootstrapping sampling for extension of power Topp-Leone model1
Development, QbD based optimization and in vitro characterization of Diacerein loaded nanostructured lipid carriers for topical applications1
Automatic grading diabetic retinopathy in color fundus image: Cascaded hybrid attention network1
Pre-contrast CT calcium score correlation with significant risk factors for coronary artery disease1
CT imaging features of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition involving spine1
Effect of different target materials of LINAC head on photon spectrum1
Impact of nonlinear thermal radiation for magnetized dissipative flow of ternary hybrid nanomaterial (1
Effect of delay time between mixing and compacting for producing nuclear fuel plates1
Simulation excess lifetime lung cancer risk due to indoor radon exposure in Eastern Iran - Monte Carlo Simulation method1
Numerical study of an electrically conducting nanofluid flow past a vertical stretching Riga plate1
Human computer interaction product for infrared thermographic fundus retinal vessels image segmentation using U-Net1
Epigallocatechin-3-gallate enhances sterilization of irradiated whole bovine casein and protects alpha and beta caseins from gamma radiation: Depending on polyphenol/protein ratio1
Performance evaluation of attention-deep hashing based medical image retrieval in brain MRI datasets1
The perception of artificial intelligence: Insights from MRI technologists in radiology practices1
Ultrasound-based visualization measurement of hyoid-mandibular motion for assessing the efficacy of acupuncture in treating post-stroke dysphagia: A clinical study1
A MRI-based radiomics combined prediction model for radiation-induced temporal lobe injury in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients1
Bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion associates with labially angulated mandibular canine and mesial inclined mandibular first premolars—Based on CBCT image measurements1
Predicting the mass attenuation coefficient of glass systems using machine learning approach for radiation applications1
Extraction of malva sylvestris seed oil by soxhlet method and alginate/chitosan microencapsulation with a new method: Investigation of its cytotoxic effects on human neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y)1
Estimating the risk of cancer incidence and radiation-induced cancer death of children patients undergoing digital radiology X-ray examinations1
The new achievements in ultrasonic processing of milk and dairy products1
Exploratory development and clinical research of a mixed reality guided radiotherapy positioning system1
Machine learning-based product quality classification of the enterprise producing aluminum flat coil1