CEPAL Review

(The median citation count of CEPAL Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Which revealed comparative advantage index to choose? Theoretical and empirical considerations4
Firm-level innovation, government policies and the middle-income trap: insights from five Latin American economies3
The COVID-19 crisis in Latin America in historical perspective3
The social discount rate in the evaluation of investment projects: an application for Ecuador2
Latin America and China: mutual benefit or dependency?2
COVID-19 and social protection of poor and vulnerable groups in Latin America: A conceptual framework2
Structural asymmetries and the health crisis: the imperative of a transformative recovery for the advancement of sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean2
When RateMyProfessors met Google Scholar: students’ evaluations and professors’ looks and research1
Fiscal and monetary policy rules in Brazil: empirical evidence of monetary and fiscal dominance1
The role of productive and technological capabilities in export dynamics in developing countries1
Foreign direct investment in Latin America from the perspective of illicit financial flows: “cocacolonisation” of saving?1
The spatial concentration of high-skilled workers and city productivity: the case of Latin America1
Rethinking, reimagining and transforming: The “whats” and the “hows” for moving towards a more productive, inclusive and sustainable development model1
Reduction of the wage share of income and increasingly precarious employment1
Economic complexity and employment in Brazilian states1
Constrained integration in Latin America: Analysis based on a twenty-first-century centre-periphery vision1
Energy security in Central America: a proposal for a comprehensive estimate1
Production fragmentation, foreign trade and structural complexity: A comparative analysis of Brazil and Mexico1
Building pro-development multilateralism: Towards a “New” New International Economic Order1
Introduction. The global economy and development in times of pandemic: The challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean1
Women’s economic autonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Exchange rate regimes, structural change and capital mobility in a developing economy0
Pension arrangements and economic thinking: unreal assumptions and false predictions in the case of Argentina0
Tax exemption in Brazil in 2009: why vehicles and not agriculture? An interregional general equilibrium analysis0
Brazil: The effects of COVID-19 and recovery0
Inequality and social polarization in Chilean municipalities0
Progressivity and redistributive power of income tax on wage earners in El Salvador: A microsimulation analysis Catalina Galdámez and Rodrigo Alfonso Morales López0
The effect of the economic crisis on the labour market for women in Mexico, 1987–20160
Labour productivity and Central American economic integration: The case of El Salvador0
International engagement of Brazilian agribusinesses: a comparative analysis0
The growth trajectories of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico: a comparative view through the framework space lens0
Full dollarization versus monetary union: the case of Ecuador0
The role of services in economic development and the core-periphery relationship0
The young Raúl Prebisch and his 1919 translation of Adolph Wagner: clues to a relativist critique0
The effects of domestic demand shocks on inflation in a small open economy: Chile in the period 2000–20210
The impact of public funding for research and development on business performance in Mexico Delia Margarita Vergara Reyes, Alex J. Guerrero, Guillermo Arenas Díaz and Joost Heijs0
Macroeconomic policies for investment and sustained and sustainable development0
Unionization and wages: a quantile analysis0
Inequalities and participation in the digital society: online experiences among children and adolescents in Brazil and Chile0
Industrial policy, economic growth and international engagement: a comparison of selected countries0
The COVID-19 crisis and the structural problems of Latin America and the Caribbean: Responding to the emergency with a long-term perspective0
The ECLA-BNDE Economic Development Centre and the training of a generation of development planners in Brazil0
The challenge of income inequality in Latin America0
The expected effects of climate change on the current account of Colombia Camila Agudelo-Rivera, Clark Granger-Castaño and Andres Sanchez-Jabba0
The systemic nature of technological development: similarities between the neo-Schumpeterian school and Fernando Fajnzylber’s approach0
Uncertainty and economic growth: evidence from Latin America0
Brazilian agriculture before the Targets Plan: the functionality of agrarian reform during the constrained industrialization period0
Cooperatives versus traditional banks: the impact of interbank market exclusion0
Evolution of cash transfers in Colombia Karina Acosta, Bibiana Taboada-Arango, Andrea Otero-Cortés and Jaime Bonet-Morón0
Productive development policy for Chile: an alternative to stagnation0
Production and enterprise profitability in Ecuador’s crop-growing sector0
Ethnicity and social exclusion in Colombia in 2012–20170
Effects of the Continuous Benefit Programme on the nutritional status and food security of older persons in Brazil0
A strategy for development with income redistribution: the minimum wage and growth fronts in Mexico0
The incidence of poverty in Costa Rica between 1987 and 2017: stagnation or reduction?0
A “new normal” as a “new essential”? COVID-19, digital transformations and employment structures0
Why the rich always stay rich (no matter what, no matter the cost)0
Instability constraints and development traps: an empirical analysis of growth cycles and economic volatility in Latin America0
Unbridled liberalism and a pandemic: At a crossroads between techno authoritarianism and a new social order0
The shrinking State: Exploring the links between public spending and class, race and gender vulnerability in Brazil Arthur Welle and Ana Luíza Matos de Oliveira0
Environment and sustainable development: Contemporary challenges for ECLAC and Latin America and the Caribbean0
Central America and the pandemic: Macroeconomic policy challenges0
The economy of the North-East region of Brazil based on the 2011 regional input-output matrix0
State aid and competition in the Dominican economy0
Analysis of Central American trade integration from the perspective of intraregional value added0
Gender equality and the care society0
Technological change and labour market trends in Latin America and the Caribbean: a task content approach0
The location of the upper socioeconomic stratum of Santiago’s population in the period 1977–2017: deconcentration or expansion of its traditional habitat?0
Demographic aspects and regional income convergence in Brazil: a panel data approach0
Okun’s law in Mexico: an analysis of heterogeneity among States, 2004–20180
Universal, comprehensive, sustainable and resilient social protection to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and move towards inclusive social development0
Globalization and national development paths: Stylized facts for analysing the Argentine case0
The economic impacts of tourism-related private investment in Jamaica0
Towards transformation of the growth and development strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean: The role of productive development policies0
Drivers of the adoption of organic farming in Brazil: A combinatorial analysis Tanisa Andrade and Marcelo Fernandes Pacheco Dias0
Commodity prices and capital movement phenomena in emerging economies0
Argentina’s economic relations with China and their impact on a long-term production strategy0
Greening small businesses in small States: The case of Barbados0
Supply, demand and economic growth in Mexico in the period 1980–20160
Hyper-fortunes and the super-rich: Why a wealth tax makes sense0
Economic complexity and human development: comparing standard and slack-based data envelopment analysis models0
Informality, social protection and welfare during the COVID-19 crisis in four Latin American countries0
The short-run consequences of the erosion of economic freedom for growth and institutions in Latin America: an unorthodox experimental review of the twenty-first century0
The impact of non-contributory cash transfers on poverty in Latin America0
The perpetual pursuit of integration in Latin America and the Caribbean0
Rural employment trends in Brazil: an analysis using dynamic panel models0
The effects of oil royalties on regional inequality in Brazil0
COVID-19, elites and the future political economy of inequality reduction in Latin America0
Why do conditional cash transfer programmes fail to target the poor? The case of urban areas in Mexico0
Health system privatization, the pandemic and deprivatization under discussion0
ECLAC recent publications0
Pass-through of exchange rate shocks in Brazil as a small open economy0
Challenges for optimizing social protection programmes and reducing vulnerability in Latin America and the Caribbean0
Guidelines for contributors to the CEPAL Review0
The effect of broadband on economic growth in Latin America: an approach based on a simultaneous equations model0
Improving education is crucial for inclusive and sustainable economic and social development0
The relationship between universities and business: identification of thematic communities0
Legal frameworks and specialized institutional frameworks for the social and solidarity economy in Latin America0
Foreign direct investment flows: an analysis for Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico based on the Grubel-Lloyd index0
A stock-flow ecological model for Central America Lorenzo Nalin, Esteban Pérez Caldentey, Leonardo Rojas and Giuliano Toshiro Yajima0
Foreign capital and national development in the debate between Celso Furtado and Maria da Conceição Tavares (1964…1982) Alisson Oliveira de Souza Carvalho and Fábio Antonio de Campos0
Globalization disrupted: Prebisch, trade imbalances and the future of the global economy0
The inclusion of poor youth in the Brazilian labour market and the impact of the Bolsa Família programme0
The health economy in Mexico0
Development model, labour precariousness and new social inequalities in Latin America0
International migration in Latin America and the Caribbean: A development and rights perspective0
The COVID-19 pandemic and social policy narratives in Costa Rica: the story of a (fleeting) opportunity0
The Chile-Republic of Korea Free Trade Agreement: a synthetic control assessment0
Gross fixed capital formation in the Brazilian health sector: methodology and results for 2010–20190
Sectoral composition, export trade partners and value added: An input-output analysis for Brazil and Mexico Patieene Alves-Passoni0
Effects of higher commodity prices on exports of manufactures: the case of Brazil0
A relationship between job quality and economic growth over the long run and the role of labour institutions: the case of Uruguay, 1991–20180
Challenges and strategic opportunities for Brazils participation in global value chains Francielly de Fátima Almeida and Luciano Nakabashi0
Determinants of capital accumulation in Latin America0
The demand for cash: stylized facts and substitution by electronic means of payment0
A portrait of success: Uruguayan firms in international trade0
The Argentine automotive chain since the convertibility crisis: an analysis of its evolution and principal problems (2002–2019)0
Where next for Latin America? The two faces of the new Latin American capitalism0