Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures

(The TQCC of Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Study on cone angle of shockwave front in liquid composite protective structure15
A generalized finite element interface method for mesh reduction of composite materials simulations14
Numerical investigations in non-watertight models based on a surface-independent discretization boundary element method10
Determination of vibration acceleration mechanism and vibration load application duration from a non-biological perspective: Orthodontic Acceleration9
A new algorithm to calculate complex material parameters in piezoelectric stacks9
Stress-strain distribution and failure mechanisms in dual-phase steels investigated with microstructure-based modeling9
Experimental study on fatigue properties of Q420C steel welded joints at room temperature6
Shear contribution on viscoelastic behavior of beams modeled using plane frame elements with Reissner kinematics5
Peak Ground Acceleration Models Predictions Utilizing Two Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques4
Fault Diagnosis of Motor Bearing Based on Current Bi-Spectrum and Convolutional Neural Network4
Damage identification analysis of Cable-stayed arch-truss based on multi-node time -domain data fusion4
Influence of stress triaxiality on the fracture behaviour of Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured by electron beam melting4
On applying polyharmonic radial basis functions to solve 3D uncoupled anisotropic thermoelasticity problems using Boundary Element and Dual Reciprocity Method3
Numerical Analysis of the Dynamic Tensile Behavior of Cement-Based Materials using a Gravity-Driven Hopkinson Tension Bar3
Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Plates Subjected to Explosive Loads3
Formation of explosively-formed projectile with tail fins using polygonal charges3
Large strain Flory’s decomposition for Lagrangian modeling of viscoleastic solids and compressive fluids3
How does the initial cell configuration influence the final topology in a metamaterial generation process?3
Reliability-based design of reinforced concrete pipes to satisfy the TEBT3
Analysis of Internal Resonance of a 3DOF Dynamic System Reduced from the Tower-Cable-Beam Structure3
Firearm’s Percussion Ignition System Performance: Influencing Factors and Sensitivity Analysis3
Investigation of different infill wall effects on performance of steel frames with shear beam-column connections under progressive collapse3
ERRATUM: Numerical evaluation of the seismic performance of thin reinforced concrete wall buildings representative of the industrialized building system2
Mechanical Property Test and Damage Evaluation Analysis of Steel Fiber Stainless-Steel Reinforced Concrete Beams (SFSRCBs) under Impact Load2
Numerical Analysis of the Seismic Performance of Rigid Beam-To-Column Moment Connections Equipped with Steel Slit Damper (SSD)2
An effective Approach for Damage Detection using Reduction Model Technique and Optimization Algorithms2
Dynamics of a shallow underground two-layer pipeline under the moving loads2
Brittle Anisotropy based on a Tensor Damage Phase Field Model2
Interaction of double parallel cracks located on a hollow cylinder2
Numerical simulation and experimental study of the damage law of EFP warhead charging of cylindrical shells under different angles2
Utilizing Tait-Bryan Angles for Large Displacement Corotational Finite Element Static Analysis of Spatial Beams2
A Multiobjective Optimization Framework for Strength and Stress Concentration in Variable Axial Composite Shells: A metaheuristic approach2
Algebraic solutions and computational strategy for planar multibody systems subjected to impact with friction2
Dispersion Properties of Fragments of Square Metal Shells Driven by Explosive Loading2
Failure response of expanded metal meshes subject to transversal impact2
A quadratic boundary element for 3D elastodynamics2
Oblique penetration performance of Explosively Formed Projectile (EFP) on 6061 aluminum target:experiments and simulations2
Interference effects mapping on the static wind loading of a tall building2
Sequential method of topological optimization in multi-component systems2
Dynamic response of piled structures including pile-soil-pile interaction2
Soil-structure interaction with time-dependent behaviour of both concrete and soil1
Innovated shear deformable FE formulations for the analyses of steel beams strengthened with orthotropic GFRP laminates1
Study on Scaled Model with Distortion of Free Vibration of Longitudinal Ring-Stiffened Large Thin-walled Cylindrical Shell1
Analysis of the bending of a neo-Hookean electro-elastic shell of arbitrary thickness under an externally-applied hydrostatic pressure1
Dynamic response analysis of layered saturated frozen soil foundation subjected to moving loads1
Anisotropic elastic applications in composite materials using the isogeometric boundary element method1
Mechanical and Energy-Absorption Properties of a 3D-Printed Star-Shaped Auxetic Honeycomb under Combined Compression-Shear Loading1
Numerical model for analysis of compact and slender hybrid steel beams subjected to bending1
Assessment of reinforcements for enhancing structural performance of cold-formed steel polygonal conical poles for antennas support1
An Improved Formulation and Analysis of Reddy Beam Model for Framed Structures1
Efficient Crack Length Measurement Using A* Shortest Path Methodology for a Phase-Field Fracture Framework1
Research on the damage resilience model of a new steel-concrete inclined column transfer structure1
Numerical evaluation of the seismic performance of thin reinforced concrete wall buildings representative of the industrialized building system1
An efficient finite element model for dynamic analysis of gravity dam-reservoir-foundation interaction problems1
Experimental and Numerical Study on Ballistic Impact Response of Vehicle Tires1
Elastic and Viscoelastic Analysis of Stress Distribution in Single Lap Joints under Tensile Loading: Analytical and Numerical Approaches1
A study of TLCD parameters for structural vibration mitigation1
Collapse Resistance Model and Deformation Mechanism of Shear Wall Replacement1
Characteristics of Stress Field Distribution during Elastoplastic Wave Transmission and Reflection in a Sandwich Bar System1
Predicting compressive strength of concrete with fly ash, metakaolin and silica fume by using machine learning techniques1
Free vibration and buckling analysis of bio-inspired helicoid laminated composite plates resting on Pasternak foundation using the first-order meshfree1
Analysis and optimization of impact energy absorption performance of mine refuge chamber filled with concave triangular negative poisson's ratio material1
Experimental and numerical simulation analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a new piezoelectric friction damper1
Analysis of the effect of localized corrosion shape on a cracked and notched 2024 AL plate repaired with composite patch under thermo-mechanical loading1
Analysis of Stress, Strain and Young's Modulus of Specimens under Propagation of the 1D Linear Elastic Stress Waves1
Novelty detection on a laboratory benchmark slender structure using an unsupervised deep learning algorithm1
Comparative evaluation of design codes for buckling assessment of a steel spherical shell1
A Stability Analysis of the Direct Interpolation Boundary Element Method applied to acoustic wave propagation problems using the Modal Superposition Technique1