Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society

(The TQCC of Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On the Coefficients of Certain Subclasses of Harmonic Univalent Mappings with Nonzero Pole16
Conditions for Spanning Trees Whose Internal Subtrees Have Few Branch Vertices and Leaves9
A Variational Approach to Quasilinear Elliptic Problems with Gradient Dependence8
Topological Stability for Flows from a Gromov–Hausdorff Viewpoint8
On the Multiplicities of Padovan-Type Sequences8
Conformal Flat Metrics with Prescribed Mean Curvature on the Boundary7
Stationary Solutions to a Chemo-repulsion System and a Related Optimal Bilinear Control Problem6
Hausdorff Dimension Varies Continuously on Equivalent Dynamically Defined Wild Knots6
Pointwise Periodic Flows Induced by Circle Actions5
Constant Components of the Mertens Function and Its Connections with Tschebyschef’s Theory for Counting Prime Numbers II4
2-Adic Stratification of Totients4
Numerical Semigroups with Monotone Apéry Set and Fixed Multiplicity and Ratio4
Existence and Uniqueness for Directional Attractors of Topological Cocycles4
Analytical Solutions to the Cylindrically Symmetric Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations with Density-Dependent Viscosity and Vacuum Free Boundary4
On Generalized Monomial Codes Defined Over Sets with a Special Vanishing Ideal4
Multiplicity of Solutions for A Semilinear Elliptic Problem Via Generalized Nonlinear Rayleigh Quotient4
Finite-Expansivity and N-Shadowing3
On the Moduli Space of Quasi-Homogeneous Functions3
On the Equality of Symbolic and Ordinary Powers of Binomial Edge Ideals3
Existence of Discrete Eigenvalues for the Dirichlet Laplacian in a Two-Dimensional Twisted Strip2
Mixed Random-Quasiperiodic Cocycles2
On the Spaceability of the Set of Functions in the Lebesgue Space $$L_p$$ Which are Not in $$L_q$$2
On Free-Boundary Minimal Surfaces in the Riemannian Schwarzschild Manifold2
Fibonacci or Lucas Numbers Which are Products of Two Repdigits in Base b2
A Gardner-Type Equation: Bore Propagation2
Constant Components of the Mertens Function and Its Connections with Tschebyschef’s Theory for Counting Prime Numbers2
On a Critical Exponential p & N Equation Type: Existence and Concentration of Changing Solutions2
Unified Grothendieck’s and Kwapień’s Theorems for Multilinear Operators2
Differentiable Invariants of Holomorphic Foliations2
Dynamical Properties for Composition Operators on $$H^{2}({\mathbb {C}}_{+})$$2
Correction: On the Benjamin and Related Equations2
Refined Long Time Existence of the Boussinesq Equation with Large Initial Data in $$\mathbb {R}^{n}$$2
Sharp Exponents for Anisotropic Hardy–Littlewood Type of Inequalities2
On the Transcendence of Some Powers Related to U-numbers2
Characterization of Optimality and Duality for Semi-Infinite Fractional Interval-Valued Mathematical Programs with Vanishing Constraints2
Homothetic $$\alpha $$-Self-Similar Solutions to the Mean Curvature Flow in Minkowski 3-Space1
Equisingularity of Families of Functions on Isolated Determinantal Singularities1
A Higher-Order Non-autonomous Semilinear Parabolic Equation1
Odd Pfaffian Forms1
Napoleonic Triangles on the Sphere1
Complex Valued Multiplicative Functions with Bounded Partial Sums1
Insensitizing Controls of a 1D Stefan Problem for the Semilinear Heat Equation1
$$L_{p}$$-Estimates for Solutions of Equations Governed by Operators like the Anisotropic Fractional Laplacian1
Gradings on Matrix Algebras of Prime Order1
Conditional Regularity for the 3D Damped Boussinesq Equations with Zero Thermal Diffusion1
A New Approach to Solving the Split Common Solution Problem for Monotone Operator Equations in Hilbert Spaces1
Para-Abelian Varieties and Albanese Maps1
Determinants, Even Instantons and Bridgeland Stability1
On Bisectors in Quaternionic Hyperbolic Space1
Links of Singularities of Inner Non-degenerate Mixed Functions1
Some Results on Shadowing and Local Entropy Properties of Dynamical Systems1
Multi-dimensional Almost Automorphic Type Functions and Applications1
Universal Inequalities for Eigenvalues of a Clamped Plate Problem of the Drifting Laplacian1
Well-Posedness and $$L^2$$-Decay Estimates for the Navier–Stokes Equations with Fractional Dissipation and Damping1
A Family of Complex Kleinian Split Solvable Groups1
A Note on the Density of Periodic Orbits of Anosov Geodesic Flows in Manifolds of Finite Volume1
Coincidence Between k-Fibonacci Numbers and Products of Two Fermat Numbers1
On Special Holomorphic Distributions and Residues1
Necessary Codimension One Components of the Projection of the Jacobian Blow-Up1
Phase Transitions for Surface Diffeomorphisms1
Genus Field and Extended Genus Field of an Elementary Abelian Extension of Global Fields1
Rigidity of Entropy Spectra for One-Parameter Family of Polynomials1
Alternating Convolutions of Catalan Numbers1
A 3D Non-Stationary Boussinesq System with Navier-slip Boundary Conditions1
Codimension One Regular Foliations on Rationally Connected Threefolds1
Injectivity of the Galois Map1
Counting Salem Numbers of Arithmetic Hyperbolic 3-Orbifolds1
Beale–Kato–Majda Regularity Criterion of Smooth Solutions for the Hall-MHD Equations with Zero Viscosity1
A Note on the Distribution of Iwasawa Invariants of Imaginary Quadratic Fields1
Removable Singularities for Quasilinear Elliptic Equations with Source Terms Involving the Solution and Its Gradient1
An Averaging Formula for Nielsen Numbers of Affine n-Valued Maps on Infra-Nilmanifolds1
Cohyponormality and Complex Symmetry of Linear Fractional Composition Operators on a Half-Plane1
Hopf Algebras and Associative Representations of Two-Dimensional Evolution Algebras1
On Weighted Greedy-Type Bases1
Algebraic Properties of Edge Ideals of Some Vertex-Weighted Oriented m-Partite Graphs1
Semi-Algebraic Functions with Non-Compact Critical Set1
Dynamics of the Korteweg–de Vries Equation on a Balanced Metric Graph1